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Grammar Worksheets for Primary

Worksheet 1
1. W każdym z kwadratów znajdź tyle wyrazów, ile podano na górze, a następnie ułóż z nich zdanie.

4 wyrazy 3 wyrazy 4 wyrazy

1. ....................................................... 2. ....................................................... 3. .......................................................

2. Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

is old not your I’m do a are

Rose: What’s .................... name?

Kaylah: My name .................... Kaylah.
Rose: How .................... you spell your name?
Kaylah: K-A-Y-L-A-H.
Rose: How .................... are you?
Kaylah: .................... ten.
Rose: .................... you a painter?
Kaylah: What? No, I’m ....................! I’m .................... student!

3. Przepisz wąż wyrazowy tak, by stworzyć poprawną odpowiedź. Pamiętaj o wielkich literach
i znakach interpunkcyjnych.

tmy favouritesubjectissc
hello den ien
mynam tu ce
essarahimeigh timas

4. Do każdej odpowiedzi dopisz właściwe pytanie.

1.  ?
I’m fine.
2.  ?
No, I’m not seven. I’m nine.
3.  ?
No, I’m not a doctor. I’m a teacher.
4.  ?
My name is Ally.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 2
1. Skróć zdania, zastępując imiona wyrazami she / he oraz używając form skróconych tam,
gdzie jest to możliwe.

1. Who is Paulina?  ..............................................................................................................

2. Paulina is an actress.  ..............................................................................................................
3. It is a computer.  ..............................................................................................................
4. You are sixteen.  ..............................................................................................................
5. Martin is not a writer.  ..............................................................................................................

Unit 2 Grammar Plus

2. Uzupełnij zdania formami czasownika to be w formie twierdzącej () lub przeczącej ().
1. () Ania .................... fourteen. 5. () Who ............... she?
2. () ............... you an actor? 6. () It ............... a compass.
1. Skróć zdania, zastępując imiona wyrazami she / he oraz używając form skróconych tam, gdzie jest
3. ()toHe ............... a doctor.
możliwe. 7. () I ............... a student.
4. () It ............... a ruler. 8. () What ............... his surname?
1. Who is Paulina?  …………………………………………………………
2. Paulina is an acress.  …………………………………………………………
3. It is a computer.  …………………………………………………………
3. W are
4. You ciągu trzech minut
sixteen.  z podanych wyrazów stwórz jak najwięcej
………………………………………………………… poprawnych zdań.
5. Martin is not używać
a writer. każdego
 z…………………………………………………………
wyrazów dowolną ilość razy.

2. Uzupełnij zdania formami czasownika ‘to be’ w formie twierdzącej () lub przeczącej (×).

1. () Ania ………… fourteen.
how an 5. ()
Who ……… she?
a who
2. () ……… you an actor? 6. (×) It ……… a compass.
3. (×) He ……… a doctor. 7. () I ……… a student.
4. () is a ruler.
It ……… artist not
8. () she
What ……… his surname? writer
3. W ciągu trzech minut, z podanych wyrazów stwórz jak najwięcej poprawnych zdań. Możesz
 używać każdego z wyrazów dowolną ilość razy.

how an
 he old a

 not writer
is who
artist she

4. Opisz postacie widoczne na obrazku.
1. Louis, 19 2. Zingxus, 12 1. His name 
Opisz osoby widoczne na obrazku. alien 

1. Louis, 19 2. Zingxus, 12 1. His name …………………………………
astronaut alien ……………………………………………
2. name
2. His name 
His …………………………………

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Grammar Plus
Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 3
1. Prześledź linie,by
Prześledź linie, bydowiedzieć
jestjest każdy
każdy z przedmiotów.
z przedmiotów. Następnie
Następnie napiszjak
napisz zdania zdania
jak w przykładzie.
w przykładzie.



1.1. It It
is Riley’
is Riley’ss pencil. pencil. 5. ……………………………………………
2. …………………………………………… 6. ……………………………………………
2 ..................................................................................... 5. .....................................................................................
3. …………………………………………… 7. ……………………………………………
4.3. ……………………………………………
..................................................................................... 6. .....................................................................................
4. ..................................................................................... 7. .....................................................................................
2. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami you / your / he / his / she / her / it / its.
2. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami you / your / he / his / she / her / it / its.
1.1. Is Is
……… Riley’s pencil?
............... Riley’s pencil?
5. Jim
Jimhas hasa ruler. ………
a ruler. ruler is yellow.
............... ruler is yellow.
2. Her name’s Riley. ……… is fourteen. 6. How old are ……… ? – I’m fifteen.
2. Her name’s Riley. ............... is fourteen. 6. How old are ............... ? – I’m fifteen.
3. What’s ……… name? – My name’s Jim. 7. ……… is an actor.
4.3. Is What’s
it a pencil case. ………
............... name?colour
– My isname’s
blue. Jim. 7. This
8. girl is
............... an actor.
there, what’s ……… name? – Riley.
4. It is a pencil case, ............... colour is blue. 8. That girl there, what’s ............... name? – Riley.
3. Ułóż zdania twierdzące lub pytania z podanych wyrazów, we właściwym miejscu dodając ‘a’ lub ‘an’.
3. Ułóż zdania twierdzące lub pytania z podanych wyrazów, we właściwym miejscu
expensivea/ it
lub / mobile
an. / is / phone
2.1. it expensive
/ MP3 / small// player
it / mobile
/ is / is / phone
3. wallet / is / it / new
2. it / MP3 / small / player / is
…………………………………………………………………………………… ?
 / old / it / school / is
4. bag .
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………
wallet / is / it / new
 ? 1
4. bag / old / it / school / is

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 4

Unit 4
1. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami z ramki.

Grammar Plus
where who what how whose

1. ....................’s your name? 5. .................... old is he?

2. .................... is she? – She’s an actress. 6. .................... is this pen? – It’s Michael’s.
1. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami z ramki.
3. .................... is my phone? – On the bed. 7. .................... do you spell your name?
where / who / what / how / whose
4. .................... colour is your skateboard?

1. ………’s your name? 5. ……… old is he?

2. 2.Przetłumacz
……… is she? –zdania
She’s an na
język angielski. 6. ……… is this pen? – It’s Michael’s.
3. ……… is my phone? – On the bed. 7. ……… do you spell your name
4.1. Chodź
……… tutaj!
colour is your skateboard? 4. Weź ten długopis.
2. Przynieś swój piórnik. 5. Nie otwieraj jej plecaka!
2. Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski.
3. Nie podchodź do drzwi! 6. Nie zamykaj drzwi.
1. Chodź tutaj! 4. Weź ten długopis.
2. Przynieś swój piórnik. 5. Nie otwieraj jej plecaka!
3. 3.Przeczytaj zdania
Nie podchodź i narysuj opisywany pokój.
do drzwi! 6. Nie zamykaj drzwi.

3. The carpet zdania

Przeczytaj is on the floor. The
i narysuj table ispokój.
opisywany on the carpet. The TV set is on the table. The box is under
the table. The shelf is on the wall. The wallet is on the shelf. The desk is on the floor. The computer
on theis ondesk. TheThe
the floor. drawer
table isisoninthe
the desk.
carpet. TheThe pencil
TV set is on case is inThe
the table. the drawer.
box is under The school
the table. The bag
shelf is under
is on the wall.
wallet is onThe
desk. the shelf. The desk
Frisbee is inisthe
on the floor.
box. The Theposter
computer is on thethe
is under desk. The drawer is in the desk. The pencil case is in the
drawer. The school bag is under the desk. The Frisbee is in the box. The poster is under the box.

