Writing Section

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2éme Année

Baccalauréate Mohammed Zouli

All stream

Bac in my pocket
Writing Section

Book 3
Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

The more you

write the more
you speak, so
read to write and
write to speak

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Writing in English is a challenging task for someone to teach or learn; it

is related to different language items which the learner should have in mind
and be able to use in his or her writing. This is why many teachers fail to fulfil
the third P which is production while teaching writing, and so the learners
remain unable to write. However, thanks to this booklet, both the teacher
and the learner can achieve their objectives. It provides a frame of writing
which facilitates the teaching learning process of this language skill.

The primordial target is to teach writing for the sake of speaking. To

avoid making writing as an activity for a general judgment of, to what extent
the learners have understood the use of language items but rather a pre-
speaking activity in which the learner visualize his or her thoughts by using
formal and correct English.

In plain words, is presenting the writing tasks through specific and

flexible forms of writing that you can use depending on the type of the topic.
All that you need is to fill in certain gaps in these blocks with some vocabulary
and phrases related to the topic you are willing to write about it. You will be
able to write by using these blocks of writing, and then you can make your
own writing by changing vocabulary and form of sentences in these blocks

On this basis, writing about a given topic becomes no longer an

embarrassing task for you but rather an enjoyable activity whereby you can
visualize your thoughts by using formal and correct English.

In this booklet each type of writing is supplied with three or more

examples for more clarification. This booklet is another attempt to foster the
writing skill for students of 2nd year Baccalaureate and other students who
are concerned with improving their writing skill to sharpen the other skills
related to it and get well prepared for the national exam and may be other
national or international exams.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Preface to the teacher and to the student 2

Bac specifications on the writing section 4
1-How to write a letter to an administration or a friend 6
2-How to write a film review 12
3-How to a book review 15
4-How to write a report 18
5-How to write a paragraph 21
6-How to write an article 24
7-How to describe a person Mohammed 27
8-How to describe a place 29
9-How to describe an event 31
10-How to write a narrative essay/ story 34
11-How to write about cause and effect 37
12-How to write for comparison and contrast 39
13-How to write about advantages and disadvantages 41
14-How to write on persuasion 44
15-How to write an expository essay 47
16-How to write a problem solving essay 51
17-How to write a biography 54
18-How to write a funny story 57

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli


The writing section assesses students‘ writing skills and provides an indication of how
well they communicate in the written language. Testers can determine learners‘
achievement in writing through appropriate tasks, bearing in mind the sub-skills as
stated in the syllabus and guidelines:
using adequate and relevant content;
using an appropriate text structure according to the targeted format ;
selecting an appropriate style according to audience; Mohammed
using cohesive devices and transitions to organize their writing;
using mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization) appropriately;
applying the appropriate structures and vocabulary to get the message across;
using a variety of sentence structures: simple and complex sentences.
The following table shows different format/genres and types of writing to be tested:

Format/Genre of Writing Types of Writing

formal/ informal letters narrative
film review descriptive
articles cause and effect
e-mail describing a process
report comparison and contrast

Topics designed for testing writing should be bias-free and should target stimulating
issues related to the themes dealt with in the syllabus. Formulating the topic should
include a SITUATION to provide a context and TASKS that clearly specify the format,
the audience, the purpose and type of writing. Additional prompts can be provided to
help students.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli


The writing task must specify the number of words as indicated in the table below:

ARTS Humanities All science, technical and original streams

Approximately 300
Approximately 250
Approximately 200 words
words words

Criteria for scoring must be specified in the marking scale. The mark is based on the
overall use and appropriateness of the language, the range of vocabulary, writing
structure, correctness of grammar, mechanics, and appropriateness of content to the
tasks. The scoring method is analytical and includes the following elements - only when
the writing is relevant to the topic:

Scoring criteria Scores

Relevance of content to the tasks (3 pts)
Paragraph and composition organisation (2 pts)
Appropriateness and variety of vocabulary (2 pts)
Accuracy of grammar (2 pts)
Mechanics (Spelling, punctuation, capitalization) (1 pts)
Scorers should reduce the overall mark if the writing is too short to respond to the
number of words recommended above (.2.).

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

1-How to write a letter to an administration or a friend

‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح رسانح إنى إدارج أو صذٌق‬

A formal E-mail/ Letter

When we write a formal E-mail or letter, we should:
Θ Begin with a greeting (Dear Taylor, Dear Mrs. Smith, Dear Sir,/ Madam…. )
Θ Thank the recipient (Thank you for contacting me/ Thank you for your prompt
Θ State your purpose (I am writing to enquire about…/ I am writing to inform you
Θ Add your closing remarks (Thank you for your consideration/ If you have any
please don’t hesitate to let me know. I am looking forward to hearing from you….)
Θ End with a closing (Best regards/ Sincerely/ Faithfully…..)

Personal letter Formal letter

Write your address Mohammed Write your address

Date Date

Write address of receiver

Express your greeting,

Express your greeting,

introduce the introduce the

topic and give topic and give
details details

Express your wish Express your wish

Your name
Your name

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Thank you for your prompt reply. Well, I am writing this E-mail/ letter to talk
about…/ to inform you about…/ to complain about…./ to apologize for…………
I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully,

Examples of formal emails/letters

Dear Sir, Mohammed

I am writing this E-mail to talk about Brain drain. It’s really a Zouli
phenomenon that many under-developed countries suffer from.
Hundreds of genius people leave their homelands towards other
countries, usually more developed and technologically advanced for
many reasons.
There are some factors that make these people leave their origin
countries; for example, they want to search for better jobs, make more
money, finish their higher education, have new experiences and further
knowledge, and most importantly to boost their working and living
Other highly skilled people quit their origins because they run away
from wars, conflicts, diseases, poverty, natural disasters and political
instability. These factors push these geniuses to wave goodbye to their
homelands. Of course, the grass is not always greener on the other side
of the river. Most of them would suffer from racial discrimination,
nostalgia, homesickness, family instability and what is
worse is that their children may forget about their own culture and
To me, to put an end to this issue, the government should offer good
jobs to these people, give them tempting salaries, create good working
conditions, and reward those who come back to their origin countries. I
hope that I shed some light on the topic and I will further send you
another article about the consequences of this issue on their homelands
next week.
I am looking forward to hearing from

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Letter of complain
From: Andrew Smith To: Joyride Travel Agency,
32, Sun Rise Apartments, Westend Avenue,
New York New York
21 June, 2018
Respected Sir,
I had booked your Exotic Eastern package tour that had left on the
12 May. In this tour many things were promised. Some of them included were
breakfast, lunch and all the tariffs that were to be paid by the agency. Besides a
3 star hotel occupancy was also promised.
But it is regretful that these facilities were not provided. The breakfast given
was not sufficient for 30 people, and any coming 15 minutes late had to go
without it. After reaching the destination, to our horror we found no
accommodation in the hotel. We learned through the hotel authorities, that no
advance booking was done. We were then shifted to a medium class hotel of
seedy appearance.
Since all the 30 people who booked for the tour have similar complain and that
we had paid for the tour facilities. Thus, we would like to register the complaint
and seek a refund of the money. I hope that you will look into the matter.
Thanking you,
Andrew Smith
Letter of apology
7 Sept’ 2019.
Mr. Kartik Shetty.
LMC Associates.
37/A, Hiranandani
Subject: Business Apology Letter.
Dear Mr. Shetty;
In relation to the subject, we at PQC associates would on professional terms
& our business principles, kindly apologize to have been unable to complete the
consignment as per the stipulated time frame on contractual basis. On account of
this indecent performance, on behalf of the goodwill & reputation of the firm, we
would like to compensate for your damages beared by you if any to avoid any
spoilage of business dealings & prospective transactions.
Having understood the inconvenience caused to you, we regret beyond the
limitless expressions & also assure in good positive faith. Further we once again
kindly request you to overlook us for the last time & also make us aware without
any hesitations for our any of the unintentional default on our part in the future.
Thanking You;
Yours Sincerely.
For PQC Associates.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Sample Application Letter

May 28, 2018


Inara Lightings, Ltd.
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates Mohammed
Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to explore the possibility of employment as Document Controller in

your reputable firm. I am a Computer Science graduate of the University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. I bring with me several years of experience
as information systems analyst of leading companies that include Nissan Motor
Philippines, Inc.
My strong computer skills, knowledge of modern word processing software,
and project management tools are but some of the things that make me an
asset to your company.
Attached is my resume for your perusal. Should you require any further
information, I can be reached at 632-555-1234 (during regular business hours),
or at 632-555-6789 (during regular business hours).


Meet Compas Pty Ltd

Katie Bedington, Management ICT Recruitment and Services
Torrens Street
Braddon, ACT 2612
Many Pacquinno
contact hidden
Orleans Crescent
Toongabbie 2146
April 4, 2018
Re: Data Analyst/ Visualisation Specialist Internship
Dear Katie,
As an engineering student majoring in data, I have read your post regarding the
internship role in being a data analyst/ visualisation specialist with interest. As a
student from the University of Technology Sydney, my qualifications align with

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

the practical and technical skills that you seek. My achievements on subjects that
develop communication, data analysis and visualisation abilities constitute on my
capabilities in the field. I am certain that I have what you need and would become
a beneficial extension to the company.

Over the course of my studies, I am capable in the design, innovation and

development of dashboards and visuals alongside data analysis. My achievement
of high distinction in the data engineering fundamentals studio and introduction
to data analytics clarifies my ability in producing an aesthetical and user-friendly
interface whilst working alongside team members I have met for the first time. In
this project, we developed a web application for an accounting firm that
determines whether a customer is a good or bad credit risk using python, html-
coding and random forest classification. Additionally, a user-friendly interface was
developed for employee browsing convenience. I have used these skills in
developing functional dashboards in other subjects and for personal purposes.

In addition to my teamwork experience in a practical environment, I am Mohammed

adept and confident in my communication and management expertise. Zouli
This foundation was built upon my work experience in retail and countless
group projects throughout my studies especially one that involved producing
potential solutions to the scarcity of food for the ‘Live and Learn Vanuatu EWB
Challenge’. Furthermore, I have lead most of these groups in the allocation and
distribution of assignments.

Please refer to my attached resume for additional information regarding my

proficiencies and achievements. I am positive that I am the best fit for this job and
would like to request for an interview to follow up on my background and
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Many Pacquinno
Write a reply to the following email. (6 pts)
… You know people do different things when they feel bored. Well, for me, I usually watch a movie or
go for a walk. What about you? What do you do when you feel bored and you want to relax? Jane


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Respond to the following email:

… I have many friends. Sometimes, we revise our lessons together. In other times we just play football.
What about you? What activities do you do with your friends? And how do you help each other?


Write an email to your English speaking friend about the best holiday you have ever

This is a part of an e-mail you received from your friend, Peter.
I smoke a lot. I want to give up smoking but I find it very hard.
Can you help me, please? Peter,
Write an answer to Peter telling him what he can do to stop smoking.

Dear Peter

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli
2-How to write a film review
‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح تقزٌز عٍ فٍهى‬

When we write a "lm review, we should talk about: Mohammed

֍Title of the film (Titanic, Skyfall, Spider-man, Avatar…..)
֍Type of the film (action, romance, drama, comedy, horror…)
֍When and where you saw it:(last week, last year, on TV, in the cinema, in my house.)
֍Setting: time & place (e.g., in 2003 in USA, in 1999 in Iraq……)
֍The director (the name of the director…)
֍The hero’s name (name of the main actor..)
֍The heroine’s name (name of the main actress…)
֍The story of the film and how it ended (….. it was a tragic ending, happy ending..)
֍Your opinion (I like this film because…………..)

