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Nama : Assyifa Muliasari

Kelas : 12 Mipa

 Definition of Suggestion
Suggest means to give suggestion that is to introduce ideas or proposals. It can be accepted or
Words and Expressions used in Giving Suggestions:
Shall we Why don't we Would you like to, What/How about, I suggest you.
Words and Expressions used in Asking Suggestion:
What shall we, What do you suggest we, What would you like to, What do you want to.
Words and Expressions used in Declining Suggestions:
Thank you, but I am not sure about that. Thank you, but I am not sure it's a good idea.

 Definition of Offering
Offering is the same as providing acceptable or denied assistance.
Words and Expressions used in Offering:
Can/could I help you? Can I take you home? Shall I bring you some tea What can I do for you
Words and Expressions used in Accepting Offers:
Yes, please Thank you, it's very kind of you Yes, please. It would be lovely Thank you. I appreciate it.
Words and Expressions used in Declining Offers:
Thank you, but.... I'd love to, but... It's okay, I can do it myself No thank you Don't worry. I will help

 Modals
Can/Could, Will/Would, Shall/Should, May.


 Opinion and Thoughts
An opinion is the way you feel or think about something
Opinion can be expressed in two ways:
- Personal Point of view: In my opinion, I think, Personaly I think
- General Point of view: Most people, Almost everyone, Some people say that
To make an opinion sentences, the structure is: Subject + verb + object
Agreeing with an Opinion
Expressions that can be used are: Of course, This is absolutely right I agree
Disagreeing with an Opinion
Expressions that can be used are: I disagree with you, I think you are wrong
 Mental Verb
Mental verb is a verb that denotes an invisible action.
Examples: Love, Hate, Know, Recognize, Believe, Feel, Think, Understand.


 Invitation
An invitation is the card or paper on which an invitation is written or printed. Invitation Text aims to
invite someone to come to an event held. The events held are usually Birthday,Wedding, Meeting,
Anniversary, and so on.
 Generic Structure Invitation Text:
- Receiver: a person who receives something
- Contents of invitation: Subjek, Time of Invitation, and Place.
- Sender: a person or thing that sends.
To reply to an invitation.
 Analitycal Exposition
A text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is
to persuade the reader that the idea is an important matter.
Structure Analitycal Exposition:
- Thesis : introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point of view
- Arguments : Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position
- Reiteration/Conclusion : Restating the writer’s point of view/ to strengthen the thesis
Language Feature of Analytical Exposition Text :
- Using relational process
- Using internal conjunction
- Using causal conjunction
- Use word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly, and reasoning through causal
conjunction, such as in addition, furthermore, however, therefore.

 Correlative Conjunction :
Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions used to illustrate how two words or phrases within a
sentence relate to each other. Correlative conjunctions always come in pairs. he most common
correlative conjunction pairs include; either/or, neither/nor, such/that, whether/or, not
only/but also, both/and, as many/as, no sooner/than.


 Passive Voice
Passive voice is when a sentence puts the direct object before the verb, and the subject after the
verb. In other words, a passive sentence emphasizes the results (or the recipient) of the action,
instead of the subject that committed the action.
 Active Voice
Is a sentence in which the subject does an action to the object.
Formula : Subject + Verb
 Passive Voice
Is used when we want to emphasize that a person or object experiences an action.
Formula : Subject + Be + Verb 3

Tense Passive Voice

Simple present tense S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O
Present continuous tense S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
Present perfect tense S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
Present perfect continuous tense S + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + O
Simple past tense S + to be (was/were) + V3 + by + O
Past continuous tense S + to be (was/were) + being + V3 + by + O
Past perfect tense S + had + been + V3 + by + O
Past perfect continuous tense S + had + been + being + V3 + by + O
Simple future tense S + will be + V3 + by + O
Future continuous tense S + will + be + being + V3 + by + O
Future perfect tense S + will + have + been + V3 + by + O
Future perfect continuous tense S + will + have + been + V1-ing + O
Simple past future tense S + would + be + V3 + by + O
Past future continuous tense S + would + be + being + V3 + by + O
Past future perfect tense S + would + have + been + V3 + by + O
Past future perfect continuous tense S + would + have + been + being+ V3 + by + O
E-mail is the primary method of receiving and sending both personal and business messages. It is a
versatile technology for conveying messages. You can send or receive documents, files, pictures,
videos and much more via In today’s world.