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Unit 5 Grammar Plus
Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 5
1. W każdym z kwadratów znajdź tyle wyrazów, ile podano na górze, a następnie ułóż z nich
1. zdanie.
W każdym z kwadratów znajdź tyle wyrazów, ile podano na górze, a następnie ułóż z nich zdanie.

4 4wyrazy
wyrazy 7 7wyrazów
wyrazów 4 4wyrazy




1. N M I C E 
2. D R E S S 3. S H O E S

1. …………………………………… 2. …………………………………… 3. ……………………………………

2. Policz ile zwierząt/przedmiotów danego rodzaju jest na obrazku i wypisz je jak w przykładzie.
2. Policz ile zwierząt / przedmiotów danego rodzaju jest na obrazku i wypisz je jak w przykładzie.

two snakes
two snakes ................................................................
……………………………………… ................................................................

................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................

……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………

3. Uzupełnij zdania formami czasownika ‘to be’ w formie twierdzącej () lub przeczącej (×).
3. Uzupełnij zdania formami czasownika to be w formie twierdzącej () lub przeczącej ().
1. () We ………… at school. 7. (×) That ……… my shirt
1. () We .................... at school. 9. () .................... this your wallet?
2. (×) Tom ……… a student. 8. () He ……… my brother.
2. () Tom you a painter?
3. () ……… ....................
a student. 10. () ....................
9. () ………
they spiders?
this your wallet?
The trousersyou
.................... ………a painter?
on the bed. 10.11.
() ()
………No, they they spiders?.....................

Theold ……… they?
trousers .................... on the bed. 11.12.
(×) ()
No, Ithey ……… .
.................... at the store.
6. (×) We ……… sisters. 12. () ……… at the store.
5. () How old .................... they?
6. () We .................... sisters.
7. () That .................... my shirt.
8. () He .................... my brother.


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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 6
1. Do każdego obrazka dopisz pytanie i odpowiedź – jak w przykładzie.

What are these?

They’re boots.



2. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Każdego z wyrazów możesz użyć wielokrotnie.

has have got not haven’t hasn’t

1. Have you ......................... a sister?

No, I ......................... got a sister. I ......................... got a brother.
2. ......................... Jenny got blue eyes?
Yes, she ..........................
3. They have ......................... got a mouse, they have ......................... a hamster.
4. ......................... you got your school bag with you?
5. Paul ......................... got a big mouth, but he has ......................... big teeth.
6. ......................... Katie got short hair?
No, she .......................... She has ......................... long hair.

3. W ciągu trzech minut stwórz i zapisz jak najwięcej zdań opisujących potwora.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 7
1. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Każdego z wyrazów możesz użyć wielokrotnie.

you they she can can’t swim

Ann: Tom, can you ski? Tom: Yes, she .....................

Tom: Yes, I ..................... Ann: Can your friends swim?
Ann: Can .................... skate? Tom: Yes, .................... can.
Tom: No, I ..................... Ann: .................... they sing?
Ann: .................... your sister skate? Tom: No, they .....................
Tom: Yes, .................... can. Ann: Can you ....................?
Ann: Can she ....................? Tom: No, I can’t!

2. Stwórz pary zdań jak w przykładach.

1. I have got a bike. It’s my bike.

2. He has got drums. They are his drums.
3. It is your car.
4. She has got shoes.
5. We have got bikes.
6. They are my books.
7. It is his sweater.
8. The dog has got ears.
9. They have got a house.

3. Przepisz teksty, w każdym zdaniu układając wyrazy we właściwej kolejności.


I / an / got / aunt / have . is / name / Kate / Her . She / got / a / has / guitar . can / guitar / She /
the / play / brilliantly / .

Robert / my / friend / is / best . He / eleven / old / years / is . a / has / He / got / bike . ride / can /
He / a / well / very / bike / .

My / got / have / drums / parents . Their / are / and / big / drums / noisy . mum / My / can / the /
drums / play / well . play / fast / can / My / the / drums / dad / .

4. Popraw błędy w zdaniach.

1. Tom not can skate. 

2. She lives here. This is she’s house. 
3. Can you draw good? 
4. Do Lisa and her sister play the drums? Are these they drums? 
5. He can swims. 
6. Can you run very fastly? 

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Unit 8
Worksheet 8
Grammar Plus
1. Na podstawie tabelki uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki. Każdego wyrazu można użyc
kilka razy.

yes no do does don’t doesn’t like likes love loves hate hates

1. Na podstawie tabelki uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki. Każdy wyraz może być użyty kilka razy.
Bill: Do you like fish, Jack?
yes no do does don’t doesn’t Jack Jack’s sister
Jack: ...................., I love loves
like likes ....................
. hate hates
Bill: What about your sister? .................... she like it?
Bill: Jack: you like ,fish,
Do.................... sheJack? ..................... She .................... it.

Jack:Bill: …………,
....................I you
………… . like bananas?
Bill: Jack: What
No, I .....................sister?
about your …………
I .................... like she like it?
Jack: …………, she ………… . She ………… it.
But my sister .................... them.
Bill: ………… you like bananas?
Jack:Bill: No,DoesI ………… . she ....................
I ………… milk? like them. But my sister
Jack: …………
Yes, she them...................... But I .....................

Bill: Bill: Does

What she about………… milk?
Jack: Yes, she ………… . But I ………… .
Jack: I .................... strawberries!
Bill: What about strawberries?
Jack:Bill: I …………
And your sister?
Bill: Jack: She
And your sister? .................... them. But she ....................

Jack: cherries. ………… them. But she …………

She …………
Bill: cherries.
And you? .................... you .................... cherries?
Bill: And you? ………… you ………… cherries?
Jack:Jack: ...................., I ..................... I .................... them.
…………, I ………… . I ………… them.
Bill: Bill: You
You are are very very different! different!
Jack:Jack: Yes,
Yes, butbut we both we both ………… pears!pears!

2. Wybierz właściwy wyraz.

2. Wybierz właściwy wyraz.
Cathy love / loves
Cathy fizzy drinks.
love / loves fizzy drinks. 6.6.
SheShe doesn’t
doesn’t like /sausages.
like / likes likes sausages.
2. Lucy likes milks / milk. 7. Tom and Ron hate / hates apples.
2. Lucy likes milks / milk. 7. Tom and Ron hate / hates apples.
3. My brother and I don’t / doesn’t like water. 8. Do / Does your sister like orange juice?
4.3. My brother
Do / Does and
they like I don’t / doesn’t like water.
pizza? 9.8. Do cherry / cherries.
I love / Does your sister like orange juice?
5.4. Do plum / plums.
I love / Does they like pizza? 10.9.
My I love
sister cherry / cherries.
likes cheese, but I don’t like it / them.
5. I love plum / plums. 10. My sister likes cheese, but I don’t like it / them.
3. Wybierz 5 rodzajów jedzenia z zadania 1. i napisz zdania o tym, czy je lubisz.
przykład: I don’t like milk.

3. 1.Wybierz 5 rodzajów jedzenia z zadania pierwszego i napisz zdania o tym, czy je lubisz.

2.Przykład: I don’t like milk.


