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I Questions and Answers

1. List some animals whose ears can be seen.

Ans. Animals whose ears can be seen are as follows.
1. Elephant 2. Fox 3. Cow 4. Dog 5. Cat
2. Write two (2) features of the animals who give birth to babies.
Ans. (a) Animals have hair on their body.
(b) Their ears can be seen.
. 3. Why are the numbers of tigers reducing in our country?
Ans. The number of tigers are reducing in our country because of deforestation,
hunting, illegal wildlife trade, lack of protection etc.
4. Why can we not see the bird’s ear?
Ans. We cannot see bird’s ear because it has tiny holes on both sides of its head and
generally they are covered with feathers.
5. Why are there different patterns on animal’s skins?
Ans. The different pattern on the animal’s skin are due to the hair on their skin.

II Give one word answer/ Name them.

1. An animal whose ears look like fan --------------------- --.

2. An animal whose ears look like leaves---------------------
3. An animal whose ears are on the top of its head-----------------------
4. An animal whose ears are on both sides of its head-------------------
Answer: 1. Elephant. 2. Deer. 3. Rabbit. 4. Tiger

III Fill in the blanks.

1. ……………..helps to hear.
2. ……………has black and white stripes of hair on skin
3. Tiny holes on the head of a----------------are its ears.
4. …………… our national animal.
Answer: 1. Ear 2. Zebra 3. Lizard 4. Tiger
IV State whether true or false.
1. Dinosaurs are pet animals.
2. We should tease animals.
3. We cannot recognize animals by their skin.
4. Animals whose ears we cannot see really do not have ears.
5. There are special ways to look after our pet.
Answer: 1. False 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.True

V Name any two animals which:

1. Have ears that cannot be seen: ---------------------------- --.
2. Have hair on skin: -------------- -------------
3. Give birth to young ones: ------------- ------------
4. Do not have hair on skin: ----------- ----------------
5. Lay eggs: ---------------- -----------------
Answer: 1. Lizard, Crocodile 2. Cow, Horse 3. Goat, Cat
4.Frog, Snake 5.Hen, Duck

1. Draw a diagram of your pet and write few sentences about it.
2. Collect and paste two pictures of each.
(a) Animals having ears which can be seen.
(b) Animals having ears which cannot be seen.

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