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Wentworth Institute of Technology

Single Stage Gear Box

Duva Engineering

Curtis Rushing, Arberi Ferraj, Joel Miller, Eric Wallis

Executive Summary:
This report documents and discusses the process of design and analysis for a single stage
reduction gear box. With an input power of 10hp operating at a speed of 1800 rpm, the designed
gear box successfully increases the torque and reduces the speed on the output shaft through the
use of a 3.5 gear ratio. With limited design specifications known, the design required an iterative
process to ensure the static and fatigue design accounted for a 3.25 and 1.25 safety factor.
The first step of the analysis was to determine the loading on the pinion and gear. With a
resultant force acting on a 20 degree pressure angle of 350.1 in*lbs, a stress analysis could be
completed. The chosen gear manufacture (Rush Gears) provided the required steps to determine
the allowable load applied to the gear teeth to account for bending and contact stress based on
the material properties. To meet this load, the pinion (model #1056-0714) and gear (model
#1055-5540) material was selected to be 1040 heat treated steel and 1040 cold drawn steel.
After the gear selection was made the design of the torque transition began. The most
efficient solution was determined to be the use of a square key which also will secure the gears to
their respected shafts. Through a loading and stress analysis, the keyways minimum length was
determined for both the gear and pinion to avoid failure from the shear stress acting on it. With
the proper keyway dimensions determined, the shaft design could ensue.
The shafting analysis was an iterative process. First, the loading analysis shows the
reaction forces on the bearings will both be 186.3 lbs. This allowed the torque and bending
moments to be determined at each point of interest. Next, with initial estimates for the stress
concentration factors, a static stress analysis was conducted utilizing the maximum Von Mises
stress to check for yielding during the first loading cycle. With the initial dimensions determined,
a fatigue stress analysis was conducted utilizing the DE-Goodman equation. After solving for the
modified endurance limit, and determining the actual stress concentration factors, the required
diameters at points of interest could be determined. After applying the known stress
concentration factors to the static analysis, the shaft diameters were found to be driven by the
static analysis. It was determined the minimum diameter at the pinion was 0.82” and the gear
was 1.25”, driving the required bore diameter for the gears. With the shaft diameters known the
bearings could be selected.
The bearing manufacture used was AST Bearings. With a reliability factor of 97.5 and
the forces acting on each bearing known, a load rating could was determined to be 1408 lbs.
Standard bearing sizes were used (0.75”, 1”, 1.375”) to meet the required diameters found during
the shafting analysis. This allowed the bearing life calculations to be made to ensure the design
specification of a 4000 hour bearing life was met, and model number R12/16/22 ball bearings
were selected. Lastly, the gear housing had to be designed. To seal the gear box from leaking oil,
dynamic and static O-Rings selected from Parker were used. The use of standard O-Rings
required an additional step in the shafts after the bearings.
The following single reduction spur gear box design successfully increases the torque to
1225.5 in*lbs while reducing the speed to 515 rpm while meeting the assigned design

Table of Contents:
Executive Summary: ........................................................................................................... 2
Introduction:........................................................................................................................ 6
Design Specifications: ........................................................................................................ 6
Design and Analysis: .......................................................................................................... 7
Gear Design: ................................................................................................................... 7
Loading: .................................................................................................................... 10
Stress Analysis: ......................................................................................................... 11
Effects of Shaft Deflection: ...................................................................................... 14
Key Design: .................................................................................................................. 15
Loading: .................................................................................................................... 15
Stress Analysis: ......................................................................................................... 16
Set Screw: ................................................................................................................. 18
Shaft Design .................................................................................................................. 19
Loading: .................................................................................................................... 19
Static Stress Analysis: ............................................................................................... 24
Fatigue Stress Analysis: ............................................................................................ 26
Deflections: ............................................................................................................... 34
Life Calculation: ....................................................................................................... 36
Bearing Design: ............................................................................................................ 39
Life Calculation: ....................................................................................................... 40
Interface Analysis of Components:................................................................................... 43
Drawings: .......................................................................................................................... 44
Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................... 65
References: ........................................................................................................................ 68

List of Figures:
Figure 1:Nomenclature of Spur-Gear Teeth ....................................................................... 7
Figure 2: Center Distance ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Gear Teeth Loading FBD .................................................................................. 10
Figure 4: Key Loading FBD (Side View) ......................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Keyway (Top View) .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 6: Setscrew Dimentions ......................................................................................... 18
Figure 7: Pinion Shaft FBD .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 8: Gear Shaft FBD ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 9: Torsion Diagram................................................................................................ 21

Figure 10: Shear Force Diagram ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 11: Bending Moment Diagram .............................................................................. 23
Figure 12: Modified Goodman Line ................................................................................. 26
Figure 13: Endurance Limit Plot....................................................................................... 28
Figure 14: Fillet Stress Concentrations from Torsion....................................................... 30
Figure 15: Fillet Stress Concentration from Bending ....................................................... 30
Figure 16: Pinion Shaft Deflection ................................................................................... 34
Figure 17: Gear Shaft Deflection ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 18: Pinion Fatigue Stress ....................................................................................... 38
Figure 19: Actual Pinion Fatigue Stress ........................................................................... 38

List of Tables:
Table 1: Known Values ...................................................................................................... 7
Table 2: Suitable Diametral Pitch [4] ................................................................................. 8
Table 3: Pinion and Gear Specifications............................................................................. 9
Table 4: Pinion and Gear Forces ....................................................................................... 11
Table 5: Strength Factor.................................................................................................... 11
Table 6: Loading Service Factor ....................................................................................... 12
Table 7: Material Safe Static Stress .................................................................................. 12
Table 8: Pinion and Gear Material Selection .................................................................... 13
Table 9: Factor of Safety Confirmation ............................................................................ 13
Table 10: Standard Key Dimensions ................................................................................ 15
Table 11: Keyway Loading ............................................................................................... 16
Table 12: Keyway Length ................................................................................................. 17
Table 13: Setscrew Sizing ................................................................................................. 18
Table 14: Setscrew Holding Power................................................................................... 18
Table 15: Shaft Lengths .................................................................................................... 20
Table 16: Reaction Forces ................................................................................................ 20
Table 17: Shaft Loading.................................................................................................... 24
Table 18: Shaft Material Properties .................................................................................. 24
Table 19: Estimated Stress Concentrations....................................................................... 25
Table 20: Initial Stress Concentration Values .................................................................. 25
Table 21: Pinion Initial Dimensions ................................................................................. 26
Table 22: Gear Initial Dimensions .................................................................................... 26
Table 23: Parameters for Modification Factor .................................................................. 27
Table 24: Temperature Modification Factor ..................................................................... 28
Table 25: Reliability Factor .............................................................................................. 29
Table 26: Endurance Limit Modification Factors ............................................................. 29
Table 27: Modified Endurance Limit ............................................................................... 29
Table 28: Pinion Fatique Stress Concentration Factors .................................................... 31
Table 29: Gear Fatigue Stress Concentration Factors....................................................... 31
Table 30: Pinion Required Diameter – Fatigue ................................................................ 32
Table 31: Pinion Required Diameter – Fatigue ................................................................ 32
Table 32: Pinion Required Diameter ................................................................................ 33
Table 33: Gear Required Diameter ................................................................................... 33

