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Anitra London

DeVry University

ENG 135

Professor Melissa Glossup

What is the purpose of the TED Talk speaker?

The theme of TED Talk continuous shooting is the strength of the belief that it can
be improved. The speaker's name is Carol Dweck and she is a psychologist. She also studies
the "Growth Concept" of being able to learn and develop the brain's ability to solve problems.
She thinks there are two ways to a difficult problem one of which is to loosen a little. The
purpose of this TED Talk is to make the belief that people can achieve success, its
importance, and their ability to improve. Speaker wants the audience to familiarize
themselves with the concept of Growth and learn new skills that inspires so that the audience
can see failure or disability as part of the learning process.

Rhetorical situation analysis

Who is the target audience of the speaker?

Children are the target audience for the TED Talk, but I think this may be for
everyone in life who goes to school or strives to reach their targets. The sole purpose of this
TED Talk is to help kids develop a growing mind set. To overcome the fear of failure, it is
very critical to understand how to focus on your growth of mind set. The keynote speaker
researched that in Chicago's high school scored "not yet" instead of failing the student.
Occasionally receiving an "F" can demoralize the students and suppress them during the
learning procedure. It is important to nurture students to have a concept of growth that assists
them learn and analyse by thinking on how to correct their own failures and mistakes.

Is information or context on some historical or current events presented (or lacking) to

help the audience understand the claim?

It's worth noting that continuous shooting can have two different ideas, and here's
how important it is. Sequential shooting talks about how the process of children's
participation praises their efforts, strategies, focus, patience and improvement. She also said
that the process praise of makes a strong and elastic child. In an environment with a culture
that is more positive than the tension of being judged or wrong, many emotions occur as the
process progresses. Encourage more effort and participation in challenging work for a longer
period of time, providing more flexibility.
Evidence analysis

The evidence used by the keynote speaker

There were many different types of evidence explained and used by the speaker
when defining the concept of mental growth. The principal source was a comparison of two
main concepts that worked when starting the challenge. When she said she was told she was
"not yet" was being used by the teachers rather than failing the students in Chicago's high
school. There was a study piloted by a scientist who measured electrical activity in the brain
when a student faced an error. If you fail the test when the students tell you not to say, you
are probably cheating next time, rather than studying further. In another research, after
realising that they have failed, they looked for fellow students who did worse than themselves
so that they can feel good about themselves. And the more they studied, the more they ran
away from the problem. Associating with a variety of thoughts, premised on intelligence,
personality, and creativity that cannot be altered in any consequential way.

What is the relevance and credibility of the evidence?

The evidence seems sustainable since she explains some of her personal experience,
derived from a psychologist point of view. The relevant evidence is suitable for the intended
audience. Also, researchers show that children appear to escape from the challenge if they
have a fixed mind-set of their potentials and skills. They even trick themselves into a
relationship with other kids who perform worse than they actually do. There are certain
weaknesses in the theory. The reason that theory and research results have coercive outcomes
is used as motivation in people's lives.

Is there any more information that needs to be known about this topic?

Because most of us know that it is very important to steer children on the right path
with a growing mind-set, we often forbid a growing mind that is too difficult. Read more
about how to solve a specific problem . We've all been through this situation. Before
watching the TED talk, I didn't think about the importance of being there for the kids as a
support rather than being upset if I failed the exam. I would also like to do more research on
growth in mind-set, check for ways before my child's grades start to drop, and to improve by
finding better means.

Personally, the title is at the top of the list. "The strength to believe you can
improve," she says for herself. It's extremely powerful to know how to improve your skills
and those around you. Carol Dweck presents the subject to the public strongly by explaining
how important it is to understand the different attitudes. The eye catching presentation was
backed by evidence from research materials and her mature explanations that are from a
professor experience point of view.


The continuous shooting TED talk came to a conclusion with some images
comparing scientific facts with two ideas. The series also talked about how the information
would help many students who would like to thank her for this theory. He also explains the
frustration he believes he has wasted his life and thanks Dr. Dweck for his work based on
real-world scientific facts. After applying this theory, continuous shooting talks about how
power must be human rights among all children, in order to consider that more things will be
offered in a valuable way. All children should live where there is room for growth, with a
stronger mind and the ability to grow in the future.


Dweck, C. (2014, November). The power of believing that you can improve. Retrieved from

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