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Py Mn TT) PT Ale UT a te nn | Cad Cel SOLARIS Vil THE GAME WORLD PLAYER'S BoOoK TABLE OF CONTENTS MECHWARRIOR’S GUIDE TO THE GAME WORLD. SOLARIS Vi Overview History Early Years The Hidden War Boor Town Changing Fortunes Reconstruction The Sucosssion Wars ‘War and Peace Coming of the Clans Solaris Today ‘The Great Ones ‘Champions of Solans. ‘The Legends SOLARIS CITY ‘Overview Government Currencies Law and Order Grime The Games ‘Gambling SOLARIS SITES International Area City Administration Information Tourist Services Hotels Entertainment Points of Interest ‘Transportation "Mech Tech Miscelisneous BLACK HILLS City Administration Neighborhoods Information Tourist Services Hotets Entertainment Points of interest ‘Transportation ‘Mech Tech Miscellaneous CATHAY ‘City Administration Nelghbernoods Hotels Entertainment 2 SOLARIS Points of Interest ‘Mech Tech Miscellaneous. KOBE City Administration Neighborhoods Hotels Entertainment Points of Interest "Mech Tech Miscellaneous: MONTENEGRO City Administration Neighborhoods: Information Tourist Services Hotels Entertainment Paints of Interest "Mech Tech Miscellaneous SILESIA City Administration Neighborhoods Hotels Entertainment Paints of Interest Mech Tech Miscellaneous ‘THE ARENAS Davion Arena History and Overview Capabilities Combat in the Davion Arena The Factory istory and Overview Capabilities Combat in The Factory Ishiyama History and Overview Capabilities Combat in Ishivama, ‘The Jungle History and Overview Capabiitios ‘Cambat in The Jungle Stoinor Stadium History and Overview Capabilities Combat in Steiner Stadium SOLARIS SLANG TESLSRSRALRERSSSBsaeastesasaseesessss sess sesssssaas Ra RRR Ae ae eA CNTR Se ee iWweoDs2!lCUtC~*~S "MECH DUEL RULES Scale Integrating MechWarrior Rules Possibie Actions New Action Rules Evade Sprinting Weapon Delay TICs (Targeting intorock Circuits) Caretul Alen ‘Aimed Shots Integrating BattleTech Rules ‘Sequence of Play Movement Jumping Dropping to Ground Standing Up Stacking Combat LOS and Partai Cover Flange Mod ters Minimum Range Mosifiers Muttpie Targets Physical Attacks ToHit Rolls Charging Death from Above Heat Building Up Heat Etfects of Heat Optional Rules: Disongaging PPC File Innibtor Expanded Inbaiive Hot-Loaging LMS Intariocking Sireak SAMs Overtiing Delay Duel Weapons Table ARENA COMBAT Davion Arena The Factory Ishiyama Arena The Jungle ‘Steiner Stadium Sseassagareeesasess seas SESLRS2Sssssssssssss SOLARIS VII Writing Anthony Pryor Mike Nystul Development Mike Nystul Editorial Statt ‘Senior Editor Donna Ippolito Assistant Editor ‘Sharon Turner Mulviill Production Statt ‘Art Director Dana Knutson Cover Art John Zeleznik Cover Design Mike Nielsen ‘Maps and Counters Karl Kochvar Logos ‘day Harris ‘Mech Trading Cards Joff Laubenstein dmustration Earl Geier Denis Nelson Kerl Kochvar Mike Nielsen ‘Allen Williams: Joel Biske Layout Tara Gallagher Keyline and Pastoup Erie Hernandez Inner Sphore Map Logo Designs Mike Nielsen David Detrick Jim Nelson. Dana Knutson BATTLETECH, "MECH, BATTLEMECH and MECHWARRIOR are Trademarks of FASA Corporation, registered in the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office. SOLARIS Vilisa trademark otFASA Corporation. Copyright © 1991 FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in tho United States of America Published by FASA Corporation P.O. Box 6530 ‘Chicago, IL 60680 es so.aris: a MECHWARRIOR'S GUIDE TO THE GAME WORLD MECHWARRIOR’S GUIDE TO THE GAME WORLD a soars soars, s SOLARIS VII Solaris Vil, The name conjures up images of veteran MachWarriors battling for fortune and glory, of sweating throngs 0 rs standingin ine to wager theirmeagerearningson the outcome, of noblemen and crime kingpins reaping C-Bils along with fame, influence, and all their associated advantages. For centuries, the games ot Solaris Vil have represented the nopes and dreams of generations, where fortunes are won anc 10st, and notoriety gained by the lucky few who survive. The r of immortal MechWarriors who have fought there is almost end less: Cabol Hirsch, Marco Moliotii, Hans Moder, Billy Wolfson GrayNoton, Justin Xiang, the O'Bannonsisters, Amanda Hamilton all hese and more have sought, won, and lost glory in the deadly arenas of Solaris, Through all the years of strifo—the endless s'aughter of the Succession Wars, the raids anc counterraidsot the interim periods and most recent, the Clan invasion that threatened to devour the inner Sphere—Solaris VIi has remained an isiand where the violence of the Successor States could be organize neled and in some ways, controlled. Here, waris a game and warriors & commodity. All across the Inner Sphere, the teeming masses dally watch the Solars fights, rooting for their favorites and wagering their C-Bills. Thus has it been in the past ane thus, for as long there is an Inner Sphere, will it remain OVERVIEW Solaris VI! is the largest of the twoive planets in ‘ts system Exploration ofthe system's other worlds has found them unsuitable {or habitation, though the fourth planet is the site of an extensive though only marginally profitable mining operation sized, waler-rich world, Solaris has only two majot continents, Grayiand and Equatus, only one of which is extensively inhabited. Roughly the size of North America on Terra, Grayland is a place of great, shallow seas and wide, sluggish rivers. Vas stteiches of taiga in the north give way to ‘orests of coniter-ike {ees in the central region and open into grasstands in the south The climate of central Grayland, the location ot Solaris City, is gamp and chill A brie! spring season brings a wan light for a few weeks before the rains close in again. Were it not for the ‘Mect games, Solaris City would be a dismal place. indeed. ‘The rest of Grayland is comparatively pleasant, Many nobles mainiain summer homes along the southern coast, where rainfal is rare and the cocl sea breeze moderates a warm climate. Some sections of central Grayiand boast forests vast enough to supor a profitable timber industry, but even in such communities, the ‘Mech games are stil the most important industry. Solaris’ other continent, Equatus, has considerably less ar able land. Populated with only a few coastal fishing and intanc mining communities, Equatus is the planet's “wild irontier.” SOLARIS VII WORLD MAP 6 so.arnis ‘omayt ann An. NEW MAP KEY } Hilt ane ry Sanat ce Sen pater cern HISTORY Despite its prime location along the Steiner-Mark frantior ‘Solaris VII's history has been relatively peaceful. Originally a Free Words planet, Solaris fellto the Lyrans during the First Succession War, then suffered heavily trom Free Worlds depredations through: out the Second Suecessian War. in 2928, 2 Marik raid severely damaged Solaris City's ‘Mech repair facilities, out four years later Steiner forces roundly defeated a major Free Worlds invasion in September 3002, BattleMech contests are the major industry upon which the entire planetary economy d, and this has been so almost from the earliest period of Solaris history. Those corporate execu: tives who first used Solaris Vil as a testing ground for new ‘Mechs could never have imagined that these test trials would one day become glaciator like Contests of a nightmarish form. EARLY YEARS ‘Solaris V's gaming industry began inauspiciously enough Originally colon zed for industriaization purposes during the Stay League Era, its Neavy industrial tase made i ideal for BattieMech Production, it was natural that several ‘Mech producers should decide to use Solaris as the site for their major testing laboratories. “The planet's tuggedterrain provided excellent tasting grounds and dry-tun sites for new Mech designs. Vast ‘Mech bays were reinlorced anc strengthened to serve as live-ammo test sites. It ‘was only a matier of time betore rival corporations competing for valuable Star League Military contracts began fo pit their proto: types against oneanather in orderto impress governmentoffcials. The firs! military ‘Mech competition between competing de- Signs took piace in 2695. In that first conflict, Orquss Industries fledgling Phoenix Hawk deteated rival Defiance Industries’ Senti- nel. Long in use by House Steiner, the Sentinel was now under consideration for purchase by the Star League Defense Forces, Though both Mechs eventually found their way into the SLOF, ihe Phoenix Hawk & pertormance on Solaris gave ita definite edge. Viewed by a smell, select audience of corporate executives and their quests, the fight proved so exciting that within a year, "Mech contests had become a regular entertainment feature broadcast to the Solaris populace. The Solaris Games had begun. The popuianty of these contests did not escape notice by the rich and powerful. Battles between corporate teams were popular, 50 why not use that popularity to generate profits? Private ‘Mech stables were born, along with cash purses, trideo broadcasts, and ‘the beginnings of the modem betting system. In addition to corporate teams, mercenary units used Solaris for training purposes, honing their skills in fights against ical MochWarriors. Some warriors even found il possible to make their living on Solaris. Although the betting and purse system w informal, and profits varied widely, many Inner Sphere promoters saw the potential to get rich quick THE HIDDEN WAR In 2704, Colonel Daniel Allison, one of the famous Star League Gunslingers, was calles in as grane marshal af she Mech games. The battle al which he was to officiate was a mock battle with low-powered weapons between two teams of Lyra! MechWarriors. The team representing the Thirty-second Lyran Guards won victory that day in a contest that was broadcast throughout the Commonwealth, beating out every other program showing in the same time siot. This was the era of the Hidden War, when the resentful Coordinator of the Draconis Combine secretly condoned duels o! honor between Kurita wartiors and members of the Star League Defense Forces. Though the First Lord of the League protested. Coordinator Urizen Kurita explained that these were masteriess warriors, or ronin. MechWarriors now served only private armies. since the Edict of 2650 had commanded the various member states fo dismantle some of their official military strength. Kurits pretended that he had ro authority over these ronin, who were giving their SLOF opponents a beating. In response, the SLOF responded in 2682 with what woule eventually become known