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Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

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Green finance and sustainability development goals in Indonesian

Fund Village
Reza Ronaldo a, Tulus Suryanto b, *
College of Islamic Economics and Business (STEBI) Lampung, Indonesia
Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia


Keywords: Sustainable development goals (SDG) achievement is a major challenge for the nations. Particularly, SDGs
Sustainable development goals related to environmental sustainability and economic sustainability are most challenging due to high pollution.
Indonesian fund village Thus, the study’s aim is to examine the role of green finance in SDGs through Village Funds in Indonesia. A
Green finance
survey questionnaire is designed for this purpose to examine the effect of green finance on environmental sus­
Green technology innovation
Green micro-enterprise
tainability and economic sustainability. Data is collected from the Indonesian government officials working on
Environmental sustainability Fund Village and officers involved in the distribution of Fund Village, and 220 valid responses were used in this
Economic sustainability study for data analysis. The smart-PLS has been used in the study to check the association and test the hy­
potheses. The results indicated that green finance has vital importance in achieving SDGs in terms of environ­
mental sustainability and economic sustainability. It is found that; green finance can promote green technology
innovation and green micro-enterprise, which further lead to achieve SDGs through environmental sustainability
and economic sustainability.

1. Introduction Thus, for any country, it is necessary to maintain the environment, and
economic sustainability, which is essential elements, and appropriate
Indonesia, the world’s fourth-most populous country Kurniawan policies are needed to enhance the economic sustainability without
et al. (2021), having 270 million population according to the statistics damaging the environmental sustainability and also need to examine
2019, has attained significant growth in economic development with the frequently. Therefore, environment and economic sustainability can be
influential rise in per capita gross-domestic-product (GDP) from $800 in achieved using green activities that do not produce high carbon emis­
2000 to nearly $4000 in the year of 2018. This growth is achieved sions to explore the economy, such as green finance and green tech­
through better improvement in business activities in all fields. An in­ nology and also the extensive need for the Indonesian economy. Thus,
crease in business operations in various industries has increased eco­ the current study also investigates the impact of green finance, green
nomic growth through better revenue generation along with the technology innovation, and green micro-enterprises on the environment
increase in income-generating opportunities as well as jobs. In line with and economic sustainability is Indonesia (Hkikmat, 2021; Mazur, 2021;
the increasing population, the economic development has increased Wolfe, 2021; Wulandari et al., 2021).
sufficiently Hamta et al. (2021); Ünübol and Topaloğlu (2020). The However, this has come at a cost, with unmanageable levels of
movement in economic growth provided several opportunities for the extraction of various resources along with the extensive use of resources
people to start business activities which led to the welfare of societies causing unsustainability in the environment. Particularly, the rise in the
(Signorelli et al., 2020). use of motor vehicles and extensive reliance on various coal-burning
Economic sustainability and environmental sustainability are resources contributed negatively to the environment and increased the
inversely related to each other, and when the country goes for economic probability of the disease in the air among the village residents in
sustainability, then the country fails to manage the environmental sus­ Indonesia. The extensive use of coal and motor vehicles lead to adverse
tainability because high economic growth needs high usage of trans­ effect on environmental health Lin et al. (2020); Rajsingh and Tripathi
portation, industries, and other carbon emission producing activities. (2020). Sustainable development goals (SDG) in Indonesia need a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Ronaldo), (T. Suryanto).
Received 16 December 2021; Received in revised form 25 May 2022; Accepted 10 June 2022
Available online 25 June 2022
0301-4207/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

