Periodization and Sovereignty

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Introduction In he ety ight centr, the Northumbrian monk ad schol nom own he Nenrsle Bede oeed sown comely forthe aa tod tps “tne” As tal for hin, he considers inte pal "fer ate hirame from ease inj ir “perme tone snpan Taken nua ete tenor metre ney ‘Sears the force of enpemontn ch ders rom ne eb ope, “tbe oer, diet reglate" The web cao othe wi ‘ut etlot rece, ge accep") hovers Deten the ate and he pa She and thereby aplastic logo the eagle ‘reso called betas ey do moderate, de, and regu? Shear fave ended to abuts tis emphasis on temporal regulon tothe aly mona routine of eling bles cals to praer snd ino lng hve corded tof rom afar more ambos, and eet, store {0 polical deg. Wel attuned fo he sakes of tne ax repo [ntl Bede ier Became thea stor fo we ano domi (0) {ating nto rae, here ataching ity in the om of ‘hrian pit, othe sacred x the point of don in me? TH ‘erodlon, wiih not nize true to Bede of ose, com Sesto ele clendas an pli ie Treen’ decade ther hasbeen mach ateton w the “pls of sine," and thas nox come unethered fom he problemas elon of ‘cry wh the cred Indo a te ober fe ave sa thi reaton a their concep! it alm always expe in the orm of die beeen a eligous Middle Ages and a secular moder- ‘iy. The arguments center upon Nn conscoumes nd foe {ekg thee nee escapees bodied a concep of neo the morement of sahaon Hiary andthe nebo the Ls Jude tment and therfore ad no enc of a meaning tor change, ‘al plc finer hereore an onymoron* Thee argument feb “erive explanatory power from economic model of peiodieation by Sting tranetion from ees selec wth ane Seo earned coe prion mney tne an Imerdal economy, ont Qpalyexprewed the Uannilon fom 2 tntrdcton feudalism to capitalism So commonplace ae thes eas hat—even ‘onthe Middle Ages well understood to be a consuucted cae tony they hare taken on the selEeidenay sats of common see. "Rprincpal goal of ts book so ask why fa hea fal challenges to lelogeat and sageorcred histories do the monoliths medial” ‘elgious/euta sd wodern/secla/ expat (ot “developed” su ‘Sve and what purposes do they see? What does he realatg ebe cof medial moders peridation hold i place, and what doe it Friptootmure’ What pea enmpsone go unchallenged whens Jruton and lavlesmesaeabeed “feudal” and aged wid Ue Mid {GE Age? What cla parade flora when & Christin otis of time such av Bede's declared spoil, oF prepoeal A sincere yagemeat vith these ise equres tat the vison mnedleval/ mod. ene pinto quesion together ith extegries sch at "ewdal™ and seul” with which twas mutually constituted, and whieh it olden pase Trevi the holden, most celebrated ergues of rig historia paradign oul reinforce her han dart his peodaton. ns Finly moss criique of antivopolog in Ton nd Oth, for exarple, Jonanne Fabian st out thi ei, ith which few would now dgre: “arise te that Tome belongs to the political economy of relaons between nidulans, sid ations, then the construction of Shthropolopy' je ehough temporal conceps and devices ole Stace there ine Pier hae’ Fabin nds mecessary, bowers {o slate thatthe dy f wich pole ust begin by recognizing a “uate sep tom medieval ta modern te conceptions” whieh ruled fom the cached secltiaon of Tie Although hei lere that there ae other vast consider this history, he describes “tian asthe Sscted veer ve in sharp tes "Enlighten Tene though marke break with an went edie, Chris (or JudeoChrsta) ilon o€ Time. That break wos from 2 conception of tine/opce in terms of histor of sation to one that vitnately ented n the cealszaton of Time a natural ison" Thus even {bough be iss that "Time belong othe polieal economy of ree ‘Sone"Febian posts» foundational guaive breakin the nature of Time that ie apparent ona plies Rater than considering the nar Fatve of "wetlrized tine” pola, a part af » proces hat, ke Thibopology, at once constes and demote ts objects Pabian ‘Snide tangy "acloved” Like Bede he thereby grounds polit {floret by aching i oa rlation withthe ered ache pola of Uvson in tine The fut that his tachment oa elon with the ‘Site aes the form ofa cla to detachment does notalte this fend ‘mental simi Iweducion By efinon, a dvion nine purportedly ouside politic and based con relation withthe red both defines aad regulates police One ‘Shrican anpum fthevgulative funtion of mich dion the reent {tution of ex. ("common er) for the nomenelatre 4a ‘ange that dos Lieto diminish the effect of» gibaled Chsian ‘Glenda, nd infact