Table 34: Shaft Deflection ................................................................................................ 35
Table 35: Allowable Deflections ...................................................................................... 35
Table 36: Pinion Allowable Deflection ............................................................................ 35
Table 37: Gear Allowable Deflection ............................................................................... 35
Table 38: Pinion Shaft Fatigue Strength ........................................................................... 37
Table 39: Actual Fatigue Stress ........................................................................................ 37
Table 40: Bearing Load Rating ......................................................................................... 39
Table 41: Bearing Life Expectancy .................................................................................. 40
Table 42: Adjusted Life Bearing Calculations.................................................................. 42
Table 43: Interface Analysis ............................................................................................. 43

List of Drawings:
Drawing 1: Gearbox Assembly ......................................................................................... 44
Drawing 2: Gearbox Exploded Assembly ........................................................................ 45
Drawing 3: Gear Sub Assembly ....................................................................................... 46
Drawing 4: Gear ................................................................................................................ 47
Drawing 5: Pinion ............................................................................................................. 48
Drawing 6: Gear Shaft ...................................................................................................... 49
Drawing 7: Pinion Shaft.................................................................................................... 50
Drawing 8: Gear Bearing 1 ............................................................................................... 51
Drawing 9: Gear Bearing 2 ............................................................................................... 52
Drawing 10: Pinion Bearing ............................................................................................. 53
Drawing 11: Gear Key ...................................................................................................... 54
Drawing 12: Pinion Key ................................................................................................... 55
Drawing 13: Gear Dynamic O-Ring ................................................................................. 56
Drawing 14: Pinion and Gear Staic O-Ring ..................................................................... 57
Drawing 15: Housing Cover ............................................................................................. 58
Drawing 16: Housing ........................................................................................................ 59
Drawing 17: Static Seals ................................................................................................... 60
Drawing 18: Gear Dynamic Seal ...................................................................................... 61
Drawing 19: Pinion Dynamic Seal ................................................................................... 62
Drawing 20: Housing Cover ............................................................................................. 63
Drawing 21: Housing ........................................................................................................ 64

Gear boxes are an essential part of almost all types of machinery in human civilization.
They are used in car seat motors, wind turbines, robotics, aviation and the wind turbine industry.
All these industries however have different needs for the gears that they employ. For instance in
aviation the purpose of most gearing is to actually slow down the speed of the engine. An aircraft
engine produces maximum power at a relatively high rpm and if this engine speed was
transferred to the blades the blade speed could be supersonic, resulting in the blades destroying
themselves [1]. A wind turbine however uses the gear box to increase speed. The blades of a
wind turbine spin at very low speeds with high torque so in order to covert this mechanical
energy into electrical energy the gear box must undergo several reductions so that the electrical
generator can produce power [1]. Gearboxes can serve many different purposes depending on the
industry they are designed for, but the need for them none the less is substantial.
The design for this gearbox is much less complex than that of an air craft or wind turbine.
The single reduction gear box uses two spur gears to reduce engine speed while increasing
torque. This type of reduction gear box is commonly used in conveyors, mills, paper machines
and elevators [2]. An industry that uses conveyors does not need a high output speed for their
product for the most part. A grocery store clerk does not need their conveyor belt shooting bags
of flour at them at high speeds, however they do need that conveyor belt to move heavy loads at
a relatively low speed. This is where a single reduction gear box comes in. Through the use of
two spur gears, the single reduction gear box reduces the high output speed of an engine into a
slower more manageable speed that produces more torque [2]. For a single reduction gear box
the two gears are known as a pinion gear and a gear. The pinion gear is always the smaller gear
while the gear is always larger. If engine speed is to be reduced and torque increased, then the
pinion gear is the input gear from the engine and the gear is the output gear. The faster spinning
pinion gear will rotate at a higher speed than the gear, but the decrease in speed of the gear will
result in more torque developed [3].

Design Specifications:
This report will illustrate the design and analysis for a single-reduction spur gearbox with
the following specifications provided by head engineer Duva. The input power will be 10 hp
with a speed of 1800 rpm creating a light-shock loading. A 3.5 gear ratio will be utilized, and a
pressure angle of 20°. Furthermore, the bearing design life must be at least 4,000 hours. For the
shaft, a 3.25 factor of safety will be used for the static design while a 1.25 factor of safety for the
fatigue design. Lastly, the reliability index will be 0.90. Using these requirements this design will
meet the needs for the application and allow for prototype testing to being.

Design and Analysis:
Gear Design:

In this design the “Pinion” will be represented as the gear on the input shaft, and the “Gear”
represents the gear on the output shaft. The pinion specifications will have subset “p” and gear
specifications will have subset “g”.
The gear and pinion has known values for the gear ratio, pressure angle, input power and pinion
speed. With the gear ratio and pinion speed known, the gear speed can be determined:
𝑛𝑔 = (1)

Known Values
Gear Ratio mg 3.5
Pressure Angle Φ 20 deg
Power Pg, Pp ,P 10 hp
Pinion Speed np 1800 rpm
Gear Speed ng 514.28 rpm
Table 1: Known Values

The design of the gears incorporate many variables that are currently unknown as shown in
figure 1.

Figure 1:Nomenclature of Spur-Gear Teeth

In order to overcome this a possible solution will be used and verified later. A suitable diametral
pitch was found using table 2.

