FINAL Q&P's Porter

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South Dublin County Council

(Comhairle Chontae Átha Cliath Theas)


Each candidate must be of good character.

Each candidate must be in a state of health such as would enable them to give regular and
efficient service.

Education / experience
Each candidate must have attained a standard of education sufficient to enable them to carry
out the duties of the post.

Key competencies / skills

Each candidate must demonstrate:

Motivation and interest

 Shows enthusiasm and interest in the job.
 Can be trusted to work independently and unsupervised.
 Is willing to listen to and carry out instructions.
 Works hard and does a good job whatever the task and in all conditions.

 Works co-operatively and communicates effectively with others both inside and outside
the organisation.
 Takes direction from Line Managers.

Awareness of Health and Safety
 Understands the importance of Health and Safety in the workplace and follows safety
 Is aware of the surrounding environment and can identify potential risks.
 Is alert to possible dangers in situations - and reports concerns to senior staff member.
 Pays due care to both own and others safety.

Openness to learning
 Demonstrates a willingness to listen and learn.
 Participates in relevant training - both on the job and formal training.

Initiative and problem solving

 Anticipates what is required for the job and prepares accordingly.
 Is willing to use initiative should the need arise.

Dealing with people

 Is respectful to colleagues, Line Managers and members of the public.
 Tries to create a positive impression of the organisation with members of the public.
 Demonstrates good manners and politeness even in potentially difficult situations.
 Can calm down and diffuse difficult situations.
 Is comfortable liaising with people outside the team and organisation.

Experience of working with the public in a public office setting or other customer-facing role.
There may be a requirement to travel to various Council premises and other locations.
Therefore, a competent driver with a full, unendorsed category B driving licence is desirable.


The office is wholetime, permanent and pensionable.

€694.12 (minimum) – €732.52 (maximum) per week. This does not include relevant

The rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government Policy.

Porters will carry out their duties in an efficient manner and be polite and courteous to
Customers in line with the Customer Charter.

The duties that Porters will perform, under the direction and control of the Supervisory Staff
in Customer Care / Corporate Performance and Change Management will include but are
not limited to:

1) Reporting promptly for duty, and if absent though illness or otherwise should notify
Supervisory Staff in Customer Care / Corporate Performance and Change
Management. In case of illness, medical certificates or uncertified sick notes to be
presented to Supervisory Staff in Customer Care.

2) Wearing official issued uniform and footwear and being presentable at all times, this
will include wearing name badges as part of Customer Care improvements.

3) Opening and locking of offices and switching off and setting of alarms as required.

4) Maintaining required checks on the security alarm system.

5) The general supervision of entrances, on daily basis to check public areas,

(Concourse, Members Rooms, Ante room, Council chamber, Coffee dock, corridors
and hallways at County Hall and Concourse, Meeting and Members Rooms, Hallways
and corridors in Clondalkin) and ensuring that they are in a tidy condition. Ensuring
doors are kept closed and building secure.

6) Maintenance of order in public areas and the surveillance of members of the public,
attention to the queuing system at the Customer Care Desk in the Concourse.

7) Use of the Safepass system to ensure that no unauthorised person gains access to
upper floors of the building or internal offices. Printing of pre booked visitors passes
and passes for those who arrive on the day.

8) Reserve spaces in the Car Park at the request of Supervisory Staff in Customer Care
/ Corporate Performance and Change Management.

9) Control of lifts as required. Training to be provided as necessary.

10) Control access and patrolling Council car park if and when required.

11) Handing out forms and answering minor questions from members of the public,
acceptance of couriered items and tenders. Directing Members of the Public as
necessary and conducting them to meetings with Officials booked through the
Safepass system if required.

12) The giving of assistance to disabled persons entering or exiting the building.

13) Issuing of Access Cards to selected Contractors.

14) Reception and checking of goods delivered as required and transmission of goods to
correct floors / sections. Liaison with Civic Maintenance Staff to ensure deliveries to
departments from stores as required.

15) Monitoring close-circuit T.V. system and taking appropriate consequential action such
as, alerting Security Staff. Calling Security Staff also in case of activation of panic
alarms at any of the public desks.

16) Operating mobile radios / walkie talkie, as required.

17) Collection of morning post from the nominated postal office, sorting of incoming post
and distribution of post to departments where scanning of post has not yet
commenced. Liaison with staff of the Customer Care Center in this regard as more
departments post is included in the office automation project. Such post will include

18) Collection of internal post and franking / preparation of external post in readiness for
collection by An Post. This will include registered post and cheques from Finance.
Porters are also required to collate postal statistics as required.

19) Providing messenger service if and when required.

20) Carrying out of duties in inclement weather conditions when necessary.

21) Providing cover for absent colleagues, including Library Attendants if required.

22) Supervision of distribution of staff newsletters and other publications to depot staff.

23) Undertaking any course of training organised by the Council which they are
designated to attend.

24) Reporting to Supervisory Staff in Customer Care / Corporate Performance and

Change Management on any irregularities that might adversely affect the carrying out
of assigned duties. Reporting of incidents for recording by Supervisory Staff in
Customer Care incident book.

25) Maintaining confidentiality in all matters relating to Council business and ensuring that
no files, records and so on are left in such a manner that unauthorised persons can
obtain access to them.

26) Have due regard to Health, Safety and Welfare at Work legislation.

27) Such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by their superiors, including
the working of overtime if required.

Porters will be required to serve as required in County Hall, Tallaght, Civic Offices,
Clondalkin and / or in any of the premises occupied by the Council from time to time
including any premises that may be acquired in the future.

