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HeHAKRHRH ME BARR eee & BT # Goth pocitlen & * By We arte small Couatreg, we want Sriemdship toall ond malice to none, > Shdkh Mugiburc Rahman Tf blood ig the pieice of independence, Ban jodesh has paid dhe highest price in the histor 4 Plonden Times (197!) 2, Maceh declarcaton compares to Magnacarta | > BBC spread sopra toreek, afore © saz! ore ate tH =rdaced -uear Taxipa (tn fee aS3gfoa at gear =fa or atemm to Ansar 9g Sheikh Mugibure Rahman Napryn Salivo Napry ee 7 . oak mrsv Drste op aot, cog akbo Dy or agyéla ) oar Dy FAT anvtge.4 fe 3, Ena omer, avers 2 Po amy & ak (Ey EA One, saenge tem wan & DRAG gals sresonta me wigha ot Grr THA mae srt? Se Tasrice Ag wr wir om pps apa amgaA AY av t mea an, Drieata ANG e > ang | 5 ONS GRE tssreR ar aruones span aa, & fT wee -yG Cc , s ZP wae came eae oa sf koane snana #0 O 2 Gam kav se coma ata tc FAMyA waa oom G > aces C Cl tray ana spdizer 3a Ta c P RANA BT a e 1965 Mans 1 : = ation gh Mes preamable te Liber é a W ana eS eR A ee ee eae eae ahaa RS The Atwoaomi Langue’, under ghelkh Mujibure Rabie re aes everiabelmning cheehion ~wielorg m fast Pakistan. = BBC Cl=z0) in West Parishan recbu se? sending ane The qeverenment to Teeceg mise the reese, tot ie ™ => BBC Ciao) a Napryn’ Selivo 4 Th Inernaliene! Rifaics fn POO 6 Trlertmationol Pedations bbbbbdbbd bbb bib b bt snmefSP srevrers sITe > Predhe ssere Quincy Dright = I : = = ry = ry I is = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 een ees G (the shed eeneerened asd « marae sare aparece anafaen ACA ancatcat ST Relator iS -wmaink . jronat ‘ cee az\ions, creackren S with the old ‘ thes usually inlerconetrons amin certain ent j q — — = fde Declore ananeeen) wy (3 Bondrova Inari Ard 4 Unlernahionat potitles ® ayamebecp aye, Ste ea sam aenGa oh esac ek) antares aye htGa YT? te a a wa Set aR sa ST oe Hal \ Polikes arn © =" Menger tne ee on A Do a a lalate mmdtse apt 2h © Gh, aap sent’ ma aNcaieal =P) ‘ --mand «© aaa : sb ob POVOVOHOHOOH OVOP OU DOUOUY LOGE LUE DLE DDDDEE DDG: + Mederen glaie A » and fae SY anew GET Gs AT aap wane a cma aa RRSP ~arerd sre eG aera) 60Reng | Seat -arla ma =e" eS ang (aarcad oat wah =apP ame Gana Ws antgrame GaAsy SRP BG Faw, Prewnge, oe lochs copes ere am EGS aafan mate de fer for Sefer Ryng SAA ° - Gar oftiansh Aca Nandan Anancrone Acat i { Bord rova a Bondrova” & nicely (sovemei aria) * wank Im feraq~> aafeo & sleet On acyaA tua sm@i aa acdlsry — Jean Bodin rentAeg =r GET LA GAs STS S@A rea woe wa cil poe Bas, exxiin “35S B| = predensert Berges a a a i es el oe Once wf Bohcrovay! i Ks) Bondrovay & Power ae Fewer doesnt eurcreap) peep, perple eurccep) Poweere -WwiWam Ceaddis Te RA aac Janet OFCATS Gora “Capra PA nerf TrtaQya aS) - cmaceya ass ate aa asta Oe tena CST Se wren ta en =p aya dia cane eee ara wrest S| — Palmer ond Ferre d = Renaid Reberetson Kobaliaaen 6 Awe domimaon ob capital mong moarekel -S. Sedge Pream sid drova! Ry Bondrovay soon anionic Asi % tsaiGeomm * fag ~maata copr fue Pier sata. 26oxs ata. sueofs ls ae Fae TA DPE dere sie an og Jandhenaum we Brner f 4 * ay faaeqn Pear sacaq Gerla Uae an Expects meer ofaxara say om . - Seuree: Wikipedia A New World eederc is a political situaten fm which he. ColumbicS oh Whe) reid divided Yecauge ob thet no \ongqert Support bore eitherc fhe US ore Sevie4 Union and imgtend = Werk qoqer het +o fterenatronat —preoblems - Combreidge Dichowory| ) ame seve ee boob UOUOKEE EEE OHEOOLELOD One J Bo =) Safqenrate * sy began arm aa? = arg =a | CHUA ae axa Bead, sSHRLIM Parle tora epica spe mswsera Tausaar oN RENE, Hama spina (EGO eovte sr TAA SE saontGsya@ Se naan Sarkar saan? sqices anuARNte ar OKRA Byeqr ok soe serie FORA owes serff oe > A eovertschen Lah honcee Premenmisten S$ hasing “aga ATA tarenraa Saver, simonad US, CHO aKa wnSe ofa cer eraen@ a oe fog samme nea Saq@aemesr 49a eae aa =P SHEER spceq. ctpsa 19 Re GR ae oi Saag a antsr aa pres Cie at —? oe ne mo > Rew faxcor aca THPKAN ma Qe G ae Work aml] sree tora Ta Teebe oe = eS) 7 ese at? ait pm ™ ' Pe UT BASY, Gy zap anaes x1 a > Ga soe WOU Sonay Sugamet 7 ATETCA aed Ted FAGDA STEN O-oh aim taorra 0 omic, TR Go actanal +e anerenth =F 2000 BTta aref sree aa Ga ere Ae astizpaqa a8 FF 2220-28 so ors anidaGe sm fs, -aesq PO AER ET Sto aap 35 => 3 pS maT Sater a\, sie aes aw oer > SRATR PP Powere 15 mot emathing te eeyey, Rathercit "So am nile liaiaas te Sertve people el NEE I =e, SARC SG | set matl Pk aye ain ARE £828 Gera 13 Saag" : the (cao Reporcts tyeom diplomats inthe Weld ome moaterdats ob Sorceign poli : = palmerc and parckins | R PpelHerans weeds the abitty je Sorelell what is Qeing te happen Groeten next Week. Mext month , and naxk yeate. Amd to hove the AbiLits afterwards lo explain why Ht didnrt happen 2 Winglen churchill Te hamom trace will be the eamecere WE gus planct 2 Joseph wood Eorcth prrovides ene ¢ ugh ato Satiefy lewereg nan Mceds but wo} syercy “ams arced ? Mahabmo Grandhé destroys tS Soils de streets seg. lungs ok cur land, puratagm, ake ond ang fresh. Strength to cure peeple > Franklin D. Reosevelp A netion -thad Forces arte Aha are, Modern dechvoleg a ebe> Keolegy Pon fpoleg a > MOM M Eddison Napryn Solivo “wenigig rainforest Son ecomsmic gun is Uke i oe ameal Sens & Remal ssance pombng te cock a PEG Ulan, The Earth, 4 does not velona to us; We veg fo the og OITt h_ 2 Marlee Mottin. 4 We Wi severe end Pevercte § we demt teckle a Chimabe. change 1 > Jim Yong Kim ‘ Tetcrori¢yn Reis! na" na How ote on religion A P Moaclianipe Potie, 4 ti Tex Ter om will up SPIN vere S qo dom} Speak => Malala Yousafeai _— = oa ee ne eo L WYA RP HRS Be FB RFF ee Oe 25 pa FER PTR ET ah Forth preevideS enough te cahefy cvermg wens Needs. bul not eve ‘moms arced. > Mahatma Greandi A Nakon Ahad destroys US Soilo degtrreys itseif. Feresis ore ie luna of Otte lame, purifying the ating Sieesh etreength +0 our ty People SP Erank'| pb. Reese vat Mederen Teelnolegg OWES casleag am apology > Alor ™,. Eddi'son Ile we de mol Pacenit dhe earth te preeduce Peat s and Seq i Willem tne end ot preedsee Seed SHherc, ny S7Teseph Wood kyrufeh The human Tace pill be the eameer ob cure i Planet =7 Teseph wooed climate change “means ao ehamge ot climate which fs atlributed ditcectia onc indirectly +o human ach! Wet atters the Comp osfton ob the Lobo) mosphere ond which to ML Gdditon 45 medical climate ~omabiltty observ. ed = overe comparable time pociod : = UNFeee Tp ETA (STTIMAAR A nfo —— —_ Napryn =ae0" Sete toto qive it Qua: % Powere * Powete i$ of Aso kinds. ome ig oblained by the Sexe oF pumnithment ond the other by acts of eve. Pouer based —™ lee fg a@ thousand Himes wore etbective and pertmanent then the ome deed Sream feare of punishment | = mahalma Gandhi: { Power tends +0 P Corrupt and absclife pererc ! eatercapts absolutel ‘ { ; > bored Acton | Poserc 1S ohaaes dangerous. povoert altreects te E erst = and conpept> the best t 7 Edvard Aeber f When the Whole wortld VS. ilemt, evyem one voce § becomes — pocoerchul >Malala Yuseasrai The aresterc the Yhe!