4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 9
1. Przeczytaj informacje o rodzinie Billy’ego i uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki. Każdego wyrazu
można użyć kilka razy.

Fluffy, Billy, Mum, Dad, Rose,

Billy’s dog pupil architect architect child

age 2 7 35 36 4

school bag crayons

favourite things toys computer mobile phone
mp3 player bike

favourite dogs
dogs dogs dogs cats hamsters
animals hamsters

favourite food chicken chicken pizza yoghurt

swim swim
talents run fast sing swim draw
play football play the guitar

is isn’t are he his she her they them their an haven’t has
hasn’t got Rose’s dad’s like likes don’t doesn’t can can’t

Billy .................... a pupil. .................... is seven. .................... mum is .................... architect and .................... dad ....................
an architect. .................... are both are architects! Billy .................... got a sister. .................... name is Rose. ....................
is four. She .................... a pupil yet. Billy .................... got black hair and big black eyes. Rose is different
– she .................... got black hair, .................... hair is blonde.

Billy’s favourite things .................... his school bag and his mp3 player. Billy’s mum likes her computer.
.................... favourite things are her crayons and her bike. Fluffy has .................... a lot of toys.

Billy, his sister and his mum really .................... dogs. Fluffy .................... them too! Billy’s dad likes hamsters,
and Rose likes .................... too, but they .................... got a hamster at home. Billy and Fluffy like chicken.
Rose is different – she .................... like chicken, she .................... cherries and she .................... milk. Mum’s
favourite food .................... pizza and .................... favourite food is yoghurt. Billy, Rose and .................... mum
are different – they .................... like yoghurt.

Mum and dad .................... swim very well. Billy .................... swim too. Billy .................... also play football and Rose
.................... draw well. .................... parents are different – they .................... draw or play football. But Billy’s dad

.................... play the guitar and .................... mum can sing very well. Fluffy .................... sing or draw, but he ....................

run very fast!

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 10
1. Dopasuj odpowiedzi do pytań. Wpisz właściwe litery w kratki.

1. How old is your sister? a) No, they haven’t.

2. Is Mark from a small town? b) No, it isn’t. It’s Anne’s.

3. What are these? c) They’re in their school bag.

4. Are they scientists? d) No, he isn’t. He’s from the city centre.

5. Is this your charger? e) They’re Josh’s headphones.

6. Is this Jane’s games console? f ) Yes, she has.

7. Are you a vet? g) She’s five.

8. Have they got an e-book reader? h) No, we haven’t.

9. Has she got a memory stick? i) Yes, it is.

10. Whose are those headphones? j) They’re memory cards.

11. Have you got a smartphone? k) No, I’m not. I’m a nurse.

12. Where are their games? l) Yes, they are.

2. W ciągu trzech minut stwórz jak najwięcej poprawnych zdań, wybierając elementy z kolejnych
kolumn tabelki. Nie trzeba w każdym zdaniu wykorzystywać wszystkich kolumn.

am a
I farmer.
is an
You scientist.
are not got my
She e-book reader.
have her
They memory stick.
has their

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 11
1. Tina i Jack sprawdzają, czy mają wszystko, żeby przygotować duży, smaczny obiad.
Popatrz na obrazek i uzupełnij dialogi. Jakie produkty będzie trzeba dokupić?

Tina: Is there any bread?

Jack: Yes, there is some bread.
Tina: OK. Are there any tomatoes?
Jack: ,
......................... ......................... are.
Tina: How ......................... are there?
Jack: Six or seven, maybe...
Tina: That’s good. Is there a cabbage?
Jack: ,
......................... ......................... .........................

......................... cabbage.
Tina: And is ......................... any cheese?
Jack: , there is.

Tina: ......................... there any eggs?

Jack: ,
......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... eggs.
Tina: How ......................... are .........................?
Jack: Erm..... six, I think.
Tina: That’s enough. OK. Is there ......................... chicken?
Jack: ,
......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... chicken.
Tina: Oh..... And is there ......................... onion?
Jack: ,
......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... onion.
Tina: OK, are ......................... any mushrooms?
Jack: ,
......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... mushrooms.
Tina: Well, we need to go to the shop. We need to buy some .................................................. and some .........................

2. Dokończ odpowiedzi na pytania, używając jednego z wyrazów po prawej. Jeden wyraz jest
zbędny – nie będzie trzeba go użyć.

1. A: Shh! Be quiet! Someone can hear you!

B: Calm down! No one .....................................................................................! me
2. A: Pat and Sam don’t want to go with you and me.
B: Really? They don’t want to .....................................................................................!?
3. A: Have you got my books? her
B: No, I ......................................................................................
4. A: I like Marta, she’s nice. us
B: I ....................................................................................., too.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 12
1. Ułóż wyrazy we właściwej kolejności, by stworzyć poprawne zdania.

1. gets / seven / Martin / up / at / o’clock

2. don’t / playing / We / games / like / board

3. She / texts / friends / often / her

4. samba / go / They / dance / don’t / to / classes

2. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.

1. She ................................................................................ (brush) her teeth four times a day!

2. They ................................................................................ (not / go) shopping very often.
3. My brother ................................................................................ (do) exercise every day.
4. Do ................................................................................ (you / download) music from the Internet?
5. He regularly ................................................................................ (tidy) up his room.
6. Patty ................................................................................ (not / draw). She thinks she can’t.

3. Zadaj pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. Pierwsze wyrazy pytań umieszczono po prawej

stronie – w losowej kolejności.

1. .......................................................................................................................................?
Yes, I’m ready now.

2. .......................................................................................................................................? Where
Yes, he has got a dog.

3. .......................................................................................................................................?
She’s my sister.

4. .......................................................................................................................................?
He goes to school in Cracow.

5. .......................................................................................................................................? Who
I’ve got the book in my bag.

6. ....................................................................................................................................... ?
No, we don’t get up early at weekends.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 13
1. Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniem ‘have to’ we właściwej formie.

1. When you’re in a library, you ............................................................ be very quiet.

2. She has got a dishwasher, so she ............................................................ do the washing-up.
3. People who work in a hospital ............................................................ wash their hands very often.
4. This is a T-shirt, you ............................................................ iron it.
5. If he wants to learn English, he ............................................................ revise.

2. Popatrz na tabelkę. Napisz zdania o tym, co i jak często robią Tom i Amy.

Tom usually makes the bed. He ............................




Tom Amy

make the bed usually always


tidy up every day once a week

Amy .........................................................................................................
take out the rubbish once a month often

vacuum the carpet sometimes twice a month


dust the furniture twice a month never




3. Napisz list do swojej nauczycielki / swojego nauczyciela, w którym opowiesz, co lubisz,

a czego nie lubisz robić na lekcjach angielskiego. Użyj czasowników love, like, don’t like i hate
oraz wyrażeń z ramki lub własnych pomysłów.

learn grammar revise work in groups do tests do homework

learn vocabulary listen to CDs read texts play games write on the board

Dear Teacher,

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 14
1. Uzupełnij każdą lukę. Możesz potrzebować jednego lub dwóch wyrazów.

1. ........................................ is she doing?

2. He’s cycling but he ........................................ wearing a bike helmet! That’s dangerous!
3. It’s almost the end of the match and we ........................................ winning! Victory is close!
4. He can’t talk to you now, ........................................ is taking a shower.
5. I ........................................ playing with my team today because I have a problem with my knee.
6. ........................................ you watching the TV or can I turn it off?