as the Gunslinger program. As part o this project, selected MechWartiors underwent extensive train sing the most advanced techniques and technology available Tho Kurita challengors wore more eager than ever to duel these intensively traineo warriors, In 2709, after the so-called ronin and the Gunstingers hac exchanged and accepied another senes of challenges, they de cided on Solaris as the site of the baitlos. Once more, enterprising broadcasters arranged to have the fights broadcast, this time throughout the two competing realms. The response was phenomenal, particularly to a grudge match between Colonel Daniel Alison and ronin Kaneda Fujima Defeated by Allison two years previously, Fujima had gone inte seclusion, shamed by his loss. When Coordinator Urizen Kurtz personally requested his retum to Service, Fujimal’s first act was te Challenge Allison to a re-match. so.ants = eae ana eo Os ee ee eect) Ce ene arc ee ean ae Sa Caer ee gers ek ete Se ett Rees eee ee ey Ce ee oe! ered eget Seeret Sta’ League sunburst. Opposite stood Fujima's Marauder ee rae emery Se nein net CE eer on Ree cree nek a Coan ineeree ren etet SO een ent aac Cee ee ae oe td eRe maa! ede ae ana a ned Semen re eee ees Cae eae mn re ee cae eS Ce et ee eee arent ently maneuvering for a better shot. Sensing his foe's tactics, Fujima moved quickly. dast Pi ee! Cee ee gee ey ge eee er oa eae ery Se ees SAR ice Eni Sea ene yee Penne eens rece geen Smet ta eee ee ea ene eee) hoexternalantennact his comm unitblasted away. Alison's Se en ea een ea a Pe ee caer ey Ce EN a a ae ee eer) ee Beh ar cone ney Cec eee ee a eee Pena ae rere Dee Ty Soe nl ete ie ec) en tet Seat a a ee ea eee ee eee ee) Ce ee Rar es a ee or ee winced inwardly. Any epponent who had ever closed with eee tee) Ct eee a et Cte meet et volley had damaged the Mech's gyra. Wiha shower of sparks eae eae eee erat ern ee ae te ec Se eee cy a ae ea SCR Oe ter) eeCeece t eer) Eee ae meet armor had slagged away. while Fujima’s Marauder stil Cn ec ee eae et) ereenea ets Sra ee ed ee Eee) See ee cs Se ee en a Deeg Oe aes ee ec et cane es Ge a eee Se ee ener eae se eae eee eats Dee eae at Reece! gtuntes. “Oh, god. With fires stil burning inside, the Marauder faced us. Ce ae a ey eee eee Cou es Pa eh ree eee Cea Ta ee ee a ea a ree he ye ee eee ference) ee ecu e Mech sergeant ee eee See eee it) ‘@ man who valued personal honor above all else. I beleve earth Ce eco! Sr Raed ee ete ee eae ee eee ere BOOM TOWN Atterthe smashing success of the duels, athletic promoters on Solatis invited -onin and mercenaries totest theirskilsin the stadia and arenas. By 2750, full-scale battles tor blood were common practice. As money from betting roliedin, the economic importance of the ‘Mech contests grew. The income generated was consider able, and Solaris was rapidly becoming a showcase for Free Worlds League culture, When Aleksandr Kerensky registered an official complaint against the violence and corruption surrounding the games, Council Lord Ewan Marik politely but firmly refused to end them. Caught up in the complexities of a slowly collapsing Star League and the tasks of the Regency, Kerensky was unable 10 respond, and the games continued. Kurita ronin and SLOF Gun. slingers also continued to use the world as a neutral location for their fights, which were almost aways broadcast. By this time wagering had become widespread. By the time of the Amar's coup, Solaris had become famous torits batties, some of which were broadcast across the whole Star League. Solaris, long since surpassed as a major industrial site ‘had begun to rely upon the ‘Mech games. CHANGING FORTUNES As thecentury drew to a.ciose, the Star League had collapsed, General Kerensky had left the Inner Sphere with most of the Star League army In 2784, and the first of what became known as the ‘Succession Wars broke out. Whon Lyran forces seized many ‘worlds near Solas Vilin a series of lightning strikes, Solaris, never closely aligned with the Free Worlds to begin with, easily changed allegiance. Though it has remainad in Lyran hangs ever since, the Commonwealth government has approved a kind of neutrality for Solaris, much like that of Switzerland on old Tera ‘The battles for Terra, Kerensky's Exodus, and the tarrors of the First Succession War had drawn many of tha best MechWartiors away from the games. When mercenaries could eatn fortunes fighting real battles for the Successor Lords, the comparatively small purses for Solaris contests looked less and less appealing Within a decade of the Exodus, the planet's prospects seemed no better than the abandoned shells ofits ‘Mech arenas. eRe primitive of human intera ontlct ee cue) fete ee ee eee ere es RECONSTRUCTION The inexorable descent toward economic tuin bagants reverse i 2795, when the surviving promoters came up with a last-ditch plan 1c savo Solaris. Sosing the chance for a new source at income, the ‘ommonwealth covernment agreed to the unorthodax proposal The promoters’ pian was simple, Now that the inner Sphere had split up into the tive Successor Houses, the plan was tc duplicate the conflicts of the wars in miniature on Solaris, with eact House government building and maintaining its own arena, where champions could fight for the glory of their nation, in this way. some reasoned, the bitter conflicts of the Succession Wars could be te Girected, and the aggression possibly sudsumed in the brother) spirit of competition ‘Of course, no such thing occurred. Although the leaders of the Successor States seized upon the proposal with enthusiasm, the contests on Solaris served only to widen the already irreconcilable differences between the powers of the Inner Sphere. By 2800, Solaris Vil was once more the capital of ‘Mect contests. Zones around each stadium in Solaris City began to take (on the character of their corresponding Successor House, wit fomigrants from each state maintaining the character of thei respective sectors. The Lyrans quietly allowed this to continue realizing that encouraging emigration meant greater incame ‘Though officially administered by the Commonwealth, Solaris became almost an independent planet, with residents allowed tc maintain citizenship in their respective states, but required to live in the appropriate sector. oF quartar, o tho city. Though treaties sitictly forbade spying or nationalistic activites, the various House ‘governments treated the law with merty disdain, By the middle o the 29th century, Solaris had become a hotbed of intelligence activity and other intrigue. ‘The international nature of the worlc had its advantages. Like the equally neutral Switzerland on old Terra, Solaris bacame « financial center, where residents of many other worlds af the Innet Sphere maintained numberes oank accounts, The planet's polit ‘cal position keptit safe from attack, with the aforementioned raids in 2928 and 3002 drawing widespread criticism andcondemnation Even Wolf's Dragoons, well known for their rejection of Inner ‘Sphare tradition, left Solaris alone during their famous 'Mech raids into neighboring areas of Lyran space in 3019. ‘THE SUCCESSION WARS While cortlict smouidared in the Inner Sphere, flaring up periodically into the doomed, pointless siruggles known as the Succession Wars, MechWarriors, particularly mercenaries, con tinued to travel to Solaris for training and to pick up needed cast for repairs and pans. Inthe Fourth Succession War, Maximilian Liao, then Chance! lor ct the Cagelian Contederation, believed that the propagande value of House Liao's victories would be more valuable than any military victory in motivating his weary troops to battle. On Solar, however, Capellan warriors were not enthusiastic in their response ‘to Maximilian Liao’s desperate call for aid in fighting the war. By the ‘ime some of these same Mech pilots might have become recep tive to helping neir beleaguered nation, the war nad run its course, ‘and House Liao had been defeated and disgraced ‘When Houses Davion and Steiner were joined in the marriage between Hanse Davion and Molisca Stoiner in 3028, many ex pected Solaris io change. Because tseamedtnat peace and anew Star League under Davion leadership was inevitable, many be lieved that the need for such wasteful violence as the Solaris Games would decline, soLaris 9 These people were dead wrong. Not only did the games continue, but their fervor increased, with Liao fighters determined to avenge the humiliation of the Fourth Succession War. Even the two sectors of Black Hills and Silesia remained officially separate, although freedom of movement hetween them markedly improved WAR AND PEACE Relations between House Marik and the Federated Common- wealth were strained during the War of 3039, making it lock as though Solaris might once more become the target of conceried military action. As House Kurita. defended itselt against Hanse Davion’s final drive to destroy them, the Combine's Coordinator, Takashi Kurita, called upon his allies to attack the Federated Commonwealth to relieve the pressure on his forces. House Liao, stil reeling from the destruction of the Fourth Succession War, could provide nothing save encouragement. House Manik also stood by, sending dire ultimatums and hinting at ‘grim consequences should tho F-C armies continue on their course. In one communiqué, Solaris was mentioned as a possible target of Free Worlds operators. The populace braved for the expected attack. then heaved a collective sigh of relief as the war wound to its bloody, inconclusive end. Though Davion won more worlds than he lost, most consider the 3039 War a deteat for the -C torces. Solaris was once more spared the norror of war. RASALHAGUE EXPATRIATES Nhen the invading Clans all but destroyed the eee eee Coen ee ee ae ae ee eee err ee) ee rene rene nie tors, and for atin eat Pete ett ean art PCa ee ta Interestingly enough, a heavy influx o ety een eee tte a ae a een Cre Cn eee este reer eterna Teese eae eta Se ee ea ee eu amen of their homeland, they transla ots rea ee ee ena) ee ge aero Se ear) ened pe eee their fighting pro 10 soLaris Despite the violence of 3038, and the subsequent conflicts between the resurgent House Liao and'some states of the Periph- ery, by 3050 peace might have been on the horizon in the Inner ‘Sphere. The technological advances of the past decades com bbineo with general war weariness led many to believe that perhaps the incessant wars would finally ond. In this optimistic climate, the