preg ir onder onder a rare hat appear ‘och seer and vera. Asch, miniturze te proces sted ‘bp Temeko Masuzava in The Irene of Wr Ralns: Oy, How Bo ‘Pron nissan Ws Pred nthe Language of Prati. Mascaras ork chanfes what nt nae in a cate for the Enlightenment schicyed sectaration of Time” Ae Europe poduced i own nar te of scart, she show siulaneout mapped reqion be there in the world according to newly consolidated coneepuons of “yl” and Ylgous heiage, Wd thi pater in mind want t callateaion tothe sikingcorspondence beeen Fabia temporal ‘Bapping of European plies according oa sated secular” die, Sd the geopoliteal mapping studied by Masson. In er tems "One ‘tthe most consequental ews of thu dncoune [of world religions] {tha piace what are material practices and tome them to ‘xpress of something timeler and sprain wie omy, ‘Sepotcines them." This depobiczaon mat be studied, I sgges, in tandem wih ts temporal coven the contiuton of "religous propia gs” The ond acer he lege univer under which on “European” polis can tana sap "secla” and only “secular plies canbe legitimate meieal? ‘modem perodston. By perodsaton Iman not simply the drawing ‘tan arr ine rough time, bit complex proces of concepai Ingeategoriey which ate posted a homogeneour and retronesey a ned bythe designation of period die “Te rounding af pia der upon pertain ithe main con cern ofthis book The sired seulr de presppored by Fabian hat Tong been 2 commonplace of European history: je in world poles today aad in recent theoretical debate the extgorestprempposes {fenerateWoence and contention. Like, he period concept of he cual” Middle Age sujuicates conceptions of economic a yell at poteal development, and ever more fequenty acter a fOr demoxrany™ “The problem which has ben obvious for decades, tha nis such asmeredmediea}(edal and secularanoder-apitalt (or democratic) freee eclasonay force, and reeiesigument with hiss pa tesa elturl econo and nssonal fos or entrance int at ‘sensi glbal poll modernity. Taking up rested conceran, med ‘als have demonstrated how divsons atch a medival/ moder of Mite Ages/Rensianc inpotehomogencts that not only mask the ‘nence of modern characteris nthe Mie Ages and “medic {Sr characteris in madera, bt alo stor the hstois of elds Then ss medicine and philorophy and eclade minority hisories such ‘thane of wren andthe realy or eligiouy oppeed"Subaltern seuos scholar Dipesh Chakrabary, longue opponent he concep: tual divsonsconsted by sich periodaton characterizes the prob {em hvu questions thas hight the overlapping concerns of box ‘medienliss sed postcolonial cee "Can the designation of meting ‘rome goup a1 nono Pedr ever be anh bata gestae of the fpoerful™ How do we tharcterze those "whose life paces con ‘amy challenge ourodern dtinetons between she secular an the ‘screl, betwen te fenal and dhe expat besween the noneson td he raion" "These questions adress politcal trggls and disparities coday— patel thee pertaining fo religous lence—but Fag i his [ook tat they cannot be eparated rom the process that have cons ted the eno te Middle Ager ats categories No attempt o gap ie nh tex plea ilemanae can alfrd to ignore the Fanci of Teel modin periation axa replat principle and thereby Ferain open fot dinmolton of readings sch as abla’ which ‘owl, Rotten! freaks a fully “achieved” and outside polis end of prceing iat the nara of “seclaed tne” smulane ‘uly produced an “ether” me an a "Other" of anthropology, Fa sev atgment ke many sda and important tiques of “modern” {ence tenscrber ove of coloniain's most cherhed stories, The oncepoa! boundaries connate by his intellect history “temper” iment thcordea effora to deal with some ofthe mot intractable ‘elle challenges and indeed bear sete esponsibli for hatintrac li, My concern In this book ie otto revise definitions ofthe “pelea” a the “modern,” butt addres the oesons and reife tons inte by the periozing operation tne and wo how wy this ater toy. Atlet ro stories of perodizaon are pated here! ome tha generates nd protects catural and pois categories by gicuning them upon a dion between medial and oder; and (he nt grounded Chinn pola order by atachng by ayo the tone donn aed the bibl persion ofthe New Testament over the Gud Texament (which isle to say Christan tory over Jewish hi toy) toa dion neared tine The ater ofthese enerypeed and Feded within the fone" "Tis Sock sis wo engage the wp of pridzaion atthe level fis ta import Getty is tpi natone, Dut do nt want oDack on vanes que forts prosely eough