TMAP Quality - To - Activity - Mapping (QAM) Template

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TMAP - Quality to Activity Mapping table Continuous improvement of the IT delivery process - see chapter 25.2.

ee chapter 25.2.2 of the book "Quality for DevOps teams" for more information. © Sogeti / TMAP 2021

In every cell of this table: fill in the quality measures that are implemented in this fundamental DevOps activity for the specific key area

QAM QAM describes the Monitor Plan Code Integrate Deploy Operate
current situation

Behavior, awareness and

QA Awareness shared responsibility on

Methods, techniques and

QA & Testing tools regarding Quality

Roles & responsibilities,

Governance frameworks en traceability

Provide insight in progress

Transparency and quality, including

Tooling to support Quality

Automation Engineering activities

Infrastructure connections, test data and
test data management

Proposed improvements (per improvement state for which key area & fundamental DevOps activity combination it applies)

Improvement -1

Improvement -2

Improvement -3

Improvement -4

Improvement -5

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