> abuse > t a8 P03) Emdinel Bure The ‘purpose of oO 6 4 A eo ve A a a 7 ; f acting pewerc isto be able “SAR eure, Reven. nia mn Tn Ree om 2? % SST & OTIS Tesgre wea aster ° > TINA sorsvic—t alga me sales asst WNSNT BE aw fesged 1g erent seem Brie ——PrwWsrz2 soe > ZBreq apap . mgs that orce geod. hott of thom are created M] Women, hatf 4, c = kazi Noarul Tslam WE are the half part ob the werd 7 Scqum Rekegon [ea Napryn’ Salivo . 8 % TAT armay Lang ung & is the ttead map e& a esthurce 4 tes you where hea. tome freom and Where Hheg Qo'ng —-R. mM, Brown —"=*"F*RRPRSPRPRERKRR EE KR HK BKBAHL KK BE 29) Subteots poddere Ku, Baap 4oth. pes archer * Sqr fey s ; My, Freeedom of the pres, if A means om thing of ath means the frreedem +s excificize and oppes 7 George orwell An eye ete eqe make the whole Wertld blind > Gandhi Gerst zee srrccon niger agg, ane sf fen ata aA Ga 3p : > AAA zt Demecrtacy is & govertmmen} hel gress into Heath 7 Masivers ASK mol as. “aha! feels ceunlrcy de fore es qe osk as) what yen do for your Count rey > Jhon. Be care bel ug revere negotiate: od of beat, Put let us Meverc bere to negohale Coracanre, argce ensiex ex cee AM, wr CTE aa sta] 24 3) > Somes & bachelor's ufe is a Sine end & miserable dinner ks} breakfest oa Wal lunch P Frames Bacer * pryn “Sali 30 i aft oiepra -~ark2a(e Qaara as arcuetz rT > Fee sso | Grey ath scm gd Dapn Rab RASTA, Bert | TR ARTA fea or Ser f > >it magn Faas t ane GA fea ume ma om dda th a 2 Eras eae oaerte aA SO “aad aneev cana Trey ore Dam og Te BNA BUS Av Vgsery wag an RTALER 8 ORGAO spare ange 7Tg 2A, DaR sence mur On RuER ' Sie Bory USE AX Osa ansna TE é CRO M2 =a ee | » agar 1 The ballot sec eheatigere! Wan the hulle} 1 > Abraham 1 Man is q madjure a Political animod q => Aristote. { f Censitechory i the He] ot Vile the slede has chose for iserf 2? Arighhe “WARE URDU EKBOHRBEE HEBER HSH HERE faty ner aay \ PRRapcKa tatu ay_ TAA BN soles a, Bre He Sq AGA, Ser Vag, Baan, woh isha fama go arrtee | Eeen Afarza * Sige Se A ae ) eA mags The qed ~man is the frend of ath OX d =2Mahatma Geamdhi Stare} where You are, Use whol you have. de hod de com 7 Arthur Ashe Tt spemcean’ disease ih yste ean da it > wart disney 1f Yot arce watkin Yeu are willin down the Tught path and oe keep watking, cvertiot Yeu will mate — preegrceny, > Barrack chama. Change tall mol come if we wait Sore Some cthore othert “heme We are the ones wc hove been eng chore oe arce the. cha- ~qe thot we seek > Barcack Schama, Nething im fe thebs PECSom or Some kooreth_ ongivng is = 7 Garteck ebham ar Napryn Selivo Menea tS mot the ome ampwerc bid ft makes ov aifercence = Barcack, obama | | ata area ploere ae ora, BRR APA efesere atare orca at! 2 abr anga TAR ATH | | | >API wan GAS BSE. Naluree neyere did ‘belreeg the eoret Hnedk love Her. ¢ welts | Wordsworth Beaulg %6 freath, dreath fe veauta | F2. Keots A thing of Ioana seq Greevere. aohn Keats eee & Cra pfega aagna mar fey wairashy OR aN, Seta amis SRO ara mk > meas ASCE oredr 2m sececa Bin acGnivensy eC Baya laws A) anspua Scuyresra fazrp AST Brea, ora cera Tatantee Paw amas at eats & » Gert uesa4 GRA x1 CLT, BAG Aa eT z 1S DSeaby on ag C fey Ga wie ona SACL? Theaqu anertat = a =a rec : > Renta (27 Feb. 2392) . c Napryn live g MSTA sco WL, fray daar wh a, ameo ay : UM BER pacts Oh aT | antl GAN Sweep GY RAE “BRANAw Dx mA TA} wah = & haganicsre FE NerR TE ane = ¥ BAN =Qi (OKR, mata tea SY WE SR Sail ATA sam GR SRG oT fe ani RIN MST ae SYR Fase iger waa > asraal_(Lorr. SRAM, sagarice t ‘ TN Tees woes Sande ara TOA