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1. You are Thomas Cook, an HR manager.

You are responsible for

introducing an incentive plan to motivate the employees. Before the
program starts, you want to get some reactions to your ideas from the
rest of the management team.
Write an email in about 100 words to the management team. In your email,
you should:
-explain the reason why you write the email;
+mentions three options: End-of-year bonus; Performance bonus; Profits
share; +ask for their opinions;
-give a deadline for their feedback.
You should start and end the email suitably.
Hi Team,
I am writing this email to introduce an incentive plan to motivate employees.
Before that I wanted to get some reaction on my idea from the rest of the
management team.
Regarding this issue, I want to give everyone three options for people to choose:
year-end bonus, achievement bonus; profit sharing and according to people's
I look forward to hearing from the team by March 20th.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Cook
Human resources manager.

2. You are Thomas Cook, an Account Manager of a manufacturing factory.

An important client from Poland is going to visit your company next month.
You are responsible for supervising arrangements for his visit. Write an email
in about 100 words to the office manager of your company. In your email, you
-explain the purpose of the client's visit;
*say when he will arrive and where he will stay during the visit;
*explain what the office manager should show him:
* tell the office manager the arrangements for the welcome dinner (time,
venue, participants...).
You should start and end the email suitably.
Dear Office Manager,
I am writing this email in connection with our important client from Poland
visiting the company. Next month our client will come to you to arrange
accommodation for them at the central hotel.
It is your responsibility to oversee the arrangements for his visit.
Regarding the welcome dinner please arrange it at the Histrion hotel at 7pm, join
the event with some more company employees.
If you need any more information, feel free to contact me.
Thomas Cook
Account Manager

3. You are Kate Carroll - Human Resources Manager of Blackberry Shoes

Company. Recently, many staff in your company have complained
about stress-related problems. Write an E-MAIL (within 100 words) to
Mr. Andrew Morris, Managing Director of your company, to suggest
ways to improve staff morale. In your email, you should:
•identify the problems that make the staff unhappy;
•suggest 2 ways to help staff deal with stress;
•suggest 1 way to encourage staff to work harder;
-provide the explanation for the effectiveness and the practicality of the
You should start and end the email suitably
Dear Mr Andrew Morris,
I am writing this email to express that recently many employees in your company
have been complaining about stress-related issues, workload and time stress.
To help employees deal with stress, I recommend two ways: Stay calm and secure
and set realistic goals at home and at work to avoid overworking.
In order to encourage employees to work, I urge you to consider more about
employee compensation.
As mentioned earlier dealing with stress is about staying calm, it helps them learn
to control themselves, setting goals to cut down on time and workload makes them
less stressed.
Thank you for your attention, hope to get a response soon.
Best regards,
Kate Carroll
HR Director
4. You are the events manager of International Disabled Children
Research Institute, founded in 2006. You are writing an email (about
100 words) to invite Mr. Roger Redford, the executive director of
Children with Disabilities Foundation to attend your institute's
conference as a keynote speaker. Here is some information as a guide to
write the email.
Theme: Disabling the disability- Looking It Straight in the Eye.
Purpose: Raise an international fund for disabled children
When: Monday 15 - Wednesday 17 December 2010
Where: Mountainview Conference Facility, Montpelier, Vermont
Practical information:
-About International Disabled Children Research Institute: Offering courses
and sponsoring games and competitions for disabled children (e.g.: Reaching
Out, Achilles' heels)
-Accommodation for participants: Montview Hotel, Vermont; Monday and
Tuesday nights
Dear Mr. Roger Redford,
I am writing to invite you as executive director of Children with Disabilities to
attend the institute's conference as keynote speaker.
We would be delighted if you would join this conference with the theme
Disability- Eye contact, with the aim of raising international funds for children, on
Monday 15 - Wednesday 17 December 2010 at the Mountainview Convention
facility, Montpelier, Vermont.
I'll cover some factual information here:
About the International Institute of Children with Disabilities: Offers courses and
sponsors games and competitions for children with disabilities (e.g. Reach out,
Achilles' heel) and student accommodation at Hotels Montview, Vermont Monday
and Tuesday nights.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely,
Event Director of the International Institute of Children with Disabilities

5. You are HR manager of Welax Media.You have had an interview with

John Smith, an applicant for the position of a marketer in your
company. Write an email (about 100 words) to offer him the job. You
have to mention:
Reasons for your offer: good qualifications, creative, experienced
Working Time: Mon- Fri (9 a.m to 5 p.m)
Starting salary: $1,200/ month + bonus
Benefits: Annual training, free yearly medical check-up, free lunch and paid
Dear Mr. John Smith,
As you know we had an interview with your marketing position, I am writing to
recommend the job for you.
In making this decision, I see you as a highly qualified, creative, experienced
person. At our company, your working time is from Monday to Friday (9am to
5pm). Starting salary: $1,200/month + bonus.
Here you get the benefit that is annual training, free annual health check, free lunch
and paid holidays.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let us know. I look forward
to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Human Resources Director of Welax Media

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