low-carbon pathway that has the potential to promote growth while 2. Framework development
improving the healthy environment, community welfare, and climate
resilience. Instability in environmental health sustainability leads to the Village fund in Indonesia is grounded on the financial resources
negative effect on the people, which also affects their income-generating allotted to the community living in the certain village for the objective of
activities in Indonesian villages. Along with environmental sustain­ development in various activities. These funds are generally provided to
ability issues, economic sustainability issue is also rising among the encourage sustainability among the various communities in relation to
Indonesian villages. As the population of villages is increasing, the the numerous aspects. The main objective of these village funds is based
economic activities are needed at more speed to fulfill the requirements to achieve the SDGs through financial resources. The SDGs are a
of people. Therefore, it is important to address the economic sustain­ collection of 17 integrated global goals intended to be a "blueprint to
ability among the Indonesian villages along with the environmental achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". These SDGs were
sustainability as both these aspects are in line with SDG. To achieve the formulated in 2015 by the United Nations (US) and are expected to be
SDG among Indonesian villages, it is important to achieve environ­ attained by the year 2030 (sssDatta et al., 2019; NEL & Masilela, 2020;
mental sustainability and economic sustainability Suard, 2020).
Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė (2021); Mattayaphutron et al. (2021); Rahti­ Grounded on poverty reduction and improvement in prosperity, the
kawatie et al. (2021); Uludağ (2020); Villaseñor and Cervantes (2020). provision of economic opportunities to enhance the sustainable liveli­
To address the issues of environmental sustainability and economic hood and increase in the quality of environment are the major SDGs. The
sustainability consistent with the SDGs, the Indonesian government is environmental sustainability is the important element of people to
providing financial resources for village communities which are known enhance the quality of life Jacob et al. (2009); Subiyakto et al. (2020);
as Village Fund having vital importance for the people to promote a Westhuizen and Ntshingila (2020); Yildiz and Kiliç (2018). Therefore,
healthy environment and to promote livelihood opportunities. SDGs along with the economic sustainability, this study considered environ­
promote the welfare of communities globally by reducing the level of mental sustainability as an important SDG. Indonesia led the research
poverty through the promotion of various income-generating activities. consortium to discover the possibilities of low carbon, resulting in the
Additionally, these goals promote environmental sustainability by significant placement of green growth in development plan of Indonesia
reducing the substances which pollute the environment. To achieve for 2020–2024.
these goals, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability For the environmental sustainability, in 2017, Indonesia declared its
are important in the Indonesian village. Thus, the village fund planned objective of combining low-carbon and green growth into its national
by the Indonesian government has an important role in achieving SDGs development plan. Reduction in carbon emission and promotion of
through economic and environmental sustainability. It is explained by green growth are the important elements linked with green finance.
Permatasari et al. (2021) that the village fund has an important role in Thus, green finance is considered in this study to promote environ­
enhancing environmental sustainability. Furthermore, a case study mental sustainability along with the economic sustainability. Several
conducted by Fauzi et al. (2013) described that economic independence previous studies are carried out on environmental sustainability and
could be attained through village funds which leads to economic sus­ economic sustainability Kihombo et al. (2021); Song et al. (2018); Tri­
tainability. Therefore, both the SDGs can be attained through village gueros et al. (2020); Yalcin and Ramazanoglu (2020); Zhixia et al.
funds in Indonesia. (2018), however, it is not addressed in combination with SDGs and
This study proposed that; proper utilization of financial resources Indonesian village funds. Furthermore, this study proposed the impor­
from village funds to enhance various activities related to green finance tant role of green finance in green technology which is also not
may lead to better outcomes for environmental sustainability and eco­ addressed by the previous studies through village funds. Additionally,
nomic sustainability. Green finance is most important to address envi­ this study considered green micro-enterprises which rarely studied in
ronmental issues, as reported by the literature Nawaz et al. (2021); literature. Hence, this study proposed a relationship between green
Trigueros et al. (2020); Zhixia et al. (2018). Investment in various finance, green technology innovation, green micro-enterprises, envi­
village activities having no or minor effect on the environment can lead ronmental sustainability, and economic sustainability by considering
to resolving environmental issues. Green financial activities can enhance various literature gaps. This relationship is shown in Fig. 1.
innovation in terms of green technology. Improvement in green tech­
nology innovation can enhance the environmental sustainability by 3. Hypotheses development
decreasing the level of pollution. Similarly, green finance led to the
green micro-enterprises among the villages which lead to both envi­ This section provides the literature related to the association among
ronmental sustainability and economic sustainability. Thus, green the green finance, green technology innovation, green micro-
finance promotes through village funds has an important role in enterprises, environmental sustainability and economic suitability in
achieving SDGs by reducing environmental issues and increasing eco­ the following subsections.
nomic sustainability (Fakehy et al., 2021; Josaiman et al., 2021;
Mahonge, Nsenga, Itani, & Kurosaki, 2021; Stubbs-Richardson et al., 3.1. Environmental sustainability
2020; Tejeiro et al., 2020; Turfboer & Silvius, 2021).
Hence, this study has the objective of examining the role of green Environmental sustainability can be described as the responsible
finance in SDGs through Village Funds in Indonesia. Two important dealings with the environment to decrease the depletion or degradation
SDGs are considered: environmental sustainability and economic sus­ of various natural resources and permit for long-term environmental
tainability. This study proposed the positive role of village funds in quality Sarkodie et al. (2020). Environmental sustainability is the major
generating green finance leading to the achievement of SDGs among element of SDGs Parmentola, Petrillo, Tutore, and De Felice (2021);
Indonesian villages. The objective of this study is achieved by examining Tomteberget and Larsson (2020); Vaio et al. (2021) which is considered
the role of green finance in green technology innovation and green en­ by the current study. In the current era of industrialization, the pro­
terprise development, which further lead to environmental sustain­ tection of environment is most important for the nations. As the growth
ability and economic sustainability. Previous studies have presented the in business activities leading to the negative results for environmental
SDGs Muller and Klerk (2020); Schmieg et al. (2018); Ugwuoke et al. sustainability Abbasi et al. (2022). To promote human health, the clean
(2021); X. Wang, Yuen, Wong, and Li (2020). However, studies on the air, food and atmosphere is most important which is based on the
achievement of SDGs through Indonesian village funds are very limited, environmental performance. Sustainability means to the utilizations of
which requires more focus from researchers to achieve SDGs. various natural resources in such a way to benefit the societies with no
side effects.

