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Impact of Perception on School Safety and Security Measures to Academic

Performance of Grade 10 Students in General Vito Belarmino

Integrated National High School

De Ramos, Gio E,
Dimas, Karl Angelo T.
Herrera,Jhomar E.
Yaya, Maynard Ivan B.

Safety Measures

In this international study, Fagih (2018) created a study that will identify the level of

awareness of safety measures practiced in school laboratories among the pre service

teachers at Najran University. This study aims to identify the sources of safety measures

awareness and statistically significant among sample responses due to specialization. The

researcher found that the scale covers the following aspects; laboratory risk management,

proper practices, and first aid for laboratory injuries. The article highlights the significance of

safety measures in schools to have a conducive environment to the students.

Furthermore, Ali & Fatima (2018) examined the Analysis of Safety and Security

Measures in Public and Private Schools at Secondary Level. The findings of this study

shows that safety and security measures such as flooring and lighting; number of furniture

according to the number of users, stable portable equipment i.e. TV and Computers, good

practice of computers among students; fire-fighting equipment, fire evacuation procedures,

the evacuation drill; testing of water samples, Remedial actions against exceed limits for

bacteria, cold water is used for preparing foods and beverages; emission inspection stickers;

Natural disasters, Fires, Chemical or hazardous material spills or releases, Major

transportation accidents, Incidents of violence, Bomb threats and acts of terror are most

common measure in both public and private school at secondary level. The basic purpose of

this study is to analyze different safety and security measures in both public and private

schools at secondary level in Islamabad.

In addition, Mina et al. (2016) conducted a research to describe the existing safety

and security measures of the top universities in Nueva Ecija, Philippines towards its combat

to COVID-19 pandemic in terms of availability of facilities and equipment, and personnel

welfare. After identifying the prevailing measures of the universities, the researchers

proposed an enhancement plan. The researchers suggested an enhancement plan that can

be adapted by these universities to resolve the concerns of the faculty and staff especially in
reducing the spread of the virus without sacrificing the day-to-day transactions of the

academic institutions.

Security Measures

Fisher et al. (2016) stated that school climate is an important component of students'

experiences, and has implications for multiple future outcomes. However, research

examining the relationships among dimensions of school climate is scant. Drawing on

theories from neighborhood research, we examine how the presence of school security

measures relates to other dimensions of school climate, including "Safety and

Relationships." Data come from a nationally representative sample of students ages 12 to

18. The results of a series of regression models provide evidence for a relationship between

school security measures and students' perceptions of school climate, although these

relationships are inconsistent. Because school security measures are such an expensive

and potentially intrusive intervention, it is necessary to examine their consequences--both

intended and unintended.

In addition, Chambers (2022) argues that the implementation of modern security

technology in American schools (also known as target hardening) may do more harm than

good, especially when such technologies represent the primary mode of risk

responsiveness. In using technological measures to reduce risk, schools may inadvertently

undermine both other responses to school violence as well as key aims of schooling itself.

Here, Chambers provides a survey of the dominant trends in school security measures and

the empirical scholarship related to those measures' effectiveness and outcomes. He then

provides four independent arguments for why reliance on security technology might be more

harmful than not. First, reliance on technology as a response to school violence can

ultimately limit more effective approaches to school safety that are not technological.

Second, the more securitized schools become, the more such securitization detracts from

teaching and learning as the main enterprise of schools. Third, surveillance measures

unintentionally propagate fear in students and may inhibit healthy adolescent development.
Fourth, security technology has a unique capacity to harmfully alter student--teacher

relationships. These arguments, taken together, should suggest an abundance of caution is

in order when it comes to securitizing schools.

The Security Office of St. Scholastica’s College (2014) is thus always ready to

secure, protect and defend the entire community – its members and stakeholders, facilities

and properties. Through this, we aim to provide all members of the community with

information that will enable all its members to maximize the use of the Security Office’s

resources and services whenever needed. While it is our hope that such Security measures

as those pertaining to emergencies detailed herein will never be necessary, the need for

such a website is dictated by pragmatic purposes. In order to achieve our plans and desire

to give total protection to this community, the Safety and Security Committee activated the

Emergency Response Team composed of the well-trained personnel on fire fighting, bomb

management, first aid, and evacuation procedures. It will immediately operate in a minimal

time when any disaster arises and through the decision making of the Emergency

Management Team who will also activate in times of emergencies. Be assured that any

safety and security measure that needs to be implemented for emergencies CAN and WILL

become operational within a minimal reasonable time

Academic Performance

According to Opoko, Oluwatayo, and Ezema (2016), a student's academic

performance indicates how well the students were able to achieve their educational goals. It

also describes the students’ performance over the span of a particular amount of time in an

educational course. It is also considered as an important aspect that determines an

individual’s achievement that is very vital at every stage of personal growth which is

regarded as crucial as this determines the success or failure in life. Academic performance

can also be affected by the home and school environment as it helps develop their learning

style which is a key factor in a learning process. Therefore, it is important to comprehend the
many environmental circumstances that affect academic success because they influence

how it will turn out.

