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1 Structural Organisation in Animals

™ A tissue is defined as group of cells along with intercellular substances performing one or more functions in the body
Cell → Tissues → Organ → Organ system
™ The structure of the cells vary according to their function
™ The tissues are different and are broadly classified into four types:
™ (i) Epithelial (ii) Connective (iii) Muscular and (iv) Neural

Epithelial Tissue
™ Has a free surface (faces either a body fluid or the outside environment)
™ Compactly packed (with little intercellular matrix)
I. Simple epithelium (Composed of a single layer of cells)
 Function- Diffusion, secretion and absorption
 Simple epithelium can be of following types on the basis of structural modifications of cells
Features Squamous Cuboidal Columnar Ciliated Glandular
Cells Flattened cells Cube-like cells Tall and slender cells Cells bear cilia Cells get specialised
for secretion
Location Walls of blood In ducts of glands and In the lining of In the inner surface Goblet cells of
vessels and air tubular parts of nephrons stomach and intestine of hollow organs alimentary canal
sacs of lungs in kidneys and salivary gland
II. Compound epithelium (Composed of a multiple layer of cells)
 Function - Provide protection
 Location - Dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of buccal cavity,

Connective Tissue
™ The cells secrete fibres of structural proteins called collagen or elastin (except blood), also secrete modified polysaccharides (ground
I. Loose connective tissue
 Cells and fibres loosely arranged in a semi-fluid ground substance

Areolar tissue Adipose tissue

™ Present beneath the skin ™ Located mainly beneath the skin
™ Contains fibroblasts (cells that produce and secrete fibres), macrophages and mast cells ™ Specialised to store fat

II. Dense connective tissue

Dense regular tissues Dense irregular tissues

™ Regular pattern in orientation of fibres ™ Irregular pattern in orientation of fibres

™ Tendons & Ligaments ™ Present in the skin
III. Specialised connective tissues
Cartilage Bones Blood
™ Solid and pliable intercellular material ™ Hard and non-pliable intercellular ™ Fluid connective tissue
™ Cells Chondrocytes material ™ Cells WBC. RBC and platelets
™ Functions ™ Cells Osteocytes ™ Functions
™ Tip of nose, outer ear joints, for ™ Functions ™ Circulating fluid that help in
protection, etc. ™ Provides structural frame to the body, etc. transportation of substances
Muscles Tissue
Myofibrils (fine fibrils) → Fibres → Muscle
Muscles are of three types- skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle
™ Closely attached to the ™ Fibres taper at both ends (fusiform) ™ Contractile tissue
skeletal bones ™ Non-striated and involuntary ™ Striated and involuntary
™ Striated and voluntary ™ Location- Wall of internal organs such ™ Intercalated discs present at some fusion points
™ Location- Closely as the blood vessels, stomach and ™ Location- Present only in the heart
attached to skeletal bones intestine

Neural Tissue
™ Exerts the greatest control over the body’s responsiveness to changing conditions
Neurons Neuroglial Cells
Composition Unit of neural system Make more than one-half the volume of neural tissue
Excitability Yes No
Function Respond to various stimuli Protect and support neurons

Size - 1/4 inches to 3 inches (0.6-7.6 cm)
Kingdom- Animalia, Phylum- Arthropoda, Class- Insecta, Genus- Periplaneta, Species- americana

™ 34-53 mm long

™ Hardened plates called sclerites joined to each other by articular/arthrodial membrane
Head Thorax Abdomen
™ Triangular in shape ™ Three parts-prothorax, mesothorax and ™ Consists of 10 segments
™ Anteriorly at right angles to metathorax ™ 7 th
(boat shaped), 8th and 9th
the longitudinal body axis ™ Each thoracic segment bears a pair of walking sternum forms a brood or genital
™ Formed by the fusion of six legs pouch in females
segments ™ Two pairs of wings- ™ 9th and 10th terga and 9th sternum
™ Bears a pair of compound Mesothoracic wings (Forewings/Tegmina) forms genital pouch in males
eyes, a pair of antennae ™ Opaque dark and leathery ™ Anal styles present in males only
(monitor environment) & anal cerci (on 10th segment)
™ Cover the hind wings when at rest
™ Mouthparts (biting and present in both sexes
Metathoracic wings (Hindwings)
chewing type) - labrum,
™ Transparent and membranous
a pair of mandibles, a pair
™ Used in flight
of maxillae, a labium,

