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VI $enrester S Year LL.ffi. Exan{lnation, $eptember 2021(June 2021)

HNVXffiOhIMHTTAt LAW (201 I Onwards)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : B0

lnstructions. : '1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each
question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any tive questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answers should he written either in English or
Kannada completely.

' Q. No. 1. a) Explain the Ancient lndian Environmental Ethics. Marks: 10

a3ded ziDddd doidd Deso$di Ddo,tuo.

Q. No. 1. b) Wnite a note on environment. Marks : 6

doddd a3:eeJ €^3dgd udor:o.

Q. No. 2. a) what are the factors responsible for environmentar

pollution ? And state the remedies. Marks : 10
domdrlddl de+o.

Q. No. 2. b) Write a note on global warming. l' H/arks : 6

rln&:oj: rade$ad
vvw\wwv abed E^3dd udor:0.

Q. No. 3. a) Explain 'Polluter Pays' principle with the herp of decided

cases. :

Marks : 10
'Cn0{raddde ryodsxi:' dqdq &parod {ddrarid ded

\i I
4034 -2- il.'iii i.,ii.ri,ilii, i

Q. No. 3. b) A famous municipal corporation faired

to provide effective
drainage system in some areas of its jurisd.iction, as a
resultlof which waste water accumulated on the streets and
provided place for mosquito breeding, suggest appropriate
constitutional remedy to solve this problem. tr\llmrics :6
z-odc d,eqd ddd dqJo$ asarqcr0_ doraaajcmoo$Dd
e"jdoa 4d{o}r%d dddde)_ drodDi &edc $ozr dra$rrld dddd*
dr Jrb{ uridodq: dod ioaqaae{d *o*{aq
de,:d Oeao.

Q" No. 4. a) Discuss the role of judiciary in protection of environment with

the help of decided cases. fuTanl<s : 10
&marou:d qiddsariuJooart dodd dodd*# D{ 6irrolrae;o$d
aDgdq dzsr,?,,o.

Q- No.4. b) Write a note on precautionary principle. l\4arfl<s " S

droem$ao ddod a3:eeJ F^iEd udorro.

Q. No. 5. a) Explain the stockholm declaration on human environment

ot 1972. fi\liarflcs . "10

1972d ajo$dce; doddd d:eeJ xa"a"doeo Soedddddl

Q. No. 5. b) Mr. Prakash had a baking oven with defective chimneywhich
was emitting smoke and fume causing health hazard to the
neighbourhood. one Ms. pooja by application u/s 1BB of
cr.P.c. pleaded for demolition of chimney and permanent
han on his business. wili hds. pooja sucaeed ? fularl<s : ffi
-)J. drrodd#orf deod d"aui, doinom #[Jdd r*do3x

c.oedu$podasaneb eedood d,oild m*d abdr drari ddo$dd

udne{d d:ed d:domta3: are{>gu3:. aarnafl .tuEe dpma
aor.udd: e*dmg EEo$a dotud de-:o 1gg dao$O wdr-
*qe su #orddq dd-) "b$ arco$o ern 6{
{#mad ddddod
droeO*av{trwod. n:xf frpma o$d,\,CJarbdde
,i:lrill? 4

Q' No' 6' a) ENplain the remedies available

for environmental problems
under Tort law.
Marks : 10
eao$o_ dodd dab4deri drod$d doma
Q' No' 6' b) A person has buirt a
brick grinding machine in front
of the consurting chamber of a doctor.
The machine
is generating dust and noise causing
to doctor and patients. what are the
remedies avairabre
to doctor for this nuisance ?
ft4anks : S
r"1; dgo:r oafldd ddneioezdd ceoucro
oC&rld qqon
erdorr:d ato$dd1 &tur&mJ'. oJrog
*1, d% ab* aoeiltv eoad:dne.rdd*Ddd drasb
md*dOri dr wd{d{ nd,:d doaadrls,addr
Q. No. 7. a) what is 'sanctuary, ? Exprain the regar provisions
decraration of sanctuaries under
tne wito Life protection
Act, 1972.
Ndarks : 'n0
'elq3o$ndq' ooddeob? d{ dea doddpa ce&o$ab , lg1kd
ur/osndcardd doeddoo #u^os *J".On*at
Q. No. 7. b) Write a note on Noise pollution.
Marks : G
du dnO{d d:eeJ usdrA udor:0.
Q' No' 8' a) Explain salient features
of the Air (Frevention and
pollution) Control
of Act, 1981.
&darks ; 1#

TP (d"oq dddu*Dd $q eo$ogea) eeeo$$, le6jd

gdl$ er{radddl ado,q,o.
Q. t{o" B. b) Write a note on hunting.
sjeg3o$ ai:eej [^gdrd udor:o.
t *,

i iiilii iiiii i:iii iiiii :i:i iili


Q. No. 9. a) Explain the provisions arrd procedure of collection of .

sample. ftflar"l,is : 10

d;ndo io{,ddc: wda:ot'rld: d-:d; rao$r')padddq


Manl<s : 6
Q. ii!o. L b) Write a note on Eco Mat'k scheme.
dodd rt&d: oSoexd "add a3:eej ti{d udou:o.

Q. No. 10. a) Explain the regulations on disposal of bio-medical waste.

Marks : 10 ;

mra;rd ,ile3e;oao eo$ajrrlddl ado,ro"

€ad {qEeo3: ,

Q. No. 10. b) Write a note on Envinonrnent Inrpact Assessment'

Marks: 6

doddd d:eOd doeaad":d drDddd d:ee3 SdFd udor:o'

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