Film Review Model

(Title of the film), starring (actor 1) as (character1) and (actor 2) as

(character 2), is a (type of film) film directed by (director) and produced
by ( film company). The film lasts (running time)

The story revolves around …........................................................................

I liked the film because …………………………………..was/were and
………………………………was/were …………………………………

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Skayfall is one of the best action movies in recent years. Released in 2012.
The film was directed by Sam Mendes, and it stars Daniel Craig as secret agent
James Bond and Spanish actor Javier Bardem in the role of Raoul Silva, the villain
in this film.
The plot involves a genius computer hacker who is an ex-spy. He wants to
take revenge on the organization he used to work for, and James Bond has to
prevent this from happening. There are a lot of exciting action scenes as Bond
pursues him around the world. The film is set in a variety of locations including
Istanbul, Shanghai, Macau, London and Scotland, which give it a very international
atmosphere. The soundtrack is impressive and includes the theme song ‗sky fall‘,
performed by the English singer Adele. The acting is also of a very high standard
and Bardem brings his character to life with an exciting and memorable
I would highly recommend Sky fall, especially if you are keen on action
films. It will have on the edge of your seat until the very end. I would recommend
it to anyone, I am sure you will not regret watching it.

Inspired by the true-to-life story of Frank Abagnale Jr,

who managed to give a new meaning to job- hopping, he works Mohammed
as a doctor, a lawyer and an airline co-pilot -- all before his 21st Zouli

The story of the film started when Abagnale's parents got separated. With only
US$25 in his checking account, he sets off for Manhattan to escape the worries of
strained home life. He also vows to bring his father and mother back together, and
help his debt-ridden father.
Abagnale proves to be a brilliant forger and charming master of deception, and
he scams his way through the United States and Europe, forging and encashing
cheques to the tune of millions of dollars to fund his womanising, adventure-
filled high life. However, the FBI is soon hot on his tail and agent Carl Hanratty
makes it his ultimate mission to bring down Abagnale.
I saw the film when I was with my friend watching TV at home. It was really
an exciting experience to watch the movie you will never stop thinking what will
hapeen next, or what would be the hero‘s next move or adventure.
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken (Best Actor
in a Supporting Role nominee in the 2003 Academy Awards), Jennifer Garner and
Martin Sheen. The film was also nominated for Best Original Score

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

One of the most interesting Moroccan films that I have watched in my life is Class
8. The film is directed by Jamal Belmajdoub and produced in 2003. Among the main
characters who are involved in the film are as follows. First, Leila who plays the role of a
high school teacher of French. Second, Mjid who is introduced in the movie as a student
who is troublemaker and suffer from family, economic and psychological problems.
Third, Ali who is presented as a dear friend to Mjid.
The story of the film revolves around the clash between a young teacher who is
active in her teaching and young students who are willing to make troubles. Then,
this clash extends from inside the classroom to take place outside school. Such transition
from inside school to the outside world reveals the truth of the contradiction between the
ideal world of the classroom and the real world of society. Ultimately, what I liked
much more is the way the action develops dramatically in the course of the film. In simple
words, it begins with clashes, problems and the way the teacher looks at the
troublemakers from a vintage position. However, the end of the film reveals how the
teacher was able to get close to them by listening to them and understanding their needs
and wants, and then helping them in order to change and solve their problems.
Therefore, after watching this film, we realize the fact that the
cultural, economic and family problems can, to a large Mohammed
extent, govern the way people think and react in general Zouli
and cause negative influence on the productivity of
students inside the classroom in particular.
As a conclusion, Class 8 remains a very enjoyable and informative movie that I
advise everyone to watch it.

Write a review, using the following information.

• Title of the film Chasing liberty

• Type of the film romantic comedy
• When and where you saw it last month in the cinema
• Setting (time and place) in 2004 in Prague, Venice, London and Washington DC.
• The director Andy Cadiff
• The hero’s name Ben
• The heroine’s name Anna
• The story of the film and how ᵜAnna, the president‘s daughter, was fed up with her father‘s
it ended over protection/Anna asked Ben, the secret
agent for a ride on his motorbike / She did a lot of outdoor
activities with Ben, romantic ones.
ᵜAnna tried to spend a night with Ben, but he refused in the
ᵜAnna and Ben broke up for a while, but during an exchange
program to Oxford University Anna
visited Ben at the opera, where they kiss, reconcile and start a
new life.
• Duration 1 hour and 51 minutes

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

3-How to write a book review

‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح تقزٌز عٍ كتاب‬

When we write a book review, we should mention:

ῼ-Title of the book (the title of the book)

ῼ-Author (the writer of the book)
ῼ-Date and place of publishing (e.g., in 2003 in Spain, …..)
ῼ-Setting (time and place of the event (s) (in 2001 in United States, etc.)
ῼ-Language (written in English, French, or other languages…..)
ῼ-Genre (fiction, romance, action and adventure, drama, horror….)
ῼ-Pages (156 pages…..)
ῼ-The main character (s) (name of the main character (s))
ῼ-The secondary character (s) (name of the minor character (s)…)
ῼ-The story of the book and how it ended (tragic ending, happy ending..)
ῼ-Your opinion (I like this book a lot because…………..)

The book review model

 Introduction:
 Give the title and writer of the book.
 Body:
 Describe the book: Is it interesting, memorable, entertaining, and
instructive? Why?
 Respond to the author's opinions: What do you agree with? And why?
What do you disagree with? And why?
 Explore issues the book raises: What possibilities does the book
suggest? Explain. What matters does the book leave out? Explain. Mohammed
 Relate your argument to other books or authors: Support your Zouli
argument for or against the author's opinions by bringing in other
 authors you agree with.
 Relate the book to larger issues: How did the book affect you? How
have your opinions about the topic changed? How is the book related to
your own course or personal agenda?
 Conclusion:
 Comment or express your opinion to show whether you liked the film
or not.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

One of the most interesting Arab novels that I have read in my life is “The
Thief and Dogs”. The book is written by Naguib Mahfuz and published in 1961.
The book revolves around the story of young Egyptian socialist named
Said Mahran. He is released from prison after four-year sentence for
robbery. He becomes disappointed that he finds himself divorced and his ex-
wife remarried one of his former colleagues named Iliish. He feels himself
betrayed by Iliish who turned him in and then together with his ex-wife
Nabawiya exploited everything he had including his daughter Sanae, because
they turned her against him. There fore, Said devoted his life to revenge from
them along with some other people who betrayed him and the revolution.
Unfortunately, it was all in vain. Ultimately, what I liked much more in the book
can be concluded in what follows. In simple words, it begins with traumatizing
tensions and contradictions between past dreams or truths and present
changes or hypocrisy. Indeed, through Iliish, Nabawiya, Nour, Raouf, and
Sheikh Ali al-Junaydi and others, the reader realize the tensions and
contradictions between justice and injustice, love and hatred,
sincerity and betrayal, as well as tolerance and revenge. Mohammed
However, the end of the film reveals the top of the tragedy of Said Zouli
Mahran and his total moral and physical failure.
Therefore, after reading this book, we realize to what extent the clash
between goodness and badness is immortal. Meantime, how most of the time
the conflict between the individual and society ends up with the triumph of
society and the defeatism of the individual.
As a conclusion, ―The Thief and Dogs‖ remains a very enjoyable and
informative novel that I advise everyone to read it.

The book (short novel) that I liked most is ―The old man and the sea‖. The
author is Ernest Hemingway. It‘s published in 1952 in Untied States. It‘s a literary
fiction. I finished reading it last week. The events took place in Cuba in 1951. The
main character is Santiago, the old man, and the other characters are the other
fishermen and Mandolin, the little boy who helped him for some time.
The story of the book was about an aging Cuban fisherman who struggled with a
giant fish, Marlin. The boy was forbidden to go with the old man fishing because
Santiago was the joke of the other fishermen as he didn‘t catch any fish for 84
days. On the eight-fifth day, the desperate fisherman decided to sail along deep in
the ocean so that he would have more chance to catch even a fish. With patience,
he finally got one, a giant fish. He couldn‘t even pull it and so he stayed three more

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

nights in the ocean holding to the harpoon which stabbed Marlin, the fish.
Exhausted and worn-out, he could pull the fish away but as it was bleeding, he was
attacked by sharks which won the battle in the end, and all what Santiago got left
was the big skeleton. A group of fishermen, who used to make fun of him, was
astonished to see the giant skeleton on the shore. The book has a tragic ending.
This novel was written in 125 pages.
For me, it‘s the best book I have ever read because I learned that a man
can be destroyed but not defeated. So, for this reason and many others, I
recommend it to everyone to read it; it‘s so interesting Mohammed

Summary: The book tells of a few days in the life of a fisherman and the range of
emotions and experiences he undergoes. Santiago is an old and experienced fisherman
who has now gone eighty four days without a successful catch. As a result his financial
situation is worsening each day and he is facing silent sympathy and even contempt from
the rest of the fishing community. His former assistant and companion, Manolin, the boy
he has mentored, has been forced to leave him and fish with more fortunate fishermen.
The tale chronicles Santiago's venture into the farthest reaches of the ocean, with the aim
of bagging a successful catch. He manages to find and hook the biggest fish he has ever
seen; however the fish turns out to be strong beyond his expectations. This leads him to a
three day struggle culminating in its eventual capture by the fisherman. The three days
chronicle the old man‘s struggle for life and livelihood, for pride and a contest to retain
clarity and even sanity of mind in the face of the implacable elements of nature. The
struggle seems to end in the old man‘s favor, but he is about to realize the cost of
overstretching one‘s boundaries in a brutal fashion...
Social/Historical context: The book was written in 1951 and published a year later and it
is the last work published during the author‘s lifetime. It is the author‘s view on many
questions that hover in the background of human thought. The value of relationships,
contrast between past glory and present status, dealing with the demons in one‘s own mind
and finally, the difference between man's reach and his grasp.
Writing Style: The author writes in the third person with the central character being
explored from different perspectives. The plot is paced according to the events being
depicted, changing from a gently rolling pace to a tight and gripping one in the
more action-packed portions. The author chooses to narrate rather than expound and thus it
is devoid of any opinions or rhetoric, letting the reader from his own assumptions.
My Thoughts: I had heard of this book long ago when I was all of twelve years old. I had
resolved myself not to touch Hemmingway before I had the maturity to completely grasp
all connotations of his work. The simplicity of the book simply blew me away. Extremely
gripping, yet it retains the aura of a gently melancholic, yet startlingly accurate viewpoint
of the author's perspective on the human nature. It can be taken as the summation of
Hemmingway‘s ultimate weltanschaung. Over all- excellent.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

4-How to write a report

ٍٍ‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح تقزٌز حول َشاط يع‬

Elements of a Report :
1. The title should be short and precise. It should give a general idea about the
content of the report.
2. The introduction sets the scene for the report by giving details about time,
place, and participants.
3. The body, usually limited to one paragraph, includes the main ideas of the
4. The conclusion evaluates the success of the event and the reactions of
participants and attendees.
A report is made of a number of elements: Zouli
⁂Time of the event (last year, last week, two days ago, in 2020…….)
⁂Place of the event (Marrakesh, Casablanca, at City Hall, at the Congress Palace…)
⁂Objective of the event (to sensitize/ to celebrate/ to reward/ to find some solutions…)
⁂Organizers of the event (teachers, students, club members, foreign NGOs, jury….)
⁂Attendants (100 people, 20 students, local people, doctors, film stars,…..)
⁂What happened (rewarding, sensitizing, informing, dealing with issues, finding ways to…..)
⁂Your opinion (it was excellent, it was informative, it was fruitful, it was very interesting…..)
Examples of Reports writing
You attended an event organised by your school environment club to celebrate Earth Day. Use the
information in the chart below to write a report about this event.