Power Pinion RPM

hp 900 1200 1800 2400
5 10 10 12 12
7.5 8 8 10 10
10 6 8 8 8
15 6 6 6 6
Suitable Diametral Pitches for 20° Mild-Steel Gears With Standard Face Width

Table 2: Suitable Diametral Pitch [4]

With the diametral pitch selected the circular pitch can be calculated:
𝑃𝑐,𝑔 = 𝑃𝑐,𝑝 = 𝑃𝑐 = (2)

Next, the number of teeth on the pinion was selected to be 8 teeth per inch, again this value will
be verified later. With this value selected the number of teeth on the gear can quickly be
determined using the known gear ratio.
𝑁𝑔 = 𝑚𝑔 ∗ 𝑁𝑝 = 56 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ (3)

With the number of teeth on the pinion and gear known, the pitch diameter and radius can be
calculated which will be used to determine the center distance between the pinion and gear.
𝑑𝑝 = (4)

𝑟𝑝 = (5)

𝑑𝑔 = (6)

𝑟𝑔 = (7)

With the radii’s calculated, figure 2 shows the center distance between the pinion and gear can
be determined.
𝐶 = 𝑟𝑝 + 𝑟𝑔 (8)

Figure 2: Center Distance

Pinion Gear
Diametral Pitch Pd,p 8 teeth/inch Diametral Pitch Pd,g 8 teeth/inch
Circular Pitch Pc,p 0.393 in Circular Pitch Pc,g 0.393 in
# of Teeth Np 16 teeth # of Teeth Ng 56 teeth
Pitch Diameter dp 2 in Pitch Diameter dg 7 in
Pitch Radius rp 1 in Pitch Radius rg 3.5 in
Center Distance C 4.5 in
Table 3: Pinion and Gear Specifications


With the selected amount of pinion and gear dimensions determined, the next step is to
determine the loading acting on the pinion and gear teeth. The loading will allow the
determination for whether or not the initial selections for pinion teeth and diametral pitch are
valid through a stress analysis.

Figure 3: Gear Teeth Loading FBD

The transmitted force shown in figure 3 acting on the gear teeth is the same for the gear and
pinion (action and reaction force). In order to determine this force the transmitted torque must
first be calculated.
𝑇𝑔 = (9)

With the transmitted torque calculated, the tangential force can be determined and used to find
the radial and resultant force using the known pressure angle.
𝑊𝑔 = ( 10 )

𝑟 𝑡
𝑊𝑔 = 𝑊𝑔 ∗ 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛷 ( 11 )

𝑊𝑔 = ( 12 )

Pinion and Gear Forces
Power Pg 10 hp
Pressure Angle Φ 20 deg
# of Teeth Ng 56 teeth
Transmitted Torque Tg 1225.49 in•lbs
Tangential Force Wgt 350.14 lbs
Radial Force Wgr 127.44 lbs
Resultant Force Wg 372.61 lbs
Table 4: Pinion and Gear Forces

Stress Analysis:
In order to determine if an acceptable diametral pitch and tooth count were used, an analysis on
the impact load must be done. The impact load is calculated from the clearance between gear
teeth and the speed at which the gears operate. Spur gear teeth have two potential failure modes
occurring from bending stress and contact stress. If the impact load exceeds the allowable
maximum stress the analysis much be done with a new diametral pitch or number of teeth. The
gear manufacture (Rush Gears) provides the formula to calculate the allowable gear force
generated through the Lewis Equation.
𝑡 𝑆𝐹𝑌 600
𝑊𝑔 = ∗ ( 13 )
𝑃 600+𝑉


 Wgt = Tangential Force

 S = Safe Static Stress Per Square Inch Of Material
 F = Face Width Of Gear
 Y = Strength Factor Based On Pressure Angle And Number Of Teeth
 P = Diametral Pitch
 V = Pitch Line Velocity

Because equation 10 was used to calculate the tangential force, equation 13 can be rearranged to
solve for the safe static stress which accounts for both the bending and contact stress. This value
will then be used to determine the material for the gear and pinion.
𝑊𝑔𝑡 𝑃 600+𝑉
𝑆= ∗ ( 14 )
𝐹𝑌 600

The strength factor “Y” is given in table 5 provided by Rush Gears.

Table 5: Strength Factor 11

A face width of 1.5 inches was selected based on the recommendation of a face width 3 to 5
times the circular pitch.
The final unknown when solving for the safe static stress is the pitch line velocity.
𝑉= ( 15 )

However, table 6 provided by Rush Gears gives a service factor based on the type of loading.
This service factor is to be multiplied by the required horsepower when solving for the pitch line
(𝐻𝑃∗𝑆𝐹 )∗33000
𝑉= ( 16 )

Table 6: Loading Service Factor

This design is undergoing a light shock loading. In order to maximize the applicable applications
for this gear box, a continuous loading is assumed. To account for this, a service factor of 1.5
was utilized.
With the pitch line velocity determined, the safe static stress can be calculated. This value allows
a selection of the pinion and gear material provided by Rush Gears in table 7.

Table 7: Material Safe Static Stress

Material Selection
Pinion Gear
Tangential Force Wgt 350.14 lbs Tangential Force Wgt 350.14 lbs
Diametral Pitch P 8.0 teeth/inch Diametral Pitch P 8.0 teeth/inch
Face Width F 1.50 inch Face Width F 1.50 inch
Strength Factor Y 0.295 Strength Factor Y 0.416
Service Factor SF 1.5 Service Factor SF 1.5
Pitch Line Velocity V 1413.7 ft/min Pitch Line Velocity V 1413.7 ft/min
Safe Static Stress S 21245 lbs/in2 Safe Static Stress S 15059 lbs/in2
Steel .40 Carbon Heat
Selected Material Treated Selected Material Steel .40 Carbon

Table 8: Pinion and Gear Material Selection

The material selection for the pinion is Heat Treated Steel .40 Carbon, and the gear is Steel .40
Carbon. This confirms the material won’t fail under the applied tangential force. However, in
order to verify these materials meet the design specifications, the allowable tangential force must
be calculated using equation 13. Once the allowable tangential force is determined, the factor of
safety can be calculated and compared to the design specification.
𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑡 = ( 17 )

Factor of Safety Confirmation

Actual Tangential Force Wgtact 350.14 lbs Actual Tangential Force Wgtact 350.14 lbs
Material Safe Static Stress 35000 lbs/in2 Material Safe Static Stress 20000 lbs/in2
Allowable Factor of Safety nall 1.25 Allowable Factor of Safety nall 1.25
Allowable Tangential Force Wgtall 576.8 lbs Allowable Tangential Force Wgtall 465.0 lbs
Actual Factor Of Safety nact 1.65 Actual Factor Of Safety nact 1.33
Meets Design Spec? YES Meets Design Spec YES

Table 9: Factor of Safety Confirmation

This design specifies a fatigue factor of safety of 1.25 which is met by the selected materials for
both the gear and pinion. This confirms the initial values for the diametral pitch and teeth count
will meet the design specifications using these selected materials.
Before the pinion and gear can be selected, the proper bore diameter must be determined with
consideration to the bearings, shafts and keyways (see their respected section). Through this
iterative process it was determined the pinion bore diameter will be 1” and the gear bore
diameter will be 1.25”, thus allowing the selection of the pinion and gear from Rush Gears to be
Effects of Shaft Deflection:
The loading calculated from equation 10, 11, and 12 cause the shaft to deflect which can result in
contact and tooth bending stresses that are higher than the designed limits, thus causing
premature bending or contact fatigue failures. The design of these gears exhibit a load
distribution along its face width, however if the shafts deflect passed the design limit the
rotational axes of the gears will no longer be parallel to each other. This will result in the
meshing teeth to be unaligned and result in a non-uniform load distribution along the face width.
To prevent contact and tooth bending stresses higher than the design limit a deflection analysis
was done (see shaft analysis). The results show the allowable deflection was met and will not
cause additional stresses on the gears that will prematurely cause the gear to fail.