games on Solaris became more popular than ever. ComStar stations linked virtually the entire Inner Sphere, and even the small percentage of revenues that the promoters raceived tor this service made mary rich beyond imag. ining. In this atmosphere of growing optimism, a movement began to ban live-ammo ‘Mech fighting, to be replaced by simulated battles with training weapons and damage-mimicking sensors. ‘Surprisingly, this movement began to win support, oven among MechWarriors. In December 3043 a bill went before the Solaris Civic Council, propesing the appointment of a committee to investigate the possibilties of such a change. COMING OF THE CLANS in human history, time seems to favor the pessimist, and so when the Clans burst unexpectedly on the scene in early 3050, any hopes for peace in the Inner Sphere were shattered. Kerensk descendants had returned, but they had grown strange and violent. sweeping down upon the Successcr States with fanatic intensity slaying and conquering. In their waka, old allances wore shatterac and new ones forged, and all those solic, reliable things that mer ‘and women had come to knew and depend upon were swept away as it by a flood. The apparently unbreakable alliance betwean Davion anc Steiner was showing signs of strain, as some citizens of bot Houses still protested the union. House Liao again awoke te thoughts of greatness and ulimate victory. The Free Rasalhague Republic, which nad seemed the perfect counterweight against the power of House Kurita, was gutted and brought toils kriees. House Marik, largely untouched by the conflict, saw its fortunes rise Driven together by conflict and catastrophe, Houses Davion anc Kurita began to look at each other in a new light. ComStar, the ancient secret Order ot Blake, seemed on the verge of collapse. AAT All these were tragedies for the Inner Sphere, but food and nnk to the hungry promoters of Solaris. The fights raged on, any thought of humanizing them or reducing the bloodshed forgotten. Desperate, haif-convinced that the end was near, many people spent previously hoarded C-Bills in an orgy of seit indulgences and debauchery. Much cf this money found its way to Solaris, as men and women wagered fortunes, hoping against hope that a big win might buy escape or salvation from the Clans’ inexorable mareh toward Terra. Trillons and more changed hands overnight. Pau pers became princes in a day. then became paupers again. Blood flowed, 'Mechs fought, and the arenas were always full These were grand days for Solarispromotersand MechWarriors, alike, Always a microcosm and barometer of tha Inner Sphere, Solaris seemed to have run out of control, with its teeming citizens, finally acknowledging that the future held nothing but war and terror, and deciding to wager everything on a last fing. ‘The Frenzy, as it came to be called, lasted well into 2052. When at last the Com Guards halted the Clans’ advance, the people of the Inner Sohere began to hope once more thal perhaps. life might go on. Slowly, the frenetic pace ol life on Solaris began to return to normal SOLARIS TODAY In the wake of the Cian invasion, the games continue. A\ frst, many believed that the honor-driven Clanspeople might look favorably on the gamos of Solaris, providing new bloodto the game Circuit. Far trom admiring Solaris and its games, however, the Clans apparently despise the notion of fighting for money or the idea of wagering on the outcome of combats, They see such activities as a filthy perversion of @ noble profession, a twisted caricature of therr famous “bidding” system, by which commanders earned glory and status. Should the Clan Wars begin again, many believe that one of their frst goals will be to Gestroy the world they consider a den of degeneracy and evil—Solaris. Meanwhile, the games go on. Thay can never end unti the Successor States have passed away, and peace again reigns over the thousands of stars of the Inner Sphere. See ee eet ae eee os ote ee pera een he kate cee ees . ade farther. Pees earns THE GREAT ONES O, mighty BattleMech, standing on the told. looking for all the world like a knight of old, wih PPC and laser instead of swora and axe. As noble as you seem, you are the steed, the charger, and the MechWarrior is truly the knight Damn! | can’ think of any more metaphors! —From the unpublished notebooks of Terrence Dovish The coll call of famous "Mech fightors from Solaris is almos: endless. Three centuries of names stil invoke memories anc images. On Solaris a ‘Mech pilot can win all the respect anc notoriety of a Successor House MechWarrior without aver seeing real battle. Fortunes have been won and lost, and these who battle in the Solaris arenas live on in the memories of their fans anc supporters. The point at which the "Mech games moved from military exercise to sporting event is somewhat hazy. Certainly the firs! celebrities to come out of Solaris were the Star League Gunsiing- fers and their Kurita opponents. Someof the firstbattles tothe death were foughtas partof the Hidden War between the Kuritaronin and the SLOF Warriors, Meanwhile the holobroadcasts poured money into Free Worlds coffers. Many date the start af the Solaris Games with Colonel Daniel Allison's showdown with ronin Kaneda Fujma, Captain Wilbur Frews, MechWarrior Amanda Kazutoyo, and renin Trent Latimore all fought duels in the Solaris arenas. it was the insttutionalization of the games and the betting system, however. that began the star tradition. The first Open Class hero was, without a doubt, Cabol Hirsch. A native Solarian and worker in the timber industry, he rose to prominence asa pilat lumber-Icading industrial ‘Mechs, Early victories in Class One Arenas in 2608 led to quick advancement, and by 2812 Cabol Hirsch was a genuine superstar, an undefeated Open Champion 4nd the darling of his home world. Inthe end, though, Hirsch’s success was his undoing. Allowed to pick and choose matches bacause of his Open status, he began ‘slumming almost immediately upon reaching the peak ot his profession. He invariably fought weaker, less-skilled opponents, which made his victories come more easily. Ai fist spectators were bored, then repulsed by the camage Hirsch inflicted. Soon, he had acquired the nickname “Hitman.” Hirsch seemed unconcemed, living a last, decadent lifestyle ‘and squandering his winnings on drugs, women, and wagers on other ‘Mech matches. His final defeat came at the hands of the ‘second great ‘Mech games star, Marco Moliot Considered a strong beginner, Moliotti had also risan quickly through the ranks. Too quickly, some believed, expecting him to meet an early end at the hands of a more experienced fighter When the brash and seemingly overconfident Moiiotti challenges the champion in public, acing a stinging rebuke of Hirsch’s lifestyle, many predicied the end of the young man’s promising career. soars a4 SOLARIS Vii Re Rr | artived late at the Ta| Mahal, an expensive restaurant landcasino favored by the elite, “Hitman” Hirschwas looking eters en aera ead Peer rarer eer nat Mer reporters gathering his comments for yet another tiv putt- piece, and, of course, gallons of intoxicants and acres of eee eee ta a ee ee oe ee ge ec eed eed twas customary for Hirsch to invite a few young, rising Fee eee eee ee ee i ee ao eee Oe ee ee er ee eee ee ee ees Cee cr aa) gre ce ‘One was different, however. He had come unescor Pree eee tage eae ere and silent, he calmly scanned the crowd untl he spotted ee eas ethane nee ued ee ee ee moved slowly and unerringly toward Hirsch ieee eee etl Sea en atau toca pre ag ras at ee eee Dee a ea an og Pree ree Cae er me eee en eco eae Pe ata Wheat aero er Breage eee en ed his eyes bleary from overindulgence, but the sparkling See ee poser eee eer ane nic cars the young man’s extended hand Cie tenn ean re ay Ee ae eee en ec ee ee es a he a ing to a tone crisp with authority and confidence. "I've been eee a Seer ee ee Reman re mae eee ea Pregame ence er rt ee ce kono einer ete ea ee err See ee ae ea es Cte ect cae a Saeco fo ee Hirsch stared, his mouth working, out nothing coming out. His entourage seemed similarly shocked, and stared in ees SMe ea ere ae) the rom as the crowd fell silent. “You and your booze and Renee oe hens Re ener en cee ners Rea ee eee a) still watched in fearful fascination. “You heardme, allot you! eee ete ee ee ee eee aa eee et behind-the-ears newbie who he can crush for tne sake of ee rete ois! eae ea Ce era cera Pee enced The resulting battle, with Molott’s outmatched Archer mee ing Hirsch’s top-of-the-line Warhammer, defied all expectations. Sluggish from the previous night's debaucheries, Hirsch lumbered his "Mech out and fought in an uninspired fashion, expecting his ‘green young opponent io wither up and die before him. To Hirsch's surprise, then horror, Moliotti shrugged ctf his intial attacks ang responded with unabated fury. felling the champion's Warhammer nd pounding away mercilessly. Hirschwasableto eject betore his, ‘Mech was destroyed, buthis career was in tatters, and Moliotti was, the new Solaris champion, At a press conference following the fight, Molitti and his ‘manager revealed that Hirsch had for some time been sabotaging ‘Mechs. and only their own vigiance had p-evented from belalling Molictti. After police patrols began to ‘comb the city in search of the missing ex-champion, his body was discoveredon the banks of the Sclar's River, asingle bulletthroug his head. The subsequent investigation never proved whether Hirsch’s death was suicide or a possible gangland execution. Moliotti proves a worthy champion, retiring undeleated five yoars later. His success and sporismaniike conduct (he never ied an opponent) became bywords for champions to come. Others followed. with varying degrees of success and popularity Moliott’s successor, a fiery woman names Andrea Haskell served as champion for the following yaar betore dyinginthe arena ina fight with her bitter rival, Drew Onada, a former mercenary. ‘The fine of champions who followed Onada into history is Impressive indeed. It includes Francois Drullet, who piloted his damaged Stalker to victory over Mark Good's superior Atlas, and Oliver Two Horse, the only champion fo reign non-consecutive years, deleating champion Maki Murahashi in a furious battle to regain the title he had lost the year betore, ‘Many tales surround the warriors of Solaris, with both heroes and villains to spare. A leading vilain is Norman Bales