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

Fig. 1. Theoretical framework.

3.2. Economic sustainability environment, however, it is not addressed in relation to the Indonesian
Fund Village. Along with the effect of green finance on environmental
Economic sustainability denotes to the activities that help economic sustainability, it also has effect on economic sustainability. Economic
growth for longer period of time without negatively affecting social and sustainability is one of the most influential elements among the Indo­
environment along with cultural aspects of the community. Economic nesian villages. Because most of the villages have higher poverty rate
sustainability led to the stable resources of business activities Sadrid­ which is one of the hindrances to achieve SDGs. In this direction, eco­
dinov et al. (2020); Youssoufou (2020) having no harm to the envi­ nomic sustainability is another SDG Gyamfi et al. (2021); Khan et al.
ronment. Therefore, it can be further explained as the ability of economy (2021) which can be attained through economic sustainability. Various
to support business growth through increase in sales, employment op­ financial resources provided by the Indonesian government through
portunities, production, profitability etc. This study considered eco­ Fund Village may increase the economic sustainability. Green financial
nomic sustainability as the second important SDG. In this study, activities carried out by the village has the ability to enhance economic
economic sustainability is connected with the people living in Indone­ sustainability. Therefore, green finance has an important relationship
sian villages where the government is providing Fund Village facilities. with environmental sustainability and economic sustainability. Based
on the above literature, the present article has developed the following
3.3. Green finance hypotheses:
H1. Green finance has a positive relationship with environmental
Green finance is any structured financial activity that’s been created sustainability.
to ensure a better environmental outcome. Green finance encompasses
all the initiatives taken at national and international level by public and H2. Green finance has a positive relationship with economic
private organizations to take care the living environment. Green finance sustainability.
is vital as it encourages the flow of different financial instruments as well
as other related services to the development of sustainable business 3.5. Green finance role on green technology innovation and green micro
models, investments in various projects, activities related to the trade enterprise
and environmental as well as various social projects. It is one of the
growing filed in the literature Ding (2019); (Hyung & Baral, 2019); Yu Green technology innovation is the use of technology and science to
et al. (2021); Zhu et al. (2017) due to its increasing importance for the manufacture products as well as services having no harm to the envi­
environment and business activities. With the increase in pollution, ronment Umar et al. (2021a). The major objective of green technology is
environmental performance is decreasing Afsah and Ratunanda (2017) based on to protect the environment from harmful substance and better
which is a cause of increasing green finance activities and researchers utilization of natural resources. Green technology products are items
are focusing to promote green finance. which influence environmental awareness into their design and use
Umar et al. (2021b). This study is connected with the Indonesian Fund
3.4. Green finance role on environmental and economic sustainability Village; therefore, green technology innovation is taken as the intro­
duction of various products as well as services among these villages to
There is significant connection between green finance and environ­ enhance the environmental performance along with the promotion of
mental performance. The increase in green finance activities among the economic sustainability. Green technology innovation is increasing
organizations leading to the environmental sustainability. As the green significantly Cai et al. (2020); Feng et al. (2021); Fernando et al. (2019)
finance activities causes to decrease the environmental pollution which due to the increase in environmental pollution. On the other hand, mi­
has the ability to increase sustainability in the environment. Particu­ croenterprise is based on the business at small level, also known as a
larly, people living in various villages of Indonesia require green finance microbusiness. Generally, it denotes to a small business that employs
activities to decrease the level of pollution. The Fund village from the few people. Green micro enterprise means the micro enterprise which
government of Indonesia provide the opportunities to enhance envi­ are environmentally friendly. Green finance has significant relationship
ronmental performance through increase in the opportunities of green with both green technology innovation and green micro enterprise. In­
finance. Literature also highlighted a positive relationship between vestment is always required to introduce new technology; therefore,
green finance and environment Li and Gan (2021); Zhou et al. (2020). green finance has major importance to bring innovation in technology.
Although, previous studies have reported green finance and As reported by Hyung and Baral (2019), green finance and green