Key Design:
With the appropriate pinion and gear selected, the next step in the design is to ensure the gears
are properly secured. Analyzing the force analysis on the shaft (See section on shaft design)
shows the gears will experience no axial motion. It was determined the most effective design for
this application is to utilize a square key. The key will serve this design in two ways. First, it will
ensure the gear is properly secured on the shaft. Also, it will be used to enable transmission of
torque from the shaft to the pinion and gear.
To ensure the key is properly sized a loading analysis must be done shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Key Loading FBD (Side View)

The key dimensions are determined from the diameter of the shaft. Table 10 shows some of the
standard key dimensions.

Table 10: Standard Key Dimensions

The force acting on the surface can be determined utilizing equation 9 to calculate the torque the
key will be transmitting.
𝐹= ( 18 )

Keyway Loading
Pinion Gear
Torque Tp 350.0 in*lb Torque Tg 1225.5 in*lb
Shaft Dia. Dp 1 in Shaft Dia. Dg 1.5 in
Width tp 0.25 in Width tg 0.375 in
Height Hp 0.25 in Height Hg 0.375 in
Depth hp 0.125 in Depth hg 1.875 in
Force Fp 700 lb Force Fg 1633 lb

Table 11: Keyway Loading

Stress Analysis:
The key has two potential failure methods: failure from shear stress, failure by crushing. To
account for these failures an analysis must be completed to find the minimum length of the
keyway shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: Keyway (Top View)

First an appropriate material for the key must be selected. Typically cold-drawn low-carbon
milled steel materials are available for key stock, so UNS G10180 was selected. With the yield
strength from this material known, the distortion-energy theory was utilized to determine the
shear strength of the key.

𝑆𝑠𝑦 = 0.577𝑆𝑦 ( 19 )

The shear stress across the area of the key is:
𝜎𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 = ( 20 )

The shear stress must be less than the shear strength of the key while considering the static
design factor of safety.
𝑆𝑠𝑦 𝐹
= ( 21 )
𝑛𝑠 𝑡𝐿

Manipulation of equation 21 will allow the minimum length of the key to be determined to avoid
failure from shear stress.
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 = ( 22 )

To resist crushing, the area of one-half the face of the key is used coupled with the yield strength
of the material:
𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛,𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ = ( 23 )

Keyway Length
Pinion Gear
Material UNS G10180 Material UNS G10180
Yield Strength Sy 54000 psi Yield Strength Sy 54000 psi
Static FOS ns 3.5 Shear Strength Ssy 3.5
Shear Strength Ssy 31158 psi Shear Strength Ssy 31158 psi
Shear Length Lmin,shear 0.315 in Shear Length Lmin,shear 0.489 in
Crushing Length Lmin,shear 0.363 in Crushing Length Lmin,shear 0.565 in
Failure Mode Crushing Failure Mode Crushing
Table 12: Keyway Length

Failure by crushing the key is the dominant failure mode, so this length defines the minimum
length of the key.

Set Screw:
The design of this gear box causes no axial motion on the gears. However, to ensure a proper
design, a minimal axial load that may occur for an unaccounted reason is assumed. To account
for this potential loading a set screw will be used.

Figure 6: Setscrew Dimentions

Table 13: Setscrew Sizing

Table 13 provides setscrew sizes for the necessary holding power. Because the theoretical
necessary holding power is zero, a set screw of a quarter inch was selected to ensure capability
with unaccounted axial motion. The length of the setscrew is designed to be half the diameter of
the shaft, thus driving the size of the pinion and gear hub diameters.
Set Screw Dimensions
Pinion Gear
Diameter D 0.25 in Diameter D 0.25 in
Length L 0.5 in Length L 0.75 in
Static FOS ns 3.5 Static FOS ns 3.5
Holding Power 1000 lbs Holding Power 1000 lbs
Allowable Holding Power 285.7 lbs Allowable Holding Power 285.7 lbs
Table 14: Setscrew Holding Power

Shaft Design:
The shaft design was an iterative process. The steps and results shown in this section represents
the final dimensions for the pinion and gear shafts. Final dimensions in this section are the
driving parameter for the bore diameters and the bearing selections.
Both shafts experience the same resultant force calculated from equation 12 due to action and
reaction forces experienced by the gears. However, the shafts experience different torques due to
the assigned gear ratio. The loading analysis for the shafts will be used to find the torques and
moments acting on each part of the shaft that is of interest.

Figure 7: Pinion Shaft FBD

Figure 8: Gear Shaft FBD

The labeled sections from figure 7 and 8 are as followed:

 Cross-sections B and F are the middle planes of the bearings

 Cross-section A is used to determine the diameter D1. Cross section A also has a
input (pinion) or output (gear) keyway.
 Cross-sections C and E are shoulders which will have a well-rounded fillet. Cross
section E will drive the diameter D3.
 Cross-section D is the middle of the gear and will drive the diameter D2.
Through the iterative process the lengths shown in table 15 are the final dimensions for the shafts
and are used to determine the moment and torsion acting at each section

Section Lengths
Pinion Gear
L1 1.500 L1 1.500
L2 2.625 L2 2.625
L3 2.625 L3 2.625
L4 1.500 L4 2.500
L5min 0.363 L5min 0.565
A-B 1.5 A-B 1.5
B-C 1.875 B-C 1.875
C-D 0.75 C-D 0.75
D-E 1.75 D-E 2
E-F 0.875 E-F 0.750
Table 15: Shaft Lengths

Table 15 shows the length between the bearings and the center of the gear is the same. This
means the reaction forces from the bearings will be equal.
𝑅1 = 𝑅2 = ( 24 )

Pinion Gear
Resultant Force Wg 372.610 lbs Resultant Force Wg 372.610 lbs
Shaft Torque T 350.139 in*lbs Shaft Torque T 1225.486 in*lbs
Reaction Force R1 186.3 lbs Reaction Force R1 186.3 lbs
Reaction Force R2 186.3 lbs Reaction Force R2 186.3 lbs
Table 16: Reaction Forces

With the reaction forces known, diagrams for the torsion, bending moment, and shear force can
be created for both the pinion and gear.


