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Prakhar Nigam


● 6.9 years of Software Development experience in IT industry

● Expertise in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle.
● Expertise in Development building web applications using ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML5,
● Experience in State management framework i.e. Redux.
● Experience in Back End Technologies like NodeJS.
● Experience in Machine learning Module i.e. AutoML by Google.


Operating systems Windows 11, Windows 10, macOS, Ubuntu

ReactJS v18.2, NodeJS, Graphql, JavaScript, Redux, HTML5, CSS3 ,

Languages and
technologies Storybook.

Tools GIT, NPM, Docker, Gitlab, Teamcity, VSCode, TFS, Redux dev tools

Databases MongoDB

Project Experience

1. Project name: Activity feed outages

Employer: Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Client: ICIS (LexisNexis Risk Solutions)

Domain Technologies: Petro chemical

Technologies : Micro front end Pilet Service, React JS, Redux, Realm, MongoDB,
React testing library, GraphQl, Storybook
Project description: Notification Tile for the user subscribed to commodities, which subscriber
receives when there is an outage of plant production.

Roles and responsibilities:

● Created a Micro-front end Notification tile from scratch using the Pilet framework.
● Adding and creating reusable components for the entire application to use.
● Creating Mock-bff for frontend to utilise the benefit of micro-front end services.
● Creating Build pipeline for the application
● Migrating Application and deployment from Git stash and teamcity to Gitlab.

2. Project name: Plant Cost Evaluator

Employer: Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Client: ICIS (LexisNexis Risk Solutions)

Domain Technologies: Petro chemical

Technologies : Micro front end Pilet Service, Echarts, React JS, Redux, Realm, MongoDB,
React testing library,GraphQl, Storybook
Project description: An Application created for the clients of the app to take a visualise and
take strategic decision regarding commodity and region to which they can get the best prices
within a selected region and duraton.

Roles and responsibilities:

● Created a Micro-front end Notification tile from scratch using the Pilet framework.
● Adding and creating reusable components for the entire application to use.
● Creating Mock-bff for frontend to utilise the benefit of micro-front end services.
● Creating Charts for users to visualise data between different commodities, prices,
● Creating and manipulating calendar data for Bi-weekly selection.

3. Project name: SPH ralph

Employer: Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Client: Singapore Press Holdings

Domain Technologies: Media and Entertainment

Technologies : React JS, Redux, JEST, Enzyme
Development Operating Systems: Windows
Project description:

Ralph project is a prize redeem platform for the users of singapore press holding.

Roles and responsibilities:

● Analysing the requirements received from clients

● Developing features to enhance the user experience.
● Worked on developing reusable components for code optimization and avoid duplication in
designing and coding
● Jest and Enzyme Unit test case writing
● Peer code review
● Maintaining code quality and analysis using evaluation tool like SonarCloud

4. Project name: Competitive Release Schedule Web Application

Employer: Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Client: Viacom - Paramount

Domain Technologies: Media and Entertainment
Technologies : React JS, Redux, JEST, Enzyme
Development Operating Systems: Ubuntu
Project description:
Competitive release schedule app is a platform for the client to visualise and schedule and
strategize the release date of their movies and series with respect to the release date of the their
competitive studio movie

Roles and responsibilities:

● Front End developed from scratch using technologies like ReactJ and Redux.
● Analysing the requirements received from clients
● Working on designing and coding
● Unit test case writing
● Code debugging and bug fixing

Academic/professional credentials

● 2014 – Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (BE), IPS College of Technology & Management,
● 2016 – Diploma in Advanced Computing (DAC), CDAC-ACTS, Pune
● NA

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