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2.3 When a current 2

of 4 A between two coils changes to 12 A in 0.5 s in primary
Tutorial 2-2023
and induces an emf of 50 mV in the secondary.
Due date 19 May 2023 @ 15h00
Calculate the mutual inductance between the two coils. (2)
Submit the tutorial in pdf. format. Groups of minimum 5, maximum 7.

QUESTION 4 [20] Capacitance

Question 1 [12] Electro-magnetism
4.1 Determine three basic principles that must be known before series parallel.
A steel magnetic circuit
combinations can behas a uniform cross-sectional area of 5 cm 2 and a length
attempted. [3]of
25 cm. A coil of 120 turns is wound uniformly over the magnetic circuit. When the
current in the coil is 1.5 A, the total flux is 0.3 mWb; when the current is 5 A, the total
4.2 Two
flux is 0.6plates,
mWb. each with value
For each an area mm 2. These two plates are mounted 1.5
of 1600 calculate
of current,
mm apart. A porcelain disc, with a relative permittivity of 4, is placed between
(a) the magnetic field strength (6)
the two plates. The porcelain has an area of 20 000 m 2. Determine the applied
(b) potential
The relative permeability
difference and ofthetheelectrical
steel. field strength if the capacitor has (6)
charge of 35 nC. What is the capacitance of the capacitor if the porcelain disk
Question 2 [12] Electro-magnetism
is removed? [6]

4.3 With reference to figure 1, the charge on the 6 μF capacitor is 46 μC.

A mild steel ring has a mean circumference of 500 mm and a uniform cross-sectional
Calculate: a) the total capacitance (3)
area of 300 mm 2. Calculate the m.m.f required to produce a flux of 500 μWb. An air
b) the charge on the 4 μF capacitor (4)
c) the supply potential difference (2)
gap, 1 mm in length, is now cut in the ring. Determine the flux produced if the m.m.f
d) the energy stored in the 4 μF capacitor (2)
remains constant. Assume the relative permeability of the mild steel to remain
6 µF
constant at 220. 2 µF 6 µF (12)
4 µF
1 µF 2.5 µF

Question 3 [6] Inductance

2.1 Indicate TWO (2) factors that affect

Figure 1 induced e.m.f due to the motion of
a conducting rod in a magnetic field. (2)

10−3 H coil changes uniformly from 35 A to 20 A

2.2 The current flows in a 160 𝑥𝑥
TOTAL MARKS = 50 = 100%
in 250 ms. Compute the magnitude of the induced e.m.f. (2)

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