Figure 9: Torsion Diagram

Figure 10: Shear Force Diagram

Figure 11: Bending Moment Diagram

The loading at each section is also summarized in table 17.

Pinion Gear
Tm Shear Force Ma
Section (in*lbs) (lbs) (in*lbs) Section Tm (in*lbs) Shear Force (lbs) Ma (in*lbs)
A 350.14 0.00 0.00 A 1225.49 0.00 0.00
B 350.14 186.31 0.00 B 1225.49 186.31 0.00
C 350.14 186.31 349.32 C 1225.49 186.31 349.32
D 350.14 -186.31 489.05 D 1225.49 -186.31 489.05
E 0.00 -186.31 163.02 E 0.00 -186.31 116.44
F 0.00 0.00 0.00 F 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 17: Shaft Loading

The loading analysis shows the forces acting on each section are the same for both the gear and
pinion. Also, this shows the transmitted torque increases according to the specified gear ratio of
3.5. Lastly, the moments acting on each point are equivalent up till section “E”, due to the
increased length of the gear hub. With the loading determined for the major sections of interest,
the stress analysis can be completed.

Static Stress Analysis:

The shafts are undergoing fully reversed loading during operation. In order to determine the
necessary diameter for each section of the shaft the fatigue stress must be found while making
sure the shafts won’t yield under static conditions.
First, a material must be selected. Both the pinion and gear will use the common shaft material of
ANSI 1020 CD steel. Table 18 shows the material properties for this material selection.

Shaft Material Properties

Shaft Material 1020 CD Steel
Tensile Strength Sut 68000 psi
Yield Strength Sy 57000 psi
Table 18: Shaft Material Properties

With the material selected, the static analysis must be completed to determine the minimum
diameter from static loading to avoid yielding. Figure 7 and 8 show sections A, C, D, and E will
all contain stress concentrations. These stress concentration will have an initial estimate found
from table 19. These values are only estimates, the actual values will be found later.

Table 19: Estimated Stress Concentrations

Table 20 shows these stress concentrations for the sections of interest and the corresponding
diameter they are driving. These factors apply to both the pinion and gear shafts.

Estimated Stress Concentration Factors

Diameter Bending Torsional
Label Section Section Type Kt Kts
A End-Mill Keyseat 0 3
C Fillet - Well Rounded 1.70 1.50
D2 D End-Mill Keyseat 2.14 3.00
D3 E Fillet - Well Rounded 1.70 0.00
Table 20: Initial Stress Concentration Values

With the stress concentrations known, a Von Mises maximum stress is calculated to determine
the required diameter of the shafts to avoid yielding.
𝑆𝑦 ′
= 𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 ( 25 )

With the yield strength and factor of safety known, equation 25 can be rearranged to solve for the
16𝑛𝑠 √4(𝐾𝑡 𝑀𝑎 +3(𝐾𝑡𝑠 𝑇𝑚 )2
𝑑=( ) ( 26 )

Pinion Initial Dimensions - Static Loading
FOS Tm (lb- Fillet Radius
Diameter Label Section ns in) Ma (In*lbs) Diameter D (in) (in)
A 3.25 350.1 0 0.8084
D1 0.0808
C 3.25 350.1 349.32 0.7574
D2 D 3.25 350.1 489.05 0.9304 -
D3 E 3.25 0.00 163.02 0.5440 0.5440
Table 21: Pinion Initial Dimensions

Gear Initial Dimensions - Static Loading

Diameter FOS Ma
Label Section ns Tm (lb-in) (In*lbs) Diameter D (in) Fillet Radius (in)
D1 A 3.25 1225.4 0.00 1.2274
C 3.25 1225.4 349.32 0.9956
D2 D 3.25 1225.4 489.05 1.2486 -
D3 E 3.25 0.00 116.44 0.4862 0.4862
Table 22: Gear Initial Dimensions

Table 21 and 22 summarize the initial required diameters for the pinion and gear under static
Fatigue Stress Analysis:
The calculation for fatigue stress in this design will be determined from the DE-Goodman
equation. DE-Goodman indicates the stresses are combined using the distortion energy (DE)
theory, and the modified Goodman line is used for the fatigue failure.

Figure 12: Modified Goodman Line

The modified Goodman line shown in figure 12 can be expressed as:
𝜎𝑎 𝜎𝑚 1
+ = ( 27 )
𝑆𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑡 𝑛

Using this methodology for solving for fatigue stress, the endurance limit of the selected material
must first be determined.
𝑆𝑒′ = 0.5 ∗ 𝑆𝑢𝑡 ( 28 )

𝑆𝑒 = 𝑘𝑎 𝑘𝑏 𝑘𝑐 𝑘𝑑 𝑘𝑒 𝑘𝑓 𝑆𝑒 ′ ( 29 )

The endurance limit calculated from equation 28 is found from the tested material properties.
However, it is unrealistic to assume the endurance limit on these shafts will behave the same as
the tested value. Equation 29 introduces modifying factors to account for variations between the
tested conditions and the actual conditions.
The surface modification factor (ka) depends on the finish of the actual shaft surface and the
tensile strength of the material. This must be account for because stresses tend to be high at the
surface. Under testing conditions the surface finish is highly polished, with a final polish in the
axial direction to smooth out any circumferential scratches.
𝑘𝑎 = 𝑎𝑆𝑢𝑡 ( 30 )

Where parameters “a” and “b” are found from table 23.

Table 23: Parameters for Modification Factor

The size factor (kb) depends on the size of the shaft. Larger parts have a greater surface area at
high stress levels. This increase the likelihood of crack initiation. Equation 31 was obtained from
experimental data with a variety of sizes tested.

( 31 )

The loading factor (kc) depends on the loading the shaft is undergoing because endurance limit
changes for different types of fatigue loading. The known endurance limit used was determined
with a bending load. Because these shafts are experience a combined loading of torsion and
bending, the bending modification factor can be used from equation 32.

( 32 )

The temperature factor (kd) accounts for the operating temperature of the shafts. When operating
temperatures are below room temperature, brittle fracture becomes a stronger possibility. When
operating temperatures are above room temperature, the yield strength is reduced. These
relationships can be seen in table 24. The design assumes an application at room temperature.

Table 24: Temperature Modification Factor

The reliability factor (ke) accounts for the scattering of endurance limit data during testing shown
in figure 13. This design specifies a 90% reliability factor, meaning with 90% confidence the
endurance limit of the shaft will be equal to or greater than the mean from the tested data. The
reliability factor can be obtained from table 25.