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

technology has relationship with each other’s. Therefore, green finance environment L. Wang et al. (2021); Zhang et al. (2021). On the other
through Fund Village can foster the green technology. Similarly, the hand, green finance has also used in the development of green
development of green micro enterprise also require investment which is micro-enterprises that also improve the economic sustainability without
provided through green finance with the help of Fund Village. There­ producing high carbon and do not affect the environmental sustain­
fore, the above discussion exposed that green finance can bring green ability Goodell and Goutte (2021); Kirikkaleli et al. (2021). A study by
technology innovation and also develop green micro-enterprises. Based Umar et al. (2021c) also exposed that green micro-enterprises can be
on the above literature, the present article has developed the following developed using green finance because the green finance is specially
hypotheses: created for green activities, and these enterprises could improve the
economic sustainability and reduce the environmental degradation.
H3. Green finance has a positive relationship with green technology
Finally, green finance is the only solution for the development of green
enterprises that enhance economic sustainability and reduce environ­
H4. Green finance has a positive relationship with green micro- mental degradation Aloui et al. (2018); Zhang et al. (2021). Thus, green
enterprise. finance brings green technology innovation adoption and also helps to
develop green micro-enterprises that could increase economic and
3.6. Green technology innovation and green micro-enterprises role on environmental sustainability. Based on above literature, the present
economic and environmental sustainability article has developed the following hypotheses:
H9. Green technology innovation mediates the relationship between
Moreover, green technology innovation and green enterprise has
green finance and environmental sustainability.
relationship with the environmental sustainability and economic sus­
tainability. Green technology adoption in business activities can foster H10. Green technology innovation mediates the relationship between
the environmental sustainability along with the improvement in eco­ green finance and economic sustainability.
nomic sustainability. Because the process of product manufacturing
H11. Green micro enterprise mediates the relationship between green
could be designed in such a way to decrease the effect on environment
finance and environmental sustainability.
and also enhance the effective economic conditions. According to Dave
et al. (2019); Fernando and Wah (2017), green technology improves the H12. Green micro enterprise mediates the relationship between green
environmental performance. Similarly, green micro enterprise has pos­ finance and economic sustainability.
itive role to promote environmental performance along with economic
sustainability. Small business activities with no harm to the environment 4. Research methodology
has positive role to enhance environmental sustainability. Therefore,
environmental sustainability can be promoted through green technology The current study designed a survey questionnaire to examine the
innovation and green micro enterprise, and these factors also enhance relationship between green finance, green technology innovation, green
the economic sustainability. Furthermore, green technology innovation micro-enterprise, environmental sustainability, and economic sustain­
and green micro enterprise has crucial role to promote economic sus­ ability. The questionnaire is designed by considering the already
tainability. To achieve the SDGs, economic sustainability of people revealed scale items by previous studies. Green finance is measured
living in Indonesian villages require to start micro enterprises. The green through four scale items by considering the waste management, green
aspect of these micro enterprise and green technology implementation establishment investment, investment in recycling and green
can lead to the positive effect on economic sustainability as well as manufacturing. Environmental sustainability is measured by using five
environment. As it is reported by Holt (2012), green micro enterprises items by considering energy consumption reduction from businesses,
are important to foster economic activity and to improve the environ­ reduction in carbon emission and client environment risk. The scale
mental health. Thus, the green technology innovation adoption and the items for green finance are considered from Zheng et al. (2021). Green
development of the green micro-enterprises could increase economic technology innovation is measured by using five scale items adapted
and environmental sustainability. Based on the above literature, the from Jun et al. (2019). It is measured through five items; “green tech­
present article has developed the following hypotheses: nology can provide better environmental performance, green technol­
ogy can provide higher economic benefits, green technology can
H5. Green technology innovation has a positive relationship with
enhance our company’s reputation, integrating green practices within
environmental sustainability.
the company’s existing system is easy, green technology can provide
H6. Green technology innovation has a positive relationship with higher social benefits.” Green micro enterprises are examined by
economic sustainability. considering the green activities by the micro enterprises and their focus
towards environmental sustainability. Community sustainable devel­
H7. Green micro-enterprise has a positive relationship with environ­
opment goals are considered by using environmental sustainability and
mental sustainability.
economic sustainability. Environmental sustainability is measured
H8. Green micro-enterprise has a positive relationship with economic through environmental performance and economic sustainability is
sustainability. measured by using the measures related to the economic activities of
community. These measures are adapted from Abbas and Sağsan (2019).
3.7. Mediating role of green technology innovation and green micro- The scale was divided in to three sections. The first section was
enterprises considered to collect the information related to the demographic profile
of respondents such as age, education, income, marital status etc. The
Green finance brings technological innovation in the processes that second section was based on the scale items related to SDGs which
reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment and also enhance included environmental sustainability and economic sustainability.
the economic sustainability of the country Raza, Shahbaz, Amir-ud-Din, Both the economic sustainability and environmental sustainability are
Sbia, and Shah (2018); Umar et al. (2020a). In addition, a study by Umar considered as dependent variables. The third section was based on the
et al. (2020b) also exposed that technological innovation can be pur­ independent variables and mediating variables. Independent variable is
chased using green finance, and this can enhance environmental and green finance and mediating variable is green technology innovation
economic sustainability. Moreover, green finance is specially developed and green micro enterprise. Thus, third section was based on the scale
for the green activities in the organization, such as green innovation items related to the green finance, green technology innovation and
adoption that improve the economic condition without damaging the green micro enterprise. The pre-test of the questionnaire is carried out to

