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Animals are diverse in structure. There are vast differences in structural

complexity of organisms ranging from the simplest sponges to humans.

The animal species that lack invertebrates are called invertebrates. Invertebrates
account for 95% of known animal species. The invertebrates have been divided into eight
major phyla: porifera, cnideria, platyhelminthes, aschelminthes, mollusca, annelida,
arthropoda, echinodermata.

PHYLUM PORIFERA (pore bear):-

 As the name indicates the animals of this phylum have many pores called
Ostia in their body.
 They are all aquatic, mostly marine while some are found in fresh water.
 They are sessile (non-motile) attach to the rocks at the bottom of water.
 They are multicellular but don’t have tissue and organ.
 They are asymmetrical. They consist of outer dermal layer called
pinacoderm, inner layer called choanoderm and a middle layer/region called
 They have single body cavity called spongocoel.
 They depend on food coming along with water currents through Ostia and
goes out by a large opening called osculum.
 There skeleton have needle like spicules which may be calcarious (made of
calcium) or siliceous (made of silicon).
 Asexual reproduction takes place by budding or gammules.
 Sexual reproduction takes place by egg and sperm.
 Sex may be separate or united (hermaphrodite).
 They have remarkable ability of regeneration
 Examples are spongilla, sycon, etc.

PHYLUM CNIDARIA (coelentrata):-
 The animal of this phylum are entirely aquatic found in both marine and
fresh water.
 Most of them are sessile (non-motile) but some are free living (jelly fish).
 They range in size from microscopic to two meters in length (jelly fish).
 They show radial symmetry.
 They are diploblastic (have two body layers) i.e. Ectoderm and Endoderm.
 They have sac like gastro-vascular cavity with one opening called mouth.
 Their body have tentacle which are provided with organs offense and
defense called nematocyst.
 Some of them show polymorphism i.e. two different structures during their
life cycle polyp which is their feeding zooid and medusae their reproductive
 Both sexual and asexual reproduction is found in them.
 Examples are jelly fish and sea anemone.
o As the name indicates the animal of this phylum are flat worms (dorse
ventrally compressed).
o They are triploblastic (have three body layers) i.e. ectoderm, endoderm and
o They show radial symmetry.
o They have sac like gastro-vascular cavity with one opening called mouth.
o They are acoelomate.
o They are found in aqueous environment or terrestrial.
o Some of them are free living (planaria) while some are parasite.
o They reproduce both sexually and asexually.
o Asexual reproduction takes place by fission.
o They are monoecious.
o Fertilization is internal.
o Examples are Dugesia, Fasciola, Taenia.