who, from 2943 to 2945, invariably lett his opponents crippled or dead, until he met his own desth ina fight with Hideto Moriyasu, husband of Nona Simkins, whom Bales had killed in battle the previous year. ‘Among the heroes is one James O'Gordon, who arrived on Solarisa cispossessed survivor of the destruction afhis mercenary regiment, O'Gordon's Rifles. Through good luck and skill, he earned enough to reform the Rifles and lead them back to glory in the Inner Sphere. As the games continued down through the decades and the ‘Succession Wars bagan to rage across the Inner Sphere, Solaris champions came to represent the values of their respective native ‘Successor Houses, Inthe years just before of the Fourth Succession War.a siring of champions came and went. Atter the retirement of long time champion, “Legend. Killer” Gray Noton, warriors like Philig Capet, Hans Moder. Billy Wollson, and Peter Armstrong were all major ompetitors. All were swept aside, however, by the arrival of Justin Xiang, an exile from the Federated Suns fighting under the banner of the Capellan Confederation. Woitson, Armstrong, Capet, and others fell to Xiang's near-tanatical crive against all things Davion, and within a year, the new MechWarrior was generally considered the best on Solaris. Xiang's unprecedented rise was followed by his mysterious disappearance. then reappearance as a confidant and aide to Capellan Chancellor Maximilian Liao, In @ tale now well-known in the annals of the inner Sphere. Xiang was eventually revealed as, a Davion double-agent wha played a major role in House Liao’s, downfall, eventually ending up. with his wife Candace Liao, at the head of the tiny St. Ives Commonality. His recent tragic death remains a mystery, but many suspect vengetul agents of ther Chancellor Romano Liao, twas not untilatter the War of 3039 mat another MechWarriot gained fame comparable to Xiang or Hirsch. Amanda Hamilton, & down-cr-harluck former meraenary, arrived on Solaris with @ somewnat battered Stalkerand driving ambition. By 3045, Hamiltor had defeated 24 opponents, and many believed that the great Solaris chempions finally nad a wortny successor. Hemrilton's unexpected retirement in 3046, and her subse vent disappearance, left fans in shock and a gaping hole in the world of the Solaris Games. By the time of the Clan invasion ancthername had replaced Hamilion’s inthe hears of alicionados, ‘a name borne by not one, but two, people Elizabeth anc Tanya O'Bannon, sisters trom Kentares IV. burst on the scene in 3048. Working their way up through Glass ‘One and Two arenas, the O'Bannors seemed unstoppable. Many critics attacked the pair when the truth about their background came out. Though their official publicity ciaimed them to be simple farm giris who made good, the pair were actually former F-C MechWarriors, who clearly outclassed their opponents. The turat ‘over this apparent deception led to abandonment of the old ‘Mech vs. 'Mech betting system, and the institution of a more sophist cated odds procecure. ‘The sisters weathered the storm of controversy and by 3050 wore co-champions of the Open Class circuit. The days of The Frenzy that accompanied tne Clan invasion were good tor the ‘'Bannons, and by the time the hysteria subsided in 3053, the sisters were rich Deyond beliet, with respective records of 284 (Elizabetn) and 26-3 (Tanya). The sisters’ fights are fewor these days, and there is talk of their retirement to star their own ‘Mech stable. so.aris 42 Champions of Solaris 28-14 Cabot firseh 2893 Eefigo Kama 29rs-76 Jas Crest 2815-18 Marco Mefiott 2394 Gjeley ine a9 Masud Afmaddi 2319 Andrea Basket! 2895-98 Poul Rese 2978-79 Rafael Marea 2820 © DawOnade 2899 Dawid Geils 2980 _Astetd Befjagter 2821 Gata Fouade 2900 Chace Tabey 2981 Jolin Wafpefpalh 282 Pictoria Sandel 2901-03 Erica Smae 2982 Sidney Latiey 2833-24 Frangois Drullet 2904-05 Kwon ong Myo 2983-84 Thomas Boe 2825 Gfjinaéu Kanedo 2906 Guusan Ceitz 2985 Charles Fagen 2826 Xim Hee Kiang 2907-09 Michael Ross 2985 mest Burroughs 2828-29 Peter Grigg agro Joseph Miracle 2987 Sector Garcia 2830-31 Cfarkine Madan aueis_ Kan fo 2988-89 Gloria Lillefangen 2852-35 Cosai 3usang 26 Rance Hagan 2990 McjaelD. Martin 2836 Tetsuo Konawa 217 Brent Gast 2991-93 Dak Krieger 2837-38 fiver Fwo Borse agis-21_ Mayer Ballagiore 2994-95. Gordon Marquand 2339, ‘Maki Murafashi 2922-23 frit Sefjtciffer 2996 Mita Krevando 284o-H Oliver Tmo Horse 2924 Char Drie 2997-99 Afia Toyestiima 2842 Mikael Cuddook 225 Sarda iggine joce Brett Hartenerger 2845-45 Robert Singflara) 2526 Srepfanis Van dee Kellen oor Hans Befieinning 2846 Sala Hmoja 2977 Rico Tone Soor-os Temi Dates 2847 Gif Fen agek-s1— flan Casetton 3006 Pyfts Bares 2848-49 Roéin Wosfram 2932-33 Wiefael Pleoant 3007-08 Banij Daracioan 2850 Trent Barton 29 Lars Telit 3009-12 James O'Gordon 2851 Cuatwmoc Cardenas 2935 Cara Grafinatner 303 Orarde Derez 2352 Diftor Petcoo 2936 —_‘Sraneis Rypezunsi 3014 Joel Srostong 2853 —-Mlofjarumed aC 36eafhim 2937-38 Daryousl Sabai 3015 axwett Bobdi 2854-55 Arteta Gordon 2339 Artur ames 3016-22 Gray oton 2856 Winston Carter 2940 Moburw Kush 3025 Monuel Defoalle 2857-58 Roger Bostwick 291 Margaret Portlls Sorg-25. Hons Moder 2859 Harriet Granger 2992 David Ewell 3e26-27— PBilip Caper 2860 Yt-Biang 2943-45 Borman Bales 30:7 Gustin Xiang 2861 Danie Jenner 246-47 Hideto Moriyasu 3028 Chaka Mobuto 2862-64 Martin Esser 248 Rey FaGonburg 29 Anya Fee 2865 Letitia Donooan 2949 3ulle Baumgartner 5050 Adfen Sez 2866-67 Ky Burton 2950-51 Bennet Bammond Sox. Maurice Potter 2868 Amid finer 2992 AlBerto Diez 3032 Rieforb Townsend 2869 Gama Chie 2953 Gary Markstaler 3033 TaleB-Bammadt 2810-74 Paul Fohfer aysi-ss Alan Stubs 3034-35 Debs Gromferz 2815 Yenette Bart 2956-57 Robert Cramer Andre MeCaffiey 2875 Drafie Motder 2998 Benry Curman Bao chan Fu 2877 —_-Cfinton Ginn 2959 Desiree Coreaga 3038-39 Matthew Balsomé Steven Bak 260 -Raj Makol 3040-43 Amanda Samifion 2879-80 Sfjanda Rambecur 2961-65 Comeliu Diocee 3044 Mieukea Dumitressu 2881-84 Harrison Kent 2964 ——-Faczelj Djeyfrouddi Ryle Asoacs 2885 mond Anns 2965 Duane MeComas Fulia Marroquin 2885 @fieila Mare Bellows 2966-68 Rosemary Rubenstein Mishjnel Romney 2887-88 Gunter Bellows Diane Byassee Grady Kiefer 2889 Tag Burton 297 Jame Caggiano Jason Boo 2890 Richard Mapier 297-73 Kevin Longworth Clicabetl ard arya 2891-92 Linda Gefwortz 2974 Tomas Greicsman O'Bannon (co-efampions) THE LEGENDS in the nearly 250 years since the Solaris Games began, only 13 MechWarriors have served as champion for four or more years, Of these, two were champions for five years, and only a single MechWarrior—the lecencary Gray Noton, the Legend-Killer— served for an unbelievable seven, ‘These are the true legends of Solaris, unquestionably among the finest warriors ever to pilot "Mechs. Their stories have been passed dawn through countieas retellings, and will ive on ints tne future. With passing time. becomes more cifticult to separate fact from fiction, but the following notes are reasonably close to historical truth Cabol Hirsch (2812-14) “The Hitman,” as he was called by contemporaries, was the first real Solaris champion. Acclaimed throughout the Lyran Com- monwealth and beyond, Hirsch became his own worst enemy eventually believing the praise anc adoration that surrounded him Reluctant to give up the fame anc fortune of a Solaris champior he and his technical crew turned cheat, choosing inexperienced warors as opponents, then sabotaging their ‘Mechs. In the end, a pathetic wasirel, Hirsch was exposed as a fraud and died from a gunshot to the head, Marco Moliotti (2815-18) Hirscn’s replacement served as the model for gallant and honorable "Mech combat for centuries to come. Moliotti combined a fierce competitiveness with a deep reverence for BattleMechs and their pilots, sponsoring several new wamiors, donating heavily to charities, and treating all his opponents with an impeccable sense of sportsmanship. Unlike Hirsch, who seemed to denve a perverse pleasure from making his opponents suffer, Moliottinever inflicted more damage than necessary, and retired with honors in 2818. Today, a bequest from Moliott continues to fund an annual scholarship to the Lyran Commonwealth's prestigious Nagelring Military Academy Casai lusang (2832-35) The next four-year champion wasa quiet, introverted man whe kept to himself when not in combat. A former mercenary noted fot his methodical and intellectual approach to strategy, lusang was equally systematic in arena combat, thoughttuly approaching ‘each battle and gearing his tactics to his opponents’ strengths anc woaknosses. His style of fighting prevalied for four years, failing him only at the end when he was unseated by a relative unknown Tetsuo Konawa, whose strongth lay in his unpredictability. lusang retired after his deteat, living out the rest of his days on a country ‘estate in southem Grayland, Oliver Two Horse (2637-38, 2840-41) ‘AMechWarrior who rose through the ranks, Two Horse begar as a humble LoaderMech pilot who would eventually unsea’ Tetsuo Konawa as champion. His defeat two years later seemec to end Two Horse's career, but the canny champion was no! finished. Deprived of stable backing. he staked his fortunecna new Mech and returned in 2040, retaking his title ina turious battle. His death in combat the following year dia litle to diminish Two Horse’e legend: in many ways tenhaneedit. To cate, no other MechWartiot has served nonconsecutive years as champion. Paull Fokker (2870-74) Generally considered the best until the meteoric rise of Gray Noton, Paul Fokker piloted his Stakkertono less than five consecu tive championships before retiring undeteated in 2874. Dashing outgoing, and handsome, Fokker was plagued throughout his ccaraer with ugly rumors about his private life as well as a spate ot paternity suits and a legion of women claiming to be jilted lovers ‘Though his non-arena exploits were sensational, Fokker wac a consummate MechWarmor, equally at home in a spindly Locus asin his hulking Siaiker. Instructors at leading military acaduries throughout the Innar Sphere studied his cambat techniques. wit the result that many modern 'Mecit tactics are direct descendants of Paul Fokker's innovations. Harrison Kent (2881-84) ‘Aloud, flamboyant braggart with a taste for fancy clothes, fast women, and high living, Harrison Kent managed to offend nearly everyone cn Solaris during his rise to the top, and by the time hi