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86 GIAO DUC VA DAO Tao. KY THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THPT CRUYEN TINT TINH DONG NAT NAM HOC 2014-2015 pa Mén: TIENG ANH (Mén chuyén) bE CHINH THUG Thoi gian lam bai: 150 phut L zee Mr. ul 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18, 20. 21. 2. 23. 24, 25. (Dé thi gdm 4 trang, 4 phan) PRONUNCIATION (10pts) Choose the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others: (\-5) A. pleasure B. television C. decision D. discussion A. coughed B. dissolved C. practised D. reduced A. shortage B. shower C. machine D. channel A. plumber B. label C. banyan D. garbage ‘A. book B. cook C. typhoon D. wood Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others: (6-10) A. survival B. industry C. museum D. musician A. agriculture B, particular C. geography D. mysterious A. unique B. between C. forecast D. remote A. interesting B. currency C. thunderstorm D. disastrous A. traditionally B. economical C. vegetarian D. documentary VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR (35pts) Choose the option that best completes each unfinished sentence: (11-35) love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful __ smile. A. childish B. childhood C. childless D. childlike . The Internet enables users of computers to__ information in a variety of forms. A. share B.tell C. divide D.cut Mary: Which dress do you want? - Daisy: [don't want__. A. neither B. either Clalso D, both You'd better leave for the airport now ___ there's a lot of traffic on the way. A. in fact, B. in time C. in case D. in order Tshould like to thank you, __my colleagues, for the welcome you have given us. A. on behalf of B_on account of C. because of D. instead of ‘The film lasted three hours with __ of fifteen minutes between part one and part two. A. astop B. a pause C. an interval D. an imerruption Would you please be kind enough to__ me to the station? A. signal B. tun C.aim D. direct T’m sure she'll be a millionaire by the time she___ forty, A. is going to be B. was Cis D. will be . The shop assistant was ___ helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice. A.exactly B. totally C. quite D. entirely Fortunately, the machine was not in__-when it caught fire, A. order B. use C. progress D. ruins Tony's boss doesn't want him to___ a habit of using the office phone for personal calls. A. increase B. have D. make We should practice conservation so that natural resources can continue __. A. to be enjoyed B. to enjoy C. enjoy D. to have enjoyed You shouldn't have criticized him in front of his friends. It was extremely __of you. A. unfortunate B. insensitive C. insensible D. unconscious I'mtired of my neighbours __ their records at full volume every night. A. playing B. having played C. play D. to play You can use my bicycle __ you bring it back tomorrow. ‘A. as long as B. although C. nevertheless D. in spite of 26. Iknow him by __, but I have no idea what his name is. A. myself B. sight C. heart D. chance 27. The boy did his homework carefully __ A. avoiding being punishing B. to avoid being punished C. so avoid to be punished D. and avoided punishing 28. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous. He __ before. A. was never flying B. will never fly C.hadmever flown D. has never flown 29. Phone me before ten; __I’ll be too busy to talk to you. Ajit B, whether C. unless D. otherwise 30, Several rare species are dying __ owing to human beings’ destruction. B. away C. out D. with 31. She wondered __ her father looked like now, after so many years away. B. what C. whose D. that 32. Isawa thief take Norman's wallet so Iran __ him but I didn’t catch him. A. after B. inio C, over D. near 33. Nga: What's he like? - Mary: A. He's feeling much better, thanks B, He seems very nice C. He's tall, dark and handsome D. About average height 34. Long: _?~—Nam: OK, here you are. A. Hello, could you tum the music down, please B. Do you mind if I change seat C. Can I borrow your mobile, please D. Oh, sorry. Is that better 35. Tom: What time did you go to bed last night? — Peter: A. Oh, terrible. Sometimes I feel like going out _B, [know ~I left my gloves at home C. No, it’s OK, I slept a lot on the plane D. Oh, before nine. I felt really tired Put the words in brackets in their appropriate form: (36-45) 36. Everyone admires her __as a teacher. (COMPETE) 37. This matter is very ___. Do not discuss it outside the office. (CONFIDENCE) 38. This knife is blunt. Itneeds__- (SHARP) 39. He has been ___ interested in car racing for over two years. (PASSION) 40. The farmer is trying to___ the hen before slaughtering it. (FAT) 41, ___ causes serious social problems in a country. (INDUSTRY) 42. The volcano had been __ for a long time when it erupted. (ACT) 43. Various kinds of colorful flowers __this garden, (BEAUTY) 44, We have decided to interview only the best six ___for the job. (APPLY) 45. The plane got in an hour ago, but Steve hasn’t called, __, he wasn’t on it. (APPEAR) IIL. READING (25pts) Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each numbered gap. Use only ONE word in each gap: (46-55) Every year people throw away millions of tonnes of plastic bottles, boxes and wrapping, These create huge mountains of waste that are extremely hard to get (46) __ of. Now a new recycling process promises to reduce this problem by turning old plastic into new. Scientists have taken (47) ___ long time to develop their ideas because waste plastic has always been a bigger problem (48) __ substances like waste paper. You can bury plastic, but it takes many years to break down. If you bum it, it just becomes another form of pollution. A (49)___ products, for example bottles, can be reused, but it is expensive or difficult to do this (50)___a lot of plastic products. Now @ group of companies has developed a new method (51) __recycling that could save almost (52) ___ plastic waste. Nearly every type of waste plastic can be used: it does (53) __ have to be sorted. In addition, labels and ink may be left (54) __ the products. Everything is simply mixed together and heated to more than 400 degrees centigrade (55) that it melts. It is then cooled, producing a waxy substance that can be used to make new plastic products, including computer hardware. Find a word or phrase from the passage which is closest in meaning to each of the given words or phrases: (56-65) One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of computer. They are already widely used in industry and in universities and the time may come when it will be possible for ordinary people to use them as well. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of teaming. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. These machines can be put to different uses. For instance, they can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the numbers of times the word “and” has been used in the bible. Because they work accurately and at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation. In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they do today. 56. advanced 57. avert 58. calculate 59. commonly 60. example 3 i 61. mankind : 62. normal f 63. not linked 64. precisely 65. various Read the passage and choose the correct answers: (66-70) ‘Thousands of persons fall prey to some type of cancer every year, but new methods of radiation therapy have enabled doctors to save more lives than ever before. Medical researchers have developed several experimental forms of this time-honoured cancer treatment that seem effective in fighting the disease. ‘One promising approach involves exposing cancer cells to radiation by implanting a radioactive source directly into the malignant tissue. This process greatly increases the dosage and thus the effectiveness of the treatment. Another technique utilizes drugs to make cancer cells more susceptible to the effects of radiation and to make normal cells more resistant, Certain drugs are able to neutralize the genetic tramework of cancer cells, thus making them easily affected by radiation. Both techniques have seen some positive results in the treatment of inoperable brain tumors. “These and other methods have helped to raise the recovery rate for cancer victims from 30 percent forty years ago to around 50 percent today. This is encouraging news for those who fall prey to one of the world’s leading Killers. 66. What is the author's main purpose in the passage? ‘A.To provide statistical information on cancer B. To argue for new methods of cancer treatment C. To illustrate new techniques of radiation therapy D. To give the results of recent cancer research 61. According to the passage, which of the following is true about radiation therapy? ‘A. There is only one effective form of this therapy B. It saves millions of lives each year C. Itis an accepted method of cancer treatment D. Itcauses the incidence of cancer to rise dramatically 68, According to the passage, radiation therapy is most effective when __. ‘A. drugs are used to relax the cancer patient B. The cancer is directly exposed to the radioactive material C. itis used on as many patients as possible D. The cancer cells are resistant to treatment 69. The word “malignant” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to__. A. diseased B. experimental C. treated D. porous 10. It can be inferred from the passage that __. A. improvements in cancer treatment during the last half century have been relatively ineffective B, scientists are close to eliminating cancer entirely C. fewer people are susceptible to the effects of cancer D. the number of deaths caused by cancer has decreased substantially IV. WRITING (30pts) Use between two and five words, including the word given to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. You MUST NOT change the word given: (71-80) 71. The customer didn't know the difference between margarine and butter. (TELL) — The customer couldn’. butter. 72. Throughout his speech, the boys were deeply attentive. (EARS) = The boys . his speech 73. Could you guard my handbag while I go to the toilet? (EYE) = Could you my handbag while I go to the toilet? 74. The licence is valid until January 2015. (EXPIRY) —The icence is January 2015. 75. Marcella left home very early because she wanted to be sure of catching the train. (ORDER) = Marcella left home very early seneonnwme Miss the train, 76. ‘You must show your student card as you enter the library. (REQUIRED) — You are. .. student card as you enter the library. 77. They say the fashion model was discovered by her agent while working at a restaurant, (SAID) — The fashion model is .... discovered by her agent while working at a restaurant. 78. “What's the height of the mountain?” Lee asked his father. (HIGH) — Lee asked his father » Was, 79. We played tennis despite the cold weather, (EVEN) = We played tennis cold. 80. A newly qualified dentist took out Mr. Pike's tooth. (HAD) — Mr. Pike by anewly qualified dentist. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it: (81-85) 81. More people go to the cinema this year than they did five years ago, = Not... 82, You can visit that country only after you obtain a visa, — Only... 83. He lives for the others and he finds his life meaningful = Unless... 84, Please don’t smoke in the kitchen, = I'd rather. 85. The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours. aera Essay writing: In about 150 words, write about the T.V program you like best. In your writing, you should mention these points: ~ The name of the program, time, channel ~ What itis about How often you watch it Why you like it, who you share the interest with = What you can leam from enjoying the program. THE END--- S6 bao dank thi sinh

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