Organisers Club members - some teachers

Topic Environment problems in the region
Date and Place 22nd April, Municipality Conference room
Participants About 120 people: teachers, students, environmentalists, school environment clubs,
factory owners, NGOs,……….
Activities Morning: 2 presentations, film and discussion
Afternoon: debate + poster exhibitions + competition + prize distribution ceremony
Conclusion Opinion and reactions
In Municipality Conference room on the 22nd April; Club members and some
teachers organised an interesting event titled: Environment problems in the region.
The event was attended by about 120 people including teachers, students,
environmentalists, school environment clubs, factory owners and NGOs.
In the morning of the event day there were two presentations and a film, all of them had
finished before the discussion started. In the afternoon of the same day there was a
debate followed by poster exhibitions and a competition. Finally it was time for prize
distribution ceremony.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

It was really an exciting experience to take part among my school friends and teachers.
This event was fruitful a beneficial for all those who are interested in environment.

Use the information in the chart to write a report for your school magazine about
the 28th Marathon Des Sables (The Sand Marathon) which was held in April

Aim of the - To collect money for the poor

Date and Place - From April 5 to 10; in the south of Morocco/ near Ouarzazate
Distance - About 240km
Competition - Competitors carry basic supplies(food, clothes, medical kit,
rules sleeping bag….etc
Water is distributed every 10km
Participants - 1017, men and women, aged 18 up to 80 years/ from all over the
Winners - Women‘s race: Lawrence Klein (France)-
- Men‘s race Mohamed Ahansal (Morocco)
Prize ceremony - Winners received awards. Mohammed
Conclusion - Your opinion about the event Zouli
Dear school magazine readers,

It‘s with a great pleasure that I‘m writing this report about one of the greatest events
I‘ve ever attended; the 28th competition of Marathon Des Sables or The Sand Marathon
which was held from April 5 to 10 in the south of Morocco; exactly in Ouarzazate. The
aim of this Marathon is to collect money for the poor people. The distance is about
Marathon des Sables has many rules that all participants have to respect, these are:
competitors can carry only basic supplies (such as: food, clothes, medical kit, sleeping
bag…etc as for water it will be distributed every 10km. There were about 1017
competitors: men and women; aged 18 up to 80 years coming from all over the world.
There were two winners: Lawrence Klein from France winner of women’s race and
the Moroccan Mohamed Ahansal as a winner of men’s race. These two winners
received the awards in the prize ceremony.
To sum up this is one of the greatest events I‘ve attended as it was well-organised and
it‘s aim is really noble helping poor people; besides it is a great opportunity for the city to
get tourists from all over the world with all the good effects that all events like this has on
our country, I hope every one of you will have the chance to see the 29 th Marathon as it is
not to be missed next time.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Organizers : UNICEF Office in Morocco

Topic : Dropping out from school in rural areas: causes and solutions
Date : November 20th
Place : Ba Hnini Conference Hall, in Rabat
Participants : Educators, parents‘ associations, political officials
Attendance : 200 people approximately
Activities : Mini-lectures , workshops, presentations
Main Ideas : Some causes:
- poverty
- schools located far from home
Mohammed - child labour (boys needed in farm work and girls in
- Encouraging drop-out students to return to school
- Supporting poor families financially, so they can send their
children to school
- Sensitizing parents and civil society about the importance
of education
Evaluation and The seminar was fruitful, informative, well-organized , and
Reactions : successful

Title: A seminar on dropping out of school

Ba Hnini Conference Hall, in Rabat was the destination of many people from all parts
of Morocco on November the 20th. The event was a seminar organized by UNICEF
Office in Morocco. The seminar was about the urgent topic of Dropping out from
school in rural areas: causes and solutions. Participants included: Educators,
parents’ associations, political officials. Approximately 200 people attended the
meeting. The activities were varied and they included: Mini-lectures, workshops and
presentations. The participants concluded that there are three main causes of dropping
out from schools in rural areas. The first one is poverty the second one is schools
located far from home, and the third one is child labour. Also, the participants
suggested solutions to this issue. Some of these solutions are: Encouraging drop-out
students to return to school, supporting poor families financially, so they can send
their children to school and sensitizing parents and civil society about the
importance of education. In fact, the seminar was fruitful, informative, well-
organized, and successful and people who attended certainly got the best out of it.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

5-How to write a paragraph

ٍٍ‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح فقزج تشأٌ يوضوع يع‬

Topic sentence

Supporting sentences Zouli
Concluding sentence

■ The form of a paragraph:

Topic sentence
 One of the biggest problems our country suffers from these days is _________
Supporting sentences
 As a matter of fact, this issue is because of different causes that can be
concluded in what follows. First,………(1)……….. Second, ……(2)..….
Third,……(3)…. ………………..…… .Apart from that, this trouble is harmful with
reference to a variety of its negative effects. A case in point, …………(1)…….
.Besides, ………(2)…. …………..….. In addition, ……(3)….. …………………….
Therefore, serious measures should be taken into practice in order to solve this
phenomenon. For example, …… ………(1)...….. Likewise, ……(2)…… ………
Similarly, …………(3)……..……
Concluding sentence
Ultimately, from my point of view, I think that ______ is very dangerous.

One of the biggest problems our country suffers from these days is
addiction to smoking by students. As a matter of fact, this issue is because of
different causes that can be concluded in what follows. First, bad friends.
Second, absence of control by parents. Third, family problems. Apart from
that, this trouble is harmful with reference to a variety of its negative effects. A
case in point, school failure. Besides, health problems. In addition, wasting
money. Therefore, serious measures should be taken into practice in order to
solve this phenomenon. For example, sensitize people with the danger of
smoking. Likewise, prohibit smoking in public places. Ultimately, from my
point of view, I think that addiction to smoking by students is very dangerous.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Topic sentence
One of the most controversial topics in the last few years is ________
Supporting sentences
Clearly, there is too much controversy about the merits and drawbacks of
_________ From the one side, some people strongly believe that _________is very
good because of the following reasons. To begin with, ……………(1)….…….
Besides, ………(2).……. In addition, ………(3)…..…. However, from the other side,
some other people claim that__________is very bad due to different causes that can be
concluded in what follows. For instance, ………(1)….…… Likewise, ………(2)..….
Similarly, ……(3).………
In a nutshell, I can say to conclude that to be for or against is not the question,
but the question is to what extent you can defend your choice.


One of the most controversial topics in the last few years is working women.
Clearly, there is too much controversy about the merits and drawbacks of
working women. From the one side, some people strongly believe that working
women is very good because of the following reasons. To begin with, women
provide financial helps to their families. Besides, women participate in the
development of their country. In addition, women become independent and
equal to men. However, from the other side, some other people claim that
working women is very bad due to different causes that can be concluded in
what follows. For instance, the work of women causes different family
problems. Likewise, working women neglect their children and marital duties.
Similarly, the spread of girls labour because of working women. In a nutshell, I
can say to conclude that to be for or against is not the question, but the question
is to what extent you can defend your choice.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Topic sentence
________ is considered to be a very useful thing that one may benefit from these days.
Supporting sentences
Indeed, ________ proves to be of great significance thanks to its good advantages.
First, It plays an important role in………(1)…….…. ………………….Second, it plays a
paramount significant part in ………. ……………(2)……..….. Third, it has a significant role
in ……………(3)….... …………….. For instance, …………(1)… …………….… In still
another example, ………(2)………Likewise,……….…(3)….
As a conclusion, in my opinion, I think that ____________ is very beneficial.

Playing sport is considered to be a very useful thing that one may benefit
from these days. Indeed, playing sport proves to be of great significance thanks
to its good advantages. First, it plays an important role in keeping physical
fitness. Second, it plays a paramount significant part in developing mental
abilities and changing the routine. Third, it has a significant role in encouraging
communication and overcoming shyness. For instance, jogging is an effective
medicine whereby a sport-lover can develop a resistible body. In still another
example, playing chess with friends is a rewarding recreation. Likewise, playing
football is also helpful to overcome laziness and know new friends. As a
conclusion, in my opinion, I think that playing sport is very beneficial.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

6-How to write an article

ٍٍ‫كٌف تقوو تكتاتح يقانح تشأٌ يوضوع يع‬

■ The form of an article

1 Introduction

Supporting paragraph1
2 Supporting paragraph2 Zouli
3 Conclusion

In this article I am going to talk about the use of internet by students. This
topic will be taken into discussion in terms of what follows. At first, I will talk
about some positive opinions about it. Afterward, I will explain how it is
considered to be negative by others.
In fact, it is said that there is too much controversy about the advantages
and disadvantages of using internet by students. On the one hand, some people
strongly believe that using internet by students is positive. This is because of
many reasons that can be concluded in what follows. First, helping students to
acquire knowledge. Second, facilitating communication. Third, creating an
outlet for enjoyment.

However, on the other hand, other people claim that using internet by
students is negative. This is due to different causes. Among these causes the
most common ones are as follows. For instance, the problem of addiction and
wasting time. Likewise, free access to bad websites. Besides, spread of personal

In a nutshell, I can say to conclude that to be for or against is not the

question, but the question is to what extent you can defend your choice.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Humanity has witnessed a tremendous progress today because life seems

so much comfortable these days than it used to be a few centuries ago. With the
advances in technology, we can achieve many more things without making any
effort. Yet, scientific and technological development is not always that
good. Let‘s explore some examples of these and how they helped in
making our life to become better or worse than before.
Today‘s inventions are too numerous to be listed here. I can Mohammed
talk about two main technological development that have had a Zouli
great impact on our lives. Nowadays people can travel fast by land and
air, whereas only a hundred years ago they were travelling by horses, camels or
donkeys. And if we go back to ancient times, people had to travel on foot. This
progress is commonly referred to as an increase in living comforts through
scientific inventions, which have eased our lives not only physically but also
mentally. The invention of the internet is another case in point, having put
exchange of ideas and gathering of information at the fingertips of all. All this
sounds fantastic; however, we should see the other side of the coin.
Many people consider this much scientific and technological revolution
more a source of trouble than comfort. Faster travel today has increased the risk
of accident; industrialization has resulted in environmental pollution and cancer
and other diseases unheard of in the past. A significant invention like the
internet is surely a powerful river of important carrier and of information but it
is also a drain of negative influence and even dangerous addiction to some. This
invention has led to many computer freaks addicted to chatting and surfing the
net endlessly. Teenagers nowadays are becoming less and less sociable.

It is crystal clear that technological and scientific progress is a double-

edged sword, having both positive and negative effects. We can not tolerate to
return to traditional mode of life as this would be very extremist, nor can we call
for a blind dependence on technology in every aspects of our life. I believe that
there must be a moderate and rational use of these scientific discoveries and
technological tools so that we can use these for the best of human life.


Money is the one thing that people say they argue about most in marriage,
followed by children. However there are as many causes as there are cases of
divorce. In this game of revenge children become the pawns.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Many studies place money or financial problems as the cause number one.
Couples who cannot make ends meet or whose wages and salaries do not allow
them to provide for a good living find it difficult to stay wedded. This can be
worse if the wife or husband (sometimes) is too demanding. Second, infidelity is
another cause. The spouse, for example, may become too ugly. Love life, on the
other hand, may no longer be exciting because the expectations or needs of one
or both are not met. Addictions and substance abuse is cause number three for
divorce. I mean the use of drugs and alcohol. This may result in physical, sexual
or emotional abuse. Also, lack of communication between couples may be
another cause. Poor communication can bring a dramatic change in marriages.
How they argue is more important than what they argue about. Talking and
expressing one's feelings and ideas may save marriages. Mohammed
The consequences of divorce fall mostly on children. It has devastating,
long-term effect on them psychologically and emotionally. Divorce happens
at a time when kids need stability and support. Spouses, especially women,
suffer from divorce because it is often followed by a ―crisis period‖ typically
lasting for years .These crises can be emotional, economical or have to do with
parenting which results in different disorders for children.

