1A 2021 Mid Sem TP

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Important note: XXXXX is your ID

Q1) Dry air, flowing at a velocity of (XXXXX/15000) m/s, enters a 6 m long, 0.15 m
diameter tube at 310 K and 1.013×105 Pa. The inner surface of the tube is lined with a felt
material that is continuously saturated with water at 290 K. Assuming constant temperatures
of the air and the pipe wall; determine the exit concentration of water in the exit gas stream.
Given that:
Diffusivity of water in air at 300 K = 2.6 × 10-5 m2/s
Kinematic viscosity of air at 300 K = 1.569 × 10-5 m2/s
The vapor pressure of water at 290 K = 17.5 mm Hg
The Fanning friction factor is given by: 𝑓=0.00791 𝑅𝑒0.12 (5)

Q2) Ice formation on the wings of small aircraft is very dangerous and can be prevented by
electric resistance heating elements be installed within the wings which will maintain the
surface temperature at 5 °C. Small aircraft with equivalent length 2.5 m is moving with
speed of (XXXXX/41) Km.h-1 in the air at - 25 °C and has thermal conductivity 0.02 W.m-
1 -1
K , Prandtl no. 0.7 and kinematic viscosity 16.9x10 -6 m2.s-1. Calculate average heat flux
needed to maintain the surface temperature if the average friction coefficient of 0.0025
measured under this condition. (5)

Q3) A stream of air is flowing on the top surface of thin flat sheet of solid naphthalene,
calculate the average value of flux for following cases if concentration of naphthalene at the
air solid interface is 2.34 X 10-5 k.mole.m-3 and local mass transfer coefficient at last leaving
edge of plate is (XXXXX/18000) X 10-4 m.s-1
Case 1) maximum Reynolds number is 104.5
Case 2) maximum Reynolds number is 109 (5)
Q4) A stream of air at 100 kPa pressure and 300 K is flowing on the top surface of a thin flat
sheet of solid naphthalene of length 0.2 m with a velocity of (XXXXX/1125) m.sec-1. The
other data are:
Mass diffusivity of naphthalene vapor in air = 6X10–6 m2.sec-1, Kinematic viscosity of air =
1.5X10–5 m2.sec-1, Concentration of naphthalene at the air-solid naphthalene interface =
1X10–5 kmol.m-3.
Calculate the rate of loss of naphthalene from the surface per unit width in gmol.m-1.hr-1
Note: For heat transfer over a flat plate, convective heat transfer coefficient for laminar flow
1⁄ 1⁄
v.ρ 2 Cp.k2 3
can be calculated by the equation, h = 0.55 ( ) ( 1 ) with all standard
L μ ⁄2
nomenclatures and SI units. (5)

Q5) On a cold day a jogger losses (XXXXX/11) W due to convective heat transfer between
the jogger’s skin, which is maintained dry at a temperature of 30 °C, and the environment,
also dry, at a temperature of 10 °C. Three months later, the jogger moves at the same pace
but the day is warm and humid, with a temperature of T ∞ = 30 °C and a relative humidity of
Φ = 60%. The skin of the jogger is sweating and at a temperature of 35 °C. In both cases, the
transport properties and general properties of air can be considered constant and equal to: ν =
1.6×10−5 m2/s, k = 0.026 W/(m K), Pr = 0.7, D = 2.3 × 10−5 m2/s (for water vapor in air), L =
2257 kJ/kg (latent heat of vaporization), Vapor pressure Ps = 6221 Pa.
(a)What is the rate of water evaporation on a warm day?
(b)What is the total heat loss per unit time during the warm day? (5)

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