Tide ended in 2884, few were sorry to See him go. Winning through his unpredictable tactics and an unerring sense of his opponent's strengths and weakressas, Kent continually proclaimed his great ness, even going so far as to predict exactly wnich of his enemy's Mech areas he would damage and at what point his opponent would be faread ta eject ‘Such antics attracted widespread attention, but Kent over stopped his bounds in 2864. failing to note that his opponent was pilotinga heavily modified’ Mech thatid notbehave in the expectoc ‘manner. Sticking dogged'y o hispre-tightpredictions, Kent launchec poorly conceived attacks and found himself on the ropes almost Immediately. When he finally ejected, tans were relieved, confident thal they were finally ree of Harrison Kent's buffoonery. ‘They were wrorg Alter announcing his retirement, Kent went on to bacome hos! ofthe long running Harrison Kent Repo, a popular weekty tivid talk show in which he harangued about various aspects of ‘Mech combat, politics, or contemporary issues ormercilessly attacked his guests, who continued to appear despite his fearsome reputation Kent's death on the air in 2891 drew huge ratings, leading some to ‘speculate that continued popularity would cause himtorise trom the dead in orcer to iurther antagonize the Solaran populace. soLaris 415 Paul Reese (2895-98) “Pretty Paull is sill temembered as the most hancsome and siylish Mech champion ever to grace the Solaris arenas. After his initial victories and subsequent appearances dressed in the height of fashion with a succession of beaulilul women on his arm, Regs swiftly moved from simply wearing fashions to setting them. A feader in dress and attitude as he was in the ‘Mech arena, when Reese wore a certain shirt or jacket, it was only a matier of days (sometimes hours) before every trendy male on Solaris was wearing something similar. For four spectacular years, Paul Reese was the man whom every Solaran male wanted to be. All of this obscures the fact that Reese was a brilliant, if somewhat unsubte, MechWarrior, with a tendency toward foolhar- dines, who was only successful because of his increible luck. He remained in competition for several years after his defeat in 2898, but then faded from the scene, eveniually dying alone and broke in a filthy Cathay apartment amic a few tattered souvenirs of his former glory. Kan Sho (2911-15) Quiet, confident and—in publio—amazingly arrogant, Kan ‘Sho dominated the arenas for five years, one of only two MechWartiors to do so. Piloting his BaitleMaster, which he had named Kwan Yin after the Chinese goddess of mercy, Kan was anything but morciful, ruthlessly exploiting his opponents’ smailost weaknesses, and doing anything necessary for victory, even if it meant the death of his opponent. Kan was a complex character, far more so than the ruthless warrior of his public image. Thase who know him well say that in private he was akind, soft-sooken man withimpeccable taste in art, architecture, and fashion. When he approached a ‘Mech arena, however. any shred of kindness or sensitivity vanished, and he became a silent, brutal killer. ‘Many biographies have probed the mystery of Kan Sho, but few have provided satistactory answers to the troubling enigma of his life. Kan retired undefeated, living out his last decade in virtual seclusion. Speculation existed that his death, in 2927, was a suicide, but his body was cremated and no further facts were forthcoming. Meyer Bollagiorre (2918-21) Bellagiorre, widely considered the best medium-Mech fighter on Solaris (Class Three champion for five years straight), wert on to greater heights in 2918 when he won the Unlimited Class championship in his first year of competition. Bellagiorre's career was full of such surprises, and luck was invariably on his side. Nearly beaten in the 2920 championship match by an up-and-coming MechWarrior named Thar Drickle (who went on to become champion in 2824), Bellagiorre survived and emerged victorious when his opponent's 'Mecit struck a mine and stumbled at a crucial moment, giving Bellagiorre a chance to strike its unarmored back. Luck followed him throughout his careerforhispan, Bellagiorre never seemed to ose the wide-eyed wonder and boyish innocence ‘hat many fans, particularly females, found appealing, Finally, in 2921, realizing that even the best of luck had its limits, Bellagiorre retired to's home district of Donegal, there to found achain of tast- food restaurants. He died in 2967. Rhian Castelton (2028-31) ‘During her lifetime, Castelton was a woman of some mystery, appearing unexpectedly on the scone and immediately making a name for herseit in the Class One and Two circuits. By 2925 she had acquired a first-class ride with White Hand Stables, and was fighting her way to prominence asa Claas Five pilot. Her four years as champion were uneventful, wit Castelion disposing of oppo nents with coo! professionalism and sportsmanlike conduct Defeated in 2931, Castelion soon vanished ‘rom the scene, bbutthe truth about her background and origin did not come out until eight years later. Undar her real name of Shanda McConnell, she had been banned from arena combat due to allegations of fraud and cheating. Alter extensive plastic surgery and a reasonable lapse of ime, she returned with a new identity, determined to reclaim what she believed was her due. As for the iruth of the original allegations, ‘most belioved that she had been unjustly accused and framed by rivals, but no one knows for certain to this day. ‘Terri Bates (3002-05) Asmall, attractive woman with a quick wit, Bates was the last individual one might expect to be oiloting a 100-ton Aifas. The antithesis of the hulking, muscular MechWarrior of fiction and popular imagination, Bates was nonetheless a fierce competitor, winning match after match with only an occasional setback, Her shining moment came in 3002. when she unseated defending champion Hans Schleinning in The Jungle, in a fight \wnose ocd heavily tavored her opponent. Weary of arrogant, se centered MechWarriors and meaningless cults of personality, the public immediately embraced Bates, wno won fans with ner unas- ‘suming. modest demeanor. Four years as champion followed until an injury forced her retirement in 3005. Although she recovered fully. Bates never returned to the arena James O'Gordon (3009-12) When O'Gordon's Filles, a leading mercenary regiment, was Gefeated and scattered in 3007, few believed the unit wou'd ever return, But these observers failed toreckon with the Rifles’ irascible leader, the legendary James O'Gordon. Starting with a single serviceable "Mech known only as BattieMaster Number One, ‘O’Gordon traveledto Solaris, receiving the backing of the Wardogs “Mech cooperative, and ascending to championship-level compe- tition in short order. ‘Though defeated in 3008 by Vanh Daravivanh, O'Gordon fought his way to victory the following year, reaping huge retums ‘onlongshot-odds and funneling all profits into the Wardogs anc hi dream of reforming his regiment. Over the next years, O'Gordon continued to fight successfully, shunning the sponsorship of estab lished stables, who fought back brutally. Bacly bealen by thugs in 3011, O'Gordon nonetheless went on todefeath's opponentin the finals, becoming champion for the third year in a row. ‘After his final victory in 3012, O'Gordon announced his retire ment. adding that O'Gordon’s Rites had returned as a battalion- sized mercenary unit, incorporating personnel from the old regi mentand his comrades trom the Wardegs Cooperative. The Rifles subsequently retumad to their winning ways, reaching regimonta strength within a few years, continuing today under O'Gordon's grandson. 16 so.arnis Gray Noten (3016-22) ‘Only one MechWarrior can claim to have been champion for a ‘ull seven years running. In almost 250 years of confit, only the: Legend-Killer, Gray Noton, has remained attne pinnacie forso long Arriving on Solaris Vil asa stowaway, Noton began with minor Glass One stable, swifly rising through the ranks, but avoiding the brutal competition of the Unlimited Class despite numerous offers. At25, helett Solar'stofightas mercenary, When he returned five years later in 3075 with a brand-new Rifleman, he announced his intention to compote in Glass Five arenas. Even some ardent supporters of Noton expressed skepticism this ability to compete in the assault ‘Mech cireutt in 80 undistin- {uished a vehicle as a Pitieman. initial successes silenced these doubters, everyone wondering how the 65-ton ‘Mech managed 10 ‘overcome such awesome opponents as BattleMastors and Stalk: e°5, Meanwhile, Noton won vietory after victory, His success continued more than seven years. One warrior atter another lel to tho aptly nicknamed Legend Kill, ane unt he retiredin 3022, Noton seemed unbeatable. Rumors swirledaround NNoton atter retirement, hinting that in addition to his modest import! ‘export business, he cabled in espionageand assassination. More {questions surrounded his death in 3027, which remains still un- solved ‘Also unsolvec was the secret of Noion’s surprising success. is Ritfemanwas obviously outmatchedin the Unlimited Class, but carried him to success nonetheless. One theory. advanced in the years since the arrival of the Clans anc the rediscovery of Star League fostech, suggests that, while operating as a mercenary in the Periphery, Noton stumbled upon a Star League-era Ritleman equipped with such advances as pulse lasers, ultracannon, endo steel frame, XL engines, double heat sinks, ane 0 on. In addition. some evidience exists trat Noton’s 'Mach wsighed consicerably more than 65 fons, and had been upgraded to 80 oF 90 tons in fashion similar tothe Marauder I, with extra armor added to ts legs and arms. These are only a few of the mysteries of Gray Noton’s ite anc death, but none can cbscure the fact that he was unquestionably the finest MechWarrior ever to fight on Solar's Vil, ‘Amanda Hamilton (3040-43) ‘The last four-year champion of Solaris, Hamilton was.a former mercenary who quickly r0s0 10 the top, easily detending her ttle against wice range of appanents. Surprisingly lite sold informa- tionexists on Hamitton, and she herselt's nottalking, having retired in 3043, then disappearing altogether three years laier. Numerous individuals throughoutthe Inner Sphereciaim tonaveseenHamilton ‘over the last ten years, but none of these reports can be substan tiated, SOLARIS CITY See