the sippage Invroducion 5 fom foc history to iver xtegoy, fom singular evento naratve frum, tht he effects of perodzation are disimulated and thos fntonched The ble break becveen + medieval ands modern (ot ‘Sear noder) period evermore intensely aes workhistoricl Implication for chore sucha the sovereign sate and see pal ‘rita categoris with both ideological and erstoral staked for exactly tis eston the "Middle Age” Hhe "mmodeaiy” before Irs been vaulted om pean ator to global etary of te “This pnblned Middle Ages operates in two confit ae On the ‘ne Mand, eray and piss htary—wheher of Europe Aa India ‘or Acai increasingly organized along a conventional medieval’ (Gari) modern divide According thi emai, the world moves tnlon, in tempo wih once Exropean nary welten a the height of Sadia tadem wih colonials, nanalsn operas, and orienta ia. On the other band te "Middle Ages extol egy apple fables any sme to any soit rat has not "yet" achicved modernity tr wore as become retrograde In this mode, provides 2 empate {eat Fabian ha apy tee heen of cooalnes."™ Town ast ha en oped a0 Batorigrapical tcc, ven 8 a gesture of inclusion, ths globalised Mid Ager mast be comiderd inthe context of what Lis Lone and Did Lop have pected asthe tendengy under the premue of contemporary neocolonaleapiatm, “fo amune a homogeaintion of global clare tht rasa reduces posible forte eresson of aeratsex"” By peowding 2 singular own of departie ital “medial” pat anchor this homoge Som of caltral forma Mote special, ths sngularized point of Aleparte alates the global appicaon of marowlyeonceted defi Sone of polite! forsr-suek as modern democracy. feudal (ot rogue") Sey and "weclc” goverment —the ni of which have ‘sen formulated through the peiodaton ofthe medical and the ‘modern, I i importa to empbasee that this prtodization also ‘equre sngulrved Middle Ages arsoon ae begin to purale the "Spedieal” tr any meaningl way we begin o undermine the cond ‘om of poss ofthe periodiing operason. The tpi of maple tempories cannot beefy broached, Iagget und the process tnd the flees of perindizason have been taken no account. Periods on a adem then, does no refer toa mere backdesrpion Ut “ride hoy ino segments, bat to fandamental pla teh iguea nay to moderate, ide, and regulates rendering its ‘eves nan an imporant sense, we cant poze the pas. Torti reson, the pertinent quction eprdng pion snot “When was the dle Ages" bac "Whete ithe Now" question raed by Chakrabarty 8 challenge to scholarship tat prempposes & 6 nrodvetion “certain figure ofthe now” int approach to curren plc em CESS rpues chat te innficiendy examined hisoriy of funda ‘Gena eoncep-sach ss tlgion, secular, democracy and even er crceeader fe ogc of ay ven across the world unrecognie nto dominant stains of ctl theory. which pss an sspoken Timi to how "the now” canbe though "The nitory ofthese fundamental concept 8 alo the history of nmahcl/motem penodaation,consderaion of which ls een iy raheking of cl theory an tr sit Despite dhe obo 8 Pune "Mid Ages” ava conaructed category ant despite some recog “hlon oft vsed poston In the histories of colonia and competing ectnn the latonship between te storcal concepaiaon ‘Bite defining auibter andthe formation of ome our mot bse i> ‘Sacal aun! peel soumptions ar aotbeen studied, Tis book under ee aE tady by focusing on two iene with long and complex PRGA fend and seeurzaon. These wens, bet notorious in thectaance to dein, anchor “the Mile Ages a8 period con _aptana supply the orate tases of the “modern sovereign state ad Siero The problem of thelr dfinion cannot be existed ‘Som he eontving pevformance ofthe periodizing operations that ‘ona them Feudalism and Secularization My arguments egrdng thet evo complex ideas pertsn ta singl he MU Mey of odes ort ond advances hough rages we easton ond lation if en began this book wih the ao af eventing feudal and weelaraion a concep Mop- ree can how and why hey became mich powerful enporalctego- ‘Bear prise find tthe ea of Teal” past for Europe Crerged nea ates ve sovereign, and tha he sateen tym the cnt ena dant wer suceeded pofomatoe Sty more han did hove of along Ceres Coal ey eeepc hr tm pronmansag a ean amet eo 20 Intovton In tw which enacted instsonal and es diet cultural change To the degre tat such change was comstated and excuted ara break ith pant simuttmeouly defined hs ac of pridtaion insanaes “rts iit, Duar Dad Wallace remas with ference tothe Refor- tin the easonnmine eect of ich Sts "can neve be ak om