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

examine the suitability of the questionnaire. For this purpose, this study innovation, green micro-enterprise, environmental sustainability, and
collected data from 100 respondents. After the collection of data from economic sustainability. However, before to examine the relationship
respondents, the reliability and validity were examined. Partial Least between variables, this study examined the reliability and validity of the
Square (PLS) is used to check the reliability and validity. To examine the data. In this process, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is carried out
reliability, composite reliability (CR) is considered and to check the which is given in Fig. 2. Factor loadings is highlighted in Table 2. Green
validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity is considered. technology innovation scale is consisted of five items. All the items have
Results of the pre-test shows that; questionnaire is suitable to collect factor loadings between 0.669 and 0.792 which is acceptable. Green
data from respondents for the current study. finance measured through four items with factor loadings between
Data collection is made through the survey questionnaire which is 0.713 and 0.815. Green micro enterprise has factor loadings between
designed by using previous studies. Data is collected from the Indone­ 0.723 and 0.873. Furthermore, environmental sustainability has factor
sian government officials working on Fund Village and officers involved loadings between 0.669 and 0.842. Finally, economic sustainability is
in the distribution of Fund Village. For data collection, this study examined by using five items with factor loadings between 0.762 and
considered 400 questionnaires and distributed among the respondents. 0.867. This study considered 0.6 as a minimum criterion for factor
For the questionnaire distribution, the current study used simple loadings. All the items have achieved the minimum threshold level.
random sampling. Hence, by using simple random sampling, the current Additionally, to address the convergent validity (CR), this study exam­
study distributed400 questionnaires among the Indonesian government ined composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE).
officials working on Fund Village and officers involved in the distribu­ According to literature, CR must be above 0.7 and AVE must be above
tion of Fund Village. While distribution of questionnaires, the objective 0.5 J. Hair, Hollingsworth, Randolph, and Chong (2017). Results of CR
of the study was clearly explained to the respondents, and it was insured and AVE shows that; green finance, green technology innovation, green
that they are agreed to respond to the survey. Data collection process micro-enterprise, environmental sustainability, and economic sustain­
took fifty days in which the remainders were sent to the respondents. ability have achieved the minimum threshold level which achieved the
Finally, this survey ends up with the 220 valid respondents. De­ convergent validity (see Fig. 3). Furthermore, discriminant validity
mographic information of respondents revealed that; most of the re­ Henseler et al. (2015) is achieved with the help of Heterotrait Monotrait
spondents have age between 30 and 40. Government officials working ratio of correlations (HTMT). HTMT is highlighted in Table 3.
on Fund Village have majorly belong to the married employees along The next step of PLS is structural model which is used to examine the
with the master’s degree holders with the higher percentage. Further­ relationship between variables García-Fernández, Martelo-Landroguez,
more, most of the respondents are male and less respondents are female. Vélez-Colon, and Cepeda-Carrión (2018); Henseler et al. (2014). In
Finally, this study examined the data by using preliminary data ana­ this step, the effect of green finance is examined on green technology
lysisBabagana et al. (2019). Data statistics are highlighted in Table 1. In innovation. This hypothesis is supported because the t-value is above
this process, this study examined the errors related to the missing value 1.96. The effect of green finance is examined in relation to the green
and outlier along with the normality of the data. All these errors are micro enterprise which is significant. Furthermore, the effect of green
important to remove to get original results. Data statistics shows that finance is examined on economic sustainability and environmental
data is free from any case of error. sustainability. Green finance has significant effect on economic sus­
tainability and environmental sustainability. Additionally, green tech­
5. Findings nology innovation has significant effect on environmental sustainability.
Moreover, it has significant effect on economic sustainability. This sec­
Findings of the study are based on the statistical tool; Partial Least tion also examined the direct effect of green micro enterprise on envi­
Square (PLS) Joseph F Hair et al. (2013); Joe F. Hair, Sarstedt, Hopkins, ronmental sustainability. Results shows that green micro enterprise has
and Kuppelwieser (2014); Joseph F Hair et al. (2012) which is used to positive effect on environmental sustainability. Additionally, the direct
examine the relationship between green finance, green technology effect of green micro enterprise is examined in relation to the economic