Solaris and see what these freeborn usurpers have done to our beloved Siar League. It is a city of excess and debauch, of mindless greed and wicked crusities. Here, some of the best of the Inner Sphere's warriors battle, smashing valuable equipment to scrap. forever besmirching their lives and honer. And all ‘or money. Thisis what wounds my Falcon soul mostdeeply. Galaxy Commander Trey van Timons. Clan Jade Falcon, personal account written after avisitto Solaris Vil € 3053 OVERVIEW rown jewe! of the Solaris circuit seems on trst glance to bbe a gray and gloomy place, Near-consiant rain keeps the streets slick and the air dama The sluggish expanse ot the Solans River varies between swamp and sewer. Vast slums surround the olty is also tha comer of planet wide enminal activity But Solaris City is much more than this. Itis the home of the five Open Class Arenas, as well as of the five aistinet sectors that Support them. The Open Ciass battles are the mos! lucrative but the most deadly of the "Mech contests: fortune and fame came and go with the precictability of the cally rainstorms, Home to nearly three milion, Solatis City's the focus of hopes and dreams throughout the Inner Sphere. The aspiring Mech Warrors who cometo Solaris City do not see the incessant rain, the filtty river, oF the grinding poverty. For them. the potent allure o fortune and glory biots out al GOVERNMENT Solaris City is divided into separately administered sectors ‘each roughly corresponding to one of the Great Houses ofthe inne Sphere. In the serawiing slums beyond the city proper, the small states (the Periphery realms. the Bandit Kingdoms, and even the remnants of the Free Rasalhaque Repubic) maintain their owr zones in imitation of the larger enes Each major sector has a distinctive character. Interestingly ‘enough. the sector's prominence and relative importance daes no! correspond to the political position ar strength of its Successor State. House Liao, [ong the sick man of the Iner Sphere, maintaine Cathay, unquestionably the wealthiest and mast beautiful quarter of Solans City. House Davion's Black Hills. on the other hand, is mostly a run-down slum rife with crime and comuption Each sector has its own central government. which sends represeniatives to monthly civic council meetings to determine RARE La policy for city-wide issues. This system, which requires five sepa rato sets of civil laws, six separate police ‘orces, and a wild variety of currencies. is inefficient in the extreme. but has become ar ‘entrenched part of Solaris. growing larger and more complex anc taking on a malevolent life of its own. far beyond the ablity of authorities to control it. Solaris City is ike a world Unto Hself set par from the inner Sphere. yet a vital part of society and popuae culture nonetheless Whatever the official pose. the elecied representatives whe administrate the sectors of the impotent Civic Couneil 60 not hole ‘real power. The Solar's Games clothe and feed the people of Solaris Vilanc maintain the weaitn of ther leaders. Because’ Mech Stablemasters and game promoters wield so much actual power. they have a stranglehold on the economy. These individuals have more power over Solaris Vil than any other authority. and one of ‘their major priorities is maintenance of the city’s dacentralizac overnmant, whieh assures their continued control CURRENCIES [As might be susoected, Solaris is an economist’s nightmare, with no less than seven separate currencies. The ComStar C-Bi. valued throughout the Inner Sphere for i's stability. s the most desirable currency. but usualy only tourists and wealthy Solarans have them to spend. House Bis, rete-red to by the intialof theirrespective Succes Sor House (S-Bils, D-Bills, and so on) are the next most valuable. though acceptance of an H-Bil is only guaranteed in me aperopn ate quarter. Since the mergor ot the Lyran Gammanwealth and tne Federatec Suns, S-Bils and D-Bills have theoretically equal value, and both are accepted in the Black Mills and Silesia quarters. In Practice. nationalism remains strong, and Steiner or Davion mer- chants often refuse to accest the other's House Bills. The smai! HasekDavion community in the Black Hils does its best to ‘encourage such behavior, andtrictionberween the two sucposedly related houses is mirrored in Solaris City Atthe botiom of the ladder is Solaris Scrip, considered vinually snorthloss. Scrip is accepted only by those who have no choice— the poor. the homeless, and the working poor. The rate of ex change between H-Bills fluctuates somewhat, but the value of serio varies the most, as the lable below shows. ‘Scrip’s value is. theoretically, based an the GomStar CB! Untortuna‘e'y. this value is not officially fixed, leacing to runaway speculation in which wealthy Solarans and crime syndicates ma- nipulate scrip's value by buying. then selling, large amounts of i The practical result ofthis is a wildly fluctuating value, varying trom week fo week. with a scrip bill being worth anywhere trom 100, percent of its full C-Bil value all the way down to 1 percent of a C= Bit CURRENCY CONVERSION TABLE Currency C-Bill K-Bill D-Bill S-Bill M-BiH LB Cel 1.00 1.25 1.41 091 1.43 2.00 KB 080 100 088 O73 1.14 1.60 DB 090 118 100 982 129 180 Sai 110 138 122 100157 2.20 MBit = «0.70 088 «0.78 064 1.00 1.40 LB 050 0.89 1100 058 045 O71 ee LAW AND ORDER ‘city with no less than six major administrative areas is a law enforcement nightmare, Sut Solaris City has oradually developex a complex but effactive sysiem of law enforcement. Each secior maintains its own law-enforcement group. « police force whose authority extends throughout the appropr atk zone. This authanity vanes from sector to sector. however. Kut police in Kobe, for example, have far more authority than the securty torces of Silesia or the Black Hills International areas are the reaim of the Solaris Police Depart ‘ment. which alse has authority over those who cross sector border: to escape prosecution. Solaris police may, theoretically, move throughout the city, but sector security forces ofien resent thai resence. which creates considerable friction between them CRIME {As daily iieon Solaris revolves around the games, mos’ majo social ills are also related to the ‘Mach competitions. Gambling i both a cause and a symptom, leaving few Solarans untouched Legal gamoling reduces the common people ‘0 a state of semi penury, and drives the 2eor fo criminal acts such as robbery prostitution, drug-dealing, and murder for hire. Ground down 8) daily life. many tutn io alcohol or narcotics in a self perpetuating cycle of degradation Nona of this concerns the ruling elite ot Solaris. the nobles stablemasters. ard wealthy MechWarriors, who ara the only rea winners from the exchange of waalih that takes place in betting Police actions mostly consist of containment actions or sweeps o high-crime areas whenever the city’s powertul suddenly gata lite nervous. Though some privileged Solarans de not condone the sorry situation ol he common people. few are inclinedo make any moves to chango it The bilions of C-Bills that change hands each year tron gambling and crime have attracted all the major criminal groups o the Inner Sphere. These various organized crime syndicater ‘maintain near-complete contro! of serious erime on Solaris today Mafia ‘Of all the criminal groups. the Mafia has traveled the farthes fromits roots. Except for the name. litte of the old Sicilian traditione remain. Membership is opan to al races, nationalities, and sexes and the tradition ol advancement through assassination has beer largoly eliminated, The power behind the Mafia on Solaris «= the Beriol farily (none of whom are actually named Bertol), whose organization ie amodel of democracy and benevolent capitalism. The family is tur 8 an amployee-owned corporation. with even the lowest thue consideredapartner. Stockisheld, traded, andsoid, and membert Getermine company policy at yearly stockholder meotings. A these meetings, the members choose the patriarch (more colloqu: ally known as “Godfather” of “El Capo de Capo"), who runs the family’s day-to-day operations. For the last 18 years, the Bertol family patriacch has been Martin Bialistock. a canny, intelligent land sophistcated man with impeccable taste in food. clothing books, and art Below the patriarch are the capes (that is. “chiets” or “cap: tans’), each responsible for a citterent aspect of crime: deus gambling, prostitution, and so on. Beneath the capos are the lieutenants, thugs, runners, and hitmen who make up the at-large Mafia membership. SOLARIS CITY Sw In spite of these trappings of respectability, the Mafia remains. a brutal organization, dedicated to profit rom crime, violence, and corruption. The Bertoti family controls most of the drugs. traticking, rosttution, illegal gambling, protection, and extortion on Solaris, and maintain this control with ruthless efficiency. The days of splashy. violent mob rub outs are no more. Those who oppose the Benolis simply disappear, wih no questonsasked. The Mafiaisthe single most powerful and dangerous criminal entity on Solaris VII Yokuza These criminals of Japanese descont bear many similarities 10 theirpredecossorson Terra. Memberships usually imitedto those of Japanese blood, but a few outsiders have managed to gain admittance and to rise high. ‘At the head of each yakuza family is @ patriarch, or wariord Whose underlings serve him in the manner of feudal vassals. Theit ‘code of honor is quite strict: anyone who commits a major breach 9! honor must commit seppuku, while minor offenses are pardon able it the offending party voluntarily performs an act of self ‘mutilation. Yakuza operatives with one or more fingers missing are ‘not uncommon. Several yakuza families operate on Solaris, but little compe. tition exists between them. Conflicts over territory and operations are resolved by a meoting of warlords, The triads and the Bertoli family are hated enemies, but the yakuza prefer the more subtle methods of threat and extortion to outright violence. Triads Triads are more contentious than the yakuza, which is pre- cisely what prevents them from gaining mote power on Solans. Even 30, triads (the term is derived from their symbol, a mystic riangle mace up of the equal forces of earth, body, and spirit) are 2 force 10 be reckoned with. Under the absolute authority of a wariord and his minions, each tnad controlsa territory, supervising rug