Eventually, the main factors that make a marriage work are a combination of
the three C‘s – communication, compromise, and commitment, with a little bit
of concession.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

7-How to describe a person

‫كٍف تقوو توصف أي شخص‬
Moral description …………………………………… ‫وصف الشخصية‬
Intellectual abilities Personal traits Attitudes of people
1. Intelligent 4. calm 7. sociable
2. talented 5. hardworking 8. reliable
3. creative 6. patient 9. polite

Physical description …………………………………… ‫وصف الجسد‬

Height Weight Age Face Hair
10. tall 11. well-built 12. young 13. egg-shaped 14. black

When we describe a person, we should talk about:

■Name (Sara, Ali, Peter, Mark, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Taylor, Miss. Baker,….)
■Relationship (friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, fiancée, father, best actor…)
■Age (teenager, young, adult, middle aged, in his twenties, thirties..…)
■Height (short, tall, medium, average height….)
■Weight (slim, fat, skinny, well –built …..)
■Face (round, oval, freckled, wrinkled....) Mohammed
■Eyes (big, small, black….) Zouli
■Hair (short, long, black, straight, wavy, curly..…)
■Clothes (formal, casual, smart….)
■Personal qualities (talented, smart, vigorous, brainy, active, enthusiastic….)
■Attitudes of other people (trustworthy, reliable, honest, gorgeous, polite,..)
One of the best football players that I strongly admire is Ronaldo. This is thanks
to a number of his special criteria which will be taken into discussion in this article.
Thus, at the beginning of this article, I am going to shed the light on his moral traits.
Then, I will give some of his physical features.
On the one hand, Ronaldo is known by certain personal characteristics that make
him different to the others. Among which the most important ones are as follows. For
example, he seems to be intelligent, talented, and creative. Likewise, he is also
considered to be calm, hardworking, and patient. Meantime, some people say that he is
sociable, reliable as well as polite.
On the other hand, physically speaking, Ronaldo is loved for his physical
appearance. He is tall. He is also well-built and very young. In addition, his face is
egg-shaped but nice. His hair is black and his hair-cut is attractive.
In a nutshell, I can say to conclude that Ronaldo remains one of my preferable
football players with reference to all that I mentioned above.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Aicha my best friend is one of a kind. When she first joined our class, most
of my classmates laughed at her because she was wearing shabby clothes, but not me.
I tried to talk to her and then I found out that she was a genius, especially at Maths.
She is a very mature person; whatever the problem is she will cope with it
without panicking. She always solves the hardest mathematical problems very easily
and faster than a calculator.
She told me once that she had developed her strong ego since she dropped school
out for a year to support her poor family. During that year she focused on improving her
maths; now she‘s come back and tried her best to take advantage of this opportunity.
As a result, she is top of our school at maths.
In appearance, she is the skinniest of our class. She has wavy hair and doesn‘t care
at all for her clothes.
Whoever heard about her story, recognises that she is very special and that we
should not judge people from their appearances, but from their deeds and achievements.


Someone I admire is my friend Sara. We have known each other for 12 years.
We met when we were students at Salam primary school. Sara is two years older than
me. She is nineteen years old now and she lives in Casablanca. She studies physics at
Hassan II University.
Sara is a very attractive girl. She is tall and slim. She has got long black straight
hair and tanned oval face with big green eyes. Sara is crazy about fashion. She always
wears smart clothes like jeans, skirts, t-shirts.. She is a very talented girl. She is
excellent in languages because she can speak four languages fluently. Besides, she
likes mathematics and she can solve any mathematical equation easily. She is also a
good photographer and has taken lots of amazing photographs of herself and her
All People who know her agree that she is a brainy girl. She is a cheerful,
optimistic, and social person. She has lots of friends and loves to help others. All these
characteristics made me love and respect Sara.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

8-How to describe a place

ٍٍ‫كٍف تقوو توصف يكاٌ يع‬

When we describe a place, we should talk about:

Name of the place (Marrakesh, Paris, London, Ourika, Ouzoud….) Zouli
Geographical location (in the West, East, North, South..)
The weather (cold, hot, rainy, cloudy, clear, windy, warm, freezing…)
People (friendly, funny, generous, honest, modest, grateful, ……)
Historical monuments (charming, lively, touristic, bustling, amazing, ancient, lov….)
Food (delicious, spicy, tasty, yummy, sweet, ….)
Suburbs (peaceful, wild, clean, noisy, over populated, polluted,…..)

I‘ve lived in Khénifra most of my life and it has never lost its unique charm in my
eyes. Although it is small and lacks a lot of facilities and infrastructure I prefer it to
other places. Khénifra is a small city in the middle Atlas in the south east of Morocco
One reason why I prefer Khénifra it is climate. In Khénifra the weather is often mild
and temperate. It is not very cold in winter and not very hot in the summer. It is a
salubrious weather and protects me from allergies and some other illnesses that I may
catch in coastal or big cities.
Another reason to prefer Khénifra is its size. It is a small city with less stressful
traffic jam. This means also fewer fumes and less car noise. There are almost no
factories either. This makes the city cleaner than the big metropolitan ones. Living in a
small city, as well, allows me to know most people here and be known. However, in big
cities people suffer from loneliness and solitude.
The third reason why I like this city is its rural feel. Most people here are simple
peasants. I like their condor, innocence, and simplicity as well as their straightforward
character. The peasant nature of the city, too, allows me to be in contact with nature
and live the four seasons and missing none.
My last, but not least, reason for preferring Khénifra over other cities is language.
People speak Berber, a language I speak poorly. I understand it well and try my best to
master it because it‘s part of Moroccan culture and we do not have to neglect it.
My final opinion, though, is that I like Khénifra because of all the reasons stated earlier
but one day I‘ll have to experience life in other bigger cities, here or abroad. Then I‘ll
be in a better position to compare and judge.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

My favourite place which is most important to me is my countryside house. I

have a very bright impressions and memories related with it. That is the place where I
have grown up, where I met my friends and where I have spent almost all my life.

It is a big house with a yard. It is located in countryside near my home city. It is

about 30 kilometres away towards my home city. A lovely lake is situated not far from
this house. In summer there are a lot of flowers which make the outlook beautiful. In
the backyard there are place, where I love to spend time, lying in hammock and
dreaming under the tree.
Inside the house there are kitchen, big living room, where you can invite guests,
friends and chat with them, watch TV and relax. Next to the living room there are
rooms, which are always sunlit during daytime, so you wake up with a very good mood
in the morning.
The house has a very homely atmosphere; I will always like this place, because I
have many good, pleasant memories and feelings about it.

If you visit my town, you must go to the Five Ways Hotel. It‘s in the
centre of the town and it is one of the oldest and most interesting buildings in the
area. It is also famous all over the country for its restaurant, where they serve
traditional food cooked in the original style.

The Five Ways is a small building, but you can‘t miss it. The walls are
covered with lovely climbing plants and the tiny windows make the rooms quite
dark. It feels very safe and secure! It was built hundreds of years ago, when
people who were travelling to London stopped here for food and rest. It was
very popular because of the five roads that met there.

Today, the small rooms have newer furniture and the kitchen has the latest
equipment, but the walls are original and you can walk on the same floors as
people did centuries ago.

For me, this is an amazing place. I recommend a visit to everyone

interested in history and good food.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

9-How to describe an event

ٍٍ‫كٍف تقوو توصف حذث يع‬

The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or thing in such vivid detail
that the reader can easily form a precise mental picture of what is being written about.
INTRODUCTION : From general to specific
PARAGRAPH 1: We describe what we see: sight
PARAGRAPH 2: We describe what we hear: Sound
PARAGRAPH 3: We describe what we smell: Smelling
PARAGRAPH 4: We describe what we taste: Taste Zouli
PARAGRAPH 5: We describe what we touch: Feeling

Describe a school experience which has really marked you.

Among of the best souvenirs in life are school experiences which remain engraved in our
memory for the rest of our lives. They symbolize innocence, spontaneity, and adventure. This
is one of the unforgettable experiences I had when I was in my final year in primary school.
When I got to school, I could see crowds of students scattered in front the school entrance
which looked clean, and some students were accompanied by their parents. There was a big
board inside the school yard where the lists of the examinees were written. The teachers were
grouped in front of the headmaster office, and were dressed formally.
I could hear the sounds of the teachers and the headmaster slamming his office door
several times. The students were mostly silent not as usual probably because of the fear of the
exam. I could hear a father advising his son what to do and what not to do, but his son did not
seem to hear him. He was certainly absorbed in the exam, and was just nodding or shaking his
head to answer his father.
When we came into the classrooms, I could smell different perfume the teachers and
students were wearing. When our teacher handed the exam papers out, I could not believe my
eyes when one of the students folded his exam paper and put it in his school bag. As soon the
bell rang, he rushed out looking very happy as though he had done well in the exam. I was
really astonished and bewildered.
It was the break and students were eating the food they had brought with them. I wasn’t
hungry, so I just tasted the sandwich my mother had prepared for me. I didn’t enjoy eating
the food because I was thinking about the second examination.
When we finished exam and I left, my parents were waiting for me at the school entrance.
They asked me how I took my exam, and to my surprise the classmate who put the exam
paper in his pocket came running happily towards me. He took out his exam papers which
were blank with no answers on them. He was caressing them with his fingers as if he had been
feeling a cat’s fur, and told me that he had been looking forward to such an opportunity to own
a typed paper even if it cost him to fail an exam.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

The sky was pitch black, the house was creaking, and I still had four hours until my
parents got home. Locked in my parents‘ room, I turned on the TV full blast so I
wouldn‘t hear the creaking house.

I barely heard the phone ring. I picked it up and said, ―Hello … hello …?‖ but there
was no response. I knew someone was on the other end. Finally, I hung up. A minute
later, the phone rang again; still no one was there. I became more frightened as time
passed; the same ¬person called five more times.
At this point I didn‘t bother picking up, but the ringing continued.
To get my mind off this prank caller, I called my friend. She told me Zouli
not to worry and to turn the phone off. As we talked, I heard someone
pull into the driveway. When I peeked out the window, I saw an unfamiliar car.
Thirty minutes passed and the car was still in my driveway. It drove up and down the
drive as if aware I was watching. My friend told me to call the cops, but I refused.

Soon the phone calls started again. I heard noises in the background, but I couldn‘t
tell what they were. I really didn‘t want that person to get out of the car and start
toward the house. If they did, I didn‘t know what I‘d do. None of the doors were
locked, and I would have no way of protecting myself. The only thing I could do was
hide, which wasn‘t a very good plan.

At this point I was considering calling the cops, but my friend offered to drive by.
―Maybe if they see me pull in, they will leave,‖ she suggested. By the time she arrived,
the car had left. The phone rang again and I picked up, thinking it might be my friend.
Someone on the other end said ―Bye-bye.‖

At that point I wasn‘t as scared as curious. Since then I have not stayed home alone
and I probably never will.