Letters are the older means of communication. They are used in early ages when there was no
technology. In ancient times, the letter was the only means of conveying messages, sharing feelings,
or informing about anything to the one who lives far away from you.
 Formal Letter
- A letter written in a formal language with certain rules to achieve certain goals.
- Used for formal purposes, such as a job application letter and an inquiry letter
 Purpose
To explain why or how a certain phenomenan happen.
 Types of Formal Letter
- An Inquiry Letter
- An Order Letter
- A Sales Letter
- A Complain Letter
 Language Features
- No Imperative and exclamation mark
- Grammatically correct
- Politeness
- Appropriate diction
Comparison Between Letter Vs Email:
- Letters are written by hand.
Emails are written electronically on computers.
- Letter takes time to convey a message.
Email is an instant way of conveying messages.
- Letters need to be stamped.
Email does not need a stamp.


 Connector showing causes
To state causes, we can use several words, such as because, as, since, for. Those connectors are
followed by clauses.
Notes: 'As' and 'since' are very similar. As' is less formal than 'since".
The clauses that start with 'as' and 'since' often begin sentences.
For never comes at the beginning of sentences.
 Connector showing effect
To state effects, we can use several words, such as so, therefore, as a result, consequently,
etc. All of them are followed by complete sentences or clauses. The word 'so' is a coordinating
conjunction, while therefore', 'as a result', 'consequently' are conjunctive adverbs.

 Because of and Due to

‘Because of' and 'due to' has a similar meaning, but they are a bit different ‘Because of is an adverb,
while 'due to' is an adjective. Because of is interchangeable with 'on account of', while 'due to' is
interchangeable with 'caused by'.


 Definition Explanation Text
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural
phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often
found in science, geography and history text books.
 Purpose
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and
cultural phenomena.
 Generic Structure of Explanation Text
- A title/introduction: identifies the topic to be explained.
- An opening statement (general statement): identifies the process to be explained.
- A conclusion/closing: puts all the information together. It is optional.
 Language Features
- Using simple present tense
- Using abstract noun (no visible noun)
- Using Passive voice
- Using Action verbs
- Containing explanation of the process

 Definition offering help
Offering help is a way and an expression to suggest or to offer help to someone who needs it
 Purpose
There are two kinds of offering: formal offers and informal offers
- Formal offers are used when you talk to someone who are older or whose positi on is higher
than you. Example : May I help you?, May I be of assistant?, Would you like/need a ny help?,
Is there anything I can do for you?
- Informal offers are used when you talk to someone close to you. Example : Can I help you?,
Do you need any help?, Let me help you, Need some help?
 Accepting Help
- Formal
That would be great, thank you so much, That’s extremely kind/good/thoughtful of you, Thank you,
It’s very kind of you, That is so nice of you, thank you
- Informal
Yes, please. I really appreciate it , Yes, if you don’t mind, Just what I needed!


 Definition Application Letter
application letter is a formally written one-page letter that accompanies a resume andother
requested documentation in application for a job or academic program.
 Purpose
The purpose is to express your interest in attending an institution or receiving a position.
 The structure of application letter
Employer’s Address, Salutation, Opening Paragraph, Body of Letter, Closing Paragraph, Closing,
Applicant’s Address, Attachment Documents.
 Language Feature
Use the present tense, use formal language, Written politely, effectively, and communicatively,
convince the intended party why the applicant should be accepted for work.


 Definition
a brief explanation or description appended in a picture, video, graph, table, ilustration and so on.
 Purpose
To give the information to the readers about the picture.
 Kinds
- Identification Bar
- Group Identification
- Cutline
- Summary
- Expanded
- Quatation
 Language Features :
Simple present tense, relevant with the content, draws the readers into article, identify clearly the
subject, credit, active voice.
 If clause + an Imperative
Purpose : To order someone or something by including the modality.
Pattern : if + Simple Present Tense, V1 + Object or Adverb

 If clause + a Suggestion
Purpose : To give suggestion or ideas toward someone’s condition by including the modality.
Pattern :
If + Simple Present, S + Should /Had Better/ Ought to + V1+ 0bject/Adverb
If + Simple Present, Why don’t + S + V1?

 If clause + Reminder
If + Simple Present, Subject + Have/Has to/Must + V1 ex. If we want to pass the exam, we must
study harder.

 If Clause + General Truth

If + Simple Present, Simple Future. If + Simple Present, Simple Present ex. If it rains, the ground
gets Wet.

 If Clause + Dream
If + Simple Present, Simple Future ex. If you marry me, I will make you happy.

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