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Assignment 1.

Introduction of Operating System (OS).

Student Name: Amjad Khalaf Alanazi

Student ID: 442100725

Due Date: 12/4/2023

Kingdom Saudi Arabia
Majmaah University

Homework 1

1. What is Operating System? Explain three operating system functions that maintain
efficient operation of the system.
An operating system is a software that manages a computer's resources, like its memory and processing power. It helps
software programs interact with the computer and each other. Three important things that an operating system does
to keep the computer running well are:
1: Manages the memory that different programs need to use so that the computer doesn't crash or slow down.

2: Makes sure that different programs can run at the same time without interfering with each other, and that
important programs get the resources they need first.

3: Helps you create, delete, and organize files on the computer so that you can find them easily when you need them.

2. a). List the components of operating system.

An operating system has several parts that work together to help your computer function properly. Some of the main
components are:

1: The kernel, which is like the brain of the operating system and manages computer resources.

2: Device drivers that let the operating system communicate with things like printers, scanners, and other hardware.

3: The user interface, which is the part of the operating system you interact with to use your computer.

4: The file system, which is how the operating system keeps track of files and folders on your computer.

5: System services that run in the background to help your computer perform tasks like printing and backups.

6: Security components that help protect your computer from viruses and other threats.

7: APIs, which allow software programs to communicate with the operating system and use its resources.

8: The command interpreter or shell, which is a program that lets you give commands to the computer by typing them in.

b). List five services provided by an operating system, and explain how each creates
convenience for users. In which cases would it be impossible for user-level programs
to provide these services? Explain your answer.

An operating system provides several services that make using a computer easier for users. These services create
convenience for users by:

1: Managing files and folders: The operating system provides a way for users to organize and manage files on their
computer, making it easy to find and access files when needed.

2: Managing hardware devices: The operating system manages devices such as printers, scanners, and webcams, making it
easy for users to use and switch between different devices.

3: Managing memory: The operating system manages computer memory, preventing programs from crashing or slowing
down due to lack of memory.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia
Majmaah University

4: Providing security: The operating system provides security features such as user accounts, permissions, and encryption,
ensuring that user data is safe and secure.

5: Managing networking: The operating system manages network connections and protocols, allowing users to connect to
the internet and share resources over a network.

In most cases, it is impossible for user-level programs to provide these services because they do not have direct access to the
computer's hardware and resources. For example, a user-level program cannot directly manage memory or hardware
devices. Instead, these services must be provided by the operating system, which has direct access to the computer's
hardware and resources.

3. What is an interrupt? Explain how does an operating system handle them.

An interrupt is a signal that tells the CPU to stop what it's doing and handle an event that requires immediate attention,
such as a hardware device needing to send data to the computer.

The operating system handles interrupts by temporarily suspending the current program and switching to a special
routine called an interrupt handler. The interrupt handler determines what caused the interrupt and takes appropriate
action, like sending data to a printer or saving data before the computer shuts down due to low battery.

The operating system keeps a list of interrupt handler routines and selects the correct one based on the type of interrupt.
Good interrupt handling is important for the computer's performance and stability.

4. How Computer is Starting-up? Where does usually OS locate? What do you know
about Firmware?

When a computer is started up, the hardware is checked to make sure everything is working. Then, the computer
looks for the operating system on the hard drive or other storage devices.

The firmware is a type of software that is built into hardware devices, like the BIOS on a computer's motherboard.
It controls the device's basic functions and is difficult to update.

5. What is a volatile memory? Name an example of a volatile Memory.

Volatile memory is a type of computer memory that needs electricity to work. It's like a whiteboard that erases itself when
you turn off the power. RAM is an example of volatile memory, which is used to store data temporarily while the computer
is running. When the computer is turned off, all data stored in RAM is lost.
6. What is a non-volatile memory? Name an example of a non-volatile Memory.

Non-volatile memory is a type of computer memory that doesn't need electricity to work. It's like a bookshelf that holds
onto its contents even when the power goes out. A hard drive or SSD is an example of non-volatile memory that is used to
store data permanently, even when the computer is turned off.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia
Majmaah University

7. Choose the Correct Answer:

a). An operating system is

i. interrupt driven,
ii. connect driven,
iii. sleep driven.

b). Interruption in Operating System may be caused either by

i. an error or a user request,

ii. user requests never interrupt OS,
iii. errors never interrupt OS.

c). is a special kind of software program that controls a specific

hardware device attached to a computer.

i. Device driver,
ii. Compiler,
iii. kernel.
d).is a computer program and it is the core of a computer's operating

i. Device driver,
ii. Compiler,
iii. Kernel.

e).is a special program that translates a programming language's

source code into machine code, or another programming language, “Software”.

i. Device driver,
ii. Compiler,
iii. Kernel.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia
Majmaah University

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