ser f | SA sroag Feet) Ths s bering Bon. Ni. : lsteeh ic indepemdes| Ciezl) 26 marth) =. Bang abandhu SSR anid asin Sas CHA (AR Fan > Foraag_ a last menage +e you Ercan me Dara Shaeoe & apdleer 2aq gap may 4 oom wna ogy Bia FRA op snr xg z Sy This ime the siruggie is fore cure estes o “ ‘ Ae is Sere ouTT inde pee dence. =7 March, \oF\ tne (VONE Sore “a | Greatest atreength % people - ma greatest vseolice® ie ed love them tee such = inlervieo with sit David preet on ANE eae OF ak syhlo cosh eet ae oe seth am =a ota STE ape oe saa Bow omann 22 ' eo we wet a G1 Napryn % Bere tein uerm a4 tpaSe pio eA oe frat waa 1 fog aie Ser anaes a aryateRTa quate cfaygs Va! 3 waa rb ta ad REE asneen oF ato afeena asean >fuet Bhosle amare 5 amma fsa Cet meskotrn gts a2 afes Ahoy AY SR Tote SeedT Senet > oes 2 Ro OTR acne, Pet cata OTARND BAST > wGssa \> Wertld Economic Foren S.ana A i le facar acon arziret ofaqe 24\ — ae —y WEF erent > >¢ 2a myer tama srassan 2 fer weer |p eataeo apefa Roe fSeya afht ee caera ose | msettiest 9 opchansdt SB cifoama Sugamet >iseqtaxpaca 4aeragam ararce ang En | ETA 5 tien sth Sarr Seam aneiter sm eer Gta MEA ~ cachasasl- 2 PTS AP ee aetteeeT ain =sasszta Ba G@Gu, men Goa Bate otis 7 ea sar aabsliatslas! Bradas thy Poteaxa oP aorta . ieee See ES e eo 7B sifserm Tn MOR saan Pas asfetra arGerq ) TA ae WS =r anea Gate went FAP v3 er A 7 Nerd Economic forum ary Samia 21a ome Gea am syasn xa TETAS SSOR Saree > Worad r AS, aera who aPaga Sm eter => ADB Placa ban K abe > \ % gaan ura aeea wT ahead sas Tacad (xi sacs ard = — -cacr sree shia Anwar STA ont Ganaa cits, ava ene \ 4 afsg 8 fader) amano AO wera on oat ane Gaye “crue, - bro wes ( fatsara ai) seer Ge ee cos Bas TRS mer note, Goffin em sear | eT agcaa are area, arent 4 ona) ange ow - wate Poh (GaeTeR sas safifrien \ PGR) -syerstita sana eq = Saas aa Ga Ga Bh Macs aiid @ Napryn’ Selivo esa etait — eI a er ener eBeeegeeet & =) = * oakfra ssa * mevercnment without eomshiterion ie Oo Powere witheut oa relight = Jhomas Paine Conghiiutien is the wg ok Whe Ane stale has chosen Sore rcert ape raa akasPea uw / weg To anofae Ae ant fa = Been “OA Seely OF wc at 3x4 ~aratat aes -v. wf ayer aghte met Hrpurisesrs sok aT Aa, fe, ona “a 1 Tm BAS erat Hm cana sragaie 2@ OTS a — awpad a (eI Napryn Salivo jouer one 4) Secularas m (SA fRateren) is te all of S eparceh ‘on betaeen the reehigrn amd pelthes qhomon Achercse™ Communalism/ Religrous extremism thrives ord cowarcdice, inh mi daivo™ and ignore cieron - Wilaxg Rept ET 6 childhood Bcd ether. Stowe ves Snows the. dey TET = Johre -mitton, 28, Sea SS eae. ee ae Pr % BSG |trq| Ceca | ass PT Sama as & gest emvitconmentat — polled ig a gees ecomarmic poveg. -13cAS ara haa malay 3 sgayce SH sire Corny \ - 6. ang ol Unequal meeme disagree ment cause poverc 4 q =e. Selina zahon fa Napryn Selivo arom rsaress isc *% tama * TA sub! azar Sarre ag fe ps ee * GA’ Fmoaledge is power. - Thomas Vobbes charms Girake the tuight bul wert simkes = the heart an Alexgender Pore SSeS S ese ePSneehPeeesee wee se Ee 44 % ah sanfo As @ women, T hove no courhr AS a women T wal no couning AS @ Women, the hele woortid iS i Coumtrey ~ = Nireg tyie. weelf five me a aces wmothert, T wil give qe ose gee ~ Nepejenn Bona porct J nochvon. jnel Shapes cure ends VWherce {S Bageeta —W SheKespearte Life is bub @ Wolke shodow - WW. Shee spears jimes before Aheie death, Cowards die man 8 death but but velian} mevere toole oO nec TO Gheke sf cares i Napryn Se

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