60+ Best Sad Quotes To Represents How You Feeling Exactly If You Are Really Sad About Life and Love

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60+ Best sad

Quotes To
Represents How
you Feeling
Exactly if You Are
Really Sad About
Life And Love




Best sad quotes With Pictures


Sadness is an emotion that everyone

experiences at least once in their lives. Since
life has its phases there are times when it will
make you sad or even depressed. There are
times in life when one feels down and
experiences stuff that makes them miserable.
Just like happiness though sadness doesn’t
last forever because eventually, happiness will
come back as life shifts phases. Just like it is
not Day or night forever or Winter or summer
forever there is no happiness of sadness that
lasts forever. Everything passes with time. One
feels sad if they lose something or someone
precious to them, or if things don’t go how they
envisioned them or they fail at something or
something else.

Sadness varies from person to person, a

sensitive person is more likely to get sad
because their feelings are easily hurt but it
doesn’t mean that those who are not as
sensitive won’t ever get sad. Sadness is an
emotion that can completely change how you
look at the world around you. Sadness can
make you so negative that you can only focus
on all the negatives around you. Some people
don’t want others to even know that they are
going through a rough phase in life and these
people tend to hold all their emotions inside
which intensifies the feeling of sadness
because it is eating that person from the

Sadness is something that can completely

break a person and even drive them to the
brink of suicide. Some people cry when they
are sad but there are also other people who
tend to self-harm to stop themselves from
feeling any emotional pain by masking it with
physical pain. Sometimes all a person wants is
to cry but they fake smiles for everyone else to
see so others are not worried about them.
Some people even hide their sadness because
of the fear of getting judged by people or
getting mocked. A sad person only needs a
person who understands and not just says that
they understand them. If a sad person has
someone who they can lean on and cry their
hearts out with there is nothing more that they

Below are a few sad quotes that a sad person

can definitely relate and if you feel like there is
someone who is sad around you these quotes
can tell you how they feel check them out.

1. “Not every “sorry” deserves

an “it’s okay” in returns.”

2. “Life is a matter of prespectiv.

There are many people who may
know you, but there are very few
who understand who you are.”

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3. “So many feelings so unsaid.”

4. “And then i think that maybe i was

desinged to be alone.”

5. “I hate that I’m still hoping.”

6. “Tears have no weight. But it

carries heavy feelings.”

7. “I’m sorry i was not good enough.

But i tried to be.”

8. “I admit, when i am in a bad mood,

everything annoys me.”

9. “Everyone has two eyes but no

one has the same view.”

10. “The worst feeling is when you

don’t want to give up on someone
but you know you have to.”

11. “My mind is more talkative than

my mouth.”

12. “Even the strongest feelings

expire when ignored and taken for

13. “Sometimes it’s better to stay

silent and silent.”

14. “Pain is not always in tears

sometimes it also present in smiles.”

15. “When i’m sad, please don’t ask

me what’s wrong, just hug

16 . “Sometime i wish i was in

coma…. not dead, just gone.”

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