Lecture Note - Chap 2

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University of Foreign Languages and International Studies


Student’s name: …………………………………………………… Planning Business
Date of birth: ………………………………………………………. Message
Fill the gap with a suitable word or phrase. Use textbook as a reference.

Outcome 1: Define the goals of business writing, summarize the 3-x-3 writing process, and
explain how it guides a writer.
Basics of business writing:
 Business messages are different from college essays, term papers, and messages to friends.
 (1) _____and (2) _____count.
 The best business writing is: (3) _____, (4) _____, (5) _____and (6) _____.
 Following a process can make you a better writer or speaker: the 3-x-3 Writing Process.
Name the three stages and the time for scheduling for each stage:
1. (7) ______, taking (8) _____ %: Analyze audience & purpose, Anticipate audience and its
reaction to message, Adapt message to audience
2. (9) ______, taking (10) _____ %: Research background, collect information, Organize
information, Draft first version
3. (11) ______, taking (12) _____ %: Edit for clarity, Proofread, Evaluate whether the
message will accomplish goals

Outcome 2: Analyze the purpose of a message, anticipate its audience, and select the best
communication channel.
2.1. Analyzing Your Purpose and Channel
The primary purpose of most business messages is to (13) ______or to (14) ______ and the
secondary purpose is to (15) ______ ______.
 Identify your purpose by asking yourself 2 questions:
 (16) ________________
 (17) ________________
 Here are 14 channels that can be used to communicate. Fill in some missing channels in
the box.

email phone call face-to-face blog (22) ______

(18) _______ voice mail (20) _______ letter video chat
face-to-face video- or 21) ______
group meeting (19) ______ teleconference

 Ten Levels of Richness in Today’s Workplace Communication Channels (from the richest
to the leanest)
 FACE TO FACE: Best for persuasive, bad-news, and personal messages
 (23) _____: Best choice when two people cannot meet in person
 VIDEO CHAT: Best for group interaction and consensus-building when members are
 (24) ______: Best for routine messages that do not require immediate feedback
 IM: Best for short online messages that need a quick response
 (25) ______: For external messages that require formality, sensitivity, or a written
 MEMO: To distribute interoffice information, especially when e-mail is unavailable
 (26) ______: To share ideas with a wide Internet audience and encourage responses
 REPORT: To deliver considerable data internally or externally
 WIKI: To provide a repository for digital information that can be easily changed
 What 4 communication channels are found here?
 (27) _______. ________. _________, _________.
‘I sent you an e-mail and forwarded a copy to your PDA, cell phone, and home computer.
I also faxed a copy to your office, your assistant, and laptop. Then I snail-mailed hard
copies to you on paper, floppy, and CD. But in case you don’t receive it, I’ll just tell you
what you said…’.
 (28) List out 8 Factors Affecting Channel Choice:
 _________________________________
 _________________________________
 _________________________________
 _________________________________
 _________________________________
 _________________________________
 _________________________________
 _________________________________

Outcome 3: Employ expert writing techniques such as incorporating audience benefits,

developing the “you” view, and using conversational but professional language.
Anticipating and Profiling the Audience:
 Primary Audience and Secondary Audience
 Create a Message That Suits Your Audience
a. (29) ______: Focus your statements on the audience, not the sender.
Empathy: Putting yourself in the shoes of the receiver.
For example: Which sentence is better? Put a tick (v)
 _______ You will enjoy total piece of mind with our affordable hospitalization plan that
meets all your needs.
 _______ We are promoting a new hospitalization plan that we believe has many
outstanding benefits.
b. Develop a “You” View: Emphasize second-person pronouns (you/your) instead of first-person
pronouns (I/we, us, our)
c. (30) ______: A warm, friendly tone that sounds professional
 Levels of Language Use: Conversational
 Characterized by: Correct grammar and punctuation, conversational tone, simple sentence
structure, familiar words
d. Positive Language: Considerably improves the clarity and tone of a message and creates
goodwill and gives more options to readers.
For example: Which sentence is better? Put a tick (v)
 _______ We cannot fill your order until we receive an exact model number.
 _______ We can fill your order once we receive an exact model number.
e. Inclusive Language:
For example: Which sentence is better? Put a tick (v)
 _______ All executives have their own offices.
 _______ Every executive has his own office.
f. (31) ______: Use plain language to express clear meaning and avoid showy words, long
sentences and confusing expressions.
g. Familiar Words: Avoid long, difficult, and unfamiliar words. Use short, simple, and common
words whenever possible.
For example: Which word is familiar ‘encounter’ or ‘meet’? - _________.
h. (32) ______: Avoid sounding demanding, preachy (trying to give advice), or rude.
For example: Which sentence is better? Put a tick (v)
 _______ You must complete this research by June 1
 _______ Will you please complete this research by June 1?

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