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Cells & Batteries

An electrochemical cell is a basic system made up of two different metal electrodes in contact
with an electrolyte
- An electrolyte is an ionic solution (liquid containing ions which react with electrodes)
- The chemical reaction between the electrodes and the electrolyte causes a potential
difference between the electrodes
- If the electrodes are connected by a wire , charge is able to flow between them +
electricity is produced
- Voltmeter can be connected between them to measure voltage

The voltage ( potential diff/ ) between the electrodes depends on the following factors
● The type of metals used → diff/ metals react diff/ with an electrolyte
● The diff/ in reactivity of the metals used → the bigger the diff/ the bigger the voltage
- The larger the voltage in a cell, the larger the diff/ in reactivity of
● The type of electrolyte used → diff/ ions in solution react diff/ with electrodes

A battery is formed by connecting two or more cells in series


- Chemical reactions at electrodes are - Chemical reactions at electrodes are

irreversible reversible
- Reactants (electrolyte ions and metal ions) - Reactants (electrolyte ions and metal ions)
are used up to form products are used up to form products
- Once any of the reactants are used up , - Once any of the reactants are used up ,
no more electricity can be produced no more electricity can be produced
- As reactions is irreversible , products can’t - As reactions is reversible , products can
turn back into reactants → cell can’t be turn back into reactants → cell can be
recharged recharged
- Must be replaced - Reaction reversed by connecting it to an
- E.g → Alkaline batteries external electric current
Fuel Cells
Definition - an electrical cell supplied with a fuel (i.e - hydrogen) and pure oxygen ( or air )
→ uses energy from reaction to produce electrical energy efficiently
→ when fuel enters cell it becomes oxidised + sets up potential diff/ within cell

Diff/ types of fuel cells use diff/ fuels + electrolytes

↪ e.g ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen fuel cells’

Fuel cell combines…

hydrogen + oxygen → energy + water

1) Electrolyte is often a solution of potassium hydroxide (alkaline based)

Electrodes are often porous carbon with a catalyst
2) Hydrogen goes to the anode (-ve)
3) Oxygen goes to the cathode (+ve)

4) At anode (-ve) → hydrogen atoms loses its electrons to produce H+ ions

(this is oxidation - loss of electrons)

5) At cathode (+ve) → oxygen atoms gain electrons and react with H+ ions to make water
(this is reduction - gain of electrons)

6) Electrons flow through external circuit from anode to cathode - forming electric current

Overall Reaction →
Fuel Cells


● By-product water can be used to produce ● No dangerous fuels / reactions so can be

hydrogen (through electrolysis) or as safely used
drinking water

● Don’t get less efficient over time


● Use hydrogen as fuel which is explosive ● Some types of batteries can catch fire if
(dangerous) + difficult to store safely not manufactured properly

● Produces a very low voltage (p.d) so many ● Produce greater voltage than hydrogen
fuel cells needed together fuel cells

● Runs out of reactant and need to be

recharged → takes time + energy

● Limit to no. of recharges

→ The more charging cycles battery goes
through , the less electricity that can be
stored → less efficient than fuel cell

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