2. Uzupełnij dialogi czasownikami w nawiasach w czasie Present Continuous.

1. – Look at him! He ................................................................................ (hit) the ball really hard, no one can catch it!
– I know, he’s a great baseball player. I’m so happy he ................................................................................ (play)
for our team.

2. – What ................................................................................ (happen) here?

– We ................................................................................ (collect) money for charity.
– What ................................................................................ (you / collect) money for, exactly?
– We ................................................................................ (help) an animal shelter near our school.

3. – Why don’t we call Jim and invite him to come with us?
– I think today is the day of the half-marathon. It started at three. It’s four o’clock, so Jim ............................
................................ (run) right now.

 o, he .............................................. I met his sister an hour ago and she said that he is at home
and he ................................... (sit) at his computer.
– Oh, that’s strange..... OK, let’s call him and ask, then.

3. Uzupełnij opis obrazka.

In this picture are some people who

....................................................... (spend) time on the beach.
The woman on the left ....................................................... (relax)
in a deckchair. She ................................................................. (have)
a drink. On the right are a man and a boy.
They ........................................................................... (stand) and
they ................................................................. (look) at the sky.
Some children ............................................................ (play)
in the sand, someone ............................................................ (play)
badminton and some people .................................................................
(swim) in the sea.

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66 Grammar Plus 2
GrammarUnit 6
Plus 2 2 Grammar Plus 2
Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Unit 6 15
Grammar Plus 2
1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous
i rzeczownikami
Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami – pomogą
w nawiasach ci wwtym
czasieobrazki.1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach w czasie Present Simple lub Present Contin
Present Simple lub–Present Continuous
Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach w czasie Present i rzeczownikami
Simple lub pomogą ciContinuous
Present w tym obrazki.
1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami
i rzeczownikami – pomogą ci w tym obrazki. w nawiasach w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous
i rzeczownikami –
i rzeczownikami pomogą ci w
– pomogą wtym obrazki.
w tym obrazki.
1. Today
1. Uzupełnij zdaniais a very special
czasownikami day for my younger
w czasie sister.
Present Simple It’s her
lub Present first day at school.
i rzeczownikami – pomogą ci w tym obrazki.
1. Today is a very special day for my younger sister. It’s her first day at school. Usually she …………………

Today is a very special

Usually dayshe
for my younger sister. It’s her first day at school. Usually she ………………………
..................................................... (wear) ..................................................... but today (wear)
. Today
1. isToday
a very special day forday
my younger sister. It’s her It’s first dayfirst
at school. UsuallyUsually
………………………  she ……………………… (wear) (wear)
but today she ………………… (wear) a …………………   
1. Todayisisaavery special
very special day for myfor my younger
younger sister. It’s sister.
her first day her at school. day
Usuallyat school.
she ……………………… she ………………………

………………………  but today she…………………

she .....................................................
………………………  but today she(wear)
………………… (wear) a ………………… 
a .....................................................
(wear) a …………………   . .
………………………  but today butshe …………………
today she ………………… (wear) a ………………… 
2. Normally
(wear)I ………………… a …………………   .
(watch) a ………………………… 
 . in the evening, but today

I …………………………………… (play) a new …………………………………   .

2. Normally I ………………… (watch) a …………………………  in the evening, but today
Normally I ………………… (watch) a …………………………  in the evening, but today
. Normally 2. Normally
I …………………
2. Normally I …………………I(watch) a ………………………… 
(watch) a …………………………  (watch) a .....................................................
in the evening, in the evening, but in
but today the evening, but today
I …………………………………… (play) a new …………………………………   .
3. Right now I …………………………………… (listen) to …………………………  but u

I …………………………………… (play) a new …………………………………   .

I .....................................................
I ……………………………………
I …………………………………… (play)(play)
a(play) aa new
new ………………………………… 
 .  ..
I ………………… (have) my ……………………………………  lesson.
3. Right now I …………………………………… (listen) to …………………………  but usually at this time

Right nowI …………………

I ……………………………………
(have) my ……………………………………  (listen) to …………………………  4.lesson.
She …………………………………… but (do)
usually at this time
her …………………………  today because tom
. Right
3. now 3. Right
now now I .....................................................
RightI ……………………………………
I …………………………………… (listen)
(listen) (listen)
to toto
..................................................... but
but usually
but atusually
this time
usually at time
at this this time

she …………………………………… (meet) her …………………………………   .

I ………………… (have) my …………………………………… 
4. She …………………………………… (do) her …………………………  todaylesson.
because tomorrow
I …………………
I ………………… I .....................................................
(have) my (have) …………………………………… 
my ……………………………………  (have) my .....................................................lesson.lesson. lesson.

5. I ………………………
she …………………………………… (meet) her …………………………………   . usually ………………… (not / eat) …………………………  b

She …………………………………… (do) her …………………………  today because tomorrow

. She4.……………………………………
She …………………………………… (do) her ………………………… 
4. She ..................................................... (do) her .....................................................
(do) her …………………………  we ……………………………… today because
today tomorrow
because tomorrow for dinner.
5. I ……………………… usually ………………… (not / eat) …………………………  but today

she …………………………………… (meet) her …………………………………   .

she ……………………………………
she ……………………………………
we ………………………………
she .....................................................
(have) …………………………
her ………………………………… 
(meet) her………………………………… 
her for dinner.
 . . …………………………………… 
6. He generally ………………………… (like)  . films but to

he …………………………………… (not / watch) a ……………………………………  fi

I ……………………… usually …………………

6. He generally ………………………… (not / eat) ………………………… 
(like) ……………………………………  films but today but today
. I ………………………
5. I ……………………… usuallyusually
…………………………………… (not / eat) ………………………… 
(not / eat) …………………………  but today
but today
5. I ..................................................... usually ..................................................... (not / eat) .....................................................
He …………………………………… (watch) a …………………………  story.

he …………………………………… (not / watch) a ……………………………………  film.

we ……………………………… (have) ………………………… for dinner.
we ……………………………… (have) ………………………… for dinner. PHOTOCOPIABLE © MACMILLAN POLSKA 2013
we ……………………………… (have) …………………………
but today we ..................................................... (have) ..................................................... for dinner. for dinner.
He …………………………………… (watch) a …………………………  story.

He generally ………………………… (like) …………………………………… 
. He generally …………………………
6. He generally (like) …………………………………… 
………………………… (like) ……………………………………  films but today
films but today
6. He generally ..................................................... (like) ..................................................... films but today

he …………………………………… (not / watch) a ……………………………………  film.

he …………………………………… (not / watch)
he …………………………………… a …………………………………… 
(not / watch) a ……………………………………  film. film.
he ..................................................... (not / watch) a ..................................................... film.

He …………………………………… (watch) a …………………………  story.

He …………………………………… (watch)(watch)
He …………………………………… a ………………………… 
a …………………………  story. story.
He ..................................................... (watch) a ..................................................... story.
1 1
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Unit 7 Grammar Plus 2
Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 16
1. Uzupełnij zdania w dymkach czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.
1. Uzupełnij zdania w dymkach czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.

not be not be
be / bebe/ be study
/ study / finish tidy
finish / tidy up up
/ play play
/ walk / walk
watch watch

Where ……………… you last weekend?

