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North Atlantic Treaty

What is NATO?
Today it is one of the most important
international organizations int the world.
This organization, a political and military
alliance, brings together 30 countries from
Europe and North America
Not: NATO was established on April 4/1949
in the us capital Washington
Countries that are members of NATO?
Estonia Luxembourg
Albania Denmark Hungary

Belgium Netherlands Norway

United king dom Itlay Poland

United States of America Icealand Portugal

Bulgaria Canada Romania

Czech republic Montenegro Slovakia

Fransa Nort Macadonia Slovenia

Crotia Latvia TURKEY

Spain Lithuania Greece

The purpose of NATO
When a NATO member state is attacked by
a non-member state, the members jointly
defend them selves.
The financial source of NATO
Each NATO member country contributes
to coverning the costs necessary for the
functioning of the Alliance. The biggest
contribution in the missions and operations
directed by NATO
İnformation About NATO
The most powerful armies of NATO
United States Of America Poland

France Greece

United King Dom Bulgaria




When did Turkey become a member of
The protocol on Turkey’s membership in
Nato was signed on october 17/1951. The
low on the accesion of the an february
18/1952 and our country become a
member of NATO an that date along with
Ömer Faruk kara

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