Speech - Honesty

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Useful Phrases for Speech Writing

Beginning ● Today I'm going to talk Synthesis ● The fact of the matter is
about ... surely that ...
● It is a well-known fact ● On balance, we can
that ... safely say that ...
● It is often said that ... ● If we consider all the
● For the great majority of facts, it seems more
people ... accurate to say that ...
● If one weighs up the
pros and the cons of the
case, one soon realises
that ...

Reasons for ● My aim is to ... Conclusion ● Finally we have to

giving this ● The objective of this accept that ...
speech presentation is ... ● I'm going to conclude by
● I'm here to ... saying that …
● In conclusion, let me
Introducing ● Let us start by leave you with this
the first point considering the facts. thought …
● The first thing that ● The arguments we have
needs to be said is … presented
● The first aspect to point suggest/would indicate
out is that ... that ...
● One argument in ● From these arguments
support of ... one might conclude that
● What conclusions can
be drawn from all this?
● The most satisfactory
conclusion that we can
come to is ...
● To sum up, we are
convinced/believe that
Type of writing Speech (Persuasive)

Instructions Honesty is the best policy. However, some people believe that there are certain circumstances in our lives
that we will be forced to lie or we will lie voluntarily. What is your opinion on this? As the chosen student for
Speaker’s Corner of the week, you are asked to give a speech about your opinion in this matter. Do you
agree? Give reasons to convince the audience.

“The Importance of Honesty: Why Telling the Truth Matters”


Greeting - A very good morning/afternoon….

Greet your audience - Introduce yourself

Topic background Hook:

Hook + additional info
Describe what honesty is.

Why should you be honest? (List 2 reasons)

Why is it good to be honest?

Thesis statement Without further delay, I would like you to share my thoughts about……
tell the audience about the

Body Paragraph Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3

Topic sentence
introduce your main idea

describe the main idea by
using 5Ws


Concluding remark To conclude my speech,....

summarize the topic

Future resolve In my opinion, I think

what do you hope or wish for It is imporatnt
the future I hope that in the future….
The Importance of Honesty: Why Telling the Truth Matters

Introduction: Good morning/afternoon everyone! Have you ever heard the saying,
"Honesty is the best policy"? Well, I truly believe that it is! Today, I want to talk to you
about the importance of honesty and why telling the truth matters so much.

Opinion: I strongly believe that honesty is important because it helps build trust, shows
respect for others, and makes us feel good about ourselves.

Supporting Point 1: When we are honest, people trust us more. Imagine if your friend
always told you the truth. You would feel like you can rely on them, right? It's the same
for others too. When we tell the truth, our friends, teachers, and parents trust us, and it
helps build strong relationships.

Supporting Point 2:Honesty shows respect for others. When we are honest, we show
that we care about people's feelings. Imagine if someone asked you for your opinion on
a drawing they made, and it wasn't very good. Instead of lying and saying it's great, you
can be honest and say something kind, like "I appreciate your effort." Honesty helps us
be kind and respectful.

Supporting Point 3: Being honest makes us feel good about ourselves. When we tell the
truth, we don't have to worry about keeping secrets or remembering lies. We can be
proud of ourselves and have peace of mind. Plus, when others see us being honest,
they admire and look up to us.

Conclusion: In conclusion, honesty is incredibly important. It helps us build trust, show

respect for others, and feel good about ourselves. Let's all strive to be honest in our
words and actions. Remember, "Honesty is the best policy." Thank you for listening!

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