A weeding ceremony I participated in

Each country or region has its unique culture, traditions, rituals and ceremonies that
distinguish one country from another and sometimes within the same country but
different regions. The Moroccan wedding ceremony is special, rich and is deeply rooted
in the culture of its people. The wedding ceremony I attended in my hometown last
weekend was not an exception.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

The ceremony took place in a very large farm in the countryside of my home city.
The farm was excellently furnished and nicely decorated. It included embroidered
couches, nice sofas, and comfortable upscale furniture. There were large set tables
surrounded by ten chairs each. The light from chandeliers above added to the beauty of
the atmosphere. The waiters in their white shirts and black slacks and bowties were
extremely attentive, very courteous, and friendly. At 9 o‘clock, the guests started
entering the house. They were dressed up to the finest. Men were wearing their most
expensive and most beautiful attires. Most women dressed up to the nines. They were
wearing gorgeous Kaftans or Takchitas or Djellabas – all Moroccan traditional robes.
Suddenly the sound of drums and trumpets and the ecstatic singing filled the air. The
guests stood up and craned their necks to see the entering bride.
Many began to dance to the tone of the music of the orchestra. The Mohammed
bride and the groom greeted the audience with smiles and hand Zouli
gestures. Dressed in her Moroccan wedding gown of brightly coloured
silk and embroidered with gold, the bride hand in hand with her husband walked in
slowly followed by three women. The latter are in charge of beautifying the bride and
changing her into various traditional outfits. They had adorned her with heavy
jewellery and darkened her eyes with kohl. Her hands and feet had also been painted
with the henna the night before by a special artist who had used intricate floral and
geometric design in the presence of friends and relatives.
After the bride and the groom had sat on their throne facing the guests, the waiters
served them milk and dates. The orchestra sang all kinds of Moroccan pop songs. From
time to time the bride and groom would go out to change their attire. They wore clothes
that represented each region of Morocco: Fassi, Sussi, and Rabati clothes. Whenever
they changed clothes the band would sing the songs of that region. Midnight was time
for dinner. They served various sumptuous dishes. There were more than three
At 4 o'clock, the band was still playing. Then, the waiters served tea and cakes. It was
a breakfast for me. I wished the new couple good luck and a blissful marital life. I was
sleep-deprived and tired. So, I left. Taking the echoes of the music and memories of the
ceremony were engraved as I liked it so much.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

10-How to write a narrative Essay/ Story

‫ قصح‬/ً‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح َص حكائً روائ‬

Definition and strategies:

In brief, it‘s an essay in which you tell a story. Most of the time, it‘s an event or
an experience in your life. What you have to do is just use your memory and try to remember
and share all the details of the story with your reader.
The best technique is to think small and then make it bigger and bigger. You
should build your writing gradually, step by step, detail after detail until it is complete.
Don‘t forget to use colourful adjectives and detailed sentences to make your story exciting
to your reader.
■Characters: Use only two main characters Try developing characters you enjoy writing about
in advance. Plan: setting the scene, introducing the characters, what the problem is
■Setting (Time and Place): Let your reader know about how the setting changes during the
story. It might be a dark, gloomy night in your mind
■Direct Speech: eg." Would you like to come too?" asked Jenny
■Sentences: Use a variety of sentence lengths. Longer sentences can carry description and
short snappy sentences can help with action. Try not to repeat the same words Find another
way of writing what you want to say. Find a really punchy sentence to end your story with.
The reader remembers the last sentence more that the rest of the story!
A sample of story writing Zouli

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his Feet. He held up a
sign which said: «I‘m blind, please help".
A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the
hat. He then took the sign, turned it around and wrote some words. He put the sign back
so that, everyone who walked by, would see the new words, soon the hat began to fill
A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy, that afternoon the man
who changed the sign came to see how things were the boy recognized, his foot steps
and asked:" were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you
write?" this man said: " I only wrote the truth, I said what you said but in a different
What he had written was, ' Today is a beautiful day and I can't see it'
Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind , but the first sign simply said
the boy was blind , the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not
blind . Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?
The moral of this story: Be thankful for what you have. Be Creative. Be

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Think differently and positively. Invite others towards good with wisdom, live life with
no excuse and love with no regrets, when life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life
that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret, Handle your Present
with Confidence, Prepare for the future without Fear Keep the faith and drop the fear,
Great men say:" Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of
discarding evil and developing goodness...
In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear you must have the ticked
of a good conscience». The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling ... And even
more beautifies knowing that you are the reason behind it.

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Personal Narrative Essay Zouli
I‘ll never forget the time I was mean to my best friend, Leila.
Leila is nice and smart and fun to be around. But she is also quiet and
she dresses differently from other kids.
It all began when a girl named Zakia said that she was having a slumber
party. She told me I could come only if I ignored Leila for the entire week. I
really wanted to go to the party, so I agreed. I didn‘t talk to Leila. I didn‘t eat
lunch with her. I didn‘t walk to school with her. I pretended she didn‘t exist.
One day, Zakia and I found Leila in the bathroom crying. Zakia laughed at
her. At recess she told everyone in school that Leila was a big cry-baby. Later, I
went to Leila‘s house to say I was sorry. Soon we were talking and laughing
like old times. But the next day at school, I ignored Leila again.

Finally, it was the day of the slumber party. My mom drove me to Zakia‘s
house. I rang the doorbell, but no one answered. Then I heard laughing and saw
all the girls pointing at me. The slumber party had been one big trick.

That‘s when I realized that being Zakia‘s friend meant being mean. I didn‘t
want to be mean. I just wanted my best friend back. It took a long time for Leila
to forgive me. I‘m glad that she did. Having a best friend who is nice and caring
is better than having a bunch of friends who are mean.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

It was my second day on the job. I was sitting in my seemingly gilded cubicle,
overlooking huge centre in front, and pinching my right arm to make sure it was real. I
landed an internship at West East Traveler. Every aspiring writer I‘ve ever known
secretly dreamt of an Anthony Bourdain lifestyle. Travel the world and write about its
most colourful pockets.
When my phone rang, and it was Mom telling me Dad had a heart attack. He didn‘t
make it. I felt as though the perfectly carpeted floors had dropped out from under me.
Now that I‘ve come out the other side, I realise Dad left me with a hefty stack of
teachings. Here are three ideals I know he would have liked for me to embrace.
First, you have to stand on your own two feet. As much as our parents love and
support us, they can‘t go to our school and confess to the principal that we stole a candy
bar from Sara. We have to do that. Neither can they walk into the West East office and
nail a job interview for us. At some point, we have to put on our ―big girl pants‖ and be
brave, even if we‘re not.
Also, there‘s a difference between love and co-dependence. Being grateful to have
someone to turn to for love and support is not the same as needing someone to turn to
for love and support. With the loss of my father, I‘ve also lost my sounding board. All I
can glean from that is it‘s time to look within myself and make proper assessments. If I
can‘t make sound decisions with the tools already in my kit, then I risk falling for
Finally, memories are, perhaps, the only item that cannot be taken away from us.
Will I miss my father? Every single day. What can I do in those times? I can open up
our suitcase of memories, pick out my favourite one, and dream about it, talk about it, or
write about it. Maybe I can‘t pick up the phone and call him anymore, but that doesn‘t
mean he‘s gone.

Next week, I‘m off to Istanbul to explore their art scene. As soon as I read the email
from my editor, I picked up my phone to call Dad. Then, I realised he‘ll never answer
my calls again. I fought back the tears, got up to make a cup of peppermint tea, and
added a new note to my iPhone titled, ―Istanbul Packing List.‖

In the end, life goes on. I‘m not sure why he had to leave during the single most
poignant chapter in my life. So, I won‘t dwell on that. Instead, I‘ll hold tightly to these
three ideals and write about Karaköy in Istanbul‘s Beyoğlu district. Dad will be with me
every step of the way.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

11-How to write about cause and effect

‫كٍف تقوو تانكتاتح تشأٌ انسثة و انُتٍجح‬

 INTRODUCTION: From general to specific

 PARAGRAPH 1: CAUSE 1 and its effects
 PARAGRAPH 2: CAUSE 2 and its effects Zouli
 PARAGRAPH 3: CAUSE 3 and its effects
 CONCLUSION: We sum up the points discussed in paragraph 1, 2,
and 3 and we give our point of view.
Why do children drop out of school?
Education ameliorates people‘s lives, enhances their self-esteem, their ability to
learn new things which will help them expand their knowledge, and the ability to cope
with the majority of the society. It makes them self-confident and informed populace
that can understand issues, represent themselves, and take responsibility. However, a
lot of children are deprived from this fundamental right by dropping out of school due
to several reasons.
The distance which separate school from home can be a cause for refraining from
school. Children have to cover more than 10 kilometres four times a day get to school
and can‘t afford buying a bike which can facilitate the remoteness. Besides, in bad
weather conditions, the roads get muddy and the temperature gets below zero, but they
lack the necessary winter tools. Furthermore, when rivers flood, they get cut off from
school for several days.
Poverty can push students for giving up studying since school fees are pricey. As
parents don‘t have enough money to buy school things which have become costly
nowadays, they make their children leave school. Especially when they have a lot of
children and they not only have to buy school books but clothes as well. The beginning
of the school year costs parents an arm and leg and because of scarcity they prefer to
keep their children at home.
Family problems can also be an obstacle for children to drop out of school. Parents‘
misunderstandings can affect children‘s schooling. For instance, when children see
their mothers being beaten or scolded by their or parents, alcoholism, or drug-addiction.
Finally, divorce often is of the major causes for ending up children‘s literacy.
Remoteness from school, poverty, and family problems are among the reasons why
students drop out of school. Consequently, we should collaborate together so as to help
these children benefit from their basic rights and become productive citizens.

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Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Causes and effects of pollution

Modern World suffers many headaches: Wars, famines, earthquakes, droughts,
pollutions to name only a few. Pollution which is a cause to other problems has a litany
of causes which seem unlikely to be beaten in the near future.
Human beings are the first to blame for pollution. It is their cars that emit the fumes
that pollute the air. It is their factories that release the harmful elements in the
atmosphere (lead, dioxin, toxin…..) It is human beings who throw rubbish, sewage, oil
etc into the waters (rivers and seas). It is humans who cut down millions of trees which
produce oxygen and medicine for us. It is us, people, who are responsible for wars that
destroy life on land, air and sea and leave poisonous nuclear substances to kill living
things for thousands of years to come.
This pollution is responsible for numerous lethal diseases and makes people
vulnerable to others such as asthma, allergies, and all chest illnesses. It is also the cause
of erosions, droughts, global warming, ozone layer hole, and the worst is yet to come.
To save what is left we have to act quickly, swiftly and altogether. A detailed
research is necessary to establish what actions should be taken to properly fight and face
pollution. However, education is the key to protecting our environment.
From my viewpoint, people have to be educated into the harmful effects of pollution
at schools, through campaigns, and advertisement on the media to sensitise everyone
and make them aware of the dangers of pollution .Also, encouragement should be used
as well as punishment.
Causes and effects of texting
I want to explain the effects of too much texting on people my age. It is important to
understand these effects because texting can affect many different par ts of our lives.
TS One effect is that texting can lead to bad grades. For example, some kids my age try
to text during class or while they are doing their homework. When this happens,
they are not paying attention or learning. They are only thinking about the messages that
friends might send them.
TS In addition, texting can have a bad effect on our health. Some people my age text so
much, they injure their thumbs and need serious medical help. Also, some people text
late into the night. When they don‘t get enough sleep, they can become run-down or
even sick.
One other effect of texting is on our social lives. Texting is great because it keeps
people connected. But it can also lead to rudeness. Instead of talking to the people we‘re
with, we ignore them in order to text others. Sometimes, it seems like we have forgotten
how to talk!
Now that you understand the effects of texting, you can see that it can really lead to
problems. It is a great way to communicate. However, people should not text too much
because it can be a distraction and it can cause physical pain.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

12-How to write for comparison and contrast

‫كٍف تقوو تانكتاتح يٍ اجم انًقارَح‬
1. Paragraph I: Introduction Zouli
2. Paragraph II: Similarities
3. Paragraph III:Differences
4. Paragraph IV: Conclusion: Summarise the points discussed
and give your opinion (all in all, in conclusion, in other words, in
short, in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to sum up)

Compare the role of women in the past and now.