Figure 13: Endurance Limit Plot

Table 25: Reliability Factor

Lastly, the miscellaneous-effect factor (kf) is intended to account for reduction in endurance limit
due to all other unaccounted for effects. The head engineer for this design determined a
miscellaneous-effect factor of 1 will be used.
These results are summarized in table 26 and account for both the gear and pinion shaft.

Fatigue Endurance Limit Modification Factors

Surface Size Size Loading Temperature Reliability Misc.
Section Ka Kbp Kbg Kc Kd Ke Kf
A-C 0.832 0.895 0.856 1.0 1.0 0.896 1.0
D 0.832 0.884 0.875 1.0 1.0 0.896 1.0
E-F 0.832 0.938 0.854 1.0 1.0 0.896 1.0
Table 26: Endurance Limit Modification Factors

With the modification factors determined, equation 29 can be solved.

Modified Endurance Limit

Pinion Gear
Section Se' (psi) Se (psi) Section Se' (psi) Se (psi)
A-C 42500 28341 A-C 42500 27102
D 42500 27994 D 42500 27731
E-F 42500 29720 E-F 42500 27065
Table 27: Modified Endurance Limit

The next step in calculating the required shaft diameters is to determine the fatigue stress
concentration factors for bending and torsion.

𝐾𝑓 = 1 + 𝑞(𝐾𝑡 − 1) ( 33 )

First, using the initial dimensions found during the static analysis, the actual stress concentration
factors (Kt) for the fillets can be determined from figures 14 and 15.

Figure 14: Fillet Stress Concentrations from Torsion

Figure 15: Fillet Stress Concentration from Bending

Next, the notch sensitivity (q) can be calculated:

𝑞= √𝑎
( 34 )

For Bending:

√𝑎 = 0.246 − 3.08(10−3 )𝑆𝑢𝑡 + 1.51(10−5 )𝑆2𝑢𝑡 − 2.67(10−8 )𝑆3𝑢𝑡 ( 35 )

For Torsion:

√𝑎 = 0.190 − 2.51(10−3 )𝑆𝑢𝑡 + 1.35(10−5 )𝑆2𝑢𝑡 − 2.67(10−8 )𝑆3𝑢𝑡 ( 36 )

Noting equation 35 and 36 are determined from the ultimate tensile strength, these values remain
constant for every section for both the pinion and gear.

Pinion Fatigue Stress Concentration Factors

Notch Notch
Sensitivity Sensitivity Bending Torsion
Section (Bending) (Torsion) Bending Torsional Fatigue Fatigue
Section Type q qs Kt Kts Kf Kfs
A Keyseat No Cyclic Load
Fillet - Well
C Rounded 1.056 0.302 1.63 1.55 1.67 1.17
D Keyseat 0.800 0.800 2.14 3 1.91 2.60
Fillet - Well
E Rounded 1.056 0.254 1.60 1.45 1.63 1.11
Table 28: Pinion Fatique Stress Concentration Factors

Gear Fatigue Stress Concentration Factors

Notch Notch
Sensitivity Sensitivity Bending Torsion
(Bending) (Torsion) Bending Torsional Fatigue Fatigue
Section Section Type q qs Kt Kts Kf Kfs
A Keyseat No Cyclic Load
Fillet - Well
C Rounded 1.056 0.338 1.39 1.30 1.41 1.10
D Keyseat 0.800 0.800 2.14 3 1.91 2.60
Fillet - Well
E Rounded 1.056 0.243 1.41 1.30 1.43 1.07
Table 29: Gear Fatigue Stress Concentration Factors

Note: At section “A” there is no cyclic loading, so the diameters determined from the static
analysis will be used.

With the fatigue stress concentrations known the DE-Goodman equation can be solved for the
required diameters.
The design of these rotating shafts experience constant bending and torsion, so the bending stress
is completely reversed and the torsion is steady. This causes there to be no alternating torsion or
midrange moment, so the DE-Goodman equation can be simplified to:

( 37 )

Pinion Required Diameter - Fatigue

Diameter Label Section nf Tm (lb-in) Ma (In*lbs) Diameter D (in)
A No Cyclic Load
C 1.25 350.14 349.32 0.680
D2 D 1.25 350.14 489.05 0.816
D3 E 1.25 0.00 163.02 0.485
Table 30: Pinion Required Diameter – Fatigue

Gear Required Diameter - Fatigue

Diameter Label Section FOS nf Tm (lb-in) Ma (In*lbs) Diameter D (in)
A No Cyclic Load
C 1.25 1225.49 349.32 0.741
D2 D 1.25 1225.49 489.05 0.945
D3 E 1.25 0.00 116.44 0.428
Table 31: Pinion Required Diameter – Fatigue

Tables 30 and 31 show the required diameters for the pinion and gear for the fatigue analysis.

In order to compare the required diameters the steps for the static analysis must be completed
with the now known stress concentration factors found from figures 14 and 15 to check for

Comparing the newly found diameters from the static analysis and the diameters found from the
fatigue analysis will allow the determination of the driving condition.

Pinion Required Diameter

Static Min Diameters Fatigue Min Design Method of Required Diameter
Diameter Label (in) (in) Failure (in)
D1 0.8810 0.6799 Static 0.8810
D2 0.8048 0.8160 Fatigue 0.8160
D3 0.5440 0.4850 Static 0.5440
Radius) r1 0.0881 0.0680 Static 0.0881
Radius) r2 0.0544 0.0485 Static 0.0544
Table 32: Pinion Required Diameter

Gear Required Diameter

Static Min Diameters Fatigue Min Design Method of Required Diameter
Diameter Label (in) (in) Failure (in)
D1 1.2274 0.7410 Static 1.2274
D2 1.2486 0.9445 Static 1.2486
D3 0.4569 0.4282 Static 0.4569
(Fillet Radius)
r1 0.1227 0.0741 Static 0.1227
(Fillet Radius)
r2 0.0457 0.0428 Static 0.0457
Table 33: Gear Required Diameter

Tables 32 and 33 show the required diameters for each section of the pinion and gear. The final
dimensions will be determined from the purchased bearing selections (see bearing analysis).

The forces acting on the shaft found from equation 13 and 14 will cause the shafts to deflect. An
analysis must be completed to confirm these deflections do cause misalignment of the pinion and
gear teeth mesh. If the shafts undergo deflections past the allowable limit the gear teeth will not
undergo a distributed load causing the contact and bending stress to exceed the design limits. To
ensure the deflections meets the design specifications a finite element analysis (FEA) was done
for the pinion and gear shafts to check for deflections at the pinion, gear, and bearings shown in
figures 16 and 17.

