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:Billy of the Hollyfield family (“we”, “us”, “me”, “our”)

c/o 33 Tettenhall Way
near Faversham
[ME13 8YQ]

June 13th, 2022

By Royal Mail Special Guaranteed Delivery service served to
(document reference number… WD719821245GB)

Your ref: 5126877744186247

Michael Larkin as Chief Financial officer (“you”, “your”)

SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC [D-U-N-S number 379715832]
33 Holborn

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal, Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

To: Michael Larkin acting as Chief Financial officer

You are in receipt of a notice sent via Royal Mail recorded delivery on one (1) occasion sent by regis-
tered post dated:

1. 10th May 2022 reference number WD053558697GB.

To date you have failed to provide the true original documents and lawful first hand evidence that re-
quires a discharge any lawful owing debt due to Michael Larkin acting as Chief Financial officer of

Take Notice that you have been requested and required a total now of one (1) time to provide proof
of a valid claim. To which to this day 13th June 2022, you have ignored, knowingly, willingly and will-
fully with intent of his own free will and omission.

We are perplexed at your total disregard for the laws of our land and would urge you to consider se-
riously this lawful request and the implications of your silence in this matter.

Take Notice Michael Larkin with the company you are operating from, for a second time, you are re-
quested to provide this true and original documentation as and required in the form of an affidavit,
made under full personal private capacity and liability, under penalty of perjury by each of the depo-
nent who has the authority to bind the Company in Contract with us and must sign, date and name
clearly printed in one’s own hand and all done in wet ink, and not printed off the printer.


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Documentation has now been requested a total of one (1) time to prove this claim against us and no
such documentation has been provided at any time, by you the individual nor by the Company.

Take notice that this is the final occasion that any request and requirement will be made. It is clear
that we have stated on every occasion provide the information requested we will settle any lawful
obligation we may have upon valid proof of claim. This is not a refusal to pay. No such proof of claim
has to this date been provided to us by you the individual Michael Larkin or the Companies you op-
erate from.

Nothing has been proven yet. Therefore unless we receive all of the original true documentation re-
quested within a further fourteen (14) more days, from the date of this final default notice we will
proceed with our own litigation against these claims you seem unable to either consider or simply do
not have the documents to show a valid claim we have demanded of you on previous occasions.

We list for yet again the required documents as these will be asked for by anyone sitting in judge-
ment of your claim you are well aware from the basis of all contract laws and laws of equity, these
must be provided as evidence of your claim.

Data Required:

(a) Proof of validation of the alleged debt owed with FULL ACCOUNTING.
(b) A copy of the relevant and lawful Terms and Conditions contracting i, signed in wet ink.
(c) A true and certified copy (NOT photocopy) of the Deed of Assignment (NOT Notice of Assign-
(d) DEED OF NOVATION: My wet signature on any Tri-lateral agreement between your company and
(e) Verification of your claim against me (a sworn affidavit or even just a wet signed invoice/true bill
with VAT number.
(f) Provide evidence by stating the exact law, that i a man :Billy-James: Hollyfield: have any lawful.
obligation to pay monies under direct threat of harm injury and loss.
(g) Provide full disclosure on who created this account on my behalf without my permission.
(h) Provide evidence by stating the exact law, that i, a man :Billy-James: Hollyfield:. have any lawful
obligation to pay monies under direct threat of harm injury and loss.
(i) Provide evidence that a sum certain has been demanded for payment.

“Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank
account, thereby creating new money.” - Bank of England, Quarterly Bulletin, 2014, Q1

Questions to be answered under DPA 1998/2018 and GDPR 2018:

1. What fiduciary capacity are you Michael Larkin operating under in this matter?
2. What fiduciary capacity is SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC operating under in this matter?
3. What jurisdiction are you Michael Larkin standing under in this matter?
4. Are you, Michael Larkin exempt from the data protection act and/or GDPR?
5. Is the private for-profit corporation SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC exempt from the data protection act
and/or GDPR?
6. Are you Michael Larkin exempt from section 40 of 1970 administration of justice act?
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7. Is the private for-profit corporation SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC exempt from section 40 of 1970 ad-
ministration of justice act?
8. Are you aware that an unrebutted Affidavit of Truth stands as Truth and Judgement should it not
be rebutted point for point within the allotted time?
9. When we agree to a loan and accepted by SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC has that created a trust?
10. If a trust has been created by my autograph/agreement what are the roles
(fiduciary duties) of the SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC and myself within this trust?
11. In transactions is it not the case SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC is acting in the capacity of
12. Does the SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC holds legal title?
13. Who holds “Equitable” title?
14. Is an “agreement” signed by our self a financial instrument?
15.Can a financial instrument be securitised?
16. What lawful consideration does SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC give when agreeing a loan?
17. What creates the “source” of funds the bank claims it lends?
18. When SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC accepts a loan contract, does SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC monetise this
instrument, creating a credit on account which it then uses to fund the loan to the applicant?
19. If SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC did not loan its own money to a customer, but monetised the signed
loan document creating new funds on the account, would this not be an exchange rather than a
20. Does SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC. accept promissory notes and if so, how would we go about pre-
senting one for acceptance?
21. Is it true the “lender” SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC follows GAAP (generally accepted accounting princi-
ples)? Respond Yes or No
22. Was full disclosure given regarding if the “borrower” was to provide the funding for the loan per
bookkeeping entries?
23. Does SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC accept something of value from the borrower that is recorded as an
asset on the books of SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC resulting in a new liability? Yes or No
24. Did SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC lend the borrower SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC own pre-existing money or
assets? Yes or No
25. Did the borrower have “full disclosure” of the bookkeeping entries?
26. Did SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC add interest to the borrowers own promissory contract?
27. What equitable value/consideration did SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC give in return for the borrowers
28. Is it the intent of the loan agreement in which the party who funded the loan, as per SAINSBURY'S
BANK PLC bookkeeping entries is to be repaid the money lent to the borrowers? Yes or No
29. Does the lender record an asset showing the borrower owes money to the lender involved in the
loan agreement? Yes or No.
30. Is it true that, according to the bookkeeping entries, the borrower funds the loan? Yes or No
31. Is it true according to SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC bookkeeping entries the borrower is the depositor
therefore the creditor of the principal amount? Yes or No in writing.
32. Is it now clear the SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC has violated GAAP (generally accepted accounting prin-
cipals) thus making the agreement/contract null and void? Yes or No in writing.
33. Is it true the SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC converted the agreement by using it a “value” to give value
to a bond or similar financial instrument as proven by SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC bookkeeping entries,
thus proving the borrower funded the loan and proving SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC used concealment
and false statements that SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC funded the loan? Yes or No
34. Has the loan agreement contract been sold to a special purpose entity for securitisation and
pooled into tranches with other loans? Yes or No

SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Fi-
nancial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No.
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Given the fact you are regulated by the FCA, is the alleged debt enforceable?

Failure to comply:

However, where a firm is aware that an agreement is unenforceable because of non-compliance with
an information request under section 77, 78 or 79 of the CCA, a firm should make it clear when com-
municating to a customer about a debt that the debt is in fact unenforceable. Failure to do so, in that
case, would in the FCA's view unfairly mislead the customer by omission. Any communication that
implies expressly or otherwise that a debt is enforceable when it is known that it is not, would be
misleading. One way to avoid this would be for the firm to explain to the customer the full meaning
of ‘unenforceable’.

Be aware that if data is concealed or willfully refused, it is a criminal offence.

Be it know we will ask for full disclosure under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Part 31.16 Disclosure that
you would stand under before proceedings start. This will establish who has legal title, who is the
trustee, agent and beneficiary and more importantly who has claim over whom.