prehensive thelr gents sd heir agent choices would Have ws Fete The extent to which we grat an extent wats co wh petodaton by fat depends not ony upon ou wii to ead wih Sminant hstorlograpby and ls organization of steps and to come Dy the selection ad description of texts and evens cording (0 We uricues of moder” nels! ory, but as to cooperate the alppage betwee intindonalized mits and histor essence In ther nds require os rumospectvely 1 collapse the aiference eowcen story and tory of ory and ths riche Bas of thas nays parca sovereign ca pon “the non” The most poten crtque of ts hitorcum parca mapping ‘of homopesived historia tine t = mechanism of epatemologeal hans has come in revent decades from the arena of postcolonial idiex For is reason, a rich comverauon has been developing etreen medial ad postcolonial tudes, abd one am of hit book (Sieg he nor of the relation beaween medival/modera period ‘aon Sod echniguesofelonaien (even as they contin ody) nto ‘harper focus” As medieval have rece argued, the geneous 3Phe tate Age and of clonal are numa entwined. The onstruction of» Sedna period characterized by tational nse {Som was ly invled wth the dencaton of onal subjects asi ‘ona and suporaooun and this proces bore concrete elects upon (lonized peoples through the stems of ral that it generted and guise. Tes ofa soperstios Mile Ages in ther wor id tne precin the "spertns clonial subject pon which became mapped ther dey emerged together, each simultancooaly aking ou and wring ect ewe, de seals of land tems i Sins wen hand i hand with the development ofthe concept of 2 “Teal” Middle Ages, an tis als payed ot In anise ‘echions regarding he eguaton and conuol of land forthe p> fs of extracting welt, ewen are concrebed a fendal medial ps ‘Bre war no auch Ssupeseous feds! Mile Ages” dye colonia [aman doles there eve woul have Deen sch without olmak fom ce ery colonizers could not have mapped and administered ‘brcgn lands td bodies ae they di thout the simulaneous proce ‘tian suck aide Ages” This argument does no eee 18 sien capter here, ba hope the reader nds iintrwonen, bau explie IGyand plc, throughout these pages Part I { Feudalism 5 Chapter Tree The Sense of an Epoch Serlarization, Sovereign Futures, andthe “Middle Ages” “This chapter proposes wo excnate the srctrat and kino Link teow meal modern peiodation an the increasingly conten thus ten lent fneion oF religon” in poll fe today, andj (gs thecal eeogeion of tht nk a ladon to sovereign) ero to undersanding and aseng this aneion Sp itscwn account the burgeoning ana religion and secularism ln the poli arena funders upon es centers of religion’ and the “seclas The inte of thse term at 1 dacs Jeng ia ay Introduction, wok shape though a double proces by which Europe Sinuineouy narrated ie on vecataration and mapped rgions ie there Inthe world according to newly consolidated conceptions of ‘elgion” and selgous hetage, Bee i rome redctvey the sei ua ie rae ie ie very basis of pli, prog: ‘Sica Hiren comsiounese,correlvely, Europes “medical” Dacand aula ie pally colonised nom Chrintans were defined [Belg Sadc angola pen for marae and teri al dazlopment! Gl Ane hae pat most lun "seals is 2 ae Chetan gave Half when ic ivented religion, when fe named, Tother oroters aligns” For this van, there con be no neta. ‘ruion of selon rte secular” any more than tere at be of the "edie othe "modern.™ ‘Wile he “triomphali” Chvintan narrative of secularization tsi bore is ft Tosing eed, crcl anal condnaes ‘cra with ta temporal legacy, as the growing popularity ofthe era “postsecular” ates Thi tert, sogess ent de Ves inhi ino deo tothe ecent vole Polit Thies Pai ans na Pos ‘Stator Wind hould be understood "ao van tempt at hstoril pe ‘lation bt merely aan indicator for—vel a problem This problem which rfc the history I decibe above bt is lodges ny im myad diferent experienced stasons not one that ea, 78 Secularization ‘even should e deine sted. donot advance an argument for 1 posteecular” Dat seek resist "religion" but do ages that the problem entrenched in these tens can be beter negotiated the {elaionship between their plies! and histoval ements worked (ut There has bee area deal of tenon tthe goal iy of {his elatonship, bv almost nae wo the impart ae of tempor ‘component, metic moderspriodiation, ‘Storsgu has lg been keyword in dacourses on secuations indeed canbe said hat the claim to separate ou he “reign and the "secular" above all sbi for sovereign. Ith chapter Tsay the historical and ruta