What didyou
Where .............................. you do?
last weekend?
What did you do?

I …………………
I ………………… reading a book.
I ...................................
English for my Monday test. I ...................................
English for my Monday test.
reading a book.
I ………………… our dog.

I ………………… a film.

I ................................... a film. I ................................... our dog.

We …………………
at school.

I ………………… with our dog.

I ................................... We ...................................
with our dog. at school.
I ………………… in town.

I ………………… my room.

I ...................................
I ................................... in town.
my room.
2. Napisz pięć zdań o tym, co robiłeś/aś w zeszły weekend.

2. Napisz pięć zdań o tym, co robiłeś/aś w zeszły weekend.




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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 17
1. Uzupełnij tabelkę formami przeszłymi podanych czasowników.

infinitive past infinitive past

go eat

come drink

have take

get lose

2. Uzupełnij zdania formami bezokolicznikowymi lub przeszłymi czasowników z zadania 1.

1. I .............................. a cheese sandwich for breakfast today.

2. What time did you .............................. to bed yesterday?
3. I didn’t .............................. my Maths notebook with me to school today.
4. Did you .............................. up early this morning?
5. They served pasta in the school canteen today, but I didn’t .............................. it.
6. I once .............................. the keys to my flat – my parents were at work and I couldn’t get in!
7. Peter .............................. to visit me yesterday.
8. The juice had a funny smell so we didn’t .............................. it.

3. Uzupełnij dialog, wpisując w odpowiedniej formie słowa podane w nawiasach.

Tim: What ...................................................................... (you / do) in the afternoon yesterday?

Sarah: First we ...................................................................... (be) at the swimming pool.
But we ...................................................................... (not / swim), we just ...................................................................... (want)
to spend some time in the jacuzzi.
Tim: Wow, that sounds glamorous. Where ...................................................................... (you / go) next?
Sarah: We ...................................................................... (go) to a restaurant because I ...................................................................... (be)
very hungry. Robert and Anna ...................................................................... (not / eat) anything,
but I ...................................................................... (have) some very delicious pork chops.
Tim: How long ...................................................................... (you / be) at the restaurant?
Sarah: Oh, just for a short time, I ...................................................................... (finish) eating and then
we ...................................................................... (go) to my place and we ...................................................................... (watch) a film.
Robert ...................................................................... (not / like) it, it ...................................................................... (not / be) his
favourite kind, but Anna and I really ...................................................................... (enjoy) it.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 18
1. Zdecyduj, czy zdanie jest poprawne (Right) czy błędne (Wrong). Popraw zdania,
które zawierają błędy.

Right Wrong

1. What are they doing?

2. Mike didn’t went to the cinema with us.

3. Where was he born?

4. There isn’t any shops on Blake Street.

5. We weren’t at the shopping mall yesterday.

6. Does your brother like playing football?

7. Have we to tidy up our room, Mum?

8. She does her homework right now.

9. Their father isn’t a scientist, he’s a firefighter.

10. He watches TV often.

11. Why don’t you go with we?

12. Are your friend a student?

13. We didn’t play football in the afternoon yesterday.

14. Has your sister got long dark hair?

15. What time did you finish school today?

16. He doesn’t like taking photos.

17. I hate go to the theatre.

18. Who bag is this?

19. She usually go to bed very late.

20. How many bread have we got?

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 19
1. Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i uzupełnij pytania.

1. she a pet?
Yes, she’s got a dog.

2. What you ?
I’m reading a book for school.

3. he pasta?
No, he doesn’t really like Italian food.

4. a supermarket near your house?

Yes, there’s more than one.

5. they computer games?

Yes, they like playing computer games a lot.

6. Why you these comic books?

I’m taking them to read on the bus.

7. any tomatoes in the fridge?

Yes, I think there are some tomatoes left.

8. How often they on trips?

They usually go on trips once a month.

9. What ................................................ she ................................................ doing in her free time?

She likes spending time with her friends.

10. any cinemas near here?

No, I’m afraid there aren’t.

11. Oh, I see you’re cooking. What you ?

I’m making spaghetti.

2. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

a an any some lot there living

I really like in the city. You have everything you need and you don’t have to travel very
far. There is pollution, that’s true, and there are also a of cars, so it’s
noisy, but I live in place which is a bit quieter. are a lot of parks and
green areas and there aren’t skyscrapers. There is office block,
but that’s where my mum works, so I don’t mind it!

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 20
1. Joan i Tim planują wyjazd. Rozmawiają o trzech formach spędzania wakacji. Uzupełnij dialog
właściwymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.

Joan: I think we should visit a foreign city. Sightseeing is (interesting) than

lying on the beach.

Tim: OK, but at the seaside we can be (relaxed) than in a city.

We don’t have to hurry and everything is (slow). Cities are
(noisy) and (dirty).

Joan: Oh, a beach can be as (noisy) and as (dirty)

as a city!

Tim: OK, well, how about the mountains? If we choose the right place, the mountains are the
(quiet) option of all! And the views are the
(impressive), too.

Joan: Hmm..... maybe you’re right. But mountains are (dangerous) than
the seaside or the city.....

Tim: Well, then, maybe we should just stay at home.

2. Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w każdej parze w taki sposób, by miało takie samo znaczenie jak
zdanie pierwsze. Użyj stopniowania przymiotników lub struktury as ... as. Wpisz jeden wyraz
w każdą lukę.

1. An elephant is stronger than a tiger.

A tiger isn’t an elephant.

2. The new chair is not as comfortable as the old one.

The old chair was than the new one.

3. The blue shirt is more expensive than the white one.

The white shirt is than the blue one.

4. I am more easygoing than my younger sister.

My younger sister is not I am.

5. Robert is stronger than his brother.

Robert’s brother is than Robert.

6. This film is better than the last one we watched.

The last film we watched was not this one.

7. Tim’s new car is not as fast as his old one.

Tim’s old car was his new one.

8. His last book was the longest one he ever wrote.

His previous books were not his last one.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 21
1. Susan opowiada koleżance o swoich wakacjach. Uzupełnij tekst przeszłymi formami
czasownika be.

We at the lakes. On the first day the weather good but the rest of
the time there sun and there any rain. There many
people there, mostly families, and there this girl Anna, who our
age and she very nice. She with her parents and her brother
and they all very nice people. They there for three weeks, so she
already a bit bored. The place beautiful, but there
much to do!

2. Koleżanka Susan zadaje jej pytania na temat wakacji. Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i uzupełnij luki
wyrazami z ramki.

When Where Who What time What How was were

1. you there?
We were there in July.

2. many people there?

I don’t know exactly, but there were a lot!

3. breakfast?
It was from 8 till 10 in the morning.

4. old Anna’s brother?

He was two years younger than us.

5. the best thing about your holiday?

The place, I think – it was amazing!

6. the girl’s parents?

Her mother was a salesperson and her father was a teacher.

7. the lake?
It was just next to Olsztyn.

8. the worst thing about your holiday?

I told you, it was terribly boring!

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 22
1. Zmień zdania z czasu teraźniejszego Present Simple na czas przeszły Past Simple.

1. Susan wears dark colours. Susan wore dark colours.

2. I have a dog. 
3. Peter can paint very well. 
4. Alicia sings in French. 
5. He rides a bike to school. 
6. My sister wakes up at 7. 
7. I feel cold. 
8. He takes his friends with him. 