tattic, prostitution, and gambling, and providing ‘protection’ against other gangs (and the tria¢ itself). Prominent triads include the Red Cobras (active primaniy in Cathay and Silesia), their arch-enemies, the Hundred Swordsmen (Cathay), the Stee! Brothers (Kobe), the Demons (Kobe, Black Hills), the Heavenly Warriors (Cathay, Montenegro), and the Eternal Flames (Montenegro, Silesia). Bloods Like the Mafia, the bloods have changed with the times, becoming tully integrated and expanding their business to incorpo- rate a wide variely of criminal activities. Lixe the street gangs of the 20th century, the bloods are well-organized and heavily armed, but have ceased the destructive measure-for-measure gang hits of the Past. ‘Che major element of bloods organization remains: the gangs are male-dominated. The best rank a female can hope to achieve 's that of “bloodette,” a place only slightly higher than that of gun moll Numerous subgroups of bloods exist throughout Solaris. Unike the triads, these groups generally cooperate with each other, and open conflict is rare. The bloods and the yakuza hate ‘one another with a passion, and although open warfare is rare, violence belwoen the Iwo groups is near continuous Independent Gangs Dozens. possibly huncreds, ofsmall,independentorimecangs exist on Solaris ranging in size from a hal-dozen to a hundred members. Most of these gangs deal only with one or two criminal actwities, being quick lo flee or relocate should the authorities or larger gangs take an imierest in their affairs. Independents are mostcommon in the outandsandin smaller cities, wivere tha major gangs of Solars City are unable or unwilling 10 gain a toehold, 20 SOLARIS THE GAMES Solaran culture revolves around the games. The economy is driven by those contests, entertainment centers on them, and ‘conversations seem always to turn to them. On Solaris, one may make a fortune one hour, only to lose it the next. Compulsive gambling, along witn its attendant woes of drug abuse, crime, and aleohol'sm, cuns rampant throughout the world, but is most preva itn Solaris City. Even the lowliest cab eriver or janitor in Solaris City may have a tale of winning an incredible sum one day, which then slioped through his fingers the next Botting terminals are sprinkled throughout the city, always functional and in good repair even in the poorest districts. The ‘games form, or odds shoot, is the holiest of texts, read more widely than the Bible, the Koran, orany other sacred book. The latest fign! 's always on everyone's lips, anc people know the records of favorite MechWamors backward and forward, Solaris is a crucible, and the dispossessed or impovershed MecnWarriors who come to this world to Seok their fonune teel tne heat more than anyone. Hundreds of such hopefuls arrive on Solaris daily. Some die, some leave dead-broke but alive, some have pyrotechnic moments of prominence, only to vanish in the same flash, while a few—a very tew—make it to the top. ‘The cult of the MechWarrior exists wilh a vengeance on Solaris. Books. movies, holovid series, posters, magazines, news: papers, all these and more are devoted to the tiny minority of MechWarriors who reach the top. Media programs teature promis- ing young warriors, who grant interviews like ancient royalty granting audiences. images of Mech Warriors and their Mechs are also popular. as are biographies and lurid fiction. Without question Solaris Vil is the center of the Inner Sphere's obsession with the romance of its MechWarriors, eee nl Coe ewe rr aie Se een eeu aac te Pear! ee eee nes ek une rn Se hat et kee era te Ce Co an ae Pere te ae See Peete eeng crapeeenn See eee eer eerie oan E zr Perea A few other industries do stil exist. Some outlying communi ties harvest timber o” engage in some farming, for example. bu ‘even these boast their own BattieMach arenas and sponsor Class (One or Two competitions. GAMBLING Inthe early days of the Solaris games, betting was informal. As time passes, the underworld became and more involved, anc elements of triad gangs. the yakuza, bloods, and other crimina groups gradually gained more influence. Sookies got rich or wen broke, chronic bettors borrowed fortunes from loan sharks for 2 long-shot payott, entorcerscollacted money orfixedtights, ganglords raked in the profits, and tullet-riddled members of evary group were daily found fioaiing in the Solaris Rivor ‘The advent of formalized rules for 'Mach competition was intended to eliminate these abuses, bu' the only effect was to drive tt underground. Bookies continued to offer better odds than the officia ratings, and lean sharks continued to happily extend cred Far trom decreasino, the number of bodies floating in the Solaris Fiver doubled within en years. Many of tne betting conventions were considered, at bes! unconventional. The tradition of betting on ‘Mechs ratherthan their Pilots caused considerable controversy, especially during the Fourth Succession War, when a string o! low-grade MechWarriors were replaced by exgerionced ringers at the last minute, resulting in some lopsided victories and massive losses. The ‘Mach vs. ‘Mech belting system remained in place more because of tradition more than for any other reason. In the wake ct the abuses of the 3020s, the came promoters instituted a new system. They created current odds by combining the relative experionce and reputation of MechWarriots with the size and ettectiveness of their Mechs in a complex equation. This might produce a green pilot in a Shogun, for example, sorely challenged by a veteran in a less powerful Ostsol, with the odds favoring th Osiso! pilot. Straight “Mech vs. ‘Mach betting stil exists, but is far Jess popular than before Officiai betting terminals are focaled throughout Solaris City, (Cdds tor daily matches are updated continuously, and may even ‘change while someone is in the process of betting. Ticket-seliers ‘accept C-Bills, cebttcards, or Solaris scnp, although the excrange rate may iluctuate 9 radically that even the most proftable bet ‘would become worthless before a match is over. The terminals dispense tcxets with bets and amounis printed on them, alongwith a specially coded magnetic strip. Winners may cash in thelr tickets at readily available official excranges. Numerous terminals and exchanges are scattered about both the arenas and throughout the city. Almost every smail town also has at least one of each, often at the same location. All link up to the central comouter exchange in Solaris Cty, which offers odds on ‘every official match on the planet, down to the most obscure exoskeleton match in East Nowhere. ‘As mentioned, the underworld is deeply involvedin gambling Hlegai bookies otter tar more generous odds on battlas, and will pay high prices even forlosingtickets forusein forgery. Fake tickets are ‘common, but only the best imitatons can pass official scrutiny which employs specially designed code-readers. ‘The secret o Solaris gambling is that no one ever gets ahead Only the promoters, stablemasters. and (occasionally: MechWarriors have any chance of finding riches in this brutal environment, a world that swallows ordinary men and womer whole. soLanis 24 SOLARIS SITES so_anis SOLARIS SITES Ilsport and some call senseless violence. The following sections describe places of importance and/or interest to visitors to Solaris City INTERNATIONAL AREA Many areas of the city are under ire authorty These areas, primarily public ist areas. are collectively referred to as “intemationa” and are aatronzed oy all members of Solaris socety CITY ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL UTILITIES BUILDING (1-24) Solaris City's heat. water. anc power ate all coorcirated hrough this imposing structure, which alsocontains offices, equip ment garages. and a vast. computerized record system with schematics and plans for the city's water and sewer network and rks installations and SOLARIS CITY MECH BAYS (1-2) Solaris is a majorrecewing point for BanleWiecns trom across ne innerSphere Regardlessct reir condition, Mechsare checked nto this tacity upon arrival, for inspection and registration by Solaran game offic SOLARIS CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (I-40) Although their schere of influence is imied. the Solaris police exercise @ high degree of professionalism and skill TALE aero rts ZONE employes of the Lyran Commonwealth, Solaran police are co: sidered some of the best in te Commonweait Police Chief Theo Ciarke best emoodies ine professionals of his force. Uncorruptibie and—after decades ot making enemies among Solaris’ underworld—virtually unkillable, he is a tough. nc Nonsense cop who strives to instill th dedication to justice in all his officers SOLARIS COUNCIL HALL (1-38) The Civic Council, such as it's, meets here dally. Although each city sector runs more or less indepencent'y representatives from each must agree on suc mundane matters as street mainte lawen‘orcomey sidered a dull'ot 0 ned with preserving the ow ng the weltare of ordinay nance, river attic, moort and export requlat o' utiles, and so on. The council is generally. cc pelty bureaucrats more co! careers than with satequar SOLARIS GENERAL COURT (1-39) The respective seciors deal with most crimes in their Zonas. offenses, such as crimes against foreigners, damage io public property. and smuggling, are tried In Solaris General Cour A small tockup holds prisoners awaiting tril rose convietea ar nt to the Solaris Prison near Xolara. soLaris 23 INFORMATION COMSTAR RELAY STATION (1-18) ‘This vital ink with the Inner Sphere is the major transmission ‘point for reports and footage from Solaris. The station is constantly ‘crowded with correspondents, sports writers, and tourists sending greetings home, as well as secret agents transmitting codec messages to their employers. Prices are commensurate with normal transmission costs throughout the Inner Sphere. This station was temporarily seized by F-C forces after the recent ‘ComStar debacle, but operational control has been returned to the techs of ComStar. ‘SOLARIS BROADCASTING CORPORATION (I-23) While SBC caters to the entire Solaris population, with news. entertainment, and other features, its primary function is as Production center for other broadcasting entities, a service for Which SBC charges dearly. Each day. footage from "Mech battles is inspected. edited, and prepared tor broadcast to viewers across the Inner Sphere. SBC's equipment