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Al Waha High School

Level: 1st Year BAC _____ Test 2-B Score: ______ / 20

Name: ________Answer key________ N°: _______ Date: March , 2022


A Healthy Lifestyle
As time goes by, doctors and scientists are finding a strong relationship between
the mind and the body. It's becoming clear that how you feel mentally and
emotionally is very important for the way you feel physically.
Have you ever thought that once you passed the age of 20 you start to die? Of course that is generally a slow process but you
can't escape from it. Teenagers find it difficult – if not impossible- to imagine themselves as middle-aged or old people. That’s
because they are young, fit and strong; however, if they don't get into the habit of taking regular exercise early in life to keep like
that as long as possible, they will have lots of problems when they are older.

One of the easiest ways to keep fit is to stick to a healthy diet, that is to say, to eat fruit, fresh vegetables and food containing
fiber, regularly. Smoking is something people must give up if they want to be healthy. Also, try to reduce your alcohol
consumption and avoid being too fat.

A. Are these sentences True or False? Justify. (2 Pts)

1. There is a connection between the mind and the body. True: doctors and scientists are finding a strong relationship
between the mind and the body.
2. Our bodies start to die slowly after our twenties. True: Have you ever thought that once you passed the age of 20 you
start to die? / Of course that is generally a slow process but you can't escape from it.
B. Answer the following questions. (2 Pts)
1. What are the effects when teenagers don’t exercise regularly? They will have lots of problems when they are older.
2. How can somebody keep fit? To stick to a healthy diet / To reduce your alcohol consumption and avoid being too fat.
C. Complete the sentences from the text. ( 2 Pts)
1. How someone feels mentally and emotionally is really essential for the way you feel physically.

2. Smoking is something that should be avoided if you want to be healthy.

D. What do the underlined words refer to? (2 Pts)

1. They (paragraph 2) : ___ Teenagers ________ 2. They (paragraph 3) : _____People___________

E. Find in the text words which mean the same as: (2 Pts)

1. Hard (paragraph 2) : _____ difficult ________ 2. Stop (paragraph 3) : _______give up_____________


A. Put the verbs between brackets into the correct form. (2 Pts)
1. If I study hard, I ________will pass______________________ (pass) the exam.
2. If they _____________had_____________________ (have) a lot of money, they would be happy.

B. Fill in the blanks using : hope – hopes – wish - wishes (2 Pts)

1. He _______hopes___________ Barcelona wins the next match.
2. Most parents ______wish_______ they had genius kids.
C. Choose the correct answer. (2 Pts).
1. The village_________where_______________ we grew up has completely changed.
a- where b- which c- whose
2. Your father ______must______________ stop smoking. He is very sick.
a- may b- can’t c- must
D. Rewrite the sentences as suggested: (2 Pts)
1. She corrects our books every day.
Our books are corrected everyday_____________________________________________
Our manager is interviewing a new clerk.
A new clerk is being interviewed our manager_________________________________________________

E. Match the statements with their functions: (2 Pts)

2. I will bake a big cake, if you get a good mark A- Complaint
3. I’m sorry to say this, but the service is terrible in this restaurant. B- Promise
C- Wish
1- ____B____ 2- ___A___ Good Luck!

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