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Part 1: Grammar

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

1.I _____ to the beach tomorrow.
a) go
b) am going
c) have gone
2.They _____ their homework yesterday.
a) did
b) were doing
c) have done
3.You _____ clean your room before you go out.
a) must
b) don't have to
c) can
4.I _____ TV when my friend called me.
a) watched
b) was watching
c) have watched
5.She _____ tired because she _____ all day.
a) is / worked
b) was / is working
c) has been / works
6.If it _____ tomorrow, we will stay home.
a) rains
b) is raining
c) will rain
7.I _____ late yesterday because I _____ up early.
a) was / got
b) am / get
c) have been / am getting
8.This shirt is _____ than that one.
a) more expensive
b) expensiver
c) most expensive
9.I _____ my bike to school every day.
a) ride
b) am riding
c) have ridden

10.You _____ use your phone during class.

a) mustn't
b) can't
c) don't have to
11.Who _______these flowers?
a) did give you
b) gave you
c) you gave
12.I__________coffee, but today I_______________one
a) don’t drink / need
b)’m not drinking / need
c) don’t drink / ‘m needing
13.She__________very fast when she__________control of the car.
a) was driving / lost
b) drove / lost
c) was driving / was losing
14.We_________to Disney for Thanksgiving. I’ll be fun!
a) fly
b) are flying
c) ‘ll fly
15.I wasn’t _____________to understand what had happened.
a) enough old
b) too old
c) old enough
16.He isn’t capable of __________this to_______
a) do /we
b) doing / us
c) to do / us
17. We ____________do it now. We can do it later.
a) don’t have to
b) mustn't
c) haven’t
18. What time________there?
a) we should be
b) should we to be
c) should we be

19. I _______a car if I live nearby.

a) didn’t need
b) wouldn’t need
c) won’t need
20. _____________to play any sports when you were at school?
a) Did you used
b) Used you
c) Did you use

Part 2: Vocabulary
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
I need to buy some _____ for my sister's birthday.
a) clothes
b) shoes
c) toys
The _____ is in the kitchen.
a) sofa
b) fridge
c) bed
My _____ hurts because I fell down.
a) arm
b) foot
c) nose
We saw a beautiful _____ on our hike.
a) mountain
b) beach
c) city
She likes to drink _____ with her breakfast.
a) water
b) coffee
c) juice
I love to play _____ with my friends after school.
a) soccer
b) tennis
c) swimming
He needs to _____ the dishes after dinner.
a) wash
b) cook

c) eat
My favorite _____ is the laptop.
a) gadget
b) book
c) toy
The _____ is in the garage.
a) car
b) bicycle
c) train
We _____ to New York last year.
a) flew
b) drove
c) walked

Part 4: Writing
Write a short paragraph (5-7 sentences) about your favorite food. Include
details such as what it is,

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