Building Sustainable Design 200911

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international benchmark COUNTING DOWN TO CRC
for green construction
NOVEMBER 2009 | £8 | VOL 1 N0 10

ANDY PEARSON The urgency of governments finding agreement at

next month’s Copenhagen Climate Change conference
EDITOR is highlighted in a report from environmental think-
IT’S COME TO THE CRUNCH tank the World Resources Institute (news p7). The
WRI’s analysis makes clear that, so far, pledges to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions fall far short of
what’s needed to avert global disaster.
Politicians speak readily about the need for
action, but for Copenhagen to succeed governments
must commit to even more rigorous emission
reduction targets that are both measurable and
binding. It will not be easy: the UK government has
talked at length about tackling climate change, yet its
own departments are failing to meet carbon reduction
targets according to a report by the Environmental
Audit Committee last summer.
Perhaps the government should take a leaf
out of WSP’s book. As we report (p20), the consultant
Andy Pearson
Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road
has introduced a voluntary scheme to encourage staff
Print and online reporter London SE1 9UY to reduce their personal carbon consumption. Each
Krystal Sim Switchboard 020 7560 4000
Art editors Editorial fax 020 7560 4314 participant is given an annual carbon allowance. At the
Mark Bergin, Will Martin
Advertising 020 7560 4424
Advertising fax 020 7560 4008
end of the year, the scheme rewards those with a light
Gail Novelle, Teresa Merrigan
Editorial secretary
carbon footprint and penalises the heavy-footed, but in
020 7560 4117 all cases it increases carbon awareness. And it works:
Editorial advisory panel To apply for your free copy of
Patrick Bellew, Martin Clowes, Doug King, Building Sustainable Design, visit the overall carbon footprint of those taking part fell by
Matthew Kitson, Roger Madelin,
Barry Nugent, Tanya Ross,
For subscriptions, circulation and change
10% in the first year.
Ken Shuttleworth, Rajesh Sinha, of address enquiries, contact CDS Global The world desperately needs innovative
Lynne Sullivan, Peter Williams on 01858 438770
Next generation panel solutions to cut emissions and for that governments
Dan Cash, Julie Godefroy, Dan Jestico,
James Mackenzie-Burrows,
The views expressed in this journal are
not necessarily those held by the
must look to engineers for the infrastructure to speed
Emma Marchant, Taariq Mauthoor,
Farah Naz, Susannah Parkin, Atif Rashid,
publishers. The publishers shall not be
under any liability whatsoever in respect
the move to a low carbon economy. New technologies
Sarah Royse, Melissa Stears of the contents of contributed articles or such as geo-engineering must be funded (see p42). In
Business development and the content of any external websites
recruitment director referred to in articles. The editor reserves particular, governments should ensure that developing
Gemma Butler
National sales director
the right to edit, abridge or alter articles
for publication.
countries get what they need to enable them to
Nicole Rinaldi
Building Sustainable Design is published
continue to grow their economies in an economically
Business development manager
Carlo Menezes by UBM Built Environment. Repro by and environmentally sustainable manner.
ITM Publishing Services. Printed by
Area managers
Ross Matthews, Catherine Wimhurst, St Ives plc. Certainly the feedback from BSD’s vox pop of
Dawn Robinson, Cameron Marshall
National key account manager Paper used in this publication is from
politicians, engineers and institutions (p30) is that
Martin Hurn sustainably managed sources. Copenhagen must set an ambitious framework of
Key account managers
Nathan Easom, Oliver Hughes,
©All editorial contents UBM Built targets if climate change is to be mitigated. Sadly, the
Environment 2009. ISSN 2040-0500
Daniel Woods
Advertisement secretary
majority of respondents expect no significant
020 7560 4117 agreement to come out of Denmark. I expect they are
Advertisement production
Chris Langford 020 7560 4133 right; but I do hope they are wrong.
Group recruitment manager
Katie Leaver 020 7560 4333
Circulation marketing executive
Jackie Levett 020 7921 8187
Publisher/group director
Nina Wright
Chief executive officer
Adrian Barrick

BSD is a sister publication of




Participants will only have to report their Report on sustainable property
carbon emissions rather than buy investment funds
allowances for them


Ramboll UK signals new growth strategy SENSE AND SUSTAINABILITY
with acquisition of RYB: Konsult The business case for sustainable buildings
is winning over more and more investment
institutions, says Julie Hirigoyen
Chilling out one unwelcome species at the 20 PRACTICE
Natural History Museum extension ON YER BIKE
How consultant WSP is raising emissions
awareness with a personal carbon tracking
scheme for staff



The Melbourne convention centre with a How well will the CRC work when it
six-star environmental rating – and they’d becomes mandatory in April? Some fear it
only asked for four will lack the necessary bite


What should (and what will) come out of WASTE OPPORTUNITIES
the Copenhagen climate change conference Construction waste can be tackled from
next month? We canvass industry figures the earliest design stages, according to
a new guide from the Waste & Resources
Action Programme
A new tool that helps assess the mix
necessary for truly sustainable


Covering buildings in carbon-absorbing 52 WWW.BSD4JOBS.COM
algae is one of the proposals in a report Hilson Moran is recruiting in anticipation
from the IMechE of growth in demand for its services in the
UK, Italy, France and the UAE

Dynamic insulation helps combat the chill Scott Nursten of NG Bailey goes online for
winds of the Orkney Islands inspiration, music and handmade Italian
furniture. Just don’t
mention spam…
Greywater management systems, high
efficiency air source heat pumps, water
disinfection and more…




CRC goes easy for first year

A central part of the Carbon The CRC price of the allowances has been set
Reduction Commitment, due to uses a at £12 per tonne of carbon emissions.
carrot and
begin in April, has been delayed for stick The scheme applies to any busi-
a year. approach to ness or organisation with a total

Participants will not have to buy persuade half-hourly metered electricity con-
annual emissions allowances for the to reduce
sumption greater than 6000MWh
first year of the scheme, 2010-11, but their carbon a year.
simply report their carbon emissions. footprints. This equates to an annual spend
The scheme is mandatory for all of about £500,000 or 3000 tonnes of
organisations with an annual ener- transition better and make sure we CO2.
gy spend of £500,000 or more. get maximum benefits out of the Companies and organisations
The Department of Energy and scheme.” that fall into that bracket will have
Climate Change (DECC) said the A spokeswoman for the National to forecast their consumption at the
delay was “to smooth the introduc- Theatre made similar comments. start of each trading year and buy
tion of the scheme and to help ease “The National Theatre has welcomed sufficient carbon allowances to cov-
the upfront costs”. DECC’s announcement, since it will er the predicted emissions from their
Some organisations affected by give us more time to budget for the total property estate.
the scheme welcomed the move, say- purchase of allowances, and to fore- The DECC said that from the sec-
ing it gave them time to adjust to cast our emission figures more accu- ond year (2011/12), extra weighting
the initiative. rately,” she said. would be given to organisations that
A spokesman for Guy’s and St The initiative, which the govern- take action early to improve energy
Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in ment has renamed the CRC Energy efficiency.
London said: “It will mean a delay Efficiency Scheme, uses a carrot and According to the department, by
in the environmental benefits, but stick approach to make property 2020 the scheme is expected to have
as a participant it gives us more time users aware of their emissions and delivered emissions savings of at
to prepare. to encourage them to reduce their least 4.4 Mt CO2 a year.
“We had done the preparatory carbon footprints.
Countdown to CRC deadline, page 34
work for the scheme but the extra It covers gas, oil and any other For more on carbon reduction,
time does allow us to manage the fuels used as well as electricity. The

Ramboll takeover
Multidisciplinary consultancy
Ramboll has acquired building serv-
ices company RYB: Konsult for an
undisclosed amount.
This is the first acquisition by
Ramboll UK. The purchase marks
the start of a new style of growth as
the firm strives to become a major
force in UK consulting.
RYB: Konsult was services engineer for Coventry’s refurbished Belgrade Theatre.
Crispin Matson, director of RYB:
Konsult, has been appointed head ested in expanding its offering and projects involving large-scale renew-
of building services for Ramboll UK. we can complement their M&E ables it would be beneficial to learn
According to Matson, he and team, which is traditionally strong from Ramboll’s expertise.
Ramboll managing director Charles in regions like Glasgow and “RYB: Konsult has onsite renew-
McBeath discussed the takeover a Manchester but not so much in ables expertise but less off site. Off
year ago, seeing the move as mutu- London, where we’re based.” site is where the industry is going
ally beneficial. Matson said that with RYB: and Ramboll has a huge amount of
Matson said: “Ramboll is inter- Konsult’s increasing involvement in expertise in that area.”



World ‘must try harder’ BCO winner

“Eye-wateringly beautiful” was the
judges’ description of the Potterrow
Developed countries’ commit- of CO2 at 450 parts per million. Development at the University of
ments to reduce greenhouse gas At this concentration, the IPCC Edinburgh, winner of the British
emissions are insufficient to avert says there is a 52% risk that global Council for Offices’ National
dangerous climate change, temperatures will overshoot the 2C Corporate Workplace Award.
according to the environmental target. Architect for the BREEAM
think-tank the World Resources The WRI is urging industrialised excellent scheme was Bennetts
Institute. countries to make more ambitious Associates while Buro Happold was
The WRI says its analysis shows pledges to reduce their greenhouse the services and structural
that the combined pledges of the gas emissions. engineer. The building, which
houses the School of Informatics,
European Union, Japan, Russia, Jennifer Morgan, director of
has displacement ventilation, with
New Zealand, Australia, Norway, WRI’s climate and energy pro- its corridors acting as extract ducts
Belarus, Ukraine, Canada and the gramme, said: “While emission to channel return air to the atrium,
United States would only result in reduction commitments by these exposed concrete soffits and CHP.
a 10-24% reduction of global emis- countries could have an impor- Judges also praised for the
sions compared with 1990 levels tant and potentially substantial project for respecting its world
by 2020. impact, they will not be enough heritage site surroundings.
This reduction would be insuf- to meet recommendations of the
ficient to limit global temperature IPCC.”
rise to 2C above pre-industrial The WRI’s report covers pledges
levels – a target set by the
Intergovernmental Panel on
by nations responsible for 98% of
all developed country emissions.
Climate Change. It uses three metrics to com-
Big fine for hospital United Nations Climate Change
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Conference. They will discuss a
To meet the IPCC’s target, pare country commitments – per has been fined nearly £48,000 after global agreement to come into
developed countries will need capita reductions, emission inten- a Health and Safety Executive effect once the first commitment
to further reduce greenhouse sity reductions and absolute investigation into unsafe levels of period of the Kyoto Protocol
gas emissions by up to 30% to sta- reductions. legionella in the water supply. The expires in 2012. Turn to page 30
bilize concentrations NHS Trust had stopped testing for for our vox pop on what industry
legionella despite high levels of the figures think delegates should do,
bacteria being found in May 2002. or go to
The investigation was not able to to have your say.
conclude whether two patients
who contracted legionnaires’ UK-GBC conference
disease before their deaths in early The UK Green Building Council’s
2007 were infected at the hospital. new annual conference Making
Sustainable Development Happen
Copenhagen calling is in London on 24 November. The
Government representatives from event is run in association with
around the world will gather in BSD’s sister publication, Building.
Copenhagen next month for the See

US President Barack Obama has Capita Symonds has opened a new
signed an executive order office in United Arab Emirates
setting tight sustainability goals capital Abu Dhabi.
for federal agencies. It is the first office the
They are required to set a multidisciplinary consultancy has
2020 greenhouse gas emissions opened in the region.
reduction target in 90 days. The company says the move is
They must also increase energy part of an increased focus on
efficiency, reduce fleet vehicle expanding its international
fuel use by 30% and improve business. Uganda
water efficiency by 26%. Mike Wing has been A team of engineers from Gifford Network. Gifford says its design
Federal government accounts appointed as regional director and has won an international for a classroom for sub-Saharan
for almost 500,000 buildings will be responsible for all competition to design a low cost, Africa (above) would cost less than
across the US, operates over operations and business easy-to-build rural classroom. The $3000 to erect. The sustainable
600,000 vehicles and buys development in the UAE and competition was organised by US- structure is designed to be built by
$500bn a year in goods and Middle East region. based Architecture for Humanity rural communities in countries
services. and the Open Architecture such as Uganda.





