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Bahasa Inggris Day IV

Rekrutmen BUMN [Forum]

Adaptasi RB BUMN

Kosa Kata (Vocabulary)

• Collide: bertabrakan
• Cultivation: penanaman, pengolahan
• Famine: Kelaparan
• Fertilize: menyuburkan, memupuk
• Obtain: memperoleh, menghasilkan

Materi IV: Present Participles

• Present Participle
o Present participle adalah bentuk -ing dari kata kerja. Contohnya: talking, playing, standing,..
o Dalam pertanyaan terstruktur pada Tes Bahasa Inggris, present participle dapat
menimbulkan kebingungan karena
§ Dapat menjadi bagian dari kata kerja (Verb)
§ Dapat menjadi bagian dari kata sifat (Adjective)
o Secara sederhana, present participle dapat menjadi verb dan adjective.
§ Menjadi verb ketika didahului dengan be (am, is, are,..)
§ Menjadi adjective ketika tidak didahului dengan be
o Contoh:
§ Bagian dari Verb
• The man is talking to his friend
o Subject: The man
o Verb: is talking
o “Talking” di sini menjadi verb karena didahului oleh be “is”
§ Bagian dari Adjective
• The man talking to his friend has a beard
o Subject: The man
o Verb: has
o “Talking” di sini menjadi adjective karena tidak didahului oleh

o Contoh lain:
§ The child ____ playing in the yard is my son.
a. Now
b. is
c. he
d. was
• Jawaban: A. Now | Sudah terdapat 1 subject dan 1 verb. Sudah
terdapat “is”, sehingga “playing” pada soal merupakan bagian dari
§ The boy ____ in the corner was naughty.
a. was there
b. is
c. standing
d. stands
• Jawaban: C | sudah terdapat Sudah terdapat 1 subject dan 1 verb.
Sudah terdapat “was”, sehingga kita butuh selain S dan V (dalam hal
ini adalah adjective “standing”.

dirancang oleh

Soal Latihan
1. The companies offering the lowert prices will have the most customers. (Benar/salah)
2. Those travelers are Completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate Three. (Benar/salah)
3. The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair. (Benar/salah)
4. The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges. (Benar/salah)
5. The first team winning four games is awarded the championship. (Benar/salah)
6. The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously. (Benar/salah)
7. The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market.
8. Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form. (Benar/salah)
9. The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention. (Benar/salah)
10. The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive. (Benar/salah)

Rekrutmen BUMN [Forum]

dirancang oleh

Jawaban Soal Latihan:
1. Benar
2. Salah. Double verb
3. Benar
4. Salah. Double verb
5. Benar
6. Salah. Double verb
7. Benar
8. Benar
9. Salah. Double verb
10. Benar.

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