spec of tis relation and is connection io perodzaton through an anal of evel ety Cal Shi at lan his Pac! Tel (192), ao stent through es bps contemsprary Walt Benjani. Un conta to the previous Wo hapters, which ese the tric unflding of perodsng nate Sethi chapter concentrates pon the ehgoredeal underpin of the relation of pevidlation asa theory af Hstory to pola ner Sent (7AS discuss more fly below, Sehmit phraces his nas of soe gain terme of parton wich fori sfee oo he nara bt Burope'sexeicason fom Beologcl consent, bat tothe tar “ence of theolgia forms othe pli ofan otennhy"ecia ate, “inwhieh theology thus tecome immanent Tae crucial apec of mod fz soverelgny in this see exenial Indebtedness to preceding ‘heologiea poll forms, «point that wa aborted snd extended to 4 theory of history by Rat Leth nth 140s The second par of 8 ‘haptr sie the fers reaction to tistheory prc been Iupted a deancut medietal/modeen, scred we secslr die, THs ‘eacton~vhich insu upon a weul;” plea a bse Co ‘ious modernity in conan toa "religious" Middle Ages deed ‘meaningfa politcal o hori conscosaessdeinests the sakes ‘tmedieval/moderspesodaion. Ulimatly tw nstence upon ce Ur modern" asa sel'conatieig sovereigm period expote the “agree wo which cant sovereignty found theses pon prod Periodvation and Decision “No pola stem can suv even a geserain wth ony naked tech niques of holding power Ta she polial belongs the dea, basse {here isn poles without audhose apd Bé Satori without eon ft" in dese sentences fait His Roman Caton and Pica orm Schmit crtques the presuppersons ofthe "atonal technor The Sem ofan Epoch 79 ‘rac etn he wake of Mex Weber’ fans arulaton of “cn “Zana work, and Inthe context ofthe naacent Wel Republic's “nerwar sagen Schmit Found the rauonallrtona enor 0 ; Bes ssbiege by hie ber democrate pan roid ult reine Mace ores es | Schmitt's Concept of sovereignty "ons in the eque of poieal [* t ‘der wbich coders tcl nesta inthe sence at reonsider val (5° to be relieved of the contimtation nth, and implementation wk )S2F | respetio, other" thiserigue, which toanextet shared tyBen- SH Ft, holds promi for pte theorists today. dente Schmit ut hate spon of destorhi. aomniacrcinents se theory aon. (aunties ometine ced" of eergeney") in 082.2 8g {scene ater be wrote Pate! They, wo argue for implementing the Snergeney powers secon of the Weimar Cansitwion, Arce $8, | {8 | whic, although was orginal mended to newralize hi, late \pe hearth na for Hier’s ise wo power# But when ih the 1908 “Poth Schmit and Benjamin contested overs in the conte of the naicent, struggling Weimar Repub, each mh distaste for bour {eos iberaiam and panes compromise the mpestons of th Sgument were not fly apparent Schmit rend Benjamin’ "Criqhe tf Vioknce” wth raratin, and Benjamin read Pol Thal a 20 Sept dlguods ofthe temporal and "theoogal” swear af ner ‘gy andthe importance of thir aractare wo the contemporary cs ‘Fpotitea legitiney Th argument dil, ut Schmit and Beng ‘Bit bot aboted unspatngy pon the theoloieal peck Eta sree ite: Bethape not sirprsngly then, attention to thelr work has intend in dec propor othe exalaton of “religion” pli “alibetoric ance the 198s sometimes wo recognize the danger bu aso i expt potential of the elation between piel and religous “orm The thar and legis of Sci and Benjamin hve beer ‘cal sarin pont, for example, t ls Reiaara Lupton impor ‘nt exuninaon of the “poste ebial potental” of rethinking on ‘erslu through the hstoriealreladon of ctzenship and religious {elowip® ‘Sch theory hat resonated with politcal advocates on bot the left and right econinves, as Benne Balfar notes, to “haunt the efenss at well atthe cries of maional sate sovereign” and ‘Shits conection withthe Frankfurt School and with Leo Suse emai oper of intense debate? Mot imports been Sci the ‘ry of the excepon and is ight ito the “sovereign paradox” The Ie onder of sate, Seite, can never be fly sefencosed ‘here rab the pouty that 2 "sate of exept,” which he theo ay an Hpaeea eanaaa REY e v4 {9 Seclricaton hes by analogy wo de mice in theology, might exceed he expecta tions of al joriieal nore. The encepon “can aba be ehareteed asa cue of extreme pei x dange tothe etence af te mat, he ke,” ut by denon it cannot actly be predefined er "wade to ‘conform to preformed law" Consiitoaal development tended ‘ovat honing eal order ito a pre mechanic em for wed sl ‘Greumstances are caleslable, ths eliminating in Schmit eyes he state's capacity to recognize the exception, t coniront