IN PICTURES maturity, so any that were in the

collection would inflict only minimal
DARWIN’S damage before dying out. In
addition, the engineer also had to
DILEMMA maintain a moisture level of 45%
(+/-5%) within the archive.
“We could have maintained these
Have you ever wondered about the exacting conditions using all kinds
sex life of the museum beetle? No? of technology,” says Nissen.
Nor had Peter Nissen, of Fulcrum “However, we wanted to investigate
Consulting, until he embarked on a relatively low-energy solution.” As
the environmental design for phase a result, the 300mm concrete walls
two of the Darwin Centre at of the cocoon, and exposed
London’s Natural History Museum, concrete ceilings, are used as a
writes Will Jones. stabilising thermal mass. The
“The guiding principle for our cocoon is insulated just beneath its
scheme was the protection of the outer surface, so the collection will
collection,” says Nissen. “The three remain in a stable condition for
main risks to the specimens are hours if the ventilation systems fail.
degeneration while they are out Temperature and humidity is
of the stable archive environment; controlled by purpose-built air-
the rate of change in environmental handling units, two per floor.
conditions as the specimens are The archives take all their heat
moved between archive and and power from the central estate
laboratory; and, potentially most boilers, CHP and absorption
dangerous, the museum beetle.” chillers. In summer, waste heat
This diminutive intruder, about a from the CHP dries the supply air
centimetre long with mottled black via a desiccant wheel before
and white scales, feasts on dead lowering its temperature using the
organic material. A bad infestation absorption cooling. In winter,
can destroy a collection. The adiabatic humidification raises the
problem here was that no one moisture content of the supply to
could guarantee the historic the required level. The central
specimens were free of the beetles. archive ventilation system delivers
The eight-storey extension, which air at a constant 17C/45% humidity
resembles a giant silk cocoon, to all floors at a rate of about one
houses 20 million precious examples air change per hour, year round.
of animals and plants. Stagnant areas are eliminated by
Fulcrum learnt that the beetles local air-handling units.
would die off if the temperature In the holding and preliminary
were maintained at 15C, but that examination areas, the temperature
would make the archives too cold is maintained between that of the
for staff to work in for any length of archive interior and the 21C/50%
time. If the temperature were a humidity of the laboratories. “We
more comfortable 20C, the beetles have exploited the narrowing ends
would thrive. At 17C (+/-1.5C), of the cocoon to create an
scientists wouldn’t catch a chill and acclimatisation area, where
the beetles wouldn’t grow to sexual specimens are kept while waiting ¢



¢ to be worked on or returned to
storage,” says Nissen. “This enables
the gradual moderation of moisture
content, so minimising any damage
through environmental fluctuation
that the delicate specimens might
experience as they move through
the building.”
The glazed atrium that surrounds
the cocoon is viewed as a transient
space. Fulcrum has allowed its
temperature to fluctuate with the
seasons. However, it is not
naturally ventilated. Air-handling
units pump in air – filtered to
remove pollution from vehicles and
the plane trees surrounding the
museum – at low level around the
perimeter of the space to
compensate for down-draughts.
“The environmental design is a
combination of green thinking and
pragmatism,” says Nissen. “We
aren’t afraid to use technology and
energy to achieve the most
effective and most efficient result.”

Photographs: Torben Eskerod

Architect: CF Møller Architects

Client: Natural History Museum
Main contractor: HBG
Project manager: Manly Development
Structural engineer: Arup
Services engineer: Fulcrum
Cost consultant: Turner & Townsend
Fire engineer: Buro Happold FEDRA
Acoustic consultant: Sandy Brown



his summer saw the launch of the such property more desirable and easier to
Sarasin sustainable real estate let. They believe green buildings will hold

fund, the latest of a small but their value better than others that could
growing number of property soon be rendered obsolete by legislation
investment vehicles that are putting their such as the Carbon Reduction Commitment

money solely into green buildings. The and tougher Building Regulations.
amount of money the funds have raised Independent property valuers are not
from pension funds, insurance companies convinced. John Symes-Thompson, senior
and wealthy individuals is small compared valuation director at CB Richard Ellis, says:
Sustainable property with the vast sums invested in property “There is no real proof in the UK market
around the world, but still adds up to that green buildings are worth more.” He
investment funds are hundreds of millions (see panel). accepts, though, that this could change if
The managers of these funds say energy costs continue to rise and further
making big claims occupiers are willing to pay higher rents for laws are introduced to cut emissions from
energy-efficient buildings because they are commercial buildings, which account for
but not everyone is cheaper to run. They also claim businesses 18% of the UK total.
and organisations with strong corporate The London-based property fund
buying into the idea, social responsibility policies are under Climate Change Capital has raised £120m so
pressure from shareholders and staff to far and hopes to have £500m within six years.
reports Mark Jansen. occupy the greenest buildings, which makes Its strategy is to buy poor buildings in the




Name: iii investments Green Name: Credit Suisse Green
Fund location: Munich Fund location: Zurich
Money to spend: seeking to raise Money to spend: 300m Swiss
€400m (£350.68m) francs (£173.29m)
in 2-3 years Strategy: develop new residential,
Strategy: buy and develop office retail and office property in
properties in western Europe, Switzerland, built to fund’s own
built to high BREEAM, LEED and environmental standards
other environmental standards Returns: “It is difficult to
Returns: not yet disclosed, quantify, but in the long run
but Reinhard Mattern, the green buildings should perform
managing director, says: “Green better than the rest,” says Ulrich
buildings offer a sustainably Braun, head of real estate advice
higher return rate and a higher at Credit Suisse
resale value”
Name: Sarasin Sustainable
Name: Climate Change Capital Fund location: London
Fund location: London Money to spend: €11.5m
Money to spend: £120m currently (£10.08m) already raised, and
available, and hopes further €30m expected during
to raise £500m first year
Strategy: buy poor-performing Strategy: buy shares around the
buildings in the UK and make world in property companies
them energy efficient rated as the most active on
Returns: refurbished buildings CO2 reduction
likely to be “worth up to 10% Returns: outperformed Standard &
more”, according to Tim Mockett, Poor’s global property index by 2%
fund manager in its first six weeks, to August 31

Image of Uptown, one of three

energy-efficient, mixed use
developments that Credit Suisse’s
green property fund is investing in.

UK and refurbish them to high standards of building occupied by the Department for solar shading, lighting and controls. The
energy efficiency. It is seeking buildings Communities and Local Government, tenants have agreed to use the building
close to public transport, let to solid tenants Marks & Spencer, HSBC and Halifax. The efficiently and to provide the landlord with
such as government departments or big building scored a G for its display energy quarterly reports on their energy use. The
corporations, with low flood risk and a facade certificate, the worst rating, despite winning two sides are negotiating over who will pay
with good thermal performance – “Typically, an “excellent” under the BREEAM system for the refurbishments. If the tenants agree
that’s masonry or brick, not glass,” says Tim when it was assessed in 2003. to contribute, they may receive a share of
Mockett, managing director of Climate The new landlord investigated how the the savings in exchange or be offered a
Change Capital’s property team. energy meters had been set up and found lease extension on favourable terms.
Glass-covered developments such as that tenants were inadvertently paying for Mockett says it is difficult to say how
More London on London’s South Bank, roughly double the amount of electricity much the value of the building will rise as a
where Climate Change Capital has its UK used. “This is not an uncommon situation,” result of the changes, but when pressed
office, are not on the shopping list. The fund says Mockett. “The vast majority of existing says: “Our feeling is that it will be worth up
will also assess a building’s orientation to buildings are poorly managed.” A £398,000 to 10% more.” He emphasises that willing
ensure minimal heat gain, and its cooling refund has been secured and the annual tenants are needed for the refurbishment
system to see whether a low-energy or electricity bill cut from £300,000 to £168,000, strategy to work, but claims there is now no
mixed-mode version can be installed. raising the DEC rating from G to F. shortage of these, especially in buildings let
Early this year it spent about £26m on The fund hopes to raise the DEC score to the public sector and big corporations.
its first property, 5 St Philips Place in further to a C or B by investing about In July the fund paid £23.9m for its
Birmingham, a six-storey office and retail £300,000 in air-conditioning, insulation, second building, a mixed-used property ¢



5 St Philips Place in Birmingham

was Climate Change Capital’s
first acquisition and it has
already improved its energy