2. Uzupełnij pytania dotyczące zdań z prawej kolumny ćwiczenia 1.

1. What colours did Susan wear ?

2. What animal you ?
3. Peter well?
4. In what language Alicia ?
5. What he ride to school?
6. What time your sister ?
7. How you ?
8. Who he with him?

3. Napisz 5 zdań na temat swojego życia w wieku 5 lat. Użyj czasowników z ramki lub własnych

could / couldn’t lived / didn’t live had / didn’t have wore / didn’t wear
looked / didn’t look used / didn’t use like / didn’t like
made / didn’t make hated / didn’t hate

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 23
1. Uzupełnij zdania używając czasu Past Continuous.

1. Yesterday at 5 am I was  .
2. Yesterday at 7 am my best friend was  .
3. Yesterday at 9 am I was  .
4. Yesterday at 11 am my family were  .
5. Yesterday at 3 pm I  .
6. Yesterday at 5 pm my friends  .
7. Yesterday at 8 pm I  .

2. Uzupełnij pytania, a następnie odpowiedz na nie na podstawie zdań z ćwiczenia 1.

1. Were you sleeping at 5 am yesterday?

Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
2. your best friend eating breakfast at 7 am yesterday?

3. you learning in a classroom at 9 am yesterday?

4. your family working or studying at 11 am yesterday?

5. you walking home at 3 pm yesterday?

6. your friends eating dinner at 5 pm yesterday?

7. you watching TV at 8 pm yesterday?

3. Jeden z domowników zjadł całe ciasto czekoladowe i nie chce się przyznać. Wiadomo jedynie,
że ciasto zniknęło między 4 a 6 po południu. Nie było świadków. Uzupełnij tekst i odkryj kto
jest odpowiedzialny za zniknięcie ciasta.

Mum (work) in the office from the morning until 4 pm. Between 4 pm and 5 pm
she (do) the shopping. Fuzzy the Dog (run) around the
garden from 12 noon until 4 pm. Dad (work) at home between 2 pm and 4.30
pm. Between half past 4 and 5 pm he (bring) Jimmy home from school. Mum
came back home at 5pm and between 5 pm and 6 pm (help) Jimmy do his
homework. At this time Dad (make) dinner. Fuzzy the Dog
(sleep) from 4.30 pm to 6 pm.

Who ate the cake? 

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 24
1. Spośród podanych form czasowników wybierz poprawną.

1. They played / were playing with their dog when I saw / was seeing them.
2. At 11 o’clock yesterday we learned / were learning.
3. I wrote / was writing something in her notebook when she didn’t look / wasn’t looking.
4. Mary waited / was waiting for us when we arrived / were arriving.
5. The phone rang / was ringing when I watched / was watching TV.

2. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.

1. What (you/do) when

I (call) you?
2. I (see) an accident when
I (go) to school.
3. When I (walk) into the classroom, everyone
(write) a test.
4. He (miss) the bus because he
(talk) to his friends.
5. I (not/listen) when the teacher
(tell) us what we had to do.
6. We (not/see) anyone when
we (walk) the dog.
7. When she (go) out,
the sun (shine).

3. Popraw błędy w zdaniach.

1. When we saw them, they talked.

2. When I was doing my homework I was eating a whole packet of crisps.

3. It didn’t rain when they went out.

4. He wasn’t telling me about any problems when we were talking.

5. I was finding some money in the street when I was coming back home.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 25
1. Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania twierdzące, przeczące lub pytania z will lub should.
Użyj form długich.

1. WILL + she / pass all her exams 

2. WILL ? you / stay in the city 
3. SHOULD – he / stay out so late 
4. WILL – l / tell the truth 
5. SHOULD + they / go with us 
6. SHOULD ? we / help him 
7. WILL – you / move to the village 
8. SHOULD + I / learn more 
9. WILL ? they / invite us 
10. SHOULD – you / come over now 

2. Przepisz zdania twierdzące i przeczące z ćw.1, używając skróconych form will.

zdanie 1. She 
zdanie 3. He 
zdanie 4. I
zdanie 7. You 
zdanie 10. You 

3. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz z ramki właściwe wyrażenia, by zareagować poradą i opinią

na temat możliwych konsekwencji. Napisz zdania z should i will we właściwej formie.

get wet go out today give you a new one learn more take an umbrella
pass your exams take it back to the shop get ill

1. Twój kolega ma złe oceny.

You should learn more. You won’t pass your exams.

2. Pada deszcz.

3. Twoja siostra źle się czuje.

4. Twojej koleżance zepsuł się właśnie kupiony odtwarzacz mp3.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 26
1. Uzupełnij dialogi używając struktury ‘be going to’ i czasowników w nawiasach.

1. – What (you / do) in the afternoon?

– I (go) home and me and my sister
(walk) the dog.

2. – When (they / clean) their room?

– They (not / do) it at all.

3. – What (she / do) after she finishes school?

– She (take) a year off to travel and then she
(start) university.

4. – How (you / spend) the weekend?

– We (not / go) anywhere.
We (stay) at home and rest.

5. – Where (you / go) for your summer holiday?

– I (not / go) on holiday in the summer.
I (go) to Austria in the autumn.

2. Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w taki sposób, by miało takie samo znaczenie jak zdanie pierwsze.

1. These are my earrings and those are her earrings.

These earrings are and those earrings are .

2. Are these their sunglasses?

Are these sunglasses ?

3. This wristband belongs to him.

This wristband is .

4. These are your rings.

These rings are .

5. These towels belong to us.

These towels are .

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary
Worksheet 27
1. Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów. Pierwszy wyraz w zdaniu rozpoczyna się wielką literą.

1. been / Paris / I / twice / have / to 

2. ever / you / Have / London / visited 
3. have / Why / you / made / such a mess 
4. hasn’t / his / done / homework / He 
5. travelled / to / We / have / Asia 

2. Uzupełnij pytania lub krótkie odpowiedzi do zdań z ćwiczenia 1.

1. How many times ?

2. No, I .
3. I haven’t. It Johnny, not me!
4. his homework?
5. abroad?

3. Popraw błędy w zdaniach.

1. I have never saw an elephant.

2. He’s really bad at chess – he has ever won a game.
3. Have been they to the USA?
4. Has she done her homework? – Yes, she done.
5. We have sent her the message.
6. He haven’t washed his hands.
7. Have he talked to you?
8. We have been abroad never.
9. They hasn’t contacted me yet.

4. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami podanymi poniżej.

ever just once

1. I have finished the essay – you can take it.

2. Have they visited you?
3. We’ve been to their house .
4. Has she been abroad?
5. There aren’t any more strawberries. I’ve finished them.
6. I’ve talked to her .

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary

Worksheet 1 Ex. 4 Worksheet 5

Ex. 1 1. His name is Louis. He is nineteen. Ex. 1
He is an astronaut.
1. What is your name? 1. Where are the mice?
2. His name is Zingxus. He is twelve.
2. She is nine. 2. The shirt is next to the dress. /
He is an alien.
3. Nice to meet you. The dress is next to the shirt.
3. Her shoes are great.
Worksheet 3
Ex. 2
Ex. 1 Ex. 2
R: your
1. It is Riley’s pencil. • two snakes
K: is
2. It is Riley’s pen. • four fishes
R: do
3. It is Jim’s ruler. • five dresses
R: old
4. It is Jim’s school bag. • three boxes
K: I’m
5. It is Riley’s glue stick. • two shoes
R: Are
6. It is Jim’s pencil case. • six hamsters
K: not / a
7. It is Jim and Riley’s marker.

