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important station.

No written document relating to Alcester

of the successful charlatan, and must have been a man of

chief roads which centre upon Ambleside are -- one from the

poetry found in the Alexandrian School, the Idylls of

Company. Its importance as a port of call for steamers and a

m. N., was a Roman fort, the original name of which is not

the Christmas fat stock shows that the older a bullock gets

(10,499 ft.), Piz Medel (10,509 ft.), the Rheinwaldhorn (11,I49

owner's risk, and if he desires protection he must obtain it by

while charcoal burning, wood-gathering and trading in gums

on oblique surfaces, at various angles of incidence, is given

celebrate the feast-days of the heathen along with them . . .

foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,573

ensued. In France, single jets made of glass were first

Additions to topographical knowledge were made from about

flowering. During the development of the inflorescence there

sea; their other life was in religion soberly practised and

necessities for a medium, there were more mundane uses to be

views. It has been said, however, that the influence he exerted

scarcely beyond the ancient Africa Vetus and the towns on the

clothes and boots; he could graze his cow or pig on the

assistance to a society that had been formed for translating

published in a report on the decline of rural population in Great

the dykes in order to prevent William II. from seizing

path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,331

forced him to pay tribute. His son, Mahommed Abd-ul-Qasim

whose villages, e.g. Albazin, Kumara, Ekaterino-Nikolsk

For full bibliography see U. Chevalier, Repert

his immediate objective when he broke up from Gordium for the

edition of Latin works (5 vols., Amsterdam, 1658); Winwood's

the most reliable authority for the history of humanism in

kept in being decide all prize matters; and this Conseil

the apparent flight of the dove was a mere mechanical trick

C. HISTORY Various derivations of the word ``algebra,''

They objected to serve beyond the limits of their states, were

velocities. Some inventors have, therefore, sought to overcome

theory has art for its special subject. But this is to confuse

it was forthwith given to the university of Cambridge.

cities of Greece the general resort for public and especially

substitution to the segmented vertebral column. Immediately

ABSALOM (Hebrew for ``father of [or is] peace''), in the

clan won over the citizens of Shechem. Furnished with money

Roscher's Lexikon and Pauly-Wissowa's Encyklopadie J.

of East Anglia, whom Edwin had persuaded to take up his cause.

the son of Hermias or Hermeias, a fellow-pupil of

advocate. This office has long been vacant. Advocate is

Durani. Two things may be said to have contributed greatly

exhaustion and fever, nominating with his last breath his

the valley of the upper Nile. Meanwhile a similar advance

In the Central Alps the chief event, on the northern side of

by abbots of their usurpations, exactions and acts of violence.

Their compact, moss-like growth and general structural

looked back upon as a remarkable year for wheat. The drought

to the Peruvian frontier of Brazil at Tabatinga. Other

vols., an official history of the war of 1868, by Major T. J.

power. On the 2nd of February 962 she was crowned empress

appointed to the command of one of the eleven vessels of the

national traditions of civilization and culture, and it was

under the very branches: if I burn one of them alive, the

react as if they possessed the constitution R.C: (NZ).NHY;

elaborate and abrupt; often strained into unnatural energy or

rarely attempted; "changes of base" were indeed made across

(3) Expedition against the Aka Khel Afridis under Colonel

two guns were afterwards added, under Captain Stephen

civitates liberae, municipia, castella, pagi and turres

Japanese tribunals, but in former times their affairs were

21, xi. 3) on the mountain is improbable; there must have been

benefices.'' This Admission to Benefices Act, as it was called,

snow. In the absence of monsoon influences there are steadier

oogamy, the reproductive organs being the most highly

``time,'' while a has become ai in Kate, pane, &c. In,

to the oospheres, round each of which they swarm in great

to some extent with that of his fellows, their opposition

Most of Adrian VI's official papers disappeared soon after his

companies and a Domaine de la Couronne had been created

the esteem of others. He had, further, a noble bearing and

Batchelor, in his Notes on the Ainu, says that he lived in

of the Alps and the low country on either side, one-quarter

spring. On farms of moderate size it is usual to hire steam

away the coast and that the vast volume of silt carried

of Champagne (d. 1524), who was employed by Francis I.

Georgia. In September 1779 he was besieged by Lincoln in

the present owners of land, dwelling-houses, mines, factories

consideration reserved for a further conference to be called at

brotherhood and for the use of the offices and workshops.

these as regular heritable fiefs or benefices, and by the 10th

This was abandoned at Rome about the end of the 15th century

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