Table 1
Data statistics.
No. Missing Mean Median Min Max SD Kurtosis Skewness

GF1 1 0 1.733 1 1 5 0.996 2.082 0.633

GF2 2 0 2.491 2 1 5 1.432 − 1.07 0.653
GF3 3 0 2.298 2 1 5 1.045 0.699 0.927
GF4 4 0 2.348 2 1 5 1.339 − 0.273 0.941
GTI1 5 0 2.553 2 1 5 1.337 − 0.822 0.484
GTI2 6 0 2.137 2 1 5 1.123 − 0.697 0.631
GTI3 7 0 2.329 2 1 5 1.355 − 0.411 0.941
GTI4 8 0 2.031 2 1 5 1.187 0.487 1.199
GTI5 9 0 2.248 2 1 5 1.261 0.033 0.965
GME1 10 0 2.404 2 1 5 1.302 − 0.693 0.7
GME2 11 0 2.087 2 1 5 1.166 0.532 1.135
GME3 12 0 2.13 2 1 5 1.247 − 0.386 0.895
GME4 13 0 2.05 2 1 5 1.056 0.843 1.177
GME5 14 0 2.211 2 1 5 1.258 − 0.323 0.898
ES1 15 0 2.155 2 1 5 0.982 − 0.208 0.637
ES2 16 0 2.385 2 1 5 1.41 − 0.702 0.794
ES3 17 0 1.957 2 1 5 0.955 0.465 0.953
ES4 18 0 2 2 1 5 1.028 0.679 1.109
ES5 19 0 2.453 2 1 5 1.387 − 0.742 0.724
ECS1 20 0 2.311 2 1 5 1.176 0.1 0.88
ECS2 21 0 1.925 2 1 5 1.013 1.156 1.274
ECS3 22 0 2.019 2 1 5 1.139 0.316 1.032
ECS4 23 0 2.168 2 1 5 1.143 0.661 1.075
ECS5 24 0 2.286 2 1 5 1.297 − 0.18 0.954

Note: GF = Green Finance; GTI = Green Technology Innovation; GME = Green Micro-Enterprise; ES = Environmental Sustainability; ECS = Economic Sustainability.

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

Fig. 2. Measurement Model

Note: GF = Green Finance; GTI = Green Technology Innovation; GME = Green Micro-Enterprise; ES = Environmental Sustainability; ECS = Economic Sustainability.

Fig. 3. Structural Model

Note: GF = Green Finance; GTI = Green Technology Innovation; GME = Green Micro-Enterprise; ES = Environmental Sustainability; ECS = Economic Sustainability.