Ex. 3 Ex. 3
Ex. 2 1. are 7. isn’t
Hello. My name’s Sarah. I’m eight.
I’m a student. My favourite subject is 1. it 2. isn’t 8. is
science. 2. She 3. Are 9. Is
3. your 4. aren’t 10. Are
Ex. 4 4. its 5. are 11. aren’t
1. How are you? 5. His 6. aren’t 12. am
2. Are you seven? 6. you
3. Are you a doctor? 7. He
Worksheet 6
4. What’s your name? 8. her
Ex. 1
• What is this?
Worksheet 2 Ex. 3 It’s a leaf.
Ex. 1 1. It is an expensive mobile phone. • What are these?
1. Who’s she? 2. It is a small MP3 player. They’re gloves.
2. She’s an actress. 3. Is it a new wallet? • What are these?
4. It is an old school bag. They’re flowers.
3. It’s a computer.
• What is that?
4. You’re sixteen.
It’s a scarf.
5. Martin’s not a writer. / Martin isn’t Worksheet 4
a writer. Ex. 1
Ex. 2
1. What
1. Have you got a sister?
Ex. 2 2. Who No, I haven’t got a sister.
1. is not / isn’t 3. Where I have got a brother.
2. Are 4. What 2. Has Jenny got blue eyes? Yes, she
3. is not / isn’t 5. How has.
4. is 6. Whose 3. They have not got a mouse,
5. is they have got a hamster.
7. How
6. is not / isn’t 4. Have you got your school bag
with you?
7. am Ex. 2
5. Paul hasn’t got a big mouth,
8. is 1. Come here. but he has got / not got big teeth.
2. Bring your pencil case. 6. Has Katie got short hair?
Ex. 3 3. Don’t come to the door! No, she hasn’t. She has got long
Who is he? Who is she? Is he a writer? 4. Take this pen. hair.
Is he an artist? Is she a writer? Is she
5. Don’t open her school bag!
an artist? He is a writer. He is an artist.
6. Don’t close the door. Ex. 3.
She is a writer. She is an artist. He is not
a writer. He is not an artist. She is not It is big. It has got a big mouth. It has
a writer. She is not an artist. How old is got two big teeth. It has got four arms.
Ex. 3
he? How old is she? It has got sixteen fingers. It has got two
Rysunki mogą różnić się legs. It has got six toes. It has got small
rozmieszczeniem mebli na planie eyes. It hasn’t got a nose. It has got a lot
pokoju. of spines.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary

Worksheet 7 Worksheet 8 Billy and Fluffy like chicken. Rose is

different – she doesn’t like chicken,
Ex. 1 Ex. 1
she likes cherries and she likes milk.
T: can J: Yes, I do. Mum’s favourite food is pizza and
A: you B: What about your sister? Does she dad’s favourite food is yoghurt. Billy,
T: can’t like it? Rose and their mum are different –
J: No, she doesn’t. She hates it. they don’t like yoghurt.
A: Can
T: she B: Do you like bananas?
J: No, I don’t. I don’t like them. Mum and dad can swim very well. Billy
A: swim can swim too. Billy can also play
But my sister loves them.
T: can football and Rose can draw well. Their
B: Does she like milk? parents are different – they can’t draw
T: they
J: Yes, she does. But I don’t. or play football. But Billy’s dad can play
A: Can
J: I love strawberries! the guitar and his mum can sing very
T: can’t well. Fluffy can’t sing or draw, but he
J: She doesn’t like them. But she
A: swim can run very fast!
likes cherries.
B: And you? Do you like cherries?
Ex. 2
J: No, I don’t. I hate them. Worksheet 10
3. You have got a car. Ex. 1
J: Yes, but we both like pears!
4. They are her shoes. 1. g 4. l 7. k 10. e
5. They are our bikes. 2. d 5. i 8. a 11. h
Ex. 2
6. I have got books. 3. j 6. b 9. f 12. c
1. loves
7. He has got a sweater.
2. milk
8. They are its ears. Ex. 2
3. don’t
9. It is thier house. Przykładowe odpowiedzi:
4. Do
5. plums I am a nurse. You are a nurse. She has
Ex. 3 got my memory stick. They have not got
6. like
1. I have got an aunt. Her name is an e-book reader. They have not got
7. hate their e-book leader. etc.
Kate. She has got a guitar. She can
play the guitar brillantly. 8. Does
9. cherries
2. Robert is my best friend. He has Worksheet 11
got a bike. He can ride a bike very 10. it
Ex. 1
J: Yes, there are.
3. My parents have got drums. Their Ex. 3
drums are big and noisy. My mum T: How many are there?
Przykład: I don’t like milk. J: Yes, there is a cabbage.
can play the drums well. My dad
can play the drums fast. T: And is there any cheese?
Worksheet 9 J: Yes, there is.
Ex. 4 Billy is a pupil. He is seven. His mum is T: Are there any eggs?
an architect and his dad is an architect. J: Yes, there are some eggs.
1. Tom not can’t skate.
They are both architects! Billy has got T: How many are there?
2. She lives here. This is she’s her
a sister. Her name is Rose. She is four. T: That’s enough. OK. Is there any
She isn’t a pupil yet. Billy has got black chicken?
3. Can you draw good well? hair and big black eyes. Rose is different J: No, there isn’t any chicken.
4. Do Lisa and her sister play – she hasn’t got black hair, her hair is T: Oh..... And is there an onion?
the drums? Are these they their blonde. J: Yes, there is an onion.
T: OK, are there any mushrooms?
5. He can swims. Billy’s favourite things are his school J: No, there aren’t any mushrooms.
6. Can you run very fastly? bag and his mp3 player. Billy’s mum T: We need to buy some chicken and
likes her computer. Her favourite some mushrooms.
things are her crayons and her bike.
Fluffy has got a lot of toys.
Ex. 2
1. can hear me
Billy, his sister and his mum really like
dogs. Fluffy likes them too! Billy’s dad 2. go with us
likes hamsters, and Rose likes them 3. haven’t got them
too, but they haven’t got a hamster at 4. like her