PHYLUM NEMATODA (aschelminthes):-
 As the name indicates the animal of this phylum are round worms.
 They may be free living or may be parasites.
 They show bilateral symmetry.
 They are triploblastic (have three body layers) i.e. ectoderm, endoderm and
 They have tube like digestive system with two openings interior is mouth and
posterior is anus.
 They are pseudocoelomate.
 Most of them are dioecious.
 Fertilization is internal.
 Examples are pinworm and ascaris.
o As the name indicates the animal of this phylum are soft body animals.
o They are free living found both in aquatic environment (marine and fresh
water) and land (moist places).
o They show bilateral symmetry.
o They are triploblastic (have three body layers) i.e. ectoderm, endoderm and
o They are coelomate.
o Their body is divided into head, ventral muscular foot and dorsal visceral
o Their body is covered by membrane called mantle.
o They are covered by shells that may be external, internal or even absent.
o Their mouth cavity may have a tongue like structure called redula.
o Sexes are separate.
o Their development takes place through trochophore larvae.
o Examples are snail, slug, octopus, etc.
 As the name indicates the animal of this phylum are called segmented
 They are free living found in marine, fresh water, and soil.
 Some of them are ectoparasite (leech).
 They are triploblastic (have three body layers) i.e. ectoderm, endoderm and
 They show bilateral symmetry.
 They are coelomate.
 They have tube like digestive system with two openings interior is mouth and
posterior is anus.
 Their coelom is filled with hydrostatic skeleton.
 Their locomotion organs are called chitinous chaetae or setae.
 Some of them like nereis have parapodia in their body wall.
 They have well defined closed blood circulatory system.
 Their excretory organs are called nephridia.
 They mostly reproduce sexually; some of them are hermaphrodite but in some
sex are separate.
 Fertilization is external.
 Examples are Nereis, Pheritima (Earth worm) and Hirudo (Leech).
 As the name indicates the animals of this phylum are called joint footed
 They are found in all kinds of habitat.
 Most of them are free living but some are parasites.
 They show bilateral symmetry.
 They are triploblastic (have three body layers) i.e. ectoderm, endoderm and
 They have reduced body cavity called haemocoel.
 They have exoskeleton made up of chitin.
 They have elementary canal (digestive tube) with two openings i.e. mouth
and anus.
 Their body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
 Sexes are separate in arthropods. Male and female arthropods are unlike.
 Their reproductive organs and ducts are paired.
 Fertilization is mostly internal.
 Development takes place through metamorphosis.
 Examples are butterfly, spider, cockroach etc.
o As the name indicates the animal of this phylum have spines on their skin.
o They are exclusively marine.
o They are found at the bottom along the shore lines in shallow water.
o They are triploblastic.
o They are coelomate.
o They show radial symmetry.
o They have endoskeleton consisting of a spine bearing calcium rich plates.
o The mouth is present on the oral side and anus on the aboral side.
o They have tube feet for locomotion.
o Their coelom consists of canals and spaces and one of which form water
vascular system.
o Their organ system is poorly developed.
o Sexes are separate.
o Fertilization is external.
o Their larvae are bipinnaria and brachiolaria.
o They show bilateral symmetry.
o Examples are star fish, star cucumber, brittle star etc.
 They are also called prochordates and Acorn worms.
 They are deuterostome.
 All hemichordates are marine.
 They are triploblastic.
 They show bilateral symmetry.
 Some are solitary, naked, slow moving, sedentary (live at one place).
 Body is soft and segmented and has a worm like form.
 Their body is divided into three distinct regions: proboscis, collar and trunk.
 Their body cavity is true coelom.
 Sexes may be separated or united.
 Fertilization is external.
 There are no nephridia (excretory organs).
 Examples are Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus.
o Their body is laterally compressed and spindle (fusiform) shaped.
o Their mouth is present on ventral side.
o Their skeleton is made up of cartilage.
o Their skin is tough.
o They have pectoral and pelvic pair of fins.
o Their caudal fin is heterocercal (unequal lobes).
o They have tubular digestive system which opens into cloaca.
o They have J-shaped stomach.
o Their heart have two chambers i.e. atrium and ventricle.
o Their respiratory system consists of 5-7 pairs of gills without cover i.e.
o They have no swim bladder.
o Sexes are separate.
o Gonads are paired.
o Fertilization is internal.
o Some of them are oviparous (egg laying) while some are viviparous
(producing living young).
o Examples are shark, Dog fish, skates etc.
CLASS OSTEICHTHYES (bony fishes):-
 Their body is streamlined compressed for active moment through water.
 Their skeleton is partially or wholly made up of bone.
 Their mouth is terminal.
 They have four pairs of gills covered by operculum.
 Swim bladders are present in them.
 Pectoral and pelvic fins are paired while dorsal fin is single.
 Their caudal fin is homocercal.
 Their heart contain two chambers i.e. one atrium one ventricle.
 Their red blood cells are oval and nucleated.
 Sexes are separates.
 Gonads are paired.
 Fertilization is generally external.

