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Admin Features (Web interface):

- Log in with email and password

- Change password
- On-board an academy (assign user ID and password to the academy to log in)
- User management (both player and academy)
- Services management (Add, Edit, Remove services)
- Manage service assignment (Add Academy to a service, View which academy is enlisted to
which service, remove academy from a service, activate or inactivate a service)
- Admin will be able to view the players under any service with the details of their request and
the status of the request
- Receive service enquiry from the players
- Assign service enquiry to the respective Academy for fulfilment

Academy Features (Web interface):

- Log in with admin provided credentials (Email and password)

- Change password
- Create profile with required information
- Accept/reject player’s affiliation request
- Track/Check player attendance affiliated with them
- Fulfil player’s service request assigned to them by the admin
- Update status of service requests of their players assigned by the admin

Player/User Features (iOS and Android app):

- Register with Email ID, Phone number, Password. There will be OTP verification to activate
the account
- Login with Email ID and Password registered with
- Change password
- Create profile with required information
- Search for academy to be affiliated with
- View academy profile
- Send Affiliation request to the chosen academy
- View available services provided on the platform
- Select a service they want to avail
- Enter required details of the services they opt for
- Send service enquiry to the Admin
- View status of their service request

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