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EL1007 Academic Speaking: Arguing in the Academy

Oral Presentation
Your final assessment is an oral presentation. There are two parts to the assessment. In the
first part you should give a short presentation.
Audience: Academic audience
Subject: As a Citizen of Change of the University of Leicester, your presentation will be about
“What do you want to change at the university”.
You need to:

 Provide an explanation of what it means to be a Citizen of Change.

 Provide an argument for change related to a topic in your subject area.
 Provide a clear explanation of the reason for this change

The second part focusses on your study of rhetoric. It provides an opportunity for you to show
that understand how to adapt an argument for the wider public.
Part one: Persuasive Argument (4 minutes)

 Outline an issue relevant to your discipline or subject

 Provide a clear well-structured argument statement
 Provide appropriate evidence to support your argument, referring to appropriate sources
 Employ a style and delivery appropriate for an academic audience
 Demonstrate an ability to employ rhetoric effectively and ethically

Part two: Audience Analysis (4 minutes)

 Outline the adaptations you would make for a wider public

 Identify what you consider to be the three most important adaptations
 Explain the reasons for your adaptations, referring to the literature on rhetoric
 Identify what you consider the most difficult challenge in making adaptations

Your presentation should last 8 minutes maximum, with equal weighting given to both
Visual Aids
You can use the type of visual aid (s) that you consider most appropriate however, you need to
show your reference list (subject area and rhetoric) to the panel, using the referencing style of
your subject.
Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria are available on Blackboard in Assessment.
Assessment Procedure
Further details regarding the presentation procedure will be provided closer to the date.
Date: TBC

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