¢ at 3-5 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, and is you will end up with buildings that are that’s very different to saying values will
drawing up plans to reduce its energy use. simply not fit for purpose”. He admits, improve for all green buildings.”
The strategy of the London-based however, that the influence of green funds There are many factors that make a
Sarasin sustainable property fund is to buy may be limited: “It’s a niche area… our property desirable, especially location and
shares in property companies it considers clients will find this product attractive but it rent. Energy is often only a tiny part of the
to be the most progressive on CO2 may never be mainstream.” cost of occupying a building, ranging from
reduction. Sarasin argues that this allows Other attempts to launch green 1% to 3.5% for office occupiers, according to
investors to get their money out quickly, as property funds in the UK were wrecked by property consultant Actium Consult.
shares can be sold within hours while a the credit crunch. In Switzerland values fell In addition, Symes-Thompson is wary
building sale can take months or years. only slightly, however, and in April Credit of making a direct link between energy
The fund has raised €11.5m (£10.08m) Suisse was able to raise 300m Swiss francs saving and higher rents: “There’s not
since its launch in July and Jakes Ferguson, (£173.29m) for its first green property fund. necessarily a direct relationship. The
the manager, says investors are ready to This is investing in three low-carbon, energy savings are part of a tenant’s
commit another €30m before it is a year old. energy-efficient office, retail and residential operating costs and may go to a different
Sarasin has devised a shortlist of 64 property schemes in Switzerland. account, while rent negotiations are
stocks around the world that it will consider “In the long run, green buildings pay,” conducted in the normal way.”
buying. British Land is a good example: its says Ulrich Braun, a real estate specialist at Investment Property Databank started
new developments are designed to emit 25% Credit Suisse. “We have a lot of experience a sustainability index in June to measure
less carbon than is allowed under current of investing in green buildings and have returns on green property. Symes-
Building Regulations and it is making found that there is relatively little extra to Thompson says it may be several years
serious efforts to improve the energy pay if you incorporate these features into before enough data has been gathered to
efficiency of its existing properties, Ferguson the design from the beginning. We and at provide reliable answers. He believes the
says. “There are other companies that are least 200 investors believe that this makes biggest property fund managers, such as
doing very, very little,” he adds. sense in the long run.” Prudential, Aviva and Legal & General, are
Hong Kong is an important market for A green building fund was launched in more likely to ditch their worst power-
property funds, but Sarasin found only one July by Munich-based iii investments, the guzzling properties and improve the energy
developer that it considered green enough. property arm of HypoVereinsbank. It hopes efficiency of the rest, rather than launch
The fund invests more heavily than is usual to raise €400m within three years. specialist green funds of their own.
in the UK, Dutch, Australian and even US The calibre of new entrants is not “This agenda will affect all properties,
property markets because those countries enough to change Symes-Thompson’s mind it won’t create a separate market,” he says,
are more active on CO2 reduction. about the market. Commenting on Climate adding: “Some will lead and others will be
Ferguson quotes research from Jones Change Capital’s strategy of buying slow to adapt, and that is where you may
Lang LaSalle to argue that occupiers will buildings for refurbishment, he says: “I get some differences.”
pay higher rents for green buildings. He would be fairly confident they will get some
claims that “a two-tier market will develop – improved [investment] performances, but For more on green developments, www.



SENSE AND This regular column is provided by

the UK Green Building Council and
its members

The business case for investing in

sustainable buildings is winning over
a growing number of investment
institutions, says Julie Hirigoyen.

ur design community can make buildings in a low carbon economy are zoned lighting systems; only 5% had any
all the technical advances it prepared to go one step further. They water conservation devices installed; and
wants, but if investors don’t commission a detailed energy assessment 15% had no natural ventilation whatsoever.
value sustainability, we won’t of the building to understand its carbon Institutions that profile such risks on a
see the radical change we need. abatement potential, and to plot the capital regular basis are using the results to feed
Major institutions in the UK were slow expenditure required to bring it within a into asset allocation decisions and
to appreciate the relevance of sustainability specified performance threshold. Their transactions strategy, and are integrating
to real estate assets, despite many of them reason for undertaking such a survey pre- the lessons into future asset management
applying socially responsible investment acquisition is, of course, to reflect forecast plans and fund management principles.
principles to their equity portfolios. capital expenditure in price negotiations. They are also looking to engage more
Ten years ago, pension funds and life In the management of their portfolios, proactively with their tenants through
insurance companies were not particularly institutions wish to understand the risk occupational strategies and green leases.
engaged in the environment. As a result, profile of their different funds. Our In a credit- and a resource-constrained
early movers like Hermes and Prudential sustainability risk mapping work with economy, it might be sensible to assume
Property Investment Managers enjoyed a investors suggests many of the risks which that investors will, in coming years, give
significant profile for their pioneering might become acute in the next decade are more attention to refurbishment rather than
approaches to responsible property not necessarily being captured by typical new development. Indeed, we are being
investment, involving the integration of fund management practices. For instance, in asked to apply complex cost-benefit
environmental and social practices into 2008, more than 40% of the 1500 properties analysis tools to evaluate the net present
mainstream property processes. analysed were found to be at risk of value of sustainability improvements that
But now, sensitised by the most severe contagion flooding; only 10% had smart or might be made to Class A buildings in
recession in memory, institutions are more investor portfolios. Investors who believe a
reluctant than ever to expose themselves to two-tier market will rapidly emerge in

risks they cannot quantify or predict. They favour of those buildings that demonstrate
need tools that enable them to understand a strong sustainability performance claim
the sustainability risks of their real estate that the cost of improvements today will be
investments, and to future-proof their assets outweighed by the cost of retaining under-
to ensure they retain value in a low carbon Investors who believe performing assets in the future.
economy. Understanding this helps all parts the market will favour Such trends are a strong indication
of the supply chain deliver a more that institutions equate responsible
sustainable and, crucially, valuable building. sustainable buildings property investment with financial returns.
When investors consider new Whether through reducing void rates,
properties for their portfolios, initial risk
claim the cost of minimising running costs, or improving
assessments look at issues that might improvements now will be capital values, the perception of a rapidly
increase the insurance liability or tax growing number of institutions is that
burden of the building in five or 10 years, outweighed by the cost of sustainable practices will ultimately
such as the flood risk for the building and
its surrounding infrastructure. Assuming
retaining poor performers improve the long-term value of their funds.
And that’s good news for everyone who

the building passes these tests, the next believes sustainable building should be the
steps would form part of an extended due norm, not the exception.
diligence process, and look in more detail at
Julie Hirigoyen is joint managing director
the building fabric and services. of Upstream Sustainability Services,
Those investors concerned about the part of Jones Lang LaSalle
obsolescence of poorly performing For more opinions,



taff at WSP are earning cash says about 40% of UK emissions result
bonuses thanks to the from the behaviour of individuals.

consultancy’s Personal Carbon The think tank has examined the case
Tracking Scheme (PACT), a for and against personal carbon trading as
voluntary initiative which sets them a a means to tackle climate change, and

BIKES target for carbon emissions in their

personal lives.
Each worker has an annual carbon
suggests it could become a serious option
if existing policies fail to make a dent in
emissions or the impacts of climate
emission allowance of 5.5 tonnes for change worsen.
carbon-related activities, such as heating, About 80 people in WSP’s UK-based
lighting and public transport. Those who environmental team have signed up to
emit less receive 5p for each kilogram initiative, which started in 2007. The carrot
A firm is rewarding – under the 5.5 tonnes; those who are over and stick approach seems to be working as
are fined 5p per kilogram. The reward and the overall carbon footprint of participants
and penalising – staff penalty are capped at £100. in the first year fell by 10%.
The financial numbers may not be David Symons, the director who
for their out-of-hours huge but the scheme is a valuable way of suggested the idea, puts the attraction of
making people aware of their own carbon PACT down to a mixture of incentive,
carbon footprints. emissions. More may be forced to follow environmentalism and competition.
the example of WSP, according to the He says: “The scheme has its roots in
Krystal Sim reports. Institute for Public Policy Research, which carbon rationing action groups. Local



activists set these up in their communities

as a way to reduce their individual and
collective carbon footprints. As a company,
we live and breathe this kind of thing, so GREEN CLAUSES COULD BE
we thought it was a great idea to pick up in
our business.”
Symons wanted a sustainable strategy
that went beyond common-sense
Developers are increasingly writing green standards into
measures. “Switching off monitors and their building contracts, says Jake Davies. Consultants
lights just isn’t stimulating,” he says. “Our should be wary of what they are letting themselves in for.
staff are pretty green in their thinking so
we had to encourage something that went

beyond the basics.”
Each quarter, participants work out or many businesses, it is their otherwise an obligation to take the lease
how much energy they have used, how premises that have the largest (and pay rent) may never arise.
many miles they have driven and what impact on their carbon footprint If the rent on Ethical Bank’s
long-haul flights they have taken. and bring them into contact with premises was £500,00 a year for 20 years,
Commuting is included, as it is deemed environmental legislation. Because of a loss of £10 million could be suffered if
personal travel, while business travel such this, developers are increasingly the BREEAM standard were not achieved
as flights to overseas projects is excluded. requiring consultants and contractors to and the bank’s obligation to take the
“We tally up the spreadsheets at the ensure new buildings comply not only lease fell away.
end of the year, when we have our day of with statutory requirements but with A developer should ensure that
reckoning,” says Symons. “There’s a degree voluntary standards. obligations owed to end users of
of peer competition but the main draw for Historically there may have been a buildings in property documents are
the scheme depends on the person. Some perception that such clauses were simply backed up in building contracts and/or
are taking part because they are aspirational “greenwashing”, but failure consultant’s appointments. Any
environmentally minded. Others may look to meet objective standards can give rise reasonably foreseeable losses suffered by
at it purely from an incentive approach. to damages for breach of contract. the developer should then be recoverable
Either way, the scheme is worthwhile.” In the English commercial property from the professional team and/or
Senior or junior, staff face equal market, the green standard most contractor that failed to meet the design
censure if they go over their allowance. commonly referred to is that established or build standards required by the user.
Stuart McLachlan, managing director of by the Building Research Establishment
the environment and energy team, fell foul Environmental Assessment Methodology NEGOTIATING A BREEAM CLAUSE
of the scheme because of long-haul (BREEAM). Where enhanced environmental
holiday flights and was fined. He now If a party wishes those standards to standards are written into appointments
cycles the 12 miles to work to cut his be met, an obligation to do so must be and/or contracts, the parties should be
personal emissions further. created contractually. Where a BREEAM aware of the need to meet those
WSP is looking at extending PACT to clause differs from other aspirational standards.
its overseas offices, though it will have to building standards (such as “a high- If assessment of satisfaction of
be revised to fit the country. Symons says: quality office development suitable for those standards is in the hands of a third
“We have staff in Sweden who could easily use by financial institutions”) is that the party, such as a BREEAM assessor,
make the targets set in the UK. On the flip BRE will assess whether the BREEAM consultants and/or contractors should
side, if we were to give US staff the same standard – “passed”, “good”, “very good” caveat any such obligation with a
allowance as the UK they’d be in carbon or “excellent” – has been met. “reasonable endeavours” qualification.
debt straight away because of the lifestyle Damages should easily be For example: “The [consultant/building
there, how the houses are made and the ascertainable for breach of contract contractor] shall use reasonable
climate. where market value is attached to endeavours to see that on completion the
“What we’re trying to do is provide an environmental standards and where costs works achieve a BREEAM rating of
incentive and engage people; to have relating to energy usage increasingly will [insert desired rating] with regards to
enough of a carrot that suggests they can be easy to demonstrate. [insert relevant BREEAM scheme] and
make savings and be rewarded for them. Another head of damages could be shall liaise with the employer’s BREEAM
The targets we’ve set are reasonable and diminished rental value for a building assessor to facilitate its assessment of the
attainable.” that has not hit specified environmental works.”
With staff reducing their emissions standards. State subsidies and grants However, a clause that creates an
by 10% in the first year alone, will the applying to zero carbon buildings could absolute obligation to obtain a certain
carbon allowance decrease? Symons says: be lost and reputational damage could standard as assessed by a third-party
“We do anticipate that the targets will be give rise to further loss. assessor should be resisted if possible:
tightened, and are kicking around ideas at As a hypothetical example, Ethical however clear the BREEAM schemes are
the moment, but we can’t say for definite. Bank wants a new headquarters. An and however consistent the assessment
“What the scheme proves, in broader agreement for a lease entered into by the process, there is always a risk that the
sustainability and employee engagement bank might require the building to meet employer’s assessor will not accept that
terms, is that if you’re imaginative, you the BREEAM “excellent” standard. Any the relevant standard has been met.
get good staff buy-in and you have a lot of developer agreeing to provide such a
fun doing it.” building would have to ensure that the Jake Davies is a partner at Forsters LLP. For more on
requirements for that standard be met, legal matters, go to
For more on carbon footprints,


