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critiques of democracy 🗳🗃


‍️️‍‍️‍♀ ️️ may be left behind ️‍ 🏋️‍️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Even though minorities are treated better on average in democracies compared to most other
political systems, in some countries, minorities may still be left behind.
Since politicians often focus on getting the votes from the majority of the population in order to
be elected, the needs of minorities may not be the focus of many politicians.

economic vs social interests due to lobbying🦦‼️

lobbying❗️any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of
government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators,
generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber. Lobbying in some form is inevitable in
any political system.

In the context of political decision making, lobbying activities often play a crucial role in

For instance, if an industry in a country is quite strong and important, they may have plenty of
influential people that have good contacts with political decision-makers, which may influence
political decisions.
Thus, if economic interests and social interests diverge, politicians may prefer to act in line with
economic interests instead of social interests.

politicians may act in an opportunistic manner❌🙄💀

Politicians may also have their own interests in mind in a democracy, similar to dictatorships.
In case their political survival is on the line, politicians may act in a way that favors them instead
of doing what would be beneficial for the general public.

voters may lack informations (misinformed) 😩👎

Even though in many countries, parties often provide plenty of information about their political
goals through the internet, many people often still lack information about the respective parties.
This may be due to insufficient internet access or also since people do simply not care about
this topic.
However, uninformed people may vote for parties that are not in line with their attitudes at best
and may vote for extremist parties at worst, which may lead to serious social problems.

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