Essay 4

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Marshall Plan

Use the information included on the assignment page to help you answer the questions.

1. While watching the video, what do you see? What are the conditions in Europe? How does
this make you feel?
I see people living in abject poverty. The conditions in Europe must be terrible because of the
prior World War. It makes me feel sad.

2. Who was George Marshall?

He was an American soldier and political figure.
3. Why was the U.S. so motivated to enact the Marshall Plan?
The Marshall Plan was an initiative to restore economic security to Europe. It was feared that
because of the poverty present, communism would become more appealing.
4. What was the goal of the Marshall Plan? Think about the short and long term goals.
To restore economic security to Europe but to combat communism.

5. Give four specific examples of economic aid provided by the Marshall Plan? How much aid
did we provide to Western Europe?
Funding for food, reconstruction of cities, removing trade barriers and fostering commerce
between Europe and the U.S. Around 13 billion was spent in aid.
6. What nations received the most aid (monetarily) and why do you think it went to those
specific nations?
The UK, France and Germany received the most financial aid, as they were industrial
7. Why did the Soviet Union oppose the Marshall Plan and which eastern European countries
did it prevent from receiving aid?
They claimed the U.S was trying to illegitimately gain influence in a broken Europe. Eastern Bloc
countries were denied access.
8. What message does the cartoon “Can he block it?” show?
That Stalin is incapable of stopping the Marshal Plan
Focus Question:
Imagine that you are a British business owner writing a letter to a friend in the U.S. In your
letter discuss how the Marshall Plan has made a difference for you, your country and Western
Europe. Compare the benefits of the Marshall Plan to what you have heard about Comecon
from a friend in Czechoslovakia. This should be 3-4 paragraphs in length and include specifics
about both the Marshall Plan and Comecon.

I wanted to share some of my thoughts regarding the Marshall Plan and just how much it’s
helped me and my business—and it’s booming, by the way. The U.S has helped restore British
agriculture, financial stability and trade relations with other European powers.
However, I have heard about this Comecon initiative by the Soviets. It doesn’t seem to be going
as well, a blatant grift of an organization meant only to combat the U.S’... Anyhow, it solely
protects Soviet interests, which explains its failings.
Ultimately, I think the Marshall Plan has been a great help, and without it, I’m not sure my
business would be doing so well.
Works Cited
1. Arjen Moslen, Cold War - Marshall Plan 1947-1952 - Part 3/24, 2015
Cold War - Marshall Plan 1947-1952 - Part 3/24
2. U.S History, Containment and the Marshall Plan
3. The George C. Marshall Foundation, Life & Legacy
5. John D. Clare, Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

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