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

Table 2 to investigate the role of green finance in SDGs through Village Funds in
Factor loadings, CR and AVE. Indonesia. A survey was used to achieve the purpose of the study by
Constructs Items Loadings Alpha CR AVE using a questionnaire. Data was obtained from Indonesian government
officials working on Fund Village and officers involved in the distribu­
Economic Sustainability ECS1 0.867 0.882 0.914 68
ECS2 0.864 tion of Fund Village, which is assessed through statistical tool, namely;
ECS3 0.8 Smart PLS. In this process, 12 hypotheses are proposed which include
ECS4 0.762 eight direct hypotheses and four indirect hypotheses.
ECS5 0.827 While examining the direct hypotheses, the relationship between
Environmental Sustainability ES1 0.782 0.848 0.892 0.624
ES2 0.835
ES3 0.782
Table 4
ES4 0.699
Direct effect results.
ES5 0.842
Green Finance GF1 0.749 0.77 0.853 0.593 β M SD T P
GF2 0.815 Statistics Values
GF3 0.713
Green Finance - > Economic 0.121 0.118 0.034 3.584 0
GF4 0.799
Green Micro-Enterprise GME1 0.873 0.834 0.883 0.602
Green Finance - > 0.137 0.148 0.059 2.33 0.02
GME2 0.723
GME3 0.77
GME4 0.781
Green Finance - > Green 0.677 0.677 0.062 10.874 0
GME5 0.723
Green Technology Innovation GTI1 0.669 0.792 0.857 0.546
Green Finance - > Green 0.714 0.718 0.054 13.179 0
GTI2 0.686
Technology Innovation
GTI3 0.789
Green Micro-Enterprise - > 0.612 0.609 0.081 7.53 0
GTI4 0.792
Economic Sustainability
GTI5 0.751
Green Micro-Enterprise - > 0.661 0.663 0.062 10.64 0
Note: GF = Green Finance; GTI = Green Technology Innovation; GME = Green Environmental
Micro-Enterprise; ES = Environmental Sustainability; ECS = Economic Sustainability
Sustainability. Green Technology Innovation 0.168 0.174 0.069 2.399 0.017
- > Economic Sustainability
Green Technology Innovation 0.222 0.228 0.092 2.422 0.016
sustainability. It is found that, green micro enterprise has significant - > Environmental
effect on economic sustainability. Finally, all the hypotheses are sup­ Sustainability
ported. Results of the direct hypotheses are given in Table 4.
Furthermore, indirect effect is highlighted in Table 5. The indirect
effect is reported by following the instructions of Preacher and Hayes Table 5
(2004, 2008). The indirect effect of green technology innovation and Indirect effect results.
green micro enterprise is examined. The indirect effect of green tech­ β M SD T P
nology innovation is examined between green finance and environ­ Statistics Values
mental sustainability as the t-value is 7.73 which is above 1.96. Green Finance - > Green Micro- 0.414 0.413 0.07 5.927 0
Furthermore, the indirect effect of green technology innovation is Enterprise - > Economic
examined between green finance and economic sustainability. This in­ Sustainability
direct effect between green finance and economic sustainability is not Green Finance - > Green 0.12 0.125 0.067 1.779 0.076
Technology Innovation - >
significant because the t-value is less than 1.96. Additionally, the indi­ Economic Sustainability
rect effect of green micro enterprise is examined between green finance Green Finance - > Green Micro- 0.447 0.449 0.058 7.73 0
and environmental sustainability. This indirect effect is significant Enterprise - > Environmental
because the t-value achieved minimum threshold level. Finally, the in­ Sustainability
Green Finance - > Green 0.159 0.165 0.072 2.208 0.028
direct effect of green micro enterprise is examined between green
Technology Innovation - >
finance and economic sustainability which is significant. Finally, this Environmental Sustainability
study examined predictive relevance (Q2) to ensure the quality of the
model. Predictive relevance (Q2) must not be less than zero to achieve
the minimum quality of the model. It is shown in Table 6 which high­
Table 6
lighted that environmental sustainability has predictive relevance (Q2) Predictive relevance (Q2).
0.326 and economic sustainability has predictive relevance (Q2) 0.451.

6. Discussion Economic Sustainability 805 441.743 0.451

Environmental Sustainability 805 542.6 0.326
Green Finance 644 644
This study proposed a relationship between green finance, green Green Micro-Enterprise 805 598.475 0.257
technology innovation, green micro-enterprises, environmental sus­ Green Technology Innovation 805 596.688 0.259
tainability, and economic sustainability. This relationship is examined

Table 3
Economic Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Green Finance Green Micro-Enterprise Green Technology Innovation

Economic Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability 0.869
Green Finance 0.785 0.571
Green Micro-Enterprise 0.843 0.86 0.831
Green Technology Innovation 0.868 0.766 0.807 0.736

