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Name: ______________________________ Date Submitted: __/__/____

Grade 8 – St. Elizabeth

Problem Set #1: Mass vs. Weight

I. Table Completion (Part 1): Complete the table below. (7pts)

Weight is given by the equation: W =mg wherein:

Variable Name of the Variable SI Unit

m Mass Kg
W weight N
g = 9.8 m/s^2 Acceleration due to gravity m/s^2

II. Fill in the Blanks: Fill out the missing word/words to complete the statement.
Write/type your answer on the space provided before the number. (5pts)

Mass 1. The amount of atoms are in something determines the

___________ of the object.

Weight 2. Your _______________ determines how strong the planet pulls


Acceleration 3. Your weight will change depending on _____________.

due to gravity
Mass 4. Your _____________ never changes despite what planet you
Weight 5. Normal force is equal to the ____________ of the object.

III. Open Ended Response: Answer the following questions. (Total Points: 10 points)

1. Define mass (2pts)

2. Define weight (2pts)
3. Describe what will happen (if anything) to mass and weight when you go to the
moon. Why? (3pts)

4. When a person is on a diet, do they really want to lose wight or mass? Explain
your answer. (3pts)

IV. Table completion (Part 2): Fill out the missing data. (Total points: 24 pts)
Given: Gru, the Minions’ Master has a mass of 180 kilograms. He also has the
power to teleport to different planets.

Your Mission: to complete the table below to record the differences of Gru’s
weight as he teleports in different parts of the solar system.

Gru’s Mass on Gravitational Acceleration Gru’s Weight on This

Planet / Moon this Planet (kg) on This Planet (m/s2) Planet (N)

Earth 180 9.8 1764 N

Moon 180 1.6 288 N

Jupiter 180 25.9 4662 N

Pluto 180 0.61 109.8 N

Mercury 180 3.73 671.4 N

Mimas 180 0.80 144 N

V. Computation: Compute the following. Use GRESA format. Box your final
answers. (Total Points: 12 points)

GRESA Format

(a) W = 127 (9.8)

W = 1244.6 N
1. Hidilyn Diaz is a weightlifter at her (b) N = 1244.6 N
fourth Olympics. During the Tokyo
Olympics in 2020, she won her first
Olympic gold medal under
Women’s 55 Kilogram Division.
Diaz set a record-breaking
performance by lifting 127
Determine: (a) how much weight
did she lift? (b) How hard was the
floor pushing up on the wights when
they were on the floor?

(a) 104.59 kg
(b) 1025 N

2. The weight of a pony standing still

on Earth is 1,025 N.
Find: (a) the pony’s mass? (b) How
many Newtons of normal force are
acting on the pony?

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