that which Incaeaabie according ti as onder protect its avionomy, Schmitt argue, 2 sate therefore fequiresascneteigh, whose poston iit decide thr = nate a ese ao bas acer ajulio suspend the exiing legal onder forte peer ‘ation ofthe sate Schmit make cea tht i eating wi at songs. Paradoxically fs nate to be sovereign inthe sea being Mx, Sttomad taineioe aee ee A Jie ssnerelgn vob le and ou ese od "Yo deesion lke cretion ex nil, smitancotsydesaes soa bes the iit of ot lan Hagar ue toe evkep anee SP" ay a unde pnet edeacn indpenaen ogee {he msantstion Looked ornately the decision noses fom athingnen”» The tondaon oft soreign nce eck Ieeable. Qe goa of th chapter so show how mete ons eioaton freuen ery sbataeo daneaosndson ‘eoreregn snd heey ina coy arcs oes fra inte ple ofthe erin these, erie ences Sergi dain Schmit ove agumeat ip ast ancton of peri ‘aon: Recentatenton Pala! Ragas ced prmarvon he Sructre of syeegny ht louie shove, fen athe exper os ‘sora rgument Be thi srctre,eptomled ty he fens se inet, “Soni te who desidet on te ure, ped ote ‘cual moran hora chins “Al span concep of theo {2m aya he ate ae sare cenoged conga tae Snow abe he meas tothe exten of Euopeen sees Son hii ois at amr lg co cept thon forms Under in thaw, aaa dep shame of cancun and nas he maton Imetieal/modern periods forthe avet foundation of ony ‘ign. Schmit’ pont theres temp tong the meee kis of the madera eonsintonal e's elem ae Joomed {Seas te premise Ar ae ad ints met leo { jcradence beat The Sense ofan Epoch BI \Whowver tes he rouble of ening te public av errr of pte azo Atte docsoma dda asking ec scr ocean chat the independent act af jure perespon ‘Seve Ine osprey pnw, ater esos nse a remy acne ney ‘ran owes ples pone wel avo Ths toa ere who Stes the gout oat aie tou peo eontengeay arurudene, ‘Son Talahibt a e ame ne toe: Tne Pocslpence™ of oe ‘modern bg oF Ge ca vey textbook of lam nt ony gui Ea de tom slr ‘Schnit wes the state to ecognie and ac upon i hesogel form, ‘ather than repress thi inerene sovereign srctre He would here Tore have Gngreed with the purpoe, bt not wh the hora na ‘ston cm A hau 4 ae ‘Chisianiy gave elf when invented religion, when zamed a eer ‘or others regione” Ita mater of digi” of “loan hgger” drama, y which he (Chrisan European) sate hides he pe foftire ofa soca deton (or the “power of the ord" mu {porn under dos science and ona unienal, pre ron. "oreo Schmit nits pon tefl neato ofthe rt andthe hora in hi sovereign form: FEpetreieeas gt oly boone of ey Ricreal dacyncna in ich ‘Dey were wane lg i then the se whee fo Ffenbe ofthc Sun race, te recogndon ice ascemay oe Helo ogeaegaion a hee eee foe ecepaon ngage “TS te matcet holgy. Oly yng seo Sao ean ‘SCaprecte de manner n uh ie phileopldet f he me Soe "eggs tha his iternecion of the structural and te historian "se “Gusto provides way of snderstanding the working of medical? ‘modern peroiston and he ima pones wo any retain of sve ‘ent frie ia periodiation tat prondes the meas fr dsmowing the niyo tial forme "Secularization," in the sense of ek ‘th he red general nderstond to have ocurred inthe course (ofthe stents tothe cghtecnth conus, This beak can be dese ‘ated a acieved only ifthe time ofthe "sere ana cear stoi] feferent,wbich cannot be supplied by the centres considered as ‘Sonal A ceifed “Middle Ages" made oveve a exemplar tn prot of ‘he religious” othe presecuiar sate therefore neviablwhered in i : ‘Roca Gavan ens aS | Secularization to act ata flor she modern, sel rational stat: Medleval/modern Beriodintion hat vo succesfully sesined the “loaned dagger fama of seuareation that fen called upon oa teers ern his role, asl show tern th chapter through ares ing of Antonio Neg work i ft undermines theresa aaempt to ‘es the hegemonic Mea of he modern nation sae We in a sense of secularism with alii to Schmit’ i the work of Wer Benji, wo had son deal wth the “ane” supe ‘on of all existing aw in is "risque ofVieene,” but ho dieredy Rawelck ‘ner has oan o eerie this story ae gues forthe sub ‘ion of Adres Rr eonacomc yan ending Ea A rte, oto ad existed tn the capaion ofthe Jew from Repesiary thew the sign” (6), The choice of Aldortr’s pla charged ‘icadenclclt hus ences the problem of spereaion an the em orl rope ofthe tc, een art bonds te pang ion [tthe ire toa edie Rly cone, and wntemporsied pas Rosleks metho of reading the Aesndse a slo ateorb medieval an ery modern sate otis no te “plane os "ei" he theories Prior wo moder. he aoe: “Tas ayalrendy suaranted fry ofthe pat