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

green finance and environmental sustainability is examined through that, hypothesis 11 is significant which considered the mediating role of
hypothesis 1. Results indicated a positive relationship between green green micro enterprise between green finance and economic sustain­
finance and environmental sustainability which shows that the increase ability. It shows that, green micro enterprise transfers the positive effect
in green finance can increase the environmental sustainability. These of green finance on economic sustainability. Therefore, community
results are also connected with the previous studies. As the literature development among the villages can be promoted through Fund Village
also proved the positive effect of green finance on environment Zhu et al. by promoting the green micro enterprises. Finally, the last hypothesis 12
(2017). Similarly, hypothesis 2 is also supporting the relationship be­ shows the indirect effect of green micro enterprise between green
tween green finance and economic sustainability. The funds provided by finance and environmental sustainability which is significant. Hence,
the Indonesian government for the welfare of villages has the ability to green micro enterprise development can achieve both SDGs by pro­
produce economic opportunities for the people which lead to the posi­ moting economic sustainability and environmental sustainability in
tive effect to enhance income. Therefore, it is found that, green finance Indonesia.
has important role to achieve both SDGs; environmental sustainability
and economic sustainability. The direct effect of green finance is 7. Conclusion
examined in relation to the green technology innovation. This rela­
tionship found the influence of green finance on green technology Finally, it is concluded that; Fund Village has important role to
innovation indicating the increase in green finance activities can in­ achieve SDGs in Indonesia. Fund Village provide the opportunities to
crease the green technology. Hence, these results supported hypothesis invest in green finance which has key contribution to promote SDGs.
3. Previous studies also proved a positive relationship between green Increase in green finance can increase the environmental sustainability
finance and green technology or green innovation Feng et al. (2021); and economic sustainability with the help of green technology innova­
Hyung and Baral (2019); Yu et al. (2021). Hypotheses 4 is based on the tion and green micro enterprise development. Green finance can achieve
relationship between green finance and green micro enterprises which the SDGs by promoting green technology innovation and green micro
proved a positive effect of green finance on green micro enterprise. enterprises. Thus, green finance is playing a pivotal role to attain SDGs
According to these results, increase in green finance through fund by enhancing environmental sustainability and economic sustainability.
village can increase the development of green micro enterprises.
Therefore, the funds providing by the Indonesian government to the 7.1. Implications of the study
villages can increase the development of green micro enterprises. Thus,
the green finance has vital role to enhance the green technology and Results of the current study added the significant contribution to the
green business activities through green micro enterprises through fund literature. Particularly, this study has significant contribution to the
village. Hypothesis 5 and hypothesis 6 shows the effect of green tech­ field of green finance, environmental sustainability and economic sus­
nology innovation on environmental sustainability and economic sus­ tainability. This study filled the important literature gap in the filed of
tainability. Results proved the positive relationship between green SDGs in Indonesia. As this study examined the relationship between
technology innovation and environmental sustainability which shows green finance, green technology innovation, green micro-enterprises,
the better introduction of green technology can increase the environ­ environmental sustainability, and economic sustainability which is a
mental sustainability. These results are in line with other investigations vital relationship to contribute to the literature having vital theoretical
on green technology and environmental sustainability. As Fores (2019) implications. This relationship is rarely addressed by the previous
proved that green technology has positive effect on environmental studies; therefore, the uniqueness of this relationship is important for the
performance. Similarly, green technology innovation has positive effect literature in the concerned filed. This study filled the literature gap by
on economic sustainability. People living in the Indonesian villages can considering the Indonesian Fund Village which is an important element
foster their business activities with the help of green technology inno­ to achieve SDGs in Indonesia, however, it was rarely considered among
vation which has dual benefits as it enhances the environmental health previous studies in relation to the SDGs through green finance. This
along with the livelihood opportunities. Literature also shows the pos­ study has important implications because the framework of the current
itive role of green technology in economic development. Furthermore, study is based on the various relationships which are examined first time
hypothesis 7 and hypothesis 8 shows the effect of green micro enter­ in the literature. For instance, this study introduced the unique element
prises on environmental sustainability and economic sustainability. of green micro enterprise which is rarely addressed in previous studies.
According to these results, green micro enterprises have positive role to Most importantly, it is not addressed through green micro enterprise.
sustain the environmental health. Development of green micro enter­ Additionally, the relationship between green micro enterprise with
prises has the potential to influence positively the environmental sus­ environmental sustainability and economic sustainability is first time
tainability. Therefore, fund village by the Indonesian government has considered by the current study. Additionally, this study proved the
influential role to promote environmental performance. Similarly, it has mediating role of green technology innovation and green micro enter­
positive role to influence economic conditions of the people living in prise between green finance and SDGs. Hence, this study extended the
villages because this study proved that positive effect of green micro knowledge in the concerned filed and provided several theoretical
enterprises on economic sustainability. Thus, green micro enterprises implications.
have important role to promote environmental sustainability and eco­ Number of theoretical implications of the current study leading to
nomic sustainability in Indonesia through Fund Village. the important practical implications. As results of this study are more
Moreover, to address the indirect effect, this study proposed four important for the Indonesian government to achieve SDGs. This study
hypotheses. The indirect effect of environmental sustainability and reported the positive role of green finance to achieve SDGs. Therefore,
economic sustainability is considered. Hypothesis 9 proposed to Indonesian government should encourage the Fund Village to invest in
examine the indirect effect of green technology innovation between green finance activities because it has dual benefits which lead to the
green finance and environmental sustainability. This indirect effect is economic sustainability as well as environmental sustainability. The
significant which indicates that green technology innovation as medi­ focus of government on the green finance activities can promote income
ating variable reflect the positive effect of green finance on environ­ generating activities in villages and can enhance the environmental
mental sustainability. Therefore, along with the direct effect, green performance by decreasing pollution. With the increase in business ac­
technology innovation also has indirect effect to promote SDGs in tivities, the pollution is increasing having negative effect on environ­
Indonesia. On the other hand, the indirect effect of green technology mental health. Therefore, this study suggested the government to
innovation is not supported between green finance and economic sus­ increase environmental sustainability through green finance. Addition­
tainability which is reflected in hypothesis 10. Furthermore, it is found ally, this study suggested that Indonesian government should introduce

R. Ronaldo and T. Suryanto Resources Policy 78 (2022) 102839

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