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a — = @ oe THE ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE PART IV-B EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No.7] AMARAVATI, THURSDAY, 29% JULY, 2021. ANDHRA PRADESH ACTS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS Etc., The following is the authoritative text in English Language of the Ordinance promulgated by the Governar on the 27" July, 2021 is being published under Article 348(3) of the Constitution of India for general information :- ANDHRA PRADESH ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 2024. Promulgated by the Governor in the Seventy Second year of the Republic of India. AN ORDINANCE FURTHER TO AMEND THE ANDHRA PRADESH AGRICULTURAL LAND (CONVERSION 7OR NON- AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES) ACT, 2006. Whereas, the Legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh is not now in session and the Governor of Andhra Pradesh is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby promulgates the following Ordinance:~ 1. (1). This Ordinance may be called the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Land (Conversion for Non-Agricultural saanconas Purposes) (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021. No, 98721 i tu] Amendment of 3, section 4. Amendment 4. of section 6. {2) It shall come into force at once. * In the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Land (Conversion for Non- Agricultural Purposes) Act, 2006 (herein after referred to as the Principal Act), in section 2, (1) in clause (a),- (4) in sub-clause (i), after the expression “the raising of orchards; or”, the expression, “Horticulture or Plantation or Sericulture” shall be added. (44) after sub-clause (iv), the following shall be edded, namely,- “(v) such other uses, as may be prescribed.” (2) in clause (b), for the words “Agriculture Lands”, the words “Agricultural Lands? shall be substituted,“ In the principal Act, in section 4, in sub-section (1), () for the expression 3%", the expression “5%” shall be substituted. (i) the proviso shall be omitted, In the Principal Act, in section 6, in sub-section (2), for the expression “50%”, the expression “100%” shall be substituted. : : BISWA BHUSAN HARICHANDAN, Governor of Andhra Pradesh. ‘VADDADI SUNITHA, Secrotary to Government{FAC}, ‘Law; Legal and Legislative Affairs & Justice. Law Department.

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