No one can deny that the role of the woman is of capital paramount in the family as
well as in the society. If the role of women in the past was limited only to bearing and
rearing children and staying at home to do domestically work; nowadays women have
joined men in their outside work. We see them as soldiers, policewomen, pilots, even as
political leaders negotiating over tough topics. In brief, the role of women has
improved enormously.
Women used to bring up the children and do the housework like cooking, cleaning,
and laundry manually. Similarly, today the housework is a task of the woman but with
the assistance of domestic gadgets, such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dish
washers, electric beaters, etc. If women were totally forbidden from going out except to
go to the public bath or visit their families. In the same manner, women today can go
out just to do the shopping, call in their families, or go to the steam bath.
On the other hand women, especially in developed countries are empowered and
play a significant role in the development of the society. Whereas, in the past women
were considered as enemies of men and if given more power, they would threaten
men‘s authority and leadership. A woman should not rise her voice, or protest. She had
to obey the man‘s orders. Today, women found associations to defend their rights
nationally and internationally.
To sum up, if the role of women was very limited in the past, nowadays women are
given more and more importance thanks to their struggling and unification. Besides,
people have started to understand that we cannot achieve any development without a
real participation of women.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

This essay compares and contrasts two subjects by telling about one subject first,
and then the other.
The Harry Potter books and the movies have both been amazingly popular. Fans
line up for hours to be the first ones to read or see them. However, the books and the
movies have their own strengths, and each does things the other can‘t.
In the books, we get to know the characters better. Each student and teacher and
villain is described in detail. For example, Hagrid is a giant with a ―shaggy mane of
hair and a wild beard‖ and eyes like ―black beetles.‖ But he‘s gentle and has a soft spot
for animals.
In addition, the plot in each book is very detailed. We get the history of Harry and
the villain Voldemort. Journals and the Pensieve show what happened in the past
and provide clues about the future.
In the movies, you don‘t get as much detail. On the other hand, it‘s wonderful to see
the characters and settings come to life. Hogwarts looks amazing. Diagon Alley and
Gringotts look better than I ever imagined them. Plus, watching a Quidditch match take
place is really exciting! The Harry Potter books and movies are both wonderful.
They just offer different things. Fans of the series will enjoy both the books and the
movies for different reasons.
Recently, air pollution became a serious environmental problem not only
in Morocco but all over the world. There are many causes to this issue. The first
cause is means of transportation like cars, buses, and tracks that produce too
much smoke in the air. The second one is industrial factories.
A lot of businessmen set up their projects in big cities and as a result they
pollute the air. Another cause, which is more important, is rubbish. A great
number of people throw garbage in public places.
This environmental issue has some consequences like health diseases. Many
people suffer from asthma, breathing difficulties, global warming and extinction
of some animals.
To put an end to this problem, people should use bikes or public vehicles at
least at the weekends, factories ought to be built outside the cities and rubbish
should be thrown in specific places, and last but not least, associations should
sensitize people to the negative consequences of this phenomenon.
In conclusion, I think that all citizens suffer from this problem especially
those who live in the cities. So, let‘s all work hard hand-in-hand to eradicate this
problem or at least reduce from its danger.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

13-How to write about advantages and disadvantages

‫كٍف تقوو تانكتاتح تشأٌ انًُافع و انًساوئ‬

Form of an essay on advantages and disadvantages:

Sentence 1- Paraphrase question
Sentence 2- Outline sentence
Supporting Paragraph 1 (Advantages)
Sentence 3- Topic sentence (Advantage 1)
Sentence 4- Explain how this is an advantage
Sentence 5- Example
Supporting Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages)
Sentence 6- Topic sentence (Disadvantage 1)
Sentence 7- Explain how this is a disadvantage
Sentence 8- Example Mohammed
Conclusion Zouli
Sentence 9- Summary of main points

Advantages and disadvantages of tourism

Nowadays tourism generates a significant portion of national income for many

countries, but it has certain drawbacks too. This essay will examine the advantages and
disadvantages of tourism and provide a logical conclusion.
The two main advantages of developed tourism industry are boost in country‘s
economy and a large number of new job openings for the local people. Firstly, tourists
spend money on a wide range of services, including hotels, amusements, transportation,
food and medical services. This way, tourism yields an additional income, greatly
supporting the country‘s economy. Secondly, tourism increases the level of employment
by bringing new jobs. For instance, the influx of tourists results in a larger demand in
restaurant workers, tour guides, hotel staff and employees of retail services, exhorting
business owners to hire more people for these positions.
But tourism also has some major disadvantages like destruction of popular tourist
destinations and development of illegal economic activities. Ancient buildings, temples
and monuments struggle to cope with a vast amount of visitor‘s traffic and get damaged.
Also, the large number of tourists can cause environmental problems. For instance,
when places of interest are overcrowded, natural resources often become overexploited.
What‘s more, the presence of a considerable number of tourists with a lot of money to
spend, and often carrying valuables such as cameras and jewellery, increases the
attraction for criminals and brings with it activities like robbery and drug dealing.
However, proper hospitality management and correct usage of tourism revenue by the
local government can eliminate these disadvantages.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

To conclude, although tourism can have certain negative effects like destructive
impact and growth of crime rate, it has an extremely positive influence on country‘s
economy and provides a large number of new jobs for the local people. I believe that
these benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks.


Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between

finishing high school and starting university studies.

Before embarking on college many young people are advised that a year working or
travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that saving money is the
biggest advantage of this and a reduced motivation to study is the primary disadvantage.
Third level education is very expensive and lots of students decide to work for 12
months and save up money before they begin their studies. This allows them to pay for
their living costs, tuition fees and accommodation and focus on their studies, rather than
struggle financially or have to get a part time job on top of their academic work. The
Times recently reported that the average student at a UK university requires over
$12,000 per annum just to survive and many drop out because they cannot afford to
Despite these advantages, many students often get used to working or travelling and
don‘t want to return to a life of study after a year off. This short term view can cause
some to bypass university altogether and go straight into a job that is beneath their
capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their future career might have done. For
instance, a recent survey by the British Government found that 26% of students who
take a gap-year never enter tertiary education.
In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows people
to gather up savings, however, they should also be careful that it does not lead to
disillusionment with education altogether.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Computers are becoming an essential part of education.


Information technology is becoming a ubiquitous part of learning. This essay will

show that this is a welcome development and can enhance educational practice. It will
first suggest that the instant availability of huge amounts of information is the primary
advantage, followed by a discussion of how it can sometimes lead to plagiarism.
The main benefit computers bring to learners is easy access to vast amounts
resources. Learners were once limited to the books they had and the knowledge of their
teacher, now they can learn about anything they choose at the touch of a button. Google
is a prime example, because it allows people to easily search for whatever they are
looking for quickly and accurately.
One possible drawback is that using the internet to complete academic work can
sometimes lead to pupils copying articles from the internet. As a result, students do not
have to think about their tasks and learn very little. The Sunday Times recently reported
that 72% of college graduates in the UK admitted to copying and pasting Wikipedia
articles at least once.
Overall, it is a very positive development because most students will take advantage
of the power of the information superhighway to enhance their studies, rather than using
it to cheat. For example, in 2005 Cambridge University found that students who
regularly used a computer were 26% more likely to get a first-class degree than those
who did not.
In conclusion, the web has provided a gateway to knowledge unlike anything seen
before and although it can sometimes lead to a few taking the easy route and
plagiarising, it is a very positive step in the evolution of education.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

14-How to write on persuasion

‫كٍف تقوو تانكتاتح االقُاعٍح‬

Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, utilizes logic

and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It
attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take
a particular action. The argument must always use sound reasoning and
solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using
examples, and quoting experts.
The form: Mohammed
The introduction: tells the writer‘s opinion.
Supporting reasons: support the opinion. The most important reason is first.
Examples and details: explain and support the reasons.
Connecting words: linking the sentences, phrases and words help us link ideas.
The concluding paragraph: states how some people may have a different opinion. It
then shows why people should agree with the writer‘s opinion.
Should Women Serve in the Army?
The 21st century can be fairly called an age of proclaimed equality of genders. Today, one
can count much less occupations that remain solely masculine – women are constantly
conquering new positions and prove that they are also capable of participating in severe
activities. This refers particularly to war actions. 50 years ago an idea that a woman can serve in
the army would seem ridiculous; today it is a reality. However, is such advancement
reasonable? Though women have successfully proved that they can doubtfully be called a weak
gender, war is one of those occupations that women should never take part in, since it results
into a series of negative consequences.
Nature has made women physically weaker and less durable than man. No matter how
angry feminists can get about such statements, a woman, even a trained one, can hardly match a
man in physical strength. Therefore, if women would be allowed to serve in the army, they
would either need to match with the already existing training standards, or the standards
themselves should have been lowered. Officials from the West Point Academy inform that after
women were allowed to serve in military, men are no longer required to run carrying heavy
weapons, which was considered a norm before (Fire & Knowledge). And this is not just a
single example. As a result, the army‘s fighting capability lowers.
Perhaps, future armies will count as many women as men, but today women represent a
minority in the military. Thus, having one woman placed in a whole squad of men is not rare.
Being surrounded by men is psychologically awkward for women; besides, chances of sexual
harassment increase dramatically, despite all of the discipline of the army (Suite 101). Women
negatively affect discipline in a male environment, thus reducing the army‘s combatant value.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Serving in the army today is solely a masculine occupation, and it should remain such
further. Women in the army will decrease its fighting efficiency, since training standards will
inevitably be lowered. Excessive physical exercises can seriously damage women‘s health.
Finally, women in the army are not numerous, therefore they will most likely suffer from sexual
harassment and negatively affect discipline.
Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that
medicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to people who
cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an
even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that
healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis.
Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective
and scientifically proven. They say that there is no need for spiritual methods such as Reiki,
Yoga, Tai Chi. These waste our time, something which is quite precious in our material world.
There is medicine that can kill our pain, x-rays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that
scans our brain for tumours. We must admit that these methods are very effective in the
examples that they provide. However, there are some ―every day complaints‖ such as back
pains, headaches, insomnia, which are treated currently with medicine. When you have a
headache, you take an Aspirin, or Vermidon, when you cannot sleep, you take Xanax without
thinking of the side effects of these. When you use these pills for a long period, you become
addicted to them; you cannot sleep without them. We pay huge amounts of money and become
addicted instead of getting better. How about a safer and more economical way of healing?
Opponents of alternative healing methods also claim that serious illnesses such as
HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs. They think so because these patients
spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine. How can Reiki make these people
healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their
hair because of chemotherapy, losing weight because of the side effects of the medicine they
take. Actually, it is common knowledge that except for when the cancer is diagnosed at an early
stage, drugs also cannot treat AIDS or cancer. Most of the medicine these patients use are to
ease their pain and their sufferings because of the medical treatment they undergo. Instead of
drugs which are expensive and have many side effects, you can use your energy to overcome
the hardships of life, find an emotional balance, leave the stress of everyday life and let go of
the everyday worries. Most of the chronic conditions such as eczema or migraine are known to
have causes such as poor diet and stress. Deep-rooted anger or other strong emotions can
contribute to viral infections as well. Since balancing our emotions and controlling our thoughts
are very important for our well-being, we should definitely start learning Reiki and avoid
illnesses before it is too late.
Some people may still maintain that in our material world, everything depends on time. It
is even ―lacking time‖ that causes much of the stress that leads to the illnesses we mentioned.
How would it be possible to find time to do Reiki to ourselves and the people around us when
we cannot even find time to go to the theater? This is one good thing about Reiki; it does not