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A bid produced in just

six months has led to

Australia’s first six-star

convention centre.
By Kristina Smith.

hen the brief for a huge
public-private partnership
project asks for a four-star
green rating, it might seem
crazy to go to the trouble and expense of
putting in a six-star bid, but that was the
tactic of one of the competing teams for
Melbourne Convention Centre.
It was a commercial decision, rather than
a green crusade, explains Matthew Jessup,
environmental group leader at WSP
Lincolne Scott. The client, the Victoria state
government, had funded the development
of a tool to measure the environmental
performance of convention centres – and
the tool went up to six stars.
“We thought it was a pretty good clue,”
says Jessup. “If you go to the trouble of
creating a tool that goes up to six stars, are
you really going to be happy with four? For
us it became a nice way to have a clearly ¢





In a short period, there’s
no time for options
analysis. You look at each
space and decide what the
right solution is for it.
Then there’s a process of
testing to prove your
instinct is correct

¢ measurable point of difference. A lot of self-contained theatres, and 32 meeting small construction community. “That’s one
times when you design a building, you can rooms. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) of the things the PPP model requires,” says
make all these nice claims but you are only all too often result in bland designs, so Jessup. “It’s pretty important that a large
ever measured on cost or someone’s Melbourne Convention Centre is truly component of the team is consistent from
subjective assessment of the aesthetics. This something to behold, especially given that project to project.”
gave an objective measurement tool to the bid team had just six months to deliver The architects were based permanently
demonstrate what we wanted to do.” a design good enough to put in a in a project office for the bid period, with
The client liked the strategy and gave guaranteed price. the engineers calling in when needed. The
the job to the Plenary Group consortium, Jessup says innovation was encouraged first steps in such a project, says Jessup, are
which included WSP Lincolne Scott. The by the three-point model used by the state based on gut feeling: “In a short period,
Aus$500m Melbourne Convention Centre, government to assess public-private bids: there’s no time for extensive options
which opened in June, became the first strong and clear minimum and aspirational analysis. You look at each space and decide
such building to achieve a six-star Green targets for sustainability; good reward for what the solution is. Then there’s a process
Star rating, which signifies “world whole life considerations; and a budget that of testing to prove your instinct is correct.”
leadership” in sustainable design and challenges the requirements of the project. Then the knack is to tie down 80% of the
construction (see panel opposite). The architects, Woods Bagot and NH design, picking the big-hit items that will
The triangular scheme, linked to an older Architecture, building services engineer influence the cost and the end outcome, he
exhibition centre by a glass walkway, has a WSP Lincolne Scott and its specialist explains. Once you’ve won the job, you have
huge glass-fronted foyer which can services arm Advanced Environmental, and two to three years to sort out the details.
accommodate 8400 people, a 5000-seat the builder Multiplex had worked together Perhaps the biggest of those big
plenary hall which can be divided into three before thanks to Melbourne’s relatively decisions on this building was its layout,



Green Star is BREEAM’s Australian
cousin, developed by the Green
Building Council of Australia to
assess the sustainability of a
building’s design and construction.
It has versions to cover a wide
range of building types.
In 2005, the Victoria state
government’s major projects
department funded the development
of a tool to assess convention
centres. It was piloted on the
Melbourne scheme and resulted in
the building gaining the highest – six
star – rating.
Points are awarded in nine
categories: management, indoor
environment quality, energy,
transport, water, materials, land
use and ecology, emissions and
innovation. Scores are then
weighted depending on the state
and territory the project is in to
reflect the diverse environmental
concerns in Australia.

4 Star Green Star rating
(score 45-59)
Signifies best practice in -
environmentally sustainable design
and construction

5 Star Green Star rating
(score 60-74)
Signifies “Australian excellence”
in environmentally sustainable
design and construction

6 Star Green Star rating
(score 75-100)
Signifies “world leadership” in
environmentally sustainable design
and construction
which turns conventional exhibition centre The final important decision was the
design on its head. Rather than burying the design of the 5000-seat main hall, which is
Circulation is wrapped
around the outside of the circulation space deep within, it is wrapped cooled by displacement ventilation. Air is
building (above right). around the outside. This means the public delivered from the plant room via plenums
The 5000-seat main hall spaces are daylit and the front-of-house can behind each row of seats. Body heat causes
(centre left) is cooled by
displacement ventilation. be shut while events are being set up. the air to rise and it is then drawn out via
“You find that you are using more energy ducts. Since only the lower third of the
during set-up and pack-down than during space is cooled, this saved on insulation,
the conference,” says Jessup. “You can which had an impact on structural design.
achieve more energy-saving during the out- There were several challenges in firming
of-event period than during the events.” up the hall design, such as providing a
Another big decision involved the foyer, space that could be reconfigured into three
which has an 18m-high glass facade to smaller rooms and allowing for the seats to
maximise daylight and a combination of be hydraulically retracted to provide a flat
chilled-slab and displacement air- floor. The seating manufacturers had to
conditioning. “That had not been done in a come up with a bespoke design.
significant way in Australia,” says Jessup. “It’s an interesting problem to solve when
“It’s a technically risky thing to do.” Change you are supplying air through the seats and
to a more conventional solution later would half of the time they are not there,” says
have had serious ramifications because of Jessup. “That’s one of the things we knew
the extra space required for air ducts. we could not solve during the bid phase, ¢




provides views and allows high system uses low-level air delivery
degree of diffused natural light with and a high-level air exhaust to
spectrally selective glass. provide high indoor air quality with
low energy consumption.
provide all public amenity hot water 6 CARPETS, PAINTS, ADHESIVES
requirements. and sealants are low in volatile
organic compounds to enhance air
QUALITY resulting from large
volumes of fresh air. 7 BLACKWATER TREATMENT
facility allows wastewater and
4 SLAB HEATED AND COOLED to rainwater to be reused in the
provide energy-efficient thermal building, and reduces the flow to the
comfort for occupants and reduce sewer.
air-conditioning requirements.

AHU plant

Rainwater and stormwater collection



4 5

retention Roof drainage discharges to Rainwater pumpline to blackwater All wastewater collection Landscape/irrigation reuse
stormwater retention system treatment facility

¢ but I wasn’t concerned about that. We commitment to use only timber accredited foyer but the design team rejected this
spent more time getting the foyer right.” by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). because the chilled and heated slab with
No less important in the pursuit of the This, combined with the “buy Victorian” displacement provided the energy savings
highest green credentials are the solar policy on state projects, created a headache for less cost. Jessup also concedes that
heating, which provides 40% of the hot water, when it became apparent that no timber natural ventilation would have been an
and blackwater recycling, which reduces supplier in Victoria could meet the brief. inelegant solution once insect, bird and
water consumption by up to 50%. The industry rose to the challenge and security actuators had been installed.
Blackwater recycling – bringing sewage now there are four suppliers in Victoria that “I think we did a pretty good job during
water up to potable standard – is a fast- can prove FSC chain of custody. “We failed the early design stages,” he concludes. Now
developing technology in Australia. From because it became too difficult to get 100%. there is the matter of whether the building
design to installation, the cost of the I would say we got 90%. But in terms of lives up to its billing. Four months into a 12-
centre’s system went from Aus$1m to transforming the industry, it was a fantastic month period of fine-tuning, it’s too early to
Aus$600,000. It wasn’t a tough decision to achievement,” says Jessup. judge, but he says: “Every time I’ve been
specify it, says Jessup, as the infrastructure Asked if there were any disappointments, inside, I’ve been incredibly impressed.”
for greywater recycling uses virtually the he mentions two. First, he would have liked Jessup looks forward to the Parliament of
same equipment and testing regime, but natural lighting in the main hall, but the the World’s Religions convention next
instead of dual pipework you have one set. cost of achieving a meaningful level in a month; not for spiritual reasons, but
This offsets the cost premium in plant. space of that volume while maintaining because the centre will be packed. “It will be
Grade-A recycled water is used for toilet- acoustic, brown and blackout requirements exciting to see how it performs.”
flushing, the cooling towers and irrigation. would not justify the result.
One of the biggest problems was the He was keen on natural ventilation in the For more Green Star projects,




The summit will be a Stay away from CLIMATE
waste of time and public interfering with heating I’m optimistic because
money unless all developed and and lighting preferences, travel no one can afford to walk away The developed world must accept
developing nations agree on a habits, reproductive practices and from the table any more. That’s not historic responsibility for the
fixed, achievable and binding set of diet. Stop finger-wagging about to say that the process of climate crisis. That is the only way
CO2 reduction targets (relative to carbon footprint; abandon attempts negotiation will be a smooth one; to build trust with the developing
each country’s current emissions). to audit it. Quit the guilt industry, there is considerable tension world. The developed world should
Nothing less than radical change is end obsessive carbon dogma. between the developed and commit $160bn of funding every
required and I am not of the Stop hectoring China and India. developing nations, and a year to support climate change
opinion that this is likely to happen. Refuse to chase the chimera of justifiable anger from poorer mitigation, adaptation and
Leaders talk about this being the microgeneration. Prioritise nuclear nations who feel that they cannot technology transfer to the
last chance to avert global climate fusion, high-tech coal, second- and reduce their emissions without help developing world.
change but it is already happening, third-generation biofuels, high- from richer nations, who so far
and for Copenhagen to be a success altitude kites on hawsers, solar for have been less than forthcoming
we need strong, forward-thinking the Sahara, air capture of CO2, with the promised aid. To solve this
leadership, not “What can we do geoengineering. The summit will fry antagonism we need a commitment
until my political term runs out?” the air, no more than that. from rich nations to become
leading examples of renewable
energy production.