elloed the core and bounding othe “The Sense ofan Epoch 98 sphere of action salable wo the tate... The wate remain rapped ‘aia termpoal structure that can be wdentood ax ate movement (i) ecw Rosleck's anal of periodation sted tothe ise of {elgions he Reformation opens both his es modem period andthe post of plc Iniates te poms of breaking fom "edie: {RI sta for evo related reason that are ow familar from many fof a prio break ist i movement of regio renewal ed with all the sg fe En of the Wal,” yt the Hod did pen, bot was incre deferred, weakening te grip ofthe LGharen over the fare. Second, the bloodbaths of religous war “FROTple t Reigous Peace of Augturg (1585), which set ade the Feuiement of religious unity and hut "concealed win ioe anew Pipe tht of petites” panel rer advanced by the Peace Er Werpaia (6-8, Poles ths Deg to break the cee gep of prophesy, or which i sbated ronal foresight and panning Tn oun potvar analy oftanaisons in world order, Sent had alrendydneused the historic of sas ad xeon, prophecy and pale fics and ke Lit, he refutes medieal/moderm penton upon the bass of conceptions of ior. Insiing upon the powerful ease hor leven! to Chen pole since he de of Pl, Sct invokes the concept of hueon, the “eesuanet” (or “ws one,” ‘umes, tuned by Pil In he Second Letter to the Thessalonians," Stich had log teen interpreted athe Roman Empire’ fnction of Saving ff the coming of the Anthvat I addres thin den andthe mio eh argument at length in Caper bate saent plot tev hat Sci reties the eehatologielatmporl paral that Kowelleck abe othe Mid Ages He argues insted hatte coe pot htconsigsled 3 Gne fl witha “wear” meanings of sor dor he nga hon nh Te bela tras eae ols back ‘cen ofthe worl provides the only riage beeen be don ofan ech: [tga yrat fal man eens ements tl mons ke $5. chescs at Pct taal pve ijone wae angus ‘ileilehtetedi rhe Brean lh ul beable comprend te Sipoaiat eeaota emf ome bese subenkSgg ‘As iin ironic reponse to Schmit’ warning hatte nai sine fsh betwee medical prophetic and histori genres would rel in “datring generations" Roselleck nana wpon a binaraed ad lin 94 Sceulazaton ac srg that moe om tas action, prope po, ele four tose Tor Roseleck this tnear anon doce no eminate nth dhe Ealghenment och ony shinmered a te cge tthe periods hereorcpatin of ropheel aie bya rede fare ha not ettundunetaly roped the ne of Chetan expectations Ts iat harmeaes the epic of tuler to he Mile fgets longer cones fui Chasen (28) isthe Pench Reason, “surprising that over the horton expectations a he coup ‘eather opened he cpa oo Medics have lng since tied of suchas of ad, sure and homogeney dior ta hey ety eee Feponse onan pra ta wold i sy ce Be bee te pols {onthe proiem that engages Raceck nwo ais pretest and ‘tccesor on ts tpi snoatal epee deste degen enue {empiri edenee Iti phwopha stogpe concerning ead ‘Sinewnesor the pow of hel noes frguet swell arene foray, to on he areca of SSrereign and ceaton ool “Thi reton and a dino fm rpm coc in Roe lekseonclason wich ret tte Alundcoy now hanging in Napleon's broom Trough chase eparthtsetPre Ele piano hele i ft 1850 rer fr Diet onthe cuentas us thatthe temporal cat of ‘dey ean nl abd rerun an the gab {nyse ctor wl Dido wel pro so the Retluon bat ems “pot of depart (it) tnder” bad sured the advent of Napoleon ot with commonplace premonition ce Revolt, bt tre preety, with predleuon of a aterath andthe auroral {eid ino wich Napoleon seldtep.Rejond tn, Deo cold oly Say "Wiat aller hasan? Ne one nw Ql ie ‘arto! On ire ped hough he renoning wan ‘terre on lay ace shoe of depot a iso Sls andthe erisqe of clightenedsbosan” Diderot thot {Fam undetermined are mae is Yep “toda” Npolee, nthe other and ering hoe ss parle to th great hee se, pondered the Alaandeclcs in bis pate chambers, Sometimes at east 0 "premodert" hoghs “The power ef adion ‘ive ong eg anal he nan Empire shinered though he pps new Dogg the 1780 Revolution” (19-20). pew foe Sow end where we began with lr pondering his ov guraon Tae Sense ofan Epoch 95 in he sene ofthe Alzenesellch’s conic, plo meep. Noh ing yet creping has change How as his hipped? Roseteck has ‘Eluined the emergence of modern pols ty naraing the elit fin freon and reigiowscxpecaons om te Teal of plead fkcion (I), in tise arora wth Sea's histo aecount dha} togeer dein and the de othe consol sate had "band {he'mirce fom the wort" by wbih he refers not "priate rl lon” butt eligi audoraon of polled leptémacy. Unt he ineicenh cena, chit argued. the concepdon