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Sri Vivekananda Degree College

(Affiliated by SK University) Kamala Nagar, Ananthapuramu

Community Service Project
Survey on Use of Electrical Home Appliances
Name of the Student : Date:
Group :
Registration Number :
Family Details:
Name of the Householder (Head):
Door No: Street Name:
Name of the Village: Name of the Mandal/Panchayat:
Name of the District: Name of the Ward/Grama Sachivalayam:
S.No. Name of the person Gender Age Education Profession

Social Status details:

(i) Caste: (ii) Sub-Caste: (iii) Religion:

Economic Status details:

1. Type of House Building: Hut/ Semi Pucca/ Pucca/ Apartment/ Bungalow
2. Nature of House building: Own/ Rented
3. Drinking Water facility: Well/ Bore-well/ Govt. Tap connection/ Common tap
4. Availability of Agricultural land: Yes/ No
5. Extent of Agricultural land: Acres
6. Names of crops: Paddy/ Sugar cane/ Ground nuts/ Vegetables/ Any other
7. Cattle: Cows Ox Buffaloes Sheep/ Goats
8. Do you have own toilet: Yes/ No
9. Type of Cooking fuel used: LPG / Kerosene/ Electricity/ Wood/ others specify
10. Is any family member part of DWACRA group: Yes/ No
11. Do you have Ration Card: Yes/ No
12. Do you have vehicle: Two wheeler/ Auto/ Car/ Any other vehicle
13. What are the monthly earnings of your family Rs.______________
Name of the Govt. Schemes received:
 Jagananna Vidhya Deevena Yes/ No
 Jagananna Vasathi Deevena Yes/ No
 Raithu Bharosa Yes/ No
 Any other scheme:
Set of question related to Electricity consumption in your home:
1. Do you have government (or grid) electricity supply in your house?
a. Yes
b. No (if No why)
i. Cannot afford the connection iii. Not available in my neighbourhood
ii. Do not earn enough iv. Have applied for the connection
2. Is this supply from an (agricultural) electricity connection?
a. Yes b. No
3. How many mobile phones do your household use? How many of these are smart
phones? _____
4. What kind of light bulbs do you have in your house?
a. “Traditional” incandescent bulbs________
b. Compact Fluorescent lamps _________
c. LED bulbs __________
d. Halogen lamps_________
e. Other (specify)__________
5. How many ceiling fans/ table fans do you have in your house? _______
Mention the Wattage _____________
How many of those fans are turned on for more than an hour per day_______
6. Do you have Fridge/Refrigerator?(Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
7. Do you have Kitchen ventilator? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
8. Do you have Rice cooker? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
9. Do you have Microwave oven/ Electric oven? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
10. Do you have Induction Stove? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
11. Do you have Air conditioner? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
12. Do you have Air Coolers? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
13. Do you have Electric water heater? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
14. Do you have Electric iron box? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
15. Do you have Electric motorcycle? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
16. Do you have Washing machine? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
17. Do you have TV? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
18. Do you have Computer/Laptop? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
19. Do you have Modem/router (for Internet or WiFi)? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
20. Do you have Audio or music system? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
21. Do you have Electric Water purifier? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
22. Do you have Blender/juicer/mixer/grinder? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
23. Do you have electric water motor? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
24. Do you have an inverter-battery system (rechargeable battery) in your house?
If Yes mention the battery capacity _____________
No. of Devices:____ No.of Hours used per month_______
25. Does your household use electricity from a diesel generator? (Yes/No)______
If Yes mention the Wattage generated in month_____________
26. Do you use solar home system for electricity in your house?
If Yes mention the No.of Solar Panels and Wattage _____________
27. How many kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per month did you spend on average
over the last 12 months?_____________
28. What was the average monthly cost for electricity over the past 12 months?________
29. Any other electric devices used in your home.

30. What are the measurements are you taking for reduce the electricity consumption?


Signature of the House holder Signature of the Student

Counter signature of the faculty – mentor

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