Figure 16: Pinion Shaft Deflection

Figure 17: Gear Shaft Deflection

Shaft Deflection
Pinion Shaft Gear Shaft
Point of Interest Deflection (in) Point of Interest Deflection (in)
Bearing 1 0.00079376 Bearing 1 0.0005487
Bearing 2 0.0007765 Bearing 2 0.00037017
Pinion 0.0016009 Gear 0.00090617
Table 34: Shaft Deflection

Table 34 summarizes the results found from the FEA and can now be compared to the values
found from table 35.

Table 35: Allowable Deflections

The slope can be found from the known length of the bearings relative to the point of action.
Φ = tan−1 ( ) ( 38 )

Point of Interest Length Deflectionall (rad) Deflection (rad)
Bearing 1 2.625 0.001 0.0000053
Bearing 2 2.635 0.001 0.0000051
Pinion - 0.005 in .0016009 in
Table 36: Pinion Allowable Deflection

Point of Interest Length Deflectionall (rad) Deflection (rad)
Bearing 1 2.625 0.001 0.0000036
Bearing 2 2.635 0.001 0.0000025
Gear - 0.003 in .00090617 in
Table 37: Gear Allowable Deflection

Tables 36 and 37 show the shaft deflection meets the design specifications, thus the deflections
will not cause excess stresses on the gear and pinion.
Life Calculation:
Both the pinion and gear shafts need to be analyzed to determine the life of the parts. This was
done by first finding the fatigue stress limit for the shaft using equation 39:

Sf = aNb ( 39 )

(f∗Sut )2
a= ( 40 )

1 ut f∗S
b1 = − ( ) 𝑙𝑜𝑔 ( ) ( 41 )
3 S e

In the equation 39, N is the variable that represents the number of cycles, Sut represents the
ultimate strength, Se is the endurance limit and f is the fatigue strength fraction. To find f, σ’F
needs to be found.

σ′F = Sut + 50kpsi ( 42 )

Now, the fatigue strength fraction can be determined from,

f=( ) (2 ∗ 103 )b ( 43 )


𝑙𝑜𝑔( ′ )
S e
b2 = − ( 44 )
𝑙𝑜𝑔(2∗Ne )

Ne is the material endurance limit.

For the pinion shaft, the following values were found:

Fatigue Number
Strength (psi) of Cycles
157638.8 1
114998.6 10
83892.27 100
61200 1000
44645.83 10000
32569.45 100000
23759.64 1000000
17332.82 10000000
12644.42 1E+08
Table 38: Pinion Shaft Fatigue Strength

Next, the actual fatigue stress experienced by the part can be found:

S′f = σ′F (2N)b ( 45 )

Where b=b2
Equation 45 gives the following results:

S'f Cycles
109302.2 1
84754.73 10
65720.24 100
50960.57 1000
39515.68 10000
30641.12 100000
23759.64 1000000
18423.62 10000000
14285.99 1E+08
Table 39: Actual Fatigue Stress

When these two tables are combined, an overall trend can be seen.

Pinion Fatigue Stress



Fatigue Stress (psi)



80000 Fatigue Stress

Real Fatigue Stress



1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 100000010000000
Cycles, N

Figure 18: Pinion Fatigue Stress

Next, the data series was used to show the real fatigue limit.

Figure 19: Actual Pinion Fatigue Stress

Figure 19 clearly shows that fatigue stress experienced by the shaft is under the conservative
fatigue limit, thus the shaft has an infinite theoretical life limit. The same process was used to
determine the fatigue stress of the gear shaft and, like the pinion shaft, the gear shaft is under the
fatigue limit determined.

Bearing Design:

The bearings are an essential component of the gearbox design. They must provide enough
support to prevent the shaft from over deflecting and also be able to support the resultant force
from Table 4. Also the bearings must have a life of at least 4000 hours as specified in the design
This resultant force for this bearing design was found from equation 24. With the resultant force
on each bearing known, the catalog load rating, 𝐶𝑟 also known as the dynamic load rating can be
calculated. Equation 46 is used to calculate the catalog load rating that is needed for the bearing.
Note though that this value does not include the reliability factor which was given to be 97.5%.
𝐻∗𝑛∗60 𝑎
𝐶𝑟 (𝑙𝑏𝑠) = 𝐹𝐷 ∗ ( ) ( 46 )

Utilizing equation 46 and the input values result in the below table and values for the catalog
load rating. This catalog load rating or dynamic load rating is the value that was used to select
appropriate bearings to be subjected to a later theoretic life calculation.

Resultant Force on
Bearing P (lbs) 186.305
Hours 4000
n (RPM) 1800
Basic Life Rating (L10) 1000000
a=3 for all ball
bearings 3

Cr (lbs) 1408.377547
Table 40: Bearing Load Rating

The above catalog load rating calculation gave a basis of minimum dynamic load rating for a
bearing. Because the shaft does not have any significant amount of axial loading on it there was
no need to use a thrust bearing, so research was conducted into only ball bearings. The research
was guided by the previously discussed minimum shaft diameters and then bearings of bore
diameter 0.750, 1.000 and 1.375 inches were picked, and the shaft was subsequently made larger
to fit the chosen bearings (See Appendix A for more information on the chosen bearings). Also,
it was discovered while conducting bearing research that many manufacturers have their own
equations to calculate bearing life. Because of this knowledge, the choice was made to only use
one bearing manufacturer for all the bearings used in the gearbox. The next section discusses the
chosen manufacturer and bearing life calculations.

Life Calculation:
The bearing manufacturer that was chosen was AST Bearings. Most bearings are manufactured
in SI units, but AST Bearings gave bearings in English units which made the overall calculations
easier since there was little need for conversions. AST Bearings also had a wide selection of
bearing sizes which was very useful in ultimately determining the final shaft dimensions.
Many different equations are given for bearing life calculations, but the most accurate way to
determine a bearing life calculation is to use the manufacturer’s equations and variables. The
following equation is from AST Bearings website and was used to calculate the life of the

The AST equation above uses Newton’s to calculate the life rating, so the below table also
displays the basic dynamic load rating and resultant force on the bearing in Newton’s. The
conversion from lbs. to Newton’s was done using the convert function in Excel.
Diameter (in) 0.75" 1.000" 1.375"
Cr (N) 11018.2 11796.6 18090.9
Cr (lbs) 2477 2652 4067
n (RPM) 1800 1800 1800
P (N) 828.7 828.7 828.7
𝐿10 ℎ 21761.5 26707.4 96323.8
𝐿10 2350198194 2884343818 10402769738
Table 41: Bearing Life Expectancy

