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Mata Kuliah : Literary Criticism Tanggal :

Program Studi : Sastra Inggris Waktu :
Kode Kelas : Jam ke :
Dosen : Christy Tisnawijaya, S.S., M.Hum. Shift :

• Read the short story “Amina” by Shirley Saad.

• Write an essay by answering these questions below:
1. What did Amina feel when she knew that she gave birth to a girl? Explain why she would
feel this way.
2. According to Amina’s female relatives, what is the significance of giving birth to “another
girl”? Explain.
3. Acording to Amina’s husband, what is the significance of giving birth to “another girl”?
4. What does the text represent about women?
5. Explain how the story represents the issue of patriarchy. Quote at least one passage of Gender
Trouble by Judith Butler.
▪ You must answer all of the questions in essay form consists of 500 words (10% less or 10% more).
▪ Use the RACE technique (Restate-Answer-Cite-Explain).
▪ Do not plagiarize.
▪ Use to check your grammatical errors.
▪ Your essay should be in this format:
Font: Times New Roman Alignment: Justified Paper Size: A4
Size: 12 Line Space: 1,5 Margins: Normal
▪ The essay must be saved as pdf with your COMPLETE NAME as the file name and submitted to the
Midterm Test Folder on the e-learning web.
Criteria for Marking
Criteria Poor Good Excellent
Answer: The questions are The questions All of the questions
a. Do you answer all of answered but are answered, are answered and
the questions? there is no there is evidence supported by
b. Do you have evidence evidence. for each answer evidence; the
(an essential passage) but the implied evidence is well
for each answer? meanings are explained.
not revealed.
c. Do you explain the
implied meaning of the
quoted passages?
Evidence: There are no There are some Each answer is
a. Do you have an quoted passages. quoted passages supported by an
essential passage as but lack of essential passage
evidence for each sources. and the page
answer? source is included.
b. Do you mention the
page number for each
Overall presentation: The answers are The answers are The answers are in
a. Do you answer all the not in an essay in essay form, essay form, the
questions in essay form form, the format but the format is format is exactly
(approximately 500 is not the same as not the same as the same as the
words)? the requirements, the requirements requirements and
b. Is your essay according and/or there are or there are the grammar is
to the required format? many some well used.
c. Is your writing grammatical grammatical
grammatically correct? errors. errors.

Direct quotes of 40 words or less, should be contained within the paragraph, are enclosed within
double quotation marks.
Effective teams can be difficult to describe because “high performance along one domain does not
translate to high performance along another” (Ervin et al., 2018, p. 470).

Direct quotes of more than 40 words should be indented as a block quotation. Quotation marks are
not used to enclose a block quotation. The source is either (a) cited in parentheses after the quotation’s
final punctuation, or (b) cited in the narrative before the quotation, with the page number in parentheses
after the quotation’s final punctuation. There is no full stop after the closing parentheses in either case.
Researchers have studied how people talk to themselves:
Inner speech is a paradoxical phenomenon. It is an experience that is central to many people’s
everyday lives, and yet it presents considerable challenges to any effort to study it
scientifically. Nevertheless, a wide range of methodologies and approaches have combined to
shed light on the subjective experience of inner speech and its cognitive and neural
underpinnings. (Alderson-Day & Fernyhough, 2015, p. 957)
Richardson-Tench et al. (2014) described how a potential researcher selects a problem to research:
The researcher must have the appropriate experience and skills to address the research
problem. Frequently, research experience is related to qualifications. Beginning skills can be
learnt in undergraduate programs, although many such programs are now focusing on the
reparation of research consumers rather than researchers. (p. 31)

Saad, S. (1992). Amina. In J. Penelope & S. Valentine (Ed.). International feminist fiction (pp. 203-
205). The Crossing Press Freedom.
Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge.

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