It’s a brave politician CONSULTANCY AND
who campaigns on the The conference should With the Kyoto protocol ENGINEERING
need for long-term environmental focus as much on facilitating deadline in 2012 bringing one era
investment in the face of rising solutions as setting targets, which of the climate change battle to an Governments must agree to limit
unemployment, but Copenhagen can make one focus on the details end, there is a pressing need to the overall global temperature
needs to get some measurable of the target itself, rather than how reset the agenda for the future. If increase to 2C and achieve an
commitments on the table that best to approach the task. This can real change is to be achieved, an overall, significant reduction in
governments can be held be seen with the zero carbon international framework of targets carbon dioxide output, particularly
accountable for. Someone likened targets in the UK: three years after must be agreed to ensure that we through the roll-out of low-carbon
the statements being made last they were first announced, we’re continue actively to address the energy and transport. There must
week by Ma Ying-jeou, president of still arguing about the definition. consequences of our changing be absolute commitment to
Taiwan, and Barack Obama as being Co-ordinated international planning climate on societies. Any technology and skills transfer to
like two people standing on a and delivery of new low-carbon infrastructure built today will have less developed nations, as these
bridge, wondering who’s going to infrastructure will require greater impact on our emissions levels for will suffer disproportionately. There
jump first. Or maybe they’ll jump levels of trust, and arguing over a years to come, so it is essential this must be commitment to new
together? It’s time to get that legally binding target may not be is taken into account now. models of green economic
commitment, to make that step. conducive to this. development. Above all, these
commitments must be achievable.
There must be a definite timetable
of meaningful actions from each
government, otherwise the
Copenhagen summit will be seen as
just another global PR opportunity.

What decisions must world leaders make
at the United Nations climate change
conference in Copenhagen next month?
Krystal Sim quizzed professionals,
politicans and campaigners.

The prospect of success at Whether a specific We need more than
Copenhagen improved There must be a global reduction target, or a polite talk and empty
significantly with the election of solution to the various national new methodology in assessments, promises. Climate change is a
the Obama administration. This carbon standards in buildings in or any other agreement, what global security issue, and
was always going to be mainly order to create a single standard to would make the meeting successful governments must put themselves
about a deal between America replace BREEAM/LEED/Green Star would be a framework that creates on something akin to a war footing
and China, with the EU, Brazil and the other European methods. I a shift in feasibility for “green- if they are to adequately respond to
and India playing supporting am hopeful that the summit will be tech” in a wide sense – making it the challenge. Instead of always
roles. The prospect of failure is a success but the devil is in the more attractive, economical and talking about the costs of changing
not worth thinking about. detail. efficient to invest in and develop our behaviour, leaders urgently
the next generation of solutions in need to talk about the benefits that
DAVID CLARK, PARTNER architecture and technology. The will flow from investing in
CUNDALL biggest potential for movement is alternatives to polluting, finite
not just in appealing to the hearts, fossil fuels. It is essential to
As a starting point, governments but also to make it good business highlight the great potential of the
should agree to worldwide to go green. Copenhagen summit to achieve
benchmarks for energy per positive.
person and energy per square
metre for all building types; a
standard method for calculating
energy to CO2 conversion factors
for electricity used in buildings; a
methodology for efficient
tax mechanisms in each country CHANGE GIFFORD
to reward good performance and SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT World leaders must
penalise poor performance. agree to: help from rich Governments must
The Scottish government has taken countries so the rainforests are agree first, that the developed and
RICARDO MOREIRA, DIRECTOR the lead with the publication of the protected, because it’s a cheap way the developing world both have a
Climate Change (Scotland) Act, to slash emissions; cash to help serious, pressing problem with
which will help us become a developing world countries to climate change. Second, they must
Governments from developed
leading nation in developing a adapt, because otherwise they agree to finance and transfer low-
countries, which created the
sustainable way of life, reducing won’t sign a deal; ambitious, emission technologies to
problem, need to face the
the impact its people have on the binding emissions targets for developing countries, providing the
political risk and commit to bold,
local and global environment. The developed countries like the UK, stimulus for economic growth
comprehensive targets without
move to a low carbon economy is a and commitment from developing without making the causes of
requiring the same from the
major opportunity. The choices countries that they will need to climate change even worse. And
developing world. Emerging
made will be critical to shaping a reduce their emissions in the third, I would like all governments
economies have a big role to play
modern, successful and sustainable future. We’re in this together, we to recognise the need for a new,
in reducing deforestation and
Scotland and to maintaining a can beat it together. global economic model based on
setting their own targets, with
quality of life which retains and decarbonised technologies and a
strong international financial
attracts talented people and predictable allocation of capital to
backing. The technological
investment. It is imperative that microfinance small-scale
solutions are known and
other developed nations follow this enterprises where appropriate.
abatement curves show many of
lead while we also reach out to
them are cost-effective; what we
those who need our help in tackling
need is political will and
the biggest threat facing the
modern world today.

We need an agreement that leads

the world to cut its emissions by
at least 50% by 2050 and,
crucially, to put in place the
measures needed to ensure
global emissions start to fall
within the next decade. This will
require all developed countries to
commit to firm emissions
reductions targets, and also
actions from rapidly developing
countries to limit their emissions
growth. But we’re also seeking a
deal that helps to deliver new
and additional sources of funding
for low-carbon development and
For more comments on the Copenhagen
adaptation in developing conference, and to have your say, go to



SuBET was used to assess spaces. That’s the thinking behind the
the Sesto San Giovanni
industrial regeneration
tool. It’s encouraging more of a mix of
area in Milan. uses in masterplans.
“We have to move away from those
masterplans in the Middle East, ones that
have 25 towers, all residential and nothing
else. That’s not sustainable.”


Historic cities have a surprising amount to
teach us, Kitson says. “If you look at the
make-up of the masterplan of London, how
that’s built up over the years, it’s one of the
most sustainable cities in the world. It has
cultural and social hubs. There are green
spaces. Look at these on a sunny summer
day and you’ll see how important they are.
“Contrast this with somewhere such as
Mexico City, which has grown over the
years but seen things tagged on. There’s
very little public transport and the average
wait time in cars is two-and-a-half hours.

The people sit and eat fast-food in their
cars, and the city has the highest obesity in
the world. Consequently, it has the highest

diabetes levels in the world.
“That’s planning gone wrong, and why
masterplanning is so important. We don’t
want that problem replicated around the
world,” Kitson says.
A important part of creating a
sustainable masterplan is making the big-
picture decisions at the earliest stage of the
design process. SuBET sits the entire
A new tool that helps to assess project team down together, armed with
plot details and local information.
the mix of uses needed for truly The tool breaks the masterplan into
three central areas – environment, economic
sustainable projects highlights and socio-cultural – which are then divided
into subgroups such as land and ecology
the importance of looking at the (see diagram, facing page).
Ideal targets are set and detailed notes
big picture, reports Krystal Sim. are made. The notes are input into the
SuBET tool, which gives a graphical readout

of how sustainable the project is. This
ustainable masterplanning will are the parks? Where can people practise framework can be adapted and revisited as
help engineers and architects win their religion or study? Are there jobs in the the masterplan is designed.
the battle for lower carbon local area? These questions are just as The initial, intense discussions will
emissions, something tighter important as district heating and cooling or determine which areas are given most
Building Regulations alone cannot achieve. transport systems. weight. Kitson is confident that the tool can
That’s the belief of Hilson Moran’s director offer a “guiding hand” to all of the team,
of sustainability Matt Kitson. DESIGN FRAMEWORK reminding them of what is important at
He says the real issue for the built To help to put the pieces together, Hilson each stage of the design.
environment sector is how we design cities Moran has developed a masterplanning
and transport and energy infrastructures. system called SuBET (Sustainable Built WHAT’S IMPORTANT?
“The strategy of putting the emphasis Environment Tool), which provides a SuBET was used to assess the 1.5m m2
on buildings is heading in the right design framework. It brings together Sesto San Giovanni industrial regeneration
direction,” he says. “But if the government everyone involved in a project, from the area in Milan. “The economic argument
takes those regulations too far it runs the client and the quantity surveyor to the was strong,” says Kitson, “but the
risk of alienating designers. They could architect and environmental consultant, to environmental expert pointed out the
simply become too difficult, and individual consider 71 environmental, economic and respiratory problems in Milan because
building design can only go so far.” socio-cultural indicators. of the pollution.
Rather than being simply a matter of Kitson says: “Everyone has been “The tool turns the process on its
what you build, it’s where you build and focused on environmental stewardship head and asks what is the most important
what you put around it that makes for a but we need to think more about economic thing for the area? Getting the team into
sustainable city, Kitson explains. Where and social factors – job creation, public one room and spending a day or two going



Graphical summary of the
sustainability of a project and,
below, in Matt Kitson’s words,
what the debate on each topic
Land and ecology Proposed
might consider. development

Cost and economies Accessibility development

perceptual Water

Functionality Energy

Air pollution Materials and waste

Land and ecology Accessibility Water Energy Materials and Air pollution Functionality Cultural and Cost and
Encouraging the Ensuring there are Minimising usage Using not only the waste Is this going to hit Creating perceptual economies
reuse of land, ways for people to and flood risk. built form but the Construction, the EU’s PM10 communities, Looking at access Mixed-use
including sites get around the Water is a bigger cluster of storage of levels? How to parks and green to public space, developments are
previously masterplan area issue in certain buildings to recyclable waste, minimise the use spaces. Where’s landscape design, probably the most
occupied by other without burning parts of the world minimise the and waste of certain CFCs the play area, or a public amenities. successful around
development or fossil fuels. This than others. It is energy footprint management and global museum to keep It could be that the world – they
with low can be achieved also necessary to of that during warming people you can’t touch tend to work, mix
ecological value. by promoting think about how masterplan. Also, construction and materials. Air- stimulated? historical of uses for people.
Avoiding impact public transport, to irrigate public looking at the operation. Existing conditioning buildings. Recognition that
on local wildlife encouraging spaces. consumption and materials in the systems in the you’ve considered
and minimising cycling, more fuel- efficiency of the area, recycling buildings. Make a the economics of
the long-term efficient transport buildings. things. More commitment at the local area. Can
impact of the systems, and environmentally the start of a job people get to
development on pedestrian friendly materials. – you could be work?
the biodiversity of networks. building where
the site and the there’s a huge
surrounding area. existing problem.