2 NEET (XI) Module-1 Zoology PW

Anatomy Excretory System (Uricotelic)
Digestive System ™ Performed by Malpighian tubules.
™ Threeregions: foregut, midgut and hindgut ™ The fat body, nephrocytes and urecose glands also help in
™ Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard/ excretion
Proventriculus → Midgut → Ileum → Colon → Rectum
Circulatory System Nervous System
™ Open type ™ Segmentally arranged ganglia and ventral nerve cord
™ Haemolymph = Colourless plasma and haemocytes ™ Brain - represented by supra-oesophageal ganglion
™ Heart of cockroach = Elongated muscular tube
Sensory System
Respiratory System
™ Antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, labial palps, anal cerci
™ Takes place by a network of trachea & 10 pairs of small holes
called spiracles (regulated by the sphincters) ™ Reproductive system

Male reproductive system Female reproductive system

™ A pairof testes (4th -6th abdominal segments) → vas deferens → ™ Two large ovaries (2nd – 6th abdominal segments)
seminal vesicle (stored and glued sperms) → ejaculatory duct → → oviducts → vagina → genital chamber
male gonopore ™ Produce 9-10 ootheca (containing 14-16 eggs
™ Mushroom shaped gland (6th-7th segments) - An accessory each)
reproductive gland ™ Development = paurometabolous (through
™ External genitalia - Represented by male gonapophysis or phallomere nymphal stage by moulting about 13 times)

Earthworm ™ Represented by ventral nerve cord

Common Indian earthworms are Pheretima and Lumbricus 6. Reproductive system
™ Hermaphrodite (bisexual)
Morphology ™ Protandrous animal with cross fertilisation
™ Segmented body (metameres about 100-120 in number)
™ Two pairs of testes occur (10th and 11th segment) in males
™ Anterior end -consists of mouth and the prostomium (sensory
™ A pair of ovaries are present (12th and 13th intersegmental
in function)
™ Prostomium- Serves as a covering for the mouth & helps in
™ Fertilisation and development take place in cocoons (secreted
open cracks in the soil
by the glands of clitellum)
™ Clitellum- dark band of glandular tissue (14-16 segments)
™ Setae (S-shaped) - Helps in locomotion Frog

Anatomy Morphology
™ Dorsal body is olive green and ventral side is pale yellow
1. Digestive system
™ Body is divisible in head and trunk
™ Mouth → Buccal cavity → Pharynx → Oesophagus →
Gizzard → Stomach → Intestine → Anus Anatomy
1. Digestive system
™ Calciferous glands (in stomach) - neutralise the humic acid
™ Mouth → Buccal cavity → Pharynx → Oesophagus →
present in humus
Stomach → Intestine → Cloaca
™ Typhlosole (in intestine) -increases the effective area of
™ Secretion from liver and pancreas help in digestion
™ Final digestion take place in the intestine
2. Respiratory system
™ Through moist body surface 2. Respiratory system
3. Circulatory system ™ On land it respire with the help of buccal cavity, skin and
™ Closed type of blood vascular system lungs
™ Blood glands (4th-6th segments)- produce blood cells ™ In water it respire through skin
(phagocytic) and haemoglobin (dissolved in blood plasma)
4. Excretory system (uricotelic) 3. Circulatory system
™ Through coiled tubules called nephridia ™ Well-developed closed type
5. Nervous system
W Structural Organisation in Animals 3
™ It involves heart, blood vessels and blood 5. Nervous system
™ Heart consists of 3 chambers, two atria and one ventricle ™ Nervous system consists of central nervous system(brain and
spinal cord), peripheral nervous system(cranial and spinal
4. Excretory system
nerves) and autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and
™ It consists of a pair of kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and parasympathetic)
6. Reproductive system
™ Each kidney composed of numerous nephrons as a structural
™ Well organized male and female reproductive system
and functional unit

4 NEET (XI) Module-1 Zoology PW

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