We will state for the record again this notice is NOT a refusal to pay, it is a “conditional acceptance”
and “opportunity to cure” to settle the alleged debt upon proof that Michael Larkin has a valid claim
and the only requirements we have of you and your company at this time is you furnish us with proof
of your claim.

The company you operate from, can and will be sued, under the law to the maximum for fair and just
compensations if you continue to harass us without a valid claim.

Your failure to provide the aforementioned documentation within fourteen (14) days, from the
above date, to validate your claim, will constitute your agreement to the following terms :-

1. The debt did not exist in the first instance and/or it has already been paid in full; and that you will
be held liable for any and all damages to me incurred by any further actions.

2. Any negative remarks made to a credit reference agency be removed forthwith, and you will no
longer pursue this matter. Since case law clearly states "Unenforceable debt cannot be placed on a
credit file." (Court of Appeal Grace vs Blackhorse) To do so will potentially incur claims for damages
under the DPA.

3. Should you not be in possession of any of the aforementioned documents, or should you termi-
nate your claim against us without first providing proof of legitimacy, then you will be deemed to be
party to a constructive fraud.

Should you pursue this matter without the aforementioned documents this will be dealt with by the
full force of the law. We have studied the document of alleged claim with extreme caution and have
found the whole document perjured under uttering law should no documentation be evidence.

However, should you wish to proceed to Court with an unsubstantiated claim we will immediately
make an application to the court for full disclosure.


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Also we, will request to the Court that you supply all of the True Original Document/s and we will pe-
ruse our own claim. The total fees and all previous money paid to SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC from the
start of the agreement.

Whilst the matter may be before the court, let it be known it is our intention to initiate a private lien
which may place your personal property at risk.

We will initiate a private lien against you Michael Larkin which may place your personal property at
risk, please take this seriously as we honestly do wish to settle this matter in an equitable manner for
the benefit of both sides.

Any further correspondence from me, if this fifth and final demand for validation is ignored, we will
be peruse the matter in the form of an affidavit. Then you of course will have the option to rebut the
affidavit in full and in substance point by point.

Failure to rebut the affidavit point-by-point will result in commencement proceedings against you
Michael Larkin Acting as Chief Financial officer of SAINSBURY'S BANK PLC. we will then take the re-
maining points that you have failed to rebut and seek judgment in the High Court (Chancery Division)
as we are dealing within the realm of equity and the torts you are committing are against a living sen-
tient suveran being.

This notice (or could form part of an affidavit) in no way constitutes a dispute nor controversy by the

We hereby give you 14 days from the registered and documented receipt of this Notice to respond

signed and sealed on this 13th day of 6th the year of our Lord and Saviour...two thousand
and twenty two.

in sincerity and honour, without ill-will, vexation or frivolity

by :Billy: of the Hollyfield family

Authorised Representative for BILLY JAMES HOLLYFIELD
Secured Party Creditor
No assured value, no liability
Errors and Omissions Excepted
All Unalienable Rights Reserved- non waived EVER-non-assumpsit
Without prejudice


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Note: Consider yourself informed that all meanings in this/all communication/s are taken from the
Oxford Dictionary of English or as commonly innerstood by men and women. They are not to be con-
fused with legalese or any other language. All character layout, whether capitalised, lower case, bold
or underlined or any combination are what is commonly recognised by men and women and not to
be taken in any other way or meaning. Our position in this communication is that of a man and a
woman standing under God’s law, also known as the Creator’s law, Natural law, Common law, etc.,
and operating outside the jurisdiction of statutory rules or man-made legislation. If you require the
meaning or definition of any word, sentence, or paragraph in this document, then this can be done
by written request within seven days, from receipt of this document.

"Every Man is independent of all laws except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any in-
stitution formed by his fellow Men without his consent. Cruden V Neale ZNC 338 May Term 1796"

"Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium", it is in the government's interest that there be an end to litiga-



J Hollyfield

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