through the details like this is the best way masterplanning is coming, and are doing

to do it. It’s very area-specific. ” something on this. It will be a huge issue in
While SuBET is only available at the the next five or six years.”
moment as a consultancy service from Where does this shift in emphasis from
Hilson Moran, Kitson is keen that it should
be a means to encourage debate.
Everyone has been individual buildings to overarching
masterplans leave engineers and architects?
“This isn’t ‘Hilson Moran will save focused on environmental Should they worry about their jobs?
the world’,” he laughs. “We invested time “It may be that you’ll see the
and resources into this tool not just stewardship but we need emergence of a hybrid of disciplines – the
because the company needed it, but to think more about archiengineer,” Kitson says. “Whether that
because we feel the industry needs it. will be an engineer working in an
Hopefully others will adopt this philosophy economic and social architectural practice or vice-versa, I don’t
or develop their own. know. Architects have the skills but they
“It wouldn’t be a sustainable thing to factors – job creation, need advice from engineers. Perhaps this
do, to develop a tool only to sell it on. An public spaces will mean changes in university courses,
important question for the industry is who too. A sustainable masterplan could even

will solve this problem? How are we going become the main driver behind anything
to cut the carbon habit? getting planning. What everyone needs to
“This is not a Hilson Moran issue, or realise is that change is coming.”
an engineering issue. Most of the
architectural practices know sustainable For more on masterplanning,



How well will the Carbon
Reduction Commitment work?
Some fear it lacks teeth, or will
reward latecomers to green
practices rather than early
adopters. Mark Jansen reports.

n six months’ time an estimated 5000 must be submitted by July 2011 and again
companies and organisations will every year thereafter.
begin taking part in the largest In 2011 the participants must also
carbon trading scheme the UK begin to buy allowances to emit carbon,
has seen. Participation in the Carbon based on their annual emissions. The price
Reduction Commitment is compulsory for of the allowances is set at £12 per tonne for
those that spend more than £500,000 a the first three years of the scheme, and is
year on electricity. This includes large expected to rise sharply thereafter as the
businesses with multiple sites, retail government begins to reduce the number of
chains, commercial landlords, local allowances issued. The rising cost is meant
councils and NHS trusts. to encourage participants to become
The aim of the scheme is to drive progressively more energy efficient.
down energy use and help the government As an added incentive, all 5000
to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon participants will be ranked in a league
emissions by 2050. It works like this: from table according to how much energy they
April, participating organisations will save. Money collected from the sale of
begin collecting accurate data about their permits will be redistributed among
annual energy consumption, combining the the participants, with bonuses for the best
totals from each site into a single kilowatt performers and penalties for the worst.
hours figure. This will go into their annual An estimated £1.4bn will be spent on
carbon footprint report, the first of which allowances in the first year; the best



performers will get their money back plus at £12 per tonne, that the scheme will be
10%, while the worst will lose a sum equal ineffectual. Hermes, which manages £8bn of
to 10% of their initial payment. The commercial property on behalf of investors
bonuses and penalties will be ramped up including the British Telecom and Royal
so that by year five, the poorest performers Mail pension funds, believes landlords will
could lose half their money. Participants find it cheaper to write off the money spent
will also have to consider the damage that on buying the allowances than incur the
a low placing in the league table could do administrative and legal costs of trying to
to their reputation. persuade tenants to use less power, for
In the early stages of the scheme, an example by changing the terms of leases.
organisation’s placing in the table will “If we cannot engage with our tenants,
depend on how much it is doing to we are not going to reduce carbon as much
measure its energy use, rather than its as we might have done,” says Tatiana
year-on-year reductions, which will take Bosteels, head of responsible property
time to establish. Points will be awarded investment at Hermes.
for organisations that follow a Carbon Bosteels says landlords will have much
Trust standard for data gathering and more incentive to take control of tenants’
adopt automatic meter reading. The emissions after April 2013, when she
Department for Energy and Climate expects the price of the carbon permits to
Change finalised details of the scheme in gradually rise to about £50 per tonne.
early October, following no fewer than Hermes has asked the Department of
three rounds of consultation. Energy and Climate Change to consider
If it works as intended, the Carbon payments to tenants that reduce their

Reduction Commitment should create a energy consumption, using the existing
huge demand for expertise in energy system of display energy certificates, which
saving. BSD spoke to commercial landlords, gives occupiers a score for how well they
national retailers and a county council manage energy on their premises.
Landlords will find it about their preparations. Until then, Bosteels says, Hermes will
cheaper to write off adopt “low-cost options” such as reviews
THE LANDLORD of lighting efficiency and the operation of
money spent on buying Large commercial landlords will be part air-conditioning and heating. It will also
of the Carbon Reduction Commitment engage in voluntary projects with tenants
allowances than to incur because they often pay tenants’ power bills to cut energy use. One example that has
the costs of trying to before collecting the money through the already been completed is at Prospect
service charge. House in London WC1, where Hermes,
persuade tenants to But the British Property Federation occupier NBC Universal and property
has protested that landlords will be unfairly manager Jones Lang LaSalle jointly
use less power penalised because they have no control over achieved a 15% cut in carbon emissions.
their tenants’ energy consumption. “The However, Bosteels admits that

scheme has not been properly thought voluntary projects with tenants are only
through,” says Liz Peace, chief executive likely at “less than 10%” of Hermes
of the federation. properties. The next step will be to start
Some believe the price of carbon has amending leases so that tenants are
been set so low for the first three years, required to contribute to the cost of ¢



¢ making the buildings more efficient, but authority’s energy manager, says many
this will take some time because landlords school buildings have been made more
are reluctant to introduce new charges in a efficient thanks to better lighting and
property market that has been greatly heating controls, but he admits these gains
weakened by recession. are often cancelled out by the expansion of
“You need a lease clause that says we school facilities and the increasing use of
will share the cost of meeting this new IT. Morgan believes the council will
regulation, but that is very complicated,” struggle to meet its 2010 target.
says Bosteels. On the positive side, the Carbon
Reduction Commitment has done much to
RETAILERS raise awareness among councillors and
Andy Francis, energy manager at B&Q, says senior officers of the importance of energy
many high street chains, such as efficiency. “There’s been interest at a senior
Sainsbury’s, John Lewis and his own, have level in our likely position in the league
been working on low-carbon strategies for table,” Morgan says.
several years, so the Carbon Reduction Kent was one of 34 councils to take
Commitment will make little difference to part in a year-long test run organised by
their activities. the Local Government Information Unit.
B&Q is already aiming to cut carbon While the resulting report does not
emissions by 90% against 2006 levels by divulge individual performances, it
2023, while John Lewis claims to have cut highlights the difficulties experienced by
energy use by 20% per sq ft since 2003. many councils in gathering accurate
Francis, who chairs the Retail Energy information about their energy use.

Forum, a networking group, is worried that Disappointingly, it noted that total emissions
the early savings made by companies such during the test period, from April 2008 to
as his own will not be recognised and the March 2009, actually rose by 0.27%.
bulk of the rewards will go to organisations “There is a lot to be done before April
that have done little or nothing so far but There is a lot to be done and a lot of local authorities haven’t really
will make great strides once the scheme woken up to it,” says Stephen Cirell, head of
kicks in by doing the easy things first. before April and a lot of local government at the law firm Eversheds,
“Potentially, it’s easier to move up the local authorities haven’t which provided sponsorship money for the
league table if you haven’t taken significant test run. “Some are doing quite well but
prior action,” he says. really woken up to it. there will be casualties, where they leave it
B&Q has already begun to install more late and don’t have the necessary data.”
efficient lighting in all stores, while the There will be casualties A spokeswoman for the NHS
introduction of skylights has cut the need where they don’t have the Sustainable Development Unit says about
for artificial lighting at newer outlets. Its 180 NHS trusts will take part in the scheme.
New Malden branch uses a ground source necessary data “The NHS is gearing up quite well,” she
heat pump for its heating and has a 20kW claims, and the unit has published several

wind turbine on the roof [see BSD August case studies on its website to provide
09]. It also has solar photovoltaic panels for encouragement to the rest.
electricity generation and solar thermal The Carbon Reduction Commitment
panels for hot water. In addition, B&Q is could become a severe embarrassment for
working with the Carbon Trust to examine the central government’s own estate. A
the possibility of using biomass boilers for report by the Environmental Audit
heating. Two stores are involved in a Committee in August gave warning that
feasibility study. government departments were failing to
Despite these efforts, Francis says, meet their carbon targets and could lose
B&Q and other chains with a similar green money when the scheme goes live.
attitude cannot be certain of a good The committee said it was
showing in the league table: “With 5000 “unconvinced” that the government would
participating organisations, a company’s be able to achieve its target of cutting
position in the league table will be influenced emissions by 12.5% by 2015. “In too many
more by the actions of the other 4999 areas, [the government] has made little or
companies than itself.” no progress and in others it is backsliding,”
said Tim Yeo, the MP who chairs the
The NHS, local councils and the A spokesman for the Office of
government’s own estate will all have Government Commerce says that a
to take part in the Carbon Reduction cross-departmental working group had
Commitment. Kent County Council since been established to advise
already has targets to cut carbon government departments on how to prepare
emissions by 10% against 2004 levels for the initiative.
by 2010 and by 20% by 2015. Six months and counting . . .
Six hundred schools account for 75% of
the council’s energy use. Andy Morgan, the More on the CRC at



Asda to public-sector clients such as the
Scottish government.
Designers are under-represented –
a trend no doubt linked to the belief that
reducing waste is the responsibility of those
on site. While it is true that the waste
associated with building services and
mechanical engineers is less by tonne in
materials terms, this should not be an
excuse for M&E engineers to avoid playing
a part in tackling the problem.
Dave Marsh, project manager for
WRAP’s construction programme, says:
“We’re keen for design teams to embrace
the unique position of influence that they
have at the design stage, where the greatest
opportunities for designing out waste can
be found and the greatest benefits secured.
By working closely with architects, M&E
engineers can overcome some of the
obstacles that can lead to materials being
unnecessarily wasted on a project.
“For example, M&E works will often be
programmed for installation after walls
have been drylined, thereby creating
significant amounts of plasterboard waste.
Similarly, by carefully planning the location
and installation of services to ensure easy
maintenance or upgrade access, materials
wastage can be further minimised.”
The Designing out waste guide gives
advice on how to achieve materials resource
efficiency and quantify the financial and
environmental benefits. It also provides an
overview of the basic principles of reducing
waste through design.
The potential for financial and
environmental savings was demonstrated

on the £215m Tate Modern extension in
esigners are being urged to do London, due to start on site next year.
Construction waste more to minimise waste in the WRAP worked with the architects, Herzog
construction industry and & de Meuron, VOGT Landscape and the
is best tackled from recognise that the problem is project manager, Gardiner & Theobold, to
not just something to be dealt with on site. identify potential ways to cut waste.
the earliest stage Designing out waste: a design team guide It was calculated, for example, that
for buildings, from the Waste & Resources using a fair-faced finish rather than dry-
of a project, not just Action Programme (WRAP), is intended to lining finish for the internal walls would
help engineers and architects to tackle the produce total project cost savings of just
on site, according issue in the early stages of projects. under £50,000. Reusing demolition material
WRAP is a not-for-profit company, set for landscaping, instead of disposing of it
to a new design up in 2000 with government backing, that and importing new material, would produce
works to prevent waste and promote project cost savings of £89,000. Reusing
guide. BSD reports. recycling and sustainable products. demolition material would avoid 200 lorry
Of the 170-plus signatories to WRAP’s trips and divert 280 tonnes of waste from
campaign to halve construction waste to landfill. This would cut the overall energy
landfill, more than 70 are contractors. Bovis consumption of the construction process
Lend Lease and Wates are considering fines and reduce local impacts such as noise,
for subcontractors that fail to support them dust, and infrastructure wear and tear.
Above: reusing demolition material
in landscaping could save £89,000 in meeting waste targets. Clients account
on the Tate Modern extension. for nearly 50 signatories, from the retailer To download the design guide visit,






The new generation of metal pressfittings

with press indicator and cap.
Thanks to its press indicator, the new Mapress fitting offers a higher level of
security. In addition to the contour seal ring in every fitting, it is now possible to
check for unpressed joints even before performing a pressure test. In addition, all
of the pressfitting ends come equipped with a cap, so the seal ring remains
protected right up to the time of installation, shielding it from contamination with
dirt and dust. That’s what we mean by Know-How Installed.

