Essay 2

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Use the resources on the assignment page to help you answer the following questions.

1. Now that you’ve learned about McCarthy’s early time in the military, and as a judge, in 5-7
sentences describe McCarthy’s early careers (military, judge) and his time in the Senate. Does
anything from his earlier life cause you concern regarding his accusations of communists in the
U.S. government?
He was a practitioner of law for some time as a lawyer, before enlisting in the Marine Corps.
After his service, he was voted in as senator and slowly built up his career with accusations of
an insidious communist plot in the federal government.
2. Were his accusations credible? Why or why not?
Most certainly not, seeing as he almost outright refused to name the communists he implied
were in the federal government.
3. According to McCarthy, why did he believe that Americans were still at risk after WWII?
Because he believed that communism as an ideology was still popular and growing in popularity
in the U.S.
4. What evidence did McCarthy provide to argue that communism was a growing force around
the world?
Next to none.
5. Do you think that McCarthy had a legitimate list and a righteous cause? Why or why not?
Was this a just cause or was it to further his political career? Use details and expand on your
answer fully.

His cause seems righteous but his list was totally illegitimate. I personally choose to believe that
McCarthy had done this as a publicity stunt—if he genuinely believed there were communists
infesting the U.S, he would have made the attempt to expose them publicly or name them,
which he was noted to have avoided several times. Ultimately it was a malicious campaign to
garner attention, nothing more.
Works Cited
1. Appleton Public Library, Joseph McCarthy
2. History Matters, “Enemies from Within”: Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s Accusations of

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