The provisions of the Local Government (Superannuation) (Consolidation) Scheme 1998
may apply.

Persons who become pensionable officers who are liable to pay the Class A rate of PRSI
contribution will be required, in respect of their superannuation contribution, to contribute to
the local authority as follows:
1.5% of their pensionable remuneration
3.5% of net pensionable remuneration
(pensionable remuneration less twice the annual rate of social insurance old age contributory
pension payable at the maximum rate to a person with no adult dependent or qualified

Persons who become pensionable officers who are liable to pay the Class D rate of PRSI
contribution will be required, in respect of their superannuation contribution, to contribute to
the local authority at the rate of 5% of their pensionable remuneration.

The provisions of the Spouses and Children’s / Widows and Orphans Contributory Pension
Scheme will continue to apply.

New entrants will be admitted to the Single Public Service Pension Scheme with effect from
the date of appointment. The scheme is contributory and provides pension, retirement
gratuity, death gratuity and survivors benefits. To qualify for a pension the successful
candidate must have served a minimum of two years employment in a local authority.

Rates and thresholds 2023

Local Government Superannuation Scheme members
 €0.00 to €34,500 0%
 €34,500 to €60,000 10%
 Over €60,000 10.5%

Single Public Sector Pension Scheme members

 €0.00 to €34,500 0%
 €34,500 to €60,000 3.33%
 Over €60,000 3.5%

Holders of the post will live in the district in which their duties are to be performed or within a
reasonable distance thereof, as determined by the Council.

Candidates must, by the date of any job offer, be:
a) A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member
States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or
b) A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or
c) A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland
on the free movement of persons; or
d) A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and
has a stamp 4 visa; or
e) A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act
2015, or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family
reunification and has a stamp 4 visa or
f) A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and
resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa.

Outside employment
The position is whole-time and the employee may not engage in private practice or be
connected with any outside business which would interfere with the performance of official

Retirement age
There is no mandatory retirement age for new entrants to the public service as defined in the
Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004.

Anyone who is not a new entrant to the public service, as defined in the Public Service
Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004, is subject to a compulsory retirement
age of 65 years or as determined in accordance with Department Circulars and in line with
Government Policy.

The maximum retirement age for new entrants as defined by the Public Service Pensions
(Single Scheme and other Provisions) Act 2012 is 70 years.

Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER)

It is a condition of the Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER) as set out in
Department of Finance Circular 12/09 that retirees, under that Scheme, are debarred from
applying for another position in the same employment or the same sector. Therefore, such
retirees may not apply for this position.

Hours of work
The hours of duty which may be varied from time to time are 35 hours per week and holders
of the post may be required to work overtime at evenings / weekend as required.

Rosters will be arranged by the Supervisory Staff in Customer Care.

Each Porter will as part of this roster carry out all aspects of porter’s duties.

Where a person is permanently appointed to South Dublin County Council, the following
provisions will apply:
(a) there will be a period after appointment takes effect, during which such a person will
hold the position on probation;
(b) such period will be one year but the Chief Executive may, at their discretion, extend
such period;
(c) such a person will cease to hold the position at the end of the period of probation
unless during this period the Chief Executive has certified that the service is
(d) the period at (a) above may be terminated on giving one week’s notice as per the
Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts;
(e) there will be assessments during the probationary period.

Officers who have already completed a probationary period with another Local Authority will
not be obliged to serve probation with South Dublin County Council.

Selection will be by means of a competition based on an interview conducted by or on behalf
of the Council.

Interview may be face to face or conducted through Microsoft Teams and will be at the
discretion of the Council.

South Dublin County Council reserves its right to shortlist candidates in the manner it deems
most appropriate which may include desktop shortlisting and / or preliminary interviews.

Shortlisting will be on the basis of information supplied on the application form and the likely
number of vacancies to be filled. It is therefore in your own interest to provide a detailed and
accurate account of your qualifications and experience on the application form, and to fully
complete the competency questions where applicable.

A panel may be formed on the basis of such interviews. Candidates whose names are on a
panel and who satisfy the Council that they possess the qualifications declared for the post
and that they are otherwise suitable for appointment may, within the life of the panel, be
appointed as appropriate vacancies arise. The life of the panel will be for a period of one
year from the date of its formation.

The Council will not be responsible for any expenses a candidate may incur in attending for

For the purpose of satisfying the requirement as to health, it will be necessary for successful
candidates to undergo a medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner to be
nominated by the Council.

Appointment will also not proceed without the Council obtaining two satisfactory references
from responsible persons know to but not related to the candidate. A responsible person
should be a person under whom the candidate has serviced in employment, or in the case of
relevant voluntary work a person who has held a supervisory position. At least one of
references must be from a current employer.

South Dublin County Council will require persons to whom appointments are offered to take
up such appointments within a reasonable period of time as determined by the Council. If
they fail to take up appointment within such period or such longer period as the Council in its
absolute discretion may determine, the Council will not appoint them.

Garda Vetting will be sought prior to appointment in accordance with the National Vetting
Bureau Act 2012 - 2016.

A candidate who is found to be ineligible at any stage of the competition will not be further
considered. Provision of inaccurate, untrue or misleading information will lead to
disqualification from the competition, withdrawal of employment or dismissal.

A candidate who does not attend for interview when and where required by the Council will
have no further claim to consideration.

Only applications received electronically through the Council’s e-Recruitment system will be
accepted and must be received no later than midnight on Thursday, 13 July 2023.

Applicants should hold themselves in readiness for interview any time after the closing date.

Interview results will be available on

South Dublin County Council is an equal opportunities employer.

Canvassing will automatically disqualify.


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