Revision of Table RMES

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Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
3(it1cr:t ilcF{ JITiIl, QI(itCFI, ~ t§llacrft -110010
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt -110010

No:- 18001/ AT-X/D/Points/MES Dated :-10-6-2015

All Regional PCsDA/CsDA/CDA(IDS) New Delhi

Sub :- Revison of Table 'B' of RMES 1968.

----------- xxx ----------
A copy of Gal MOD letter No. A/97508/Rev
RMES/Pol/E2W(PPC)/3259/D(Wks-II)/2014 dated l" January 2015 is uploaded on
the website of CGDA under which powers of Engineer Authority for according
technical sanction, entering into contracts, purchase of stores etc. as laid down in
Table 'B' of RMES have been revised wef 1.4.2015. Please download the same for
information, guidance and necessary action. Under the revised delegated powers,
GE's powers have also been enhanced for according technical sanction, entering into
contracts etc.

2. In view of the above, undersigned has been directed to request you to

examine the issue and offer your considered comments/views with reference to need
for revision of AOs GE powers in the present scenario or otherwise.

3. The considered comments/views may please be forwarded to HQrs office at

the earliest.

Sr. AO(AT)
Copy to :-
VDP Centre (Local)

With the reqeust to upload the same on HQrs office website.



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