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Lab Report #11

Department of Computer Science

HITEC University, Taxila

BS Computer Science Program

(Session 2019)

Web Engineering (CS-312)

Submitted by:
Muhammad (19-CS-070)

Submitted to:
Lab Demonstrator Adnan Javed

Lab Task

1. Use the OS module to display the current operating system information, such as the
platform and architecture, in the console.

Input Code:


2. Use the PATH module to display the path to the current file in the console.
Input Code:


3. Use NPM to install the Express.js and Mongoose packages for the CRUD application.
Input Code:


4. Use Nodemon to monitor changes to the application and restart the server automatically.
Input Code:

Conclusion:In this lab report, we successfully completed four tasks related to Node.js and package
management. Firstly, we used the OS module to display current operating system information, such as
platform and architecture. Secondly, the PATH module was utilized to display the path to the current file
in the console. Thirdly, we installed the Express.js and Mongoose packages for our CRUD application
using NPM, enabling us to leverage their functionalities. Lastly, we implemented Nodemon to monitor
changes in the application, automatically restarting the server. These tasks provided practical
experience in utilizing essential Node.js modules and package management, essential skills for efficient
and dynamic application development.

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