The IMechE believes algae-covered
buildings could play a big role in
carbon capture. Are they serious?
Mark Jansen investigates.

otice anything unusual about Copenhagen talks in December will not
the skyscrapers in this picture? produce the level of commitment that
The green lines that run from top scientists say is essential to avoid devastating
to bottom are not decorations. climate change. We may have to fall back
They represent algae, growing inside clear on machines that suck CO2 out of the air
tubes that have been fixed onto the face and the IMechE has called for £10m-£20m
of the buildings as a means of absorbing to be invested in further research.
carbon from the atmosphere. Geo-engineering “could provide the
The idea has been put forward by the world with extra time to decarbonise the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers as world economy, a task which has yet to
a possible solution to global warming. begin in earnest,” says the report.

Algae absorbs CO2 as it grows and could The Royal Society, the UK’s national
be introduced on a large scale on both new science academy, has also published a report
and existing buildings, the IMechE argues. on geo-engineering, saying it could be our
It believes the algae could be removed last hope if CO2 emissions are not reduced.
from the tubes when mature and used as But the society warns that while some ideas
fuel for combined heat and power systems, are technically possible, “there are major
or for pyrolysis, whereby fuel is burned in uncertainties regarding their costs,
the absence of oxygen to produce syngas effectiveness and environmental impacts”.
and biochar, which can be used as fertiliser. Tim Fox, the IMechE’s head of
Even more ambitiously, it claims the process environment and climate change and lead
could be made carbon-negative by fitting author of its report, insists it contains
the power plants with carbon capture practical solutions. The report is based on a
systems so that the exhaust gases and CO2 competition in which the institution asked
which are released during combustion could members to come up with geo-engineering
be fed directly to the next crop of algae. approaches to climate change. The judges
Algae-covered buildings is one of three chose the three they deemed most plausible.
ideas put forward in the IMechE report “We were looking for ideas with real,
Geo-engineering – Giving us time to act?, practical potential,” says Fox. The
published in August, which proposes government has yet to respond to the call
technology to remove CO2 from the for money to be spent on further research,
atmosphere or to reflect the sun’s radiation but is willing to give the institution a
away from the Earth. The other two ideas hearing. Fox was due to meet officials from
explored in the report are building the Department for Energy and Climate
mechanical “trees” to absorb CO2 and using Change in late October.
reflective materials on the roofs of The IMechE argues that harvested
buildings, which could reduce the urban algae has an energy content of between
heat island effect (see panel overleaf). 18.5MJ and 35MJ per kilo, which compares
The IMechE argues that governments well with coal at 24MJ per kilo. It believes
must take geo-engineering seriously, algae could grow happily in saline or waste
because efforts to cut global CO2 emissions water, so potable water supplies would be
through international negotiations could unaffected. It acknowledges that the algae
easily fail. Global carbon emissions are still plan is “very much at the conceptual stage”,
rising and there are fears that the but says the first step must be more research.



It sees algae-covered buildings as part of a closed its doors in May this year after absorb the average Briton’s carbon output
100-year plan for action on climate change running out of money and is hoping to sell of 11 tonnes a year, which adds up to an area
which would include many measures, such as off its assets and intellectual property. twice the size of Britain. ‘If people believe
making buildings more energy efficient and Others are less convinced by the algae that a plant-based system is the answer, I’m
electrification of transport. plan, including David MacKay, the afraid they are deluded,’ he says bluntly.
Tom Bowman, a building services Cambridge physics professor who began as Carbon capture, an essential part
engineer at Buro Happold who led the team chief scientific adviser to the Department of the algae plan, is also an unproven
that came up with the algae idea, points to for Energy and Climate Change on 1 technology. Tests are taking place at
experiments by the Massachusetts Institute October (see interview, BSD August 09). Schwartze Pumpe coal power station in
of Technology in which tubes of algae were MacKay agrees that geo-engineering is Germany and with burning gas at Lacq
fed by exhaust gases from the campus power “a crucial topic”, but questions whether power plant in south-west France, while
plant. The algae grew rapidly, raising the algae that is fed on CO2 and then burnt, the Chinese government is planning a
prospect that biofuel could be produced from with the exhaust being fed to the next crop pilot project from 2011.
exhaust emissions. of algae, can really reduce the carbon total. The IMechE firmly believes carbon
A company called Greenfuel was set “If the CO2 is just going around and capture can work. Tim Fox says: “The
up in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2001 around, it’s not actually reducing the CO2 technology, from an engineering point of
to develop the technology and succeeded in the atmosphere,” he says. “Plants are an view, is not difficult; we certainly see the
in raising $70m, with further algae-growing option [for removing carbon], but the development of the filter system that would
projects at Red Hawk Power Station in contribution, though it might be useful, will be required for the algae-on-buildings
Arizona and Hazelwood Power Station in be small.” MacKay has calculated that it scenario as being relatively close.”
Victoria, Australia. Unfortunately Greenfuel would take 7500m2 of forest per person to MacKay disagrees. He argues that ¢



¢ capturing, compressing and burying CO2 scale. The challenge is to get the believes that growing algae is an inefficient
has an inescapable energy cost of its own. technology working 24 hours a day. As they way to harvest the sun’s power. “Solar PV or
“I’d be amazed if the energy cost of carbon stand at the moment, the systems would solar thermal panels would extract much
capture is ever reduced below 0.55 kilowatt effectively double the price of electricity, more energy per square metre [than algae],”
hours per kilogramme,” he says in his book, but if the improvements continue as he says. “Although, on the positive side, it is
Sustainable energy – without the hot air. He expected, it could amount to just an extra true that you could cover large areas with
calculates that our electricity consumption £30 on a £500 energy bill.” algae relatively cheaply.”
would double if Britain chose to neutralise As for growing algae from exhaust No one could accuse the IMechE of
its carbon emissions this way. gases, Haszeldine says that day is a long lacking imagination, and the more unusual
Stuart Haszeldine, geology professor way off: “There are several experiments ideas in its geo-engineering report are
at Edinburgh University and co-leader of going on, [but]... commercialising it is still tempered with simpler ones such as using
the academic UK Carbon Capture and in the realms of speculation. In terms of reflective roofing material to deflect the
Storage Consortium, is more optimistic technology, it’s further behind carbon sun’s rays, which has already been adopted
about carbon capture, although he says capture and storage.” in California and elsewhere (see panel). But
experiments need to be stepped up rapidly. Tim Jervis, former head of sustainability one would love to be a fly on the wall when
“At the moment the world is on track but at consulting engineers Pell Frischmann, the institution presents its vision for algae-
only just,” he says. “We need to scale up is now director of Verus Energy, a new covered buildings to the Department for
from 30MW experiments to 300MW power company which aims to supply property Energy and Climate Change.
stations… you run into different problems developments with energy produced from
when you try to do them on a power-station burning waste through pyrolysis. He For more on climate change,

Roofs should be covered in reflective
materials to reduce the cooling load on
buildings and the urban heat island effect,
according to the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers’ report on geo-engineering.
Such materials have been part of
California’s building regulations since 2005:
new buildings must reflect at least 70% of
the sun’s radiation. New low-rise and
residential buildings, where the white
material might be considered an eyesore,
may use roofing that reflects 40% of solar
radiation in colours similar to ordinary tiles.
Anna Speed, an engineer at Jaguar
LandRover, led the team which proposed
the idea as part of the IMechE’s
competition to find solutions to global
warming. She says the cost of the
reflective material in the US ranges from
only 75¢/ft2 for acrylic paint to $3/ft2 for
more advanced polymers such as thermo-
plastic poly olefin (TPO) and ethelyne
propylene diene monomer (EPDM). It is
claimed reflective roofing could cut the
energy used for cooling by up to 60%.
“The built environment should reflect
the sun’s heat, otherwise you are making
the task of controlling temperatures inside
the building more difficult,” argues Speed.
“Ideally, you would have a perfectly
insulated building with as much
reflectiveness as possible.”



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The whole MHI KX6 Compact solution
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David Lettis says the KX6 Compact will
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Compact from Mitsubishi height difference between indoor units is savings in energy consumption with
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“big system” air conditioning benefits of connectable capacity is up from 130% to statistics: the 12kW (4hp) outdoor unit for
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retail or residential applications of two to system can serve up to 9hp / 21kW of mode and 4.00 in cooling mode – for every
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KX6 indoor units from cassettes to ceiling unit produces 4.33kW of heating or 4kW
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in Coefficient of Performance
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The KX6 Compact achieves its best-in-class COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE

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These include new vector inverter control 4.50 4.33
4.00 3.72
and a new twin rotary compressor, coupled
4.00 3.71
3.50 3.36 3.29
with a heat exchanger redesigned for high 3.00
efficiency and an advanced refrigerant 2.00
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all-new DC fan motor is 60% more efficient 0.50
than earlier models. 11.2kW(4.0HP) 14.0kW(5.0HP) 15.5kW(6.0HP)
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The chill winds that blast the
seas north of Scotland make its
islands an excellent test bed for
a new system of dynamic
insulation. By Mark Jansen.