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

require more than 15 minutes of our time. There is no need for changing clothes or special
equipment. It is a wonderfully simple healing art, an effective method of relaxation and stress-
relief. Most important of all, it is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time
we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as
Having said these, resistance to Reiki would be quite illogical. Reiki is natural and drug-
free. What is more, it is easy to learn by anyone, regardless of age and experience. It can be
used anywhere, anytime. It also enhances physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
and the benefits last a lifetime. It is definitely high time to get away from the drug boxes we
store in our drug cabinet!
Technology is the application of science for economic, social, commercial, or practical
purposes. It has certainly changed our ways of life both positively and negatively. So, I believe
that technology has some drawbacks in addition to its many advantages, too.
On the one hand, technology has many advantages. To begin with, it‘s making our lives
easier and a lot more comfortable. In other words, people save more time and effort with the
use of technology. For example, machines and robots can perform all of our hard tasks perfectly
and in no time. Also, great inventions, like the telephone, computers, the television, the cell-
phone, and the internet have made communication easier and better. Additionally, findings have
shown the positive effect of technology on our economic growth. Nowadays, 70% of world
businesses rely on technology to improve the quality of their products or services. Moreover,
the various technological advances in transportation have turned our world into a small village.
This has led to effective interaction between people from different places and cultures. In fact,
with all these advantages, technology has brought about many positive changes to our every-
day lives.
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to technology. First, people are becoming
more and more over-dependent on technology. Second, machines are replacing humans in
factories. Consequently, more people are losing their jobs to automation, which has led to a
rapid increase in unemployment rates, especially among young people. Also, because of the
incredible breakthroughs in entertainment industry, people have become less active. That‘s to
say, they exercise less and spend more too much time sitting before their TV sets, others before
their computers surfing the internet or playing video games. Additionally, the technological
advancements in chemical industry can be the source of many modern dangerous diseases, like
cancer, HIV, and H1N1. What‘s more, internet addiction is one of the negative outcomes of
modern technology. In fact, technology can be a harmful and destructive tool sometimes.
To sum up, technology has become an essential part of our life. However, it‘s a double-
edged sword that can change our lives to the better or to the worst. So, it‘s entirely up to us to
use it either wisely, or foolishly.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

15-How to write an expository essay

‫كٍف تقوو تانكتاتح يقال تفسٍزي‬

When writing your expository essay, follow these eight basic steps:
 Select a topic:
Be sure the topic is narrow enough to make it manageable within the space of an essay
 Write a thesis sentence:
Be sure the thesis statement(or sentence) expresses a controlling idea that is
neither too broad nor too specific to be developed effectively
 Select a method of development: Mohammed
Check through all the methods before you finally settle on the one Zouli
which will best serve your thesis:
definition | example | compare and contrast | cause and effect |
classification | process analysis
 Organize the essay:
Begin by listing the major divisions which the body paragraphs in your essay will discuss;
then fill in the primary supports that each body paragraph of the essay will contain
 Write topic sentences for the body paragraphs of the essay:
For each body paragraph, furnish a topic sentence that directly relates to the thesis sentence
 Write the body paragraphs of the essay:
Each body paragraph should develop the primary support covered in that paragraph's topic
 Furnish a paragraph of introduction:
An introductory paragraph should state the thesis of the essay, introduce the divisions in the
body paragraphs of the essay, and gain the interest of the reader
 Write a paragraph of conclusion:
-Restate the thesis and divisions of the essay
-Bring the essay to an appropriate and effective close
-Avoid digressing into new issues

Brain drain or human capital flight is one of the serious problems which the thirds
world countries suffer from for many years. This phenomenon means the emigration of
professionals and talented people from their original country to other places for many
reasons. So, in this article I will outline the reasons which make these skilled people leave
their country. I will also talk about some of its effects on the developing countries.
First, there are a lot of reasons which make people leave their country to developed
countries. Many of them emigrate so as to change their living situation. Many of these
professionals are suffering from lack of opportunities and weak salaries in their native
countries. In the host countries, however, there are many appealing jobs and opportunities.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

So many other skilled people emigrate because in their countries they can‘t find research
opportunities and funding. So they decide to leave their country
to places where they can get money for their research. Many people in developing countries
have suffered from conflicts, segregation or violence in their countries. They are, therefore,
obliged to leave to other more secure places. This is, for example, what has happened
recently in Iraq. Many Iraqi scientists have left their countries to the West in order to secure
a peaceful and better future for their children.
Secondly, brain drain has some negative effects on the countries where the migrants
emigrate from. For example, lack of professionals, skills and smart people leads to
underdevelopment in many domains. The emigration of doctors, for example, creates many
problems in the domain of health. Without doctors we will not be able to control the
spreading diseases in our country. Lack of engineers also will cause many problems in the
industrial and economic domains; we will therefore rely on importing skills from foreign
In sum, brain drain is a huge problem. Our government has to take measures in order
to limit this bad migration. Some people, however, believe that brain drain might have
positive effects. These people argue that those emigrants may help their countries by their
skills, knowledge and expertise.

The Influences of Culture and Environment

It is a commonly observed fact that the environment, as well as culture, has a
significant influence on the lives of individuals all over the world. People are born, grow up
and die in specific surroundings, which shape out their outlook, resulting in a certain life
style, behaviour and standards.
People‘s attitude towards life and the pathway their life takes, is affected by various
factors. Among them, a family, culture, religion, the place where they grow up, their friends,
can be mentioned. Thus, the family influences the place where children grow up and what
kind of people they communicate with, while maturing. Besides, this affects what food they
eat and the external effects to which they are exposed. To a large extent it determines the
pathway they take through life, both while living with their family, and as they grow up and
leave the family home.
Many specialists talk about the enduring effects of socio-economic circumstances.
According to recent research, children born in poor families are more likely to experience
financial issues, as adults, than those who were born in wealthier families (Harper et al.,
2003). Poor children are also more likely to be less healthy and suffer from various diseases,

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

than their richer counterparts. Research also shows, that even the premature death of adults,
can be connected to the socio-economic circumstances of one‘s childhood, as well. Children,
born in poor households, tended to suffer from premature death more often, than those who
were raised in wealthier conditions (Davey-Smith, 2004). Therefore, the environment, in
which children grow up, has a great influence on their outlook and the pathway their life
may take, through childhood, and into adulthood.
It is also important to consider the cultural context when talking about impacts, and
effects, on lives. A variety of cultural norms and demands, existing in countries all over the
world, affects individuals in various ways. Stated succinctly, cultural influences on
individuals are very specific to the country in which the individual grows up. For example,
an Arabic child will be influenced culturally in a totally different manner than an American
child, and will possess a different psychological makeup, values, behavioural norms, and so
on. Moreover, these influences will most likely determine what children do, how they
interact with others, and how they feel about other cultures. Cultural context shapes their
world view and the way they perceive themselves, and their environment – their family,
community and society.
Therefore, it can be stated that grown-ups live and act in a way that is, in many
respects, determined by the environment in which they were raised, as well as by cultural
peculiarities. Many socio-economic circumstances tend to endure, so that an adult may
experience the same financial, or social, issues as in childhood. Besides, culture also has a
significant impact on how persons perceive themselves and the world around them. Finally,
both environment and culture interact to influence the lives of individuals, determining their
pathways in the early years of their lives.

A dictionary contains a definition of friendship somewhere in the F‘s between the
words ―fear‖ and ―Friday.‖ An encyclopaedia supplies interesting facts on friendship. But
all the definitions and facts do not convey what friendship is really all about. It cannot be
understood through words or exaggerations. The only way to understand friendship is
through experience. It is an experience that involves all the senses.
Friendship can be seen. It is seen in an old couple sitting in the park holding hands. It
is the way they touch, a touch as light as a leaf floating in the autumn air, a touch so strong
that years of living could not pull them apart. Friendship is seen in a child freely sharing the
last cookie. It is the small arm over the shoulder of another as they walk on the playground.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Seeing friendship is not casual. It is watching for subtlety, but friendship is there for eyes
that can see.
Friendship can be heard. It is heard in the words of two friends who squeezed in
lunch together on an extremely busy day. It is the way they talk to each other, not the
words. Their tone is unique. Friendship can be heard by those willing to listen.
Friendship is felt in a touch. It is a pat on the back from a teammate, a high five
between classes, and the slimy, wet kiss from the family dog. It‘s a touch that reassures that
someone is there, someone who cares. The touch communicates more than words or
gestures. It is instantly understood and speaks volumes beyond the
point of contact, to the heart.
Friendship has a taste. It tastes like homemade bread, the
ingredients all measured and planned, then carefully mixed and kneaded, then the quiet
waiting as the dough rises. Hot from the oven, the bread tastes more than the sum of its
ingredients. There is something else there, perhaps the thoughts of the baker as her hands
knead the dough, or her patience as she waits for the dough to rise. Unseen and
unmeasured, this is the ingredient that makes the difference. Warm, fresh from the oven
with a little butter, the difference you taste is friendship.
Friendship has a smell. It smells like the slightly burnt cookies your brother made
especially for you. It smells like your home when stepping into it after being away for a
long time. It smells like a sandbox or a sweaty gym. Friendship has a variety of smells.
Taken for granted at the moment, they define the memory of friendship.
Finally, more than the other senses, friendship is an experience of the heart. It is the
language of the heart—a language without words, vowels, or consonants; a language that,
whether seen, felt, heard, or tasted, is understood by the heart. Like air fills the lungs,
friendship fills the heart, allowing us to experience the best life has to offer: a friend.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

16-How to write a problem solving essay

‫كٍف تقوو تانكتاتح يقال حول حم انًشكالخ‬

The form of problem solving essay :

Problem-solution essays consider the problems of a particular situation, and give

solutions to those problems. They are in some ways similar to cause and effect
essays, especially in terms of structure (see below). Problem-solution essays are
actually a sub-type of another type of essay, which has the following four
3-Solution Zouli
1-The first sentences introduce the problem and why it needs to be solved.
2- Other sentences in order to state the problem.
3- Other sentences give reasons why the solutions will work.
4- The concluding sentence explains which solution is best or evaluates the solution.

