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A: company name and chosen option

The company name is Sears Holding Corporation which is commonly known as Sears as well, it
is an American-based Retail Company. The option which has been chosen is “B”.

B: nature and scope of the company’s operations

The nature of the company is working in the retail industry of America. It offers a huge variety
of products i.e. clothing, home goods, appliances, and automotive services. Moreover, it has
brand recognition and an extensive network of physical stores. Sears has also worked through the
private-labeled brands and established more networks with the suppliers. The scope of the
company’s operations focuses on capturing value through its wide range of products to gain
customer loyalty. They claim to provide a superior shopping experience and meet the needs of
the customers.

C: issues and suggested solutions

The issues which have been faced by Sears were poor decision-making and ineffective
leadership which was leading to the closures of physical stores and inefficient management of
the inventory. Emerging competition from the online and semi-online retailers, and unable to
achieve the changing customers trends in which customer’s shopping experience with Sears was
To enhance the decision-making of Sears it should have initiated its research and development
center, which would have helped them to get market insights and become proactive towards
emerging technology and trend, research and development would have helped them to grab the
opportunity in its marketing strategies before their competitors, and for the ineffective leadership
company should have introduced the strict policies to adhere with the research and development
center and make different policies according to the changing trends in the industry.
Sears should have focused on online stores as it was emerging due to the technology and
customers were becoming easy with shopping, they should have provided their customers an
online platform to gain a better shopping experience as it would have provided them a better
competitive advantage. By investing in e-commerce platforms Sears can get into the accessibility
and better experiences for their customers that online shopping provides. With the e-commerce
platform, Sears could have achieved the changing customer trends and introduced several
marketing campaigns which could have highlighted its position among the customers.

D: current work stage

The current work stage has reached week 4 where I am compiling the main points of the report
i.e. nature and scope of the company, its name, issues, and suggestions in the company. Before
that, I have done all of my report which contains 6 sections and sub-sections. Discussing the
different issues, and market position of the chosen company relating it with the basic concepts of
marketing like PESTLE analysis, BCG matrix, etc.

E: plan toward successfully achieving the assignment

The plan towards successfully achieving the assignment is to adhere to all the requirements
which have been assigned through the document. The requirement consists of 6 chapters i.e.
introduction, industry analysis, firm’s resources, solution descriptions and goals of strategic
plans, and strategic implementation parts 2 and 3.
All these chapters also include various sub-sections which have to be entertained in the final
report. Apart from these requirements, I have also followed the insight market research of the
chosen company to gather information about its operations, scopes, and issues the company has
been facing.
The research which has been reflected throughout the report has been conducted via authentic
journals so that all the information which have been written is authentic and facts based. To gain
success in this assignment I have gathered all the factual based information to prove all my
arguments and claims in the assignment. For example, if the company is declining so to get the
real issues I study various research articles and compare all those to get the same information
which is the reason for the decline of the company. For the suggestions, I again studied various
articles that what should have been done to overcome such issues that Sears have been facing.
In short, fulfilling all the requirements and gathering fact-based research and information has
been my prioritized plan to gain success in the assignment.

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