Furthermore, the academic performance of the students can be affected by different

factors. Factors that can make the students succeed academically or can even hinder them.

It includes environmental variables that start to affect a person's growth and development

even before they are born. The elements that a child needs for successful teaching and

learning should be present in a suitable environment. Both the home and the school should

offer the essential stimulation for the learning process. The majority of the child's time is

spent in school, and the environment has an impact on learning through relationships and

the curriculum. Having a conducive learning environment is one of the top priorities to

contribute to the growth of students’ academic performance (2015)..

In addition, Pajarillo-Aquino (2019) mentioned that academic performance of the

students can be very dependent. It was stated that the level of students’ academic

performance is a really important part in the teaching and learning process. There are a lot

of factors that can affect it which may vary from tangible or intangible. Furthermore, it has

been discovered that there is a significant association between kids' academic performance

and the school environment, an institution of learning that also serves as a second home for

learners. As a result, the principal and the faculty should create a welcoming learning

environment where students are free to contact them whenever they need. They should also

offer sufficient educational resources that might spark students' interests and encourage

them to put in extra effort, and make them feel at ease. It is thought that friendly interactions

between the head teacher and the students foster an environment where learning may take

place since conversations are encouraged and pupils are given attention.

Safety and Security Measures, and Academic Performance

In this study conducted in the Philippines, Santos and Rodriguez (2018) examined

the effects of safety and security measures on the academic performance of senior high

school students. The researchers found that implementing various safety and security
measures, such as CCTV cameras, security personnel, and stricter entrance policies, had a

positive impact on students' academic performance. This suggests that a safe and secure

school environment can enhance students' learning and academic achievement. The study

highlights the importance of prioritizing safety and security measures in schools to improve

students' academic outcomes.

Furthermore, Kovacs and Stone (2019) investigated the impact of school security

measures on student academic performance. The researchers found that school safety and

security measures, such as security cameras, police officers, and visitor screening

procedures, had a positive effect on students' academic performance. The study suggests

that school safety and security measures play an important role in providing students with a

safe learning environment, which can lead to improved academic performance. This

highlights the significance of implementing effective safety and security measures in schools

to promote students' academic success.

Lastly, Kutsyuruba et al. (2015) stated that academic success is strongly correlated

with school climate, student safety, and wellbeing. Individual outcomes and behaviors are

influenced by individual qualities and subjective views of the environment, not by how

everyone in the school feels about it. As a result, it is necessary to take a closer look at how

student learning and school climate are related. The connection between school

atmosphere, school safety, student academic achievement, and student well-being is

examined in this review of the literature. We reviewed empirically supported research

findings and technical reports that addressed the following issues using a systematic review

methodology: (a) school climate as a social construct and its relationship to school safety;

(b) the elements that contribute to an environment where students feel safe; and (c) the

factors that influence student engagement. A negative school climate (such as one in which

bullying, victimization, and violence are common) can have a negative impact on student

achievement, ultimately affecting secondary school completion and student well-being. It can

also have a negative impact on specific groups of students who feel unsafe. We present
recommendations for future study, summarize the current status of school climate research,

and address the implications for school policies and practices in the areas of school climate,

safety, and student performance.


Ali, S. & Fatima , F. (2016). Analysis of Safety and Security Measures in Public and Private
Schools at Secondary Level.J Socialomics 2016, 5:3

Chambers, D. (n.d.). How School Security Measures Harm Schools and Their Students.

Fagihi Y. L. (2018) . The Level of Awareness of Safety Measures Practice in School

Laboratories among Pre Service Science Teachers at Najran University. Journal Of
Educational Issues (2018)

Fisher, B. (2016, April 10). School Security Measures and Students’ Perceptions of School

Kovacs, J. A., & Stone, S. L. (2019). The Impact of School Security Measures on Student
Academic Performance. Journal of Education and Learning, 8(4), 26-35

Kutsyuruba, B., lingKer, D. A., & Hussain, A. (2015). Relationships among school climate,
school safety, and student achievement and well-being: a review of the literature.
Review of Education, 3(2), 103–135.

Mina, J.C , Aydinan, J. J. Campos, R. Jr., Ayeo-eo, S.The Safety and Security Measures of
the Selected Universities in Nueva Ecija, Philippines: Its Combat to COVID-19
Pandemic published by Open Access Library Journal, Vol.8 No.1, 202

Oluwatayo, A. A., Aderonmu, P. A., & Aduwo, E. B. (2015). Architecture Students'

Perception of their Learning Environment and their Academic Performances.
Learning Environment research, 129- 142.

Pajarillo-Aquino. I. (2015). The Classroom Environment And Its Effects on the Students
Academic Performance of the College of Teacher Education, 172-175

Safety & Security | St Scholastica’s College. (n.d.).

Santos, M. L., & Rodriguez, A. J. (2018). Safety and Security Measures and Their Effects on
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in the Philippines. Philippine
Journal of Psychology, 51(1), 57-72

Sinab, K. (2015). The Influence of the Physical School Environment on the Academic
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