of God andthe onceplon ofthe sovereign wee aged (Fgh in is opinion) vi Si wamcendence of he world sod ofthe sate But une Sebo osetiee hal slong bes mcrating a double brea istoricl beak ha eis mode of ing the cans gaan break win the concepanzton of ermporay el n hi account, the lina Shon of eligion an religour expevatons yl ox onl ole, nt tmenangll oil me, and at de ral metre they fe. His ‘xample Rober, ho looks intanaecteraing, open fue and Scr tak of en leading to a epoch of feedom and tappnes” Foie sod meaning tne une in his “ama” he Tower agunent. Hower far ftom opin. Lake Lowi, he sexs conepuont of hori tie mse o poteal cation, aod {Sul ederim a of re THe to wean gous tac Boome pressive an this Tob his Rare tls actnliy, But he persion and ines ean ony igure such ‘ecaperton as balding, oro pita ten ofthe “Besiog” he {oul srw-aostany In his anal of everegy, Schmit had Taped fone onthe problem ofthe exon and his enacts {Sti the pen be iy satay een ‘Draue by deBoiton i requires sovereign ection unfounded in ‘orm ands utence thay wader materia ot “pital, plop of hor fer ong grounds fr questioning ‘eto of plc werelgny founded pon te quate exchsion [ia span cla to ecu he ace of “eeu” word rd. By ony Kole defn of pits 8 the ection of teeny ftom politcal deen would seer lee the bass of dcon unex: Morel But thisot theese, His ergo of pole dcion wi the ‘Emporafaon of ine ides hat fs cxpanatoy bas "moder ‘gt tcl nus thi, modernity becomes a sovereign peo, and {spent ai of xen Periodinaton and Resistance In order to outine the proces by which mediem/modeen period ton darts atempesto amp the promise athe “exception” and nea 96 Seculetion uli, o to think new poli forms and alternate temporal, turn briy here to Antonio Neg s engagement withthe etal ad historia elements of Shi’ theory. Negi grapes wth Schmit os Ieatempus to theorize the poss af radial democrie “casi tent power that never cloned down by or reupered ay "const fed pores” He Wises, nother word, to develops understanding fof «power that mupend lw without ning into Jee another foun tion for law. For Neg the "paradigm of custtnent poner fiat ot ‘fore that bursts apart, beth, interspsnges any precning ‘quilriam and any possible continuity” Schmit’ ehinlang onthe xcepion dus come very low toa material definition of consent power Schnitts"niacle” ofthe exception sppronnates he force Stconsituen power in tat incommensurate with constaonal ‘orm and jad nt, wich Neg ihe oes As Neg ober, however, Schmit’ advocacy of “deeson” forthe sk of preseting the sete old recmpiey cane te potent ofconsvet poe: om, ‘Stsanton ond Conf e end snd mae wd abe ae se ‘roagh the whole cm, shaping it and oerdetrmning ithe of a ‘present the masa cat shennan te ene SEipscTilmaneee yo fond a the tan ween coco acne pes de so at ues poe sapere a str my pe ro Ne ‘om In fc, however the eninendal maui through whic cnet power cine ely ome egsing Stk er ‘Thus, Nee argues, Schirs eson of he sneregn “econ” rec [nc sn power severe es. ‘Schmit’ theory afsoverelgtyeeeany doe ode nthe oecesiy of protecting the sate. Ase pts Piel Fly “The eens af the ate undoubied pro of te sepertory ont the wy ofthe Ino, Te desi resi rom anna dean comes inthe tue sense absolute. The state sje the law inte excepton on he hs oft ght of elf greserason, sone wuld sp" othe Aegre dat Scie prediapones the wovereg decom tote ates ‘ofthe state we could ty that isnot "decison atl nis own ens {nd this he mos potent equ of Schmie Sach decoy ae than comings he sagen, ex isu of shee inseaaiiytat equa decor The «ipo fath—wonld instead bes een, Misa ue sprog eens norm TheSente ofan Epoch $7 In orto eit eh recuperation bythe eae, and to think const vent power at an vorecpersble, unprecedented revelation, Neg Stomp o theorize x pare unt, x enktrougs tha ast bass ly inl Thee can ofcourse be na event wth some spec of eet Yon and ths recogniality, and Nee therefore argues ora negve ‘elaon, not wth ening istittional power, but in tme, He ts in ‘ther nord to perodiaton, nthe frm ofa religious secular break (which he wil algo define a medieal/modern break), im order round consent powers "Convent power has alvays + singular Felaonsip to Ume Indeed, consent power son the one hand an holt wl deter ov temporaiy. In other word, repre tents an esentl momen in the sectlaration of ower a pes Power becomes a immanent dimension of hisory, an acta temporal horizon The break with the theological radon compete" Neg

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