Waking up on time has always been a problem for me. I would like to solve this
problem because I get in trouble when I‘m late for school. There are several things I
could do.
To begin with, I could set my alarm earlier. This will give me more time to wake up.
I could also set more than one alarm or ask a friend to call me in the morning. Finally, to
make sure I wake up on time I could go to bed earlier. Getting more sleep will make me
less tired in the morning.
All of these solutions will work, but going to bed earlier might be the best solution.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Cheating in Morocco
Did you know that 7 out of 10 students have cheated at least once in the past year?
Did you know that 50 per cent of those students have cheated more than twice? These
shocking statistics are from a survey of 1,000 high school students.
Incredibly, teachers may even be encouraging their students to cheat! Last year at a
school in a private school, teachers allegedly provided their students with answers to
local standard tests. Students at the school told investigators that they were promised
money if they cheated on the test as told by the administration. Similar allegations at
several schools in many other schools throughout the county have prompted
investigation. A student at a local high school says she sees students cheating on almost
every test, and the teachers don‘t do anything about it.
The kids claim that they‘re tempted to cheat because of peer pressure and intense
competition to get top grades. Many kids also say that their parents are setting a bad
example by ―fudging‖ on income taxes, lying about age to pay lower admission prices,
or cheating their way out of a speeding ticket. They are sending a message to their kids
that it is okay to cheat and lie.
Finding solutions to this problem is difficult. In our school‘s math classes, each
student has different problems on their test papers, so it is useless to look at someone
else‘s answers. Teachers could also randomly mix the problems throughout the page.
Another solution is for adults to lower their expectations. Chances are that
students believe cheating is the only way to meet unreasonably high expectations.
Perhaps it is time for parents and teachers to seriously examine whether higher test
results are important enough to encourage cheating.
⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐ Zouli

Consumption of processed and convenience foods and

our dependence on the car have led to an increase in obesity and reduction in the fitness
level of the adult population. In some countries, especially industrialized ones, the
number of obese people can amount to one third of the population. This is significant as
obesity and poor fitness lead to a decrease in life expectancy, and it is therefore
important for individuals and governments to work together to tackle this issue and
improve their citizens' diet and fitness.
Obesity and poor fitness decrease life expectancy. Overweight people are more
likely to have serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, which can result in
premature death. It is well known that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

disease and stroke, which means that those with poor fitness levels are at an increased
risk of suffering from those problems.
Changes by individuals to their diet and their physical activity can increase life
expectancy. There is a reliance today on the consumption of processed foods, which
have a high fat and sugar content. By preparing their own foods, and consuming more
fruit and vegetables, people could ensure that their diets are healthier and more balanced,
which could lead to a reduction in obesity levels. In order to improve fitness levels,
people could choose to walk or cycle to work or to the shops rather than taking the car.
They could also choose to walk up stairs instead of taking the lift. These simple changes
could lead to a significant improvement in fitness levels.
Governments could also implement initiatives to improve their citizens' eating and
exercise habits. This could be done through education, for example by adding classes to
the curriculum about healthy diet and lifestyles. Governments could also do more to
encourage their citizens to walk or cycle instead of taking the car, for instance by
building more cycle lanes or increasing vehicle taxes. While some might argue that
increased taxes are a negative way to solve the problem, it is no different from the high
taxes imposed on cigarettes to reduce cigarette consumption.
In short, obesity and poor fitness are a significant problem in modern life, leading to
lower life expectancy. Individuals and governments can work together to tackle this
problem and so improve diet and fitness. Of the solutions suggested, those made by
individuals themselves are likely to have more impact, though it is clear that a concerted
effort with the government is essential for success. With obesity levels in industrialized
and industrializing countries continuing to rise, it is essential that we take action now to
deal with this problem.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

17-How to write a biography

‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح انسٍزج انذاتٍح‬

When writing a biographical essay be sure of including these:

A-The introduction tells who the biography is about and why he is the subject.
B-Each paragraph after the introduction tells about another part of the subject‘s life, in
chronological order.
C-Connecting words signal the order of events.
D-Details help create a full picture of the person‘s life.
E-The concluding paragraph draws conclusions about the
biographical subject‘s life. It also explains what the writer Mohammed
learned. Zouli

Lhaj Rakise is my grandfather. He is a tall, strong man with thinning white hair and a
big smile. He was born in 1948 in Ben Hmed. He had a younger brother and a sister. He has
been an important part of my life because he has taught me the value of hard work and
When my grandfather was 13, his father got sick and died. To help support his family, my
grandfather began a paper route before school. He also worked in a store on the weekends.
He did not mind working hard to help his family. Later, my grandfather enlisted in the army
and fought in the Independence War with the Moroccan army. When the war was over, he
married my grandmother and went to college. He graduated and became a high school
While he was still teaching, my grandfather was named teacher of the year three times.
During his summer breaks, he tutored students and volunteered for a charity that built homes
for people in need.
I am so proud of my grandfather. His accomplishments have taught me that things can be
tough, but you shouldn‘t let this get you down. You can still have a great life. He has
also taught me how important it is to help your family.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

I‘m Rachid Hamdoni from Morocco. I was born and grew up in Méknés. My father was
and still is a salesperson. My mother does not work and takes care of the house doing the
washing, the cooking, and all the house chores. I am the eldest of three children: a boy and
two girls. I am 18 years and I study in a El Fassi Fihri high school. It is located in the north
end of Méknés. This small, yet beautiful school has boarding and non-boarding students. A
large proportion of them speak Tamazight.
When I was 4 years old, I didn‘t go to a nursery school like most kids but entered a
Koranic one instead. There I learnt some Koranic verses by heart. The Fkih, who was a
friend of my father, taught me to count as well. At the age of seven, I went to a primary
school named Idris I school. I studied for six years there. I was good at reading and
memorizing things but I loathed writing, especially in French. Then, I moved to Ibn Jabir
Junior High School which is located near my neighbourhood. Most teachers were nice but a
few of them were drill sergeants feared by most students. French became my favourite school
subject. Three years later, I had to change school again and go to the present school. I like it
a lot. The teachers are very helpful and always caring. The students are not very
mischievous. They are kind and compassionate and it did not take me much
to love the school. Zouli
Most of what I have learnt comes from newspapers which I like reading,
especially in Arabic . However, I owe a lot to my teachers and my parents.
They taught me the importance of moral values, good manners, and patriotism.
In my free time I like reading newspapers and books, I surf the internet, and I watch some
TV documentaries to widen my knowledge and enrich my vocabulary. I like travelling, as
well, because I like to discover other places and make new friends.
I hope I will pass this year so that I can go to university. I have many dreams and aspirations
and I hope to fulfil them.


Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

Barak Obama the 44th U.S president

Few presidents have walked a more improbable path to the White House. Born in Hawaii
to a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya, Obama was raised with help from his
grandparents, whose generosity of spirit reflected their Midwestern roots.
The homespun values they instilled in him, paired with his innate sense of
optimism, compelled Obama to devote his life to giving every child, Zouli
regardless of his or her background, the same chance America gave him.
After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and
student loans, Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help
rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants. That experience honed
his belief in the power of uniting ordinary people around a politics of purpose, in the hard
work of citizenship, to bring about positive change. In law school, he became the first
African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, then he returned to Illinois to teach
constitutional law at the University of Chicago and begin a career in public service, winning
seats in the Illinois State Senate and the United States Senate.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United
States, winning more votes than any candidate in history. He took office at a moment of
crisis unlike any America had seen in decades – a nation at war, a planet in peril, the
American Dream itself threatened by the worst economic calamity since the Great
Depression. And yet, despite all manner of political obstruction, Obama‘s leadership helped
rescue the economy, revitalize the American auto industry, reform the health care system to
cover another twenty million Americans, and put the country on a firm course to a clean
energy future – all while overseeing the longest stretch of job creation in American history.
On the world stage, Obama‘s belief in America‘s indispensable leadership and strong,
principled diplomacy helped wind down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, decimate al Qaeda
and eliminate the world‘s most wanted terrorists, shut down Iran‘s nuclear weapons program,
open up a new chapter with the people of Cuba, and unite humanity in coordinated action to
combat a changing climate.
In times of great challenge and change, President Obama‘s leadership ushered in a
stronger economy, a more equal society, a nation more secure at home and more respected
around the world. The Obama years were ones in which more people not only began to see
themselves in the changing face of America, but to see America the way he always has – as
the only place on Earth where so many of our stories could even be possible.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli

18-How to write a funny story

‫كٍف تقوو تكتاتح قصح يضحكح‬

When was the incident? (last week, last year, last Monday,…….)
Where did it happen? (at school, in a café, in a festival, at home……)
What was the occasion? (a normal day, a wedding, a festival, a special dinner,………)
Who was involved? (friends, teachers, neighbours, classmates, players…….)
What happened?...............
What was funny about it?............... Mohammed
Drama at my drama class:
One time my drama class‘s teacher had gone home sick so we were just put in a
classroom with a movie to entertain us for the period when an alarm went off. None of
us were sure if it was the fire alarm or the lockdown alarm, so we all head out into the
hall to check and no one‘s out there, so we head back in and climb under our desks as is
lockdown procedure. Cut to an hour or so later when a teacher bursts in and nearly dies
of relief because the school was on fire and we were the only students not accounted for
and half the faculty and fire department had been searching for us for ages. Literally, the
whole school had filled with smoke while we‘d kept super safe under our wooden


Why my parents can’t take me seriously:

So one time I was home alone and it was around dinnertime when I decided to
make myself something to eat. I opened the freezer and dug around until I found what
appeared to be chicken nuggets in an unopened plastic bag that for some reason, didn‘t
have any cooking instructions. Thinking that my parents must have thrown away the
box for box tops, I called my mom to ask how long and at what temperature to cook
chicken nuggets. She told me both of them, I laid out about 20 on a tray and stuck it in
the oven, setting the timer before I walked out of the kitchen. When it was almost time
to get my chicken nuggets, I walked into a cinnamon scented kitchen. I searched all
over that kitchen, trying to find the cinnamon scent, leading me to the oven. I decide to
turn on the oven light to see if maybe my mom had stuck some cookies in the oven and
forgot to bake them, but instead, I find that the tray my chicken nuggets were on has
cookies on it instead! As I‘m trying to process what just happened, I hear the front door
open and my mom shout delightedly, ―Ooooo what‘s that smell?‖ She walks into the
kitchen and catches my confused expression. That‘s when the spark ignited and she
realized exactly what had happened. Somehow in some form, I had accidentally baked
snicker doodles. And that is why my parents can never take my cooking seriously.

Bac in my pocket Writing section Mohammed Zouli


Eat fish in Istanbul:

Last summer holiday in Istanbul, I was walking around the city, enjoying the
weather, doing some shopping and taking pictures. At noon, I felt a bit tired and hungry.
There was a nice restaurant just across the road. So, I headed there straight away. First
of all, I wanted to share my pictures with friends. So, I first asked the waiter for the
WIFI code and he told me ―eat first.‖ I thought maybe in this restaurant clients should
eat before having the code. Well, I ordered my food; it was ―Fish-and-chips‖. Once
done, I asked again the waiter for the code. He said again, with a smile, ―eat first‖. At
that time, I really was upset and I shouted at him. I immediately went to the restaurant
manager to complain. On my way in, I saw a notice in which they wrote ―WIFI Code:
Eat First‖. I was ashamed of myself and I asked the waiter for an apology. I then can‘t
stop laughing and got out off the restaurant. It was really hilarious!!!!

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Mohammed
Two burglars in the television:
Yesterday, it was about two o‘clock in the morning, and suddenly I woke up. I heard
a noise. I got up of my bed and went slowly downstairs. There was a light on the living
room. I listened carefully. I could hear two men speaking very quietly. ‗Burglars!‘ I
thought. Two burglars! Immediately, I ran back upstairs and called the police. I was
really frightened. Fortunately, the police arrived quickly. They opened the front door
and went into the living room. Then, they came upstairs to find me. It‘s all right now, sir
they explained. ‗We turned the television off for you.‘


In dreams:
I‘ve always had super vivid dreams and it takes me a while after waking up to
realize that they‘re not real. Sometimes, it‘s a disappointment but generally I just forget
about it and move on. Now, in 6th grade I had one really close friend who I never
actually got into a fight with. One night, I had a really vivid dream where my friend and
I had this huge falling out over something that I can‘t even remember now.

I was really good at holding grudges because I was not a forgiving child, so for three
weeks I completely ignored my best friend in anger to the point where she started crying
in front of the teacher and he asked what was going on. Of course, as I‘m telling the
story I realize the events were super weird and that it was all a dream. I fall silent and
just look at my friend who‘s still extremely upset and don‘t know what to say because I
had fucked up so badly.


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