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary

Worksheet 12 Worksheet 15 Worksheet 18

Ex. 1 Ex. 1 Ex. 1
1. Martin gets up at seven o’clock. 1. wears trousers / is wearing / dress 1. R
2. We don’t like playing board games. 2. watch / film / am playing / game 2. Mike didn’t go to the cinema with us.
3. She often texts her friends. 3. am listening / music / have / table 3. R
4. They don’t go to samba dance tenis 4. There aren’t any shops on Blake
classes. 4. is doing / homework / is meeting / Street.
friends 5. R
Ex. 2 5. don’t / eat vegetables / are having 6. R
1. brushes 4. you download 7. Do we have to tidy up our room,
6. likes science fiction / Mum?
2. don’t go 5. tidies
isn’t watching / science fiction /
3. does 6. doesn’t draw 8. She is doing her homework right
is watching a ghost
9. R
Ex. 3 Worksheet 16 10. R
1. Are you ready (now)? Ex. 1 11. Why don’t you go with us?
2. Has he got a dog / pet? • Where were you last weekend? 12. Is your friend a student?
3. Who is she? • I finished reading a book. 13. R
4. Where does he go to school? • I walked our dog. 14. R
5. Where have you got the book? • We weren’t at school. 15. R
6. Do you get up early at weekends? • I was in town. 16. R
• I tidied up my room. 17. I hate going to the theatre.
Worksheet 13 • I played with our dog. 18. Whose bag is this?
Ex. 1 • I watched a film. 19. She usually goes to bed very late.
1. have to 4. don’t have to • I studied English for my Monday 20. How much bread have we got?
2. doesn’t have to 5. has to test.
3. have to
Worksheet 19
Worksheet 17
Ex. 1
Ex. 2 Ex. 1
1. Has she got a pet?
He tidies up every day. He takes out went had ate took
rubbish once a month. He sometimes 2. What are you reading / doing?
came got drank lost
vacuums the car pet. He dusts the 3. Does he like pasta?
furniture twice a month. 4. Is there a supermarket near your
Amy always makes the bed. She tidies Ex. 2 house?
up once a week. She often takes out 1. had / ate 5. have / eat 5. Do they like / play computer games?
rubbish. She vacuums the car pet twice 2. go 6. lost 6. Why are you taking these comic
a month. She never dusts the furniture.
3. take 7. came books?
4. get 8. drink 7. Are there any tomatoes in the
Worksheet 14 fridge?
Ex. 1 Ex. 3 8. How of ten do they go on trips?
1. What 3. are 5. am not T: did you do 9. What does she like doing in her
2. isn’t 4. he 6. Are free time?
S: were / didn’t swim / wanted
10. Are there any cinemas near here?
T: did you go
Ex. 2 11. Oh, I see you’re cooking. What are
S: went / was / didn’t eat / had
you making?
1. is hitting / is playing T: were you
2. is happening / are collecting / S: finished / went / watched /
are you collecting / are helping Ex. 2
didn’t like / wasn’t / enjoyed
3. is running / isn’t / is sitting I really like living in the city. You have
everything you need and you don’t
have to travel very far. There is some
Ex. 3 pollution, that’s true, and there are also
are spending / is relaxing / is having / a lot of cars, so it’s noisy, but I live in
are standing / are looking / are playing / a place which is a bit quieter. There are
is playing / are swimming a lot of parks and green areas and
there aren’t any skyscrapers. There is
an office block, but that’s where my
mum works, so I don’t mind it!

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary

Worksheet 20 Worksheet 22 Worksheet 24

Ex. 1 Ex. 1 Ex. 1
J: more interesting 1. Susan wore dark colours. 1. were playing / saw
T: more relaxed / slower / 2. I had a dog. 2. were learning
noisier (noisy) / dirtier (dirty) 3. Peter could paint very well. 3. wrote / wasn’t looking
J: noisy / dirty 4. Alicia sang in French. 4. was waiting / arrived
T: quietest / most impressive 5. He rode a bike to school. 5. rang / was watching
J: more dangerous 6. My sister woke up at 7.
7. I felt cold. Ex. 2
Ex. 2 8. He took his friends with him. 1. What were you doing when
1. as strong as I called you?
2. more comfortable Ex. 2 2. I saw an accident when I was
3. cheaper going to school.
1. What colours did Susan wear?
4. as easygoing as 3. When I walked into the classroom,
2. What animal did you have?
everyone was writing a test.
5. weaker 3. Could Peter paint well?
4. He missed the bus because he
6. as good as 4. In what language did Alicia sing? was talking to his friends.
7. faster than 5. What did he ride to school? 5. I wasn’t listening when the
8. as long as 6. What time did your sister wake up? teacher told us what we had to do.
7. How did you feel? 6. We didn’t see anyone when we
Worksheet 21 8. Who did he take with him? were walking the dog.
Ex. 1 7. When she went out, the sun was
We were at the lakes. On the first day Worksheet 23
the weather wasn’t good but the rest
Ex. 1
of the time there was sun and there Ex. 3
wasn’t any rain. There were many Przykłady uczniów
1. When we saw them, they were
people there, mostly families, and there talking.
was this girl Anna, who was our age Ex. 2 2. When I was doing my homework,
and she was very nice. She was with
2. Was I ate a whole pac ket of crips.
her parents and her brother and they
were all very nice people. They were 3. – 5. Were 3. It wasn’t raining when they went
there for three weeks, so she was out.
already a bit bored. The place was Ex. 3 4. He didn’t tell me about any
beautiful, but there wasn’t much to do! problems when we were talking.
Mum was working in the office from
the morning until 4 pm. Between 4 pm 5. I found some money in the street
Ex. 2 and 5 pm she was doing the shopping. when I was coming back home.
1. When were you there? Fuzzy the dog was running around
the garden from 12 noon until 4 pm.
2. How many people were there?
Dad was working at home between
3. What time was breakfast? 2 pm and 4.30 pm. Between half past
4. How old was Anna’s brother? 4 and 5 pm he was bringing Jimmy
5. What was the best thing about home from school. Mum came back
your holiday? home at 5pm and between 5 pm and
6 pm was helping Jimmy do his
6. Who were the girl’s parents?
homework. At this time dad was
7. Where was the lake? making dinner. Fuzzy the dog was
8. What was the worst thing about sleeping from 4.30 pm to 6 pm.
your holiday? Who ate the cake? Fuzzy the dog ate
the cake somewhere between 4 pm
and 4.30.

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Grammar Worksheets for Primary

Worksheet 25 Worksheet 26 Worksheet 27

Ex. 1 Ex. 1 Ex. 1
1. She will pass her exams. 1. – What are you going to do in the 1. I have been to Paris twice.
2. Will you stay in the city? afternoon? 2. Have you ever visited London?
3. He should not stay out so late. – I am going to go home and me 3. Why have you made such a mess?
and my sister are going to walk
4. I will not tell the truth. 4. He hasn’t done his homework.
the dog.
5. The should go with us. 5. We have travelled to Asia.
2. – When are they going to clean
6. Should we help him? their room?
7. You will not move to the village. – They aren’t going to do it at all. Ex. 2
8. I should learn more. 3. – What is she going to do after 1. have you been to Paris?
9. Will they invite us? she finishes school? 2. haven’t
10. You should not come over now. – She is going to take a year off 3. was
to travel and then she is going 4. Has he done
to start university.
Ex. 2 5. Have you (ever) travelled
1. She’ll pass all her exams.
4. – How are you going to spend
3. He shouldn’t stay out so late. Ex. 3
the weekend?
4. I won’t tell the truth. 1. saw  seen
– We aren’t going to go
7. You won’t move to the village. anywhere. We are going to stay 2. ever  never
10. You shouldn’t come over now. at home and rest. 3. been they  they been
5. – Where are you going to go for 4. done  has
Ex. 3 your summer holiday? 5. send  sent
1. You should learn more. – I am not going to go on holiday 6. haven’t  hasn’t
You won’t pass your exams. in the summer. I am going to go
to Austria in the autumn. 7. Have  Has
2. You should take an umbrella. 8. have been  have never been
You’ll get wet.
Ex. 2 9. hasn’t  haven’t
3. You shouldn’t go out today.
You’ll get ill. 1. mine / hers
2. theirs Ex. 4
4. You should take it back to the shop.
They’ll give you a new one. 3. his 1. just
4. yours 2. ever
5. ours 3. once
4. ever
5. just
6. once

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