 Most of them are oviparous (egg laying), some are ovoviviparous ( producing
young by means of eggs which are hatched within the body of the parent ) while some are
viviparous (producing living young).
 Examples are Labeo rohita, Sea horse etc.
 They are of different shape.
 Their body is divided into head and trunk. Neck is absent.
 They have pentadactyl limbs with 4-5 digits.
 Some of them are without legs.
 They have smooth and moist skin.
 Their skin contains many glands. Some of them secrete poisonous chemicals.
 They have well developed blood circulatory, respiratory, excretory and
digestive system.
 Their hearts have three chambers which are two atria and one ventricle.
 Sinus venosus and truncus arteriosus are present.
 Their heart is double circulating pump.
 Sexes are separate.
 Gonads are paired.
 Fertilization may be external or internal.
 Development takes place through metamorphosis.
 Most of them hibernate in water.
 They are cold blooded animals.
 Most of them are oviparous.
 Examples are frogs, toads, etc.
 They have rough and dry skin which enables them to live away from water.
 They have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs with five digits.
 Their heart is incompletely four chambered having two atria and partially
divided ventricle. In crocodile the position of ventricle is completed.
 They are cold blooded animals.
 Most of them hibernate in water.
 Sexes are separate.
 Gonads are paired.
 Fertilization is internal.
 Most of them are oviparous.
 Eggs are large and have large amount of yolk.
 Eggs are enclosed by leathery or limy shell for protection.
 Their embryo is protected by three embryonic layers i.e. amnion, allantoises,
and chorion.
 Fertilization is internal.
 They have better mechanism for breathing.
 Examples are alligator, snake, lizard etc.
CLASS AVES(birds):-
o The shapes of the birds are streamlined or boat shape which help them to fly
in the air.
o Their body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail.
o They have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs. Their forelimbs are modified to
form wings. Their hind limbs are large, strong and adopted for perching,
walking and swimming.
o Their skin is covered by feathers and their legs are covered by scales.
o They have horny beak. They have no teeth.
o They have four chambered heart with two atria and two ventricles.
o They are warm blooded.
o They have lungs for respiration.
o Their voice box called syrinx is present at the junction of trachea and bronchi.
o Their ureter opens into a cloaca and urinary bladder is absent.
o Sexes are separate.
o Fertilization is internal.
o Eggs are large size with much yolk.
o They have only one ovary and oviduct is functional except Eagle (both ovaries
and oviduct are functional).
o They show many social behaviors such as care for the young ones, nest
building, migration and courtship.
o Examples are duck, ostrich, pigeon, hen etc.

 Their body is variously shaped and divided into head, neck, trunk, tail.
 There are two pairs of pentadactyl limbs. They are used for walking, running,
burrowing, swimming or flying.
 Skin is glandular. It is mostly covered by hair.
 Endoskeleton is fully ossified.
 Skull has two occipital condyles, large cranium.
 External ear or pinna is present. There is a chain of three bones in the ear
malleus, incus and stapes.
 They have deciduous and permanent teeth.
 Their heart is four chambered.
 They are warm blooded.
 The red blood cells are non-nucleated.
 Their voice apparatus is well developed and consists of larynx and epiglottis.
 Mammals give birth to young ones. Mammals feed them on milk produced
by mammary glands of mother.
Mammals are classified into three sub-classes:
 They have characteristics of both reptiles and mammals therefore they form
a connecting link between them.
 They provide evidence that mammals are evolved from reptiles.
 The mammalian feature of monotremes is that they have mammary glands
to feed their young.
 The reptilian features include the presence of cloaca and cloacal opening.
There is no separate opening for digestive system and urinogenital systems.
 They are found in Australia.
 Examples are duck bill platypus, and Echidna (spiny ant-eater).
 They are the most primitive mammals.
 They have an abdominal pouch (marsupium), where they rear their young.
 The young one’s when born are immature.
 The mother feeds them and carries them in pouch till they are matured
 Their mammalians glands are in the pouch that’s why they are called
marsupial or pouched animals.
 They are found in Australia and America.
 Examples are kangaroo, opossum.
SUBCLASS EUTHERIA (placentalis):-
o During development mammals depend upon placenta (an organ for
exchange of food and wastes between maternal blood and fetal blood). So,
they are called placental mammals.
o Development of young one takes place inside the body of mother.
o The young’s are borne fully developed.
o The young ones are born at a relatively advanced stage of development.
o They have endocrine system (produces hormones).
o Mammals are very successful group and can live in all kind of habitats.
o Examples are man, whale, elephant, horse etc.

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”


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