is top quality, using many recently rediscovered items of lostech holography and broadcast technology. ‘Ace correspondent Barbara Emerson is SBC's currant super: star, and her exposés of crime and corruption in the gaming work: have mage her both friends and enemies on Solaris. Her recent reports connecting the yakuza to the management of ishiyama Arena have lec to rumors that the yakuza may attempt to retaliate So far, that has not happened, but SBC has doubled security in an atlempt to keep Emerson sate. ‘THE SOLARIS TIMES (I-37) ‘The planet's h ghest-circulation newspaperis publishedin this baroque structure, with its characieristic clock tower. The paper's journalism borders on sensationalism, although it rarely descends to the depths of the tabloid press. The Times prints morning and evening editons, availabe in both flat and trivid versions. its teporters pride themselves on their independence ane tenacity death or serious injury s notan uncommon fate fora Timesreporter who pushes too far. The paper's contacts range far and wide, and a cover story in the weekend color supplement can make or break a promising MechWarrior’s career. TOURIST SERVICES FIRST SOLARIS BANK (I-25) Intended orimarily for patronage by Solaran citizens, the Solaris Bank also caters to tourists, exchanging national currency for C-Bills (at an extremely uniavorable rate) or Solaris sctip (virually worthless outside of Solaris) SOLARIS TOURIST BUREAU (1-13) ‘The friendly government employees are only 100 happy to assist first-time visitors with free maps, brochures, and advice on hotels, sightseeing, and Solaran life. 24 soLaris HOTELS GOLDEN ATLAS (I-10) More @ front for a gambling casino than anything vise, thic hotel's decoris garish, ts rooms cramped but cheap, its staff eithe indifferent or rude, and its food and drink about as palatable as it wallpaper. The Atlas’ casino, on the other hand, is a major tours attraction, offering traditional games such as blackjack, roulette poker. craps, anc The Succession Wars. Also competing fo gamblers’ attention and C-Bills are holovised ‘Mech games anc simulator battles. Proprictor Geraldo Porez is a huge bear of a man with a gole incisor and a ready sense of humor. He frowns on cheating anc tude behavior toward his staff, and is quick to show his displeasure via his small army of bouncers, who will eject, injure, or otherwise discourage all undesirables. HOTEL ROW (I-6) Monorail and taxi traffic brings visitors to this long, rather unattractive stratc of pavement whore crouch the city's major hotels. Most are notadie for their outrageous prices, althougt service, accommodations, and the view are all spectacular. Inter national hotels accept payment in C-Bills only, but hotels in other areas accep! their House currencies, HOTEL SOLARIS (I-11) Looking more lke 2 group of ugly cinder-block boxes than ¢ hotel, the Hotel Solaris is the ultimate budget accommodation Rates are low (25 C-Bills per night) for a luxurious single room wit cramped bath and small pay-trivid set (2 C-Bills por hour). Roorr service consists primarily of ce and soft-drink machines located a ‘one end of each building. Despita limited facilities, he Hotel Solas, Ske The Imperial, is usually packed with tourists on low-rent tours The hoiel is also popular with the underworid, which uses it ae ‘a meeting place ane transter aoint for contraband. The manage ment (which seems to change daily, for no one knows who really ‘owns the Solaris) tums a bind eye to such goings-on, calling in the authorities only in the event of gunplay or major bloodshed, ‘THE IMPERIAL (1-9) Despite its grand name, The Imperialis.a mid-range hotel witr rooms ranging from 40 to 75 C-Bils per nicht. Service is, at best undistinguished, and the imperial Restaurant serves what migh charitably be described as average 100d. Because ofits location view from south-facing rooms, and reasonable rates, however ‘The Imperial is one of the most popular hotels on Solaris, Rules on guest conduct are virtually nonexistent, and man: agement isnotinclinad tecailthe police exceptin the case of major property damage or flagrant lawbreaking THE ROYALE (1-8) ‘Second to the Hilton in luxury and cost, The Royale caters te wealthy clientele, but prices are somewhat lower (75 C-Bills pot night double, up to 500 for a suite). The Crystal Rose Restaurant, ‘on the main floor, and the Stargazer Lounge, on the top floor anc ‘offering one of the best views of Solaris City, are both highly recommenced. Rules on contraband and weapons are similar to those at the Hitton, but are less sinctly enforced. Guests who are reasonably discret will not be bothered. SOLARIS HILTON (|-7) Solaris’ prime hotel's, not surprisingly, also ils most expen- sive. Al the Solaris Hillon, room raies start at 200 C-Bills a night for a doud'e, all the way up to 750 per night for a suite. Rooms are spacious. furnishes luxuriously, and offer every imaginable com fort. Service of course is prompt and couneous. Tne Amber Garden, locatad on the hotel's main floor. is a four-star restaurant with five-star onicas (expect to pay 50 to 100 C-Bills per person, plus gratuity). The hote’'s pool is double-olympic size, in an environmentally stable glass enclosure with a magnificent view of the city below. The Hillon is the favorite home away trom home ot visiting nobles. famous MechWartiors, wealthy merchants, and other members of the Inner Sphere elite Security Chief Aico Riestiold sirictly enforces hove! rules forbidding weapons, contraband, and ether illegal tems in rooms, Violations are rare. for most quests realze that Riesfield will not hesitate to callin the police, ENTERTAINMENT BATTLEMECH CENTER (I-21) A popular destination for would-be or wannabe MechWarriors who wish to experience at easta small slice of BattieMech combat, the center features ind vidual pods in which participants, for 6 to 6 Bills per ten-minute session. controla simulated 'Mech, quicing it through computor gonerated trivia terrain. The experience Probably as realistic as a non-MechWarrior can get, but many Consider the training trivids. featuring drillinstructor style lectures by actors, to be unbelievably obnoxious GRAFINA GERBERT CONCERT HALL (1-28) Orchestras perform the music of three millennia in this impos- ing neoclassical structure. Recent performances have included Wagner's Ring Cycle in a BattieMech motif, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony by the New Avaion Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, and “An Evening with the Beatles,” performed by a variety of mig 20th century re-craationists ‘THE MECHWARRIOR (1-20) High-class and high-priced, The MechWartier is the premier Sport bar in Solars City, catering to wealthy foreigners, nobles, crime bosses, and an occasional ‘Mech superstar or two. The MechWarrior's luxurious lounge features live tevid broadcasts from the Mech arenas, with drinks and food servad around the clock. This is a prime spot for stablemasters wishing to rectut young warriors into their stables ‘Owner/Manager Akim Rashid goes to greatlangths to anoour- age and accommodate such cliantele, while his statf has strict orders to remove any undesirables such as tourists or sightseers. Rumor has it mat he can provide ary form of entertainment—legal and illegal the price is right. SOLARIS MALL (I-14) Souvenirs, clothing, books, piciures, and numerous athe items are available to tourists at the duty-tree stores of this mall ‘once an industrial park. Some major businesses are listed below Nakatomi Clothiers (A) ‘A wide range of quality and prices is available here. From simple BattieMech T-shirts (“Trhunderbolt, the ‘Mech Destroyer!” to exoensive leather jackets with elaborate embroidery and 'Mect paiches, Nakatom’ provides wearable keepsakes of a trip tc Solaris Vil. Mister Nakatomi (he never uses his first name) is the Picture of ice-cold efficiency, and rarely smiles. Grigg’s Souvenirs (B) Elmo Grigg is always on hand to greet his customers with a jolly “helio.” Dressed in his favorite loud shirts, sunglasses, straw hats, bermuda shorts, and sandals, he spends most af his time in the shop. The items for sale are generally on the tacky side, with cheap plastic ‘Mechs, gaudy cheesecake tri-D posters portraying buxom female "Mech Warriors” (who have never seen the inside ol a BattleMech), patches, bumper stickers (‘I saw the ‘Mechs of Solaris"), and miniature Battle Mechs in crystal-ball paperweights that make snow whon shaken, Mechboaox (C) ‘This shop offers an extensive selection of SattieMech-retated literature, including iurid paperoack novels chronicling the highly fictionalized adventures of Inner Sphere robles in the Fourth ‘Succession War to expensive, hard-cover tr-D coftee-table vol- umes of ‘Mesh phates, and serious historical treatises on Inner ‘Sphere contlc!. The most reven! bestseller is The Clans: Who? Where? Why?, by Colonel Jaime Wolf, wnicn is said to contain some intriguing speculations and surprising revelations about the inner workings of the Clans. Mechboox has not been able to keep. this tila in stock, and has had it on backorder for several months. Mechflix (D) (Owned by Mechboox, Mechtilx sels trivic and llatscreen tapes ‘ano discs, all vith a BattleMech siant. Although the shop carries such serious works as The Fourth Succession War: Soldiers’ ‘Stories, from F-C Historical Films, and director Ernst Brockman. Mueller’s award-winning documentary The Shattered Sphere. the ‘most popular tities are somewhat lesscerebral. They are.currenty: Maddox lil: Mech Fury, the latest irstallment in a bloody and mostly unrealistic action series starring hearthrob Miles Cramer Assauit on the Clans, a cheaply produced piece of wishful thinking in which the firm-jawed MechWarnor hero and his over-endowod female companion singlehandedly thwart the evil Smoke Jaguars on an unnamed F-C planet; and “Mech Jocks!, a second-rate compilation of stock footage of ‘Mechs, with two-dimensiona’ characters and a barely decipherablo plot, Solaris Memories (E) Less tacky than Grigg’s Souvenirs, Solaris Memories sells umerous Mech- and Solaris-related tems, including models, stationery, paperweights, games, and se on, Prices are higher, but the merchandise is of better quality, Battle Theater (F) A first-class trivid theater, this house specializes in ‘Mech= related movies of the sort available from Mechilix. —. fr SOLARIS 25

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