W “
here better to put a new The cells are sandwiched inside the
insulation product to the test walls and/or roof of a building. The interior
than the wind-lashed Orkney is slightly depressurised, using an
Islands? Energyflo, a low- extractor fan, flue or similar outlet, which
carbon, low-energy system of dynamic Early tests have shown causes the air outside to be drawn through
insulation devised by the Environmental the walls and into the building.
Building Partnership, has been incorporated
that homes insulated As the air passes through the
into a development of 32 homes on Orkney. with Energyflo will insulation layer, it picks up the heat that
This is nearing completion, and 20 more was on its way out and returns it to the
homes have already been commissioned. see savings of 13-14% inside of the building, reducing the need for
Heading even farther north to the Shetland
Islands, the system has been installed in a
on the annual cost of space heating. EBP says the product can be
used in reverse for interior cooling and a
bird observatory on Fair Isle (above). space heating, the trial of this is taking place in Abu Dhabi.
Put simply, dynamic insulation aims to Early tests have shown savings of
trap the warmth that escapes through the company claims 13%-14% on the annual cost of space heating
walls and roof of a building and return it in homes insulated with Energyflo,

inside. The idea is far from new, but the according to Andrew Peacock, director of
Environmental Building Partnership (EBP) the company which is based in Alloa,
claims to have perfected the process with Clackmannanshire.
the Energyflo cell, made from expanded and He declines to reveal how much it
moulded polystyrene. costs, saying that Energyflo is still a ¢




based building company,
believes the Energyflo system
may be just what is needed for
local developments.
“There’s a big wind-chill up
here, and fuel poverty is also
quite bad, so we’re trying to
FABRIC HEAT LOSS FABRIC COOLTH LOSS build the most energy-efficient
homes possible,” says Terry




O’Hara, a director. The product
is being used in a development
of 32 homes on Orkney, for the
local housing association, and a
new bird observatory on Fair
Isle (below).
The Energyflo cells have been
incorporated into wall panels
manufactured off-site, although
they can also be used in other
forms of construction.
Prefabrication allows Andrew H
¢ prototype and negotiations for EBP is working on 14 other retrofit Wilson to put up a wind- and
commercial production are ongoing. projects, from Cumbernauld New Town waterproof house in a single
“It will be at the higher end of the cost in Scotland to a Victorian terrace in day, O’Hara says. The
of conventional insulation,” he says. London, following its success in the observatory was assembled from
Peacock claims that 144mm of Retrofit for the Future competition several readymade pods which
Energyflo insulation will have the same organised by the Technology Strategy were transported from Orkney
effect as 350mm of mineral wool insulation, Board, the government advisory body by sea. A barge from Sweden
achieving a U-value of 0.05. He argues that established in 2007. was commissioned to carry the
whole building across in a single
this will allow builders to use thinner walls, Peacock says that when take-up
trip, but a heavy swell forced
giving them more interior space to sell and increases, EBP plans to use an extra air the captain to turn back, so the
saving on materials. cavity within walls, located just behind the pods were taken over
“We may effectively reduce the capital plasterboard within a building, to provide individually in several trips.
cost of the building by more than the cost the depressurising effect that draws air in O’Hara endorses the
of the product,” he claims. EBP also claims from outside. This will mean that windows manufacturer’s claims that
that Energyflo can improve indoor air can be opened without affecting the Energyflo allows the builder to
quality by trapping pollutant particles in performance of the product. use thinner walls than other
the outside air and preventing them from At present the system relies on the insulation material.
entering the building. depressurising the whole interior of a “It’s fantastic. We can carry
on using thin-wall technologies
building, which means that if a window is
to comply with tougher
UNIVERSITY ROOTS open, the fan will suck air in through it regulations [on U-values]. Most
EBP is a spin-out from Aberdeen University, rather than through the insulation, people are having to go for a
where Peacock worked on dynamic although Peacock argues that this is only thick-wall construction to get
insulation with Mohammed Imbabi, the likely to occur on warm days. Small “feet” enough insulation in.”
company’s chairman. It was established in moulded onto the Energyflo cells can be Heat pumps will be used to
2004 and received a cash injection from used to ensure the cavity is built to the provide space and water heating
Sigma Capital a year ago, which enabled correct width. in the homes while also drawing
a business development team to be Energyflo is undergoing assessment air through the walls.
recruited. at the National Physical Laboratory and Like EBP’s Andrew Peacock,
O’Hara is coy about the cost of
The two bosses haven’t altogether afterwards EBP will approach the Building
the Energyflo system, but says
given up their day jobs: Imbabi is a part- Research Establishment to get the product’s his company managed to stay
time lecturer in engineering at Aberdeen details added as an option the SAP software within a tight budget for the
University and Peacock is a part-time used to calculate compliance with Building social housing project.
researcher into low-carbon buildings at Regulations. This would give a further
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. boost to sales.
Energyflo is to be installed in the “We are at a point where we can start
roofing of 42 homes in Carlisle, constructed running hard at the marketplace. It’s just
by Northern Developments, which will be starting to tip,” says Peacock. “Everyone
built to level four of the Code for knows that the zero-carbon targets for new
Sustainable Homes. buildings are coming. There’s a realisation
The product can also be used in that traditional methods will no longer
commercial property and is being used by satisfy requirements and there’s a hunger
Nord Architecture in new roofing as part of for new technologies.”
a refurbishment of two five-storey office
buildings in Glasgow. For more on insulation,



Heating, cooling, greywater
recycling and disinfection –
BSD rounds up the latest
product offerings.

Thermal Engineering Systems (TES)
has launched a new version of its
Soleco open-loop heat pump, which
it says will ensure an even faster
payback compared with closed-loop
options. The upgraded pump offers
independent control and monitoring
of twin compressors for better
efficiency and extended operating
life. Each time the heat pump is
switched on, it selects the
compressor with the fewest “run
hours” to start. The second
compressor is brought into
operation only if needed. The pump
uses two independent heat
exchangers that provide both space
heating and hot water up to 65C,
and does not require supplementary
heating elements.

Saint-Gobain PAM says its Ensign
Eezi-fit cast iron pipework system
is the quietest waste water product
on the market. The claim follows
tests on various pipework materials
by an independent laboratory using
the test standard BS EN14366:2004.
The manufacturer says when the
push-fit product was fitted with
ductile iron fixing brackets
incorporating an acoustic damper, it
was quieter than other systems on
the market. At a flow rate of 4l/s
the Eezi-fit cast iron system
recorded sound levels 15-17dB(A)
lower than steel; 20dB(A) lower
than PVC/HDPE; 9dB(A) lower than
acoustic plastic systems; and 10-
12dB(A) lower than acoustic HDPE
systems. Saint-Gobain says will
save on acoustic insulation.



Dimplex says its new range of
high-efficiency air source heat
pumps is suitable for heating and
hot water in commercial and
residential schemes. There are five
outputs, from 9-40kW, all with
CoPs comparable with ground
source units. The largest, the LA 40
TU, offers a flow temperature up to
58C, although best performance is
achieved at lower flow
temperatures. The LA 35 TUR+ is a
35kW reversible air source heat
pump. In cooling mode it extracts
heat from the internal environment
which can be used for domestic hot
water or heating a swimming pool,
for example.

Grundfos claims its Oxiperm Pro
chlorine dioxide production system
is the perfect solution for
disinfecting drinking or process
water. It also destroys biofilm, a
slimy layer which forms inside
water pipes or heat exchangers
where microorganisms settle. The
units come in two sizes which
produce 30g or 60g of chlorine
dioxide per hour and are able to
treat up to 75m³ or 150m³ water
per hour respectively with a dosing
rate of 0.4g/m³. The chlorine
dioxide can be added in two ways:
proportional to the water flow or
dependent on the measured

The Ecoplay micro greywater The system operates a patented buildings and also in existing
management system from CME purging process to keep the water premises where a major bathroom
Sanitary Systems is said to reduce fresh, even when the building is refurbishment is being undertaken.
water consumption by as much as unoccupied. CME claims it is able to CME believes that with an
a third. do this because the process expected lifespan of at least 20
It is based on the simple idea of recognises “old” water. years, a typical greywater recycling
recycling bath and shower water to If the toilets are not flushed system can pay for itself in as little as
flush the toilet. CME says that one within 24 hours, it automatically six years, depending on the
Ecoplay system can provide water releases the stored water to waste geographic location of the building
for two WCs. before importing sufficient fresh and the prices charged by the utility
Water from the bath and/or water to flush. company.
shower is collected in a tank. A CME says the system was
skimmer removes light surface designed to be easy to install and
materials while heavier particles sink to require little maintenance.
and are flushed away with the waste. Fitting such a greywater
The remaining “clean” water is management system can enable a
drawn from the middle of the tank new building to achieve level 3 to 4
and transferred to a 100-litre storage of the Code for Sustainable Homes
tank, where it can be used to flush without the need for further water-
the toilet. A full tank provides about saving features.
20 toilet flushes. The systems can be used in new



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A recent news item on bsdlive
led to the following exchange,
It’s no surprise to find that the omniscient which brightened the BSD office
by conjuring up images of

iPhone is Scott Nursten’s top gadget, but he Nottingham as the land of

eternal daylight.

also reveals a love of Italian furniture. He is

Reader David Glew wrote: “I
would be delighted to hear how
a 2kW PV system can produce
hungry to know more about management 17,000kWh of electricity per year.
I did not realise that Nottingham
and marketing, but has no appetite for spam. was a PV mecca and has 24
hours a day sunlight? Please let
me know I am wrong and that I
am missing something, or that
there is a typo in the article; is it
12 lots of 2kWp systems?”
The editor replied: “The article
reads 1700kWh, not 17,000kWh.”
DG: “I knew I should have
gone to Specsavers!”

Your contributions are what
SCOTT NURSTEN makes the BSD blog. If there’s
SYSTEMS INTEGRATION an issue you feel passionate
DIRECTOR, NG BAILEY about, feel free to contact us at

Favourite website? Favourite blogger? TWEET LOUDER

That’s a tricky one – I use all sorts of sites I have two: Michael Hyatt for inspirational Join the ever-expanding BSD
for my work and personal life. Probably leadership and Seth Godin for interesting Twitter following at or Both allow marketing ideas and market research. bsdlive. If you’re blocked at
me to keep up with all things digital. work, you can still see the latest
Best link you’ve been sent? Tweets on sustainability issues
Favourite gadget? – Bob Proctor’s view via the Twitter hashtag feed at
My iPhone, without question. that the universal law of attraction is only
one of 11 such laws. This site offers a
Most useful website for work? deeper understanding of all of the JOIN OUR WIKI has very cool management universal laws. Upload details of your projects
at You
strategy, industry and personal development
will be able to add items as the
articles and advice, which can help to What was the last thing you bought project progresses.
change my perspective on a daily basis. online?
A handmade Italian sideboard from
Last track you downloaded?
Warrior’s Dance by The Prodigy.
Funniest piece of spam?
Subject of the last email you received? Spam isn’t funny. I hate receiving spam
Market open report. and always delete any straight away,
without opening it.
Social networking or face-to-face?
I use social networking for mass updates.
It’s always face-to-face for business or
anything more personal than a general


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