The basic rating life in hours developed above for all three bearings is well above the design
minimum basic life rating of 4000 hours. These 𝐿10 ℎ values need to be higher than 4000 to
account for the adjusted life formula given by AST. The adjusted life formula takes into account
statistical properties of the bearings, material factor and the operating temperature of the bearing.
The adjusted life formula from AST Bearings is displayed below:

Notice that this equation is the same as the basic life equation given by AST except for 𝑎1 , 𝑎2
and 𝑎3 . For the adjusted life rating then the values obtained in Table 41 for 𝐿10 ℎ need only be
multiplied by the three factors. The following chart from AST gives the values to use for these

In the design criteria for the gear box, the bearings needed to have a reliability of 97.5%. Since
there is not a value given for 97.5% reliability, the next value of 98% then had to be used to
adhere to the design criteria. The next factor was a constant for all AST Bearings and the last
factor was assumed to be 1. Temperatures of 120℃ would cause the lubricating oil inside the

gearbox to break down, so there is no point to design the bearings to be able to withstand
temperatures above this. The results of the adjusted life calculations are displayed below:

Adjusted Life Calculations

Diameter (in) 0.75" 1.0" 1.375"
Cr (N) 11018.2 11796.6 18090.9
a1 (98%
Reliability) 0.33 0.33 0.33

a2 1 1 1

a3 1 1 1
(Revolutions) 775565404 951833459.8 3432914014
Lna (Hours) 7181.30 8813.4 31786.8
Table 42: Adjusted Life Bearing Calculations

The calculated adjusted bearing life hours is still well above the design minimum of 4000 hours,
so these bearings will meet the design criteria. The last item to determine was the ABEC grade of
the bearing. All the bearings were available in various ABEC grades so the selection of the grade
would ultimately be left up to AST Bearings and their engineering specifications on what bearing
grade is necessary. A tentative grade of ABEC 7 was selected because of the tight tolerances it
provides. This grade was necessary so that the shaft dimensions and tolerance limits could be

Interface Analysis of Components:

Table 43: Interface Analysis

Note: All tolerances shown on drawings represent max material conditions.

Drawing 1: Gearbox Assembly

Drawing 2: Gearbox Exploded Assembly

Drawing 3: Gear Sub Assembly

Drawing 4: Gear
Drawing 5: Pinion

Drawing 6: Gear Shaft
Drawing 7: Pinion Shaft
Drawing 8: Gear Bearing 1
Drawing 9: Gear Bearing 2
Drawing 10: Pinion Bearing
Drawing 11: Gear Key
Drawing 12: Pinion Key
Drawing 13: Gear Dynamic O-Ring
Drawing 14: Pinion and Gear Static O-Ring

Drawing 15: Housing Cover

Drawing 16: Housing
Drawing 17: Static Seals

Drawing 18: Gear Dynamic Seal

Drawing 19: Pinion Dynamic Seal

Drawing 20: Housing Cover

Drawing 21: Housing

Through the analysis of the gearbox, it was determined that a diametral pitch of 8 will be
used for the gears. To achieve a 3.5 gear ratio, a pinion with 16 teeth was used along with a gear
that has 56 teeth. The gear and pinion both have a face width of 1.5” to distribute the load
efficiently. From these specifications, and the given input conditions, it was determined through
a loading analysis that the gears experience a tangential force of 350.14 lbs operating with pitch
line velocity of 1413.7 ft/min. Through the use of the stress analysis provided by Rush Gears, it
was determined the pinion (model #1056-0714) with be constructed using 1040 heat treated
steel. Furthermore, a lesser strength material of 1040 cold drawn steel was found to be needed
for the gear. To prevent additional stresses caused from gear teeth misalignment a deflection
analysis was done through the use of a FEA. The deflections acting on gear were found to meet
the design specifications, so the load acting on the teeth remained distributed as the design
The output speed for the shafts was determined to be 514.29 rpm along with an output
torque of 1225.5 lb-ft from the assigned gear ratio. To efficiently transmit the torque from the
shaft to the gears a keyway was selected. The minimum dimensions of the keyway were found to
be 0.25” high, 0.25” wide and 0.36” long for the pinion in order to account for shear stress and
the crushing effect. Minimum dimensions of 0.375” high, 0.375” wide and 0.565” long was used
for the gear to accommodate for these same factors.
Each shaft had three different diameters, each diameter being determined from the
calculated minimum required diameters driven by the associated stress concentrator. Through an
iterative process, the minimum shaft diameters were found for both the gear and pinion to
prevent yielding and fatigue failure. The actual diameters were determined from the gear and
bearing selections. The final pinion shaft diameters were found to be 0.75” and 1.0” at the
bearings, and 1.0” at the pinion. The final gear shaft diameters were found to be 0.75” and 1.5”
at the bearings, and 1.375” at the gear.
To support the shafts while still allowing rotation, ball bearings were selected from AST.
The bearings needed to be able to withstand 186.3 lbs of force with a life of 4000 hours at 1800
rpm for the pinion shaft and 515 rpm for the gear shaft. With these conditions, a catalog rating
for the three different bearings were found. The three bearing were selected with bore diameters
of 0.75”(x2 model #R12), 1.0” (model #R16), and 1.375” (model #R22).
Lastly, dynamic O-rings selected from Parker O-ring (model #’s 2-023/027) to seal the
rotating input and output shafts as well as static O-Rings (x2 model# 2-031) for the caps on the
This completes the first submittal for the single reduction spur gear box. Improvements
for the next submittal will include drawings of the set screws, cap screws and hex screws and an
updated bill of materials. Also, the sealing of the completed housing will need to be completed to
ensure no leakage. Additionally a design for the oil type used and fill level will need to be
determined. Furthermore, a drain and fill design will need to be made to the housing. Lastly, the
pinion needs to have a new dynamic O-Ring selected that causes a step down from the bearing
rather than a step up which is currently shown making the assembly impractical. With these
additions, the next submittal will provide a suitable design for a single reduction spur gear box.

0.75 inch bore bearing:

1.000 inch bore bearing:

1.375 inch bore bearing:


[1]. Stokes, A., 1992, “Manual Gearbox Design,” Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, Chap
[2]. Zdziennicki, Z., Maciejczyk, A., “Design Basic of Industrial Gear Boxes,”
Department of Vehicles and Fundamentals of Machine Design,
[3]. Rush Gear, “Engineering Information, Spur Gears,” pp. 137-142.
[4]. Budynas, R., Nisbett, J., 2015, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design,”
McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY.
[5]. AST Bearings LLC,


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