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Workbook p49

1a true b false c true d false
2 chemical energy, movement energy; solar energy, electrical energy; electrical energy, heat energy
3 a the sun b The sun's heat causes the air to move, creating wind and wave energy c Plants absorb the energy
of sunlight and convert it into food d Animals and dead plants that used the energy of the sun were buried
millions of years ago and turned into fossil fuels.

Workbook p50
1 a natural gas b fractional distillation c fossil fuels d petroleum
2 a false btrue c false
3 a gases b petrol c naptha d kerosene e diesel f oils g bitumen
4 pharmaceuticals; fibres; plastics; paints; adhesives; fertilisers

Workbook p51
1 a carbon dioxide b conserve c greenhouse effect d global warming
2 a true b false ctrue d false
3 Accept any clear answer
4 tick: a b cd cross: c e

Workbook p52
1 a renewable b non-renewable c solar energy
2 a true b true c false d false
3 a Fossil fuels are finite, b The use of fossil fuels is contributing to global warming.
4 a using solar cells b using solar panels c using a solar cooker d using plants to produce ethanol

Workbook p53
1 a back-to-front b same size as c virtual
2 the angle of reflection
3 Students draw the reflected light ray at the same angle as the light ray in the picture.
4 Students draw the mirror image of the triangle.
5 Students draw the letters in mirror writing.

Workbook p54
1 convex; concave
2 The light rays should diverge from the convex mirror and converge from the concave mirror to a focus.
3 a converge b diverge c magnified d reduced
4 a Fiona b Sara
Workbook p55
1.a direction b speeds c refraction Example answers
2. a A straight object looks bent, b Water in a swimming pool looks shallower than it is.
3. Students draw a refracted light ray, the ray should bend.
4. Students draw where the coin would appear to be, where the rays would meet if they were straight.

Workbook p56
1 a convex b concave
2 The rays through the convex lens should converge and the rays through the concave lens should diverge
3 a convex b concave
4 a short-sighted b long-sighted
5 a true b true c false d false

Workbook p57-58
1 microscope; telescope; camera; spectacles; binoculars
2 a false b true c true
3 Students complete the picture showing the light rays. The image should be upside down.
4 Students draw a diagram to show how they would use the lenses and cardboard tube to make a telescope.

Workbook p59-60
Check your progress answers
1 a vibrations b sound c vacuum d waves
2 Students complete picture b showing the sound waves travelling along the rope.
3 aD bC

Workbook p61-62
1 a vibration b strings c percussion d wind e pitch
2 a raise b more slowly c louder d more slowly
3 drum; guitar; cymbal; flute; violin; saxophone; triangle
wind: flute; saxophone strings: guitar, violin percussion: drum, cymbal, triangle
4 This question is a practical investigation of making sounds with an elastic band.

Workbook p63-64
1 a reflected b decibel c absorb d echo
2 The angle of the reflected wave should be the same as that wave travelling towards the wall.
3 a cotton wool b bubble wrap
4 Echolocation is using sound waves bouncing off surfaces to find objects or work out your location. Bats and
boats use echolocation
Workbook p65
1 a parallel b series
2 a true b false c true d false
3 Students draw diagrams to show a three bulbs in series and b three bulbs in parallel
4 a Fiona's b The greater resistance in Sara's series will use more electricity.

Workbook p66-67
1 a appliances b conductor c insulator d resistor e mains
2 cooker; freezer; heater; drill; telephone; motor; kettle; television; radio; hairdryer; fan; iron heat: cooker,
heater, hairdryer, iron, kettle
movement: drill, motor, fan light and/or sound: telephone, television, radio
3 a conductor b insulator a copper b plastic
4 a heat b example answer: electric fire

Workbook p68
1 a 465; 973 b 6975 cents; 14595 cents
2 energy-saving light bulb; ordinary light bulb; television; hairdryer; water heater
3 Example answers a Wasting electricity increases the threal of global warming, b Wasting electricity means
more expensive bills.
4 Example answers a switching lights off b not leaving electrical appliances on standby c using less heating

Workbook p69
1 a false b true c false d true
2 a fuse; circuit breaker b they both break the circuit if the current goes too high
c Too many devices are plugged in, overloading the socket. It can become hot, causing a fire.
3 Water conducts electricity. You could be killed by touching an appliance with wet hands

Workbook p70-71
1 a induced b electron c electroscope d charge
2 a proton b neutron c electron
3 a positive b negative c attract
4 a the leaf will rise b the leaf will stay in the same place c the leaf will fall d the leaf will stay in the same
Workbook p72-73
1 a true b false c true d false 4 Example answers:
2 a lightning b lightning conductor c ionizing You should: a shelter in a building or a car
d grounding b lie flat on the ground. You should not: a
3 a discharging b ionizing c grounding go near water b use a telephone

Workbook p74
1 The places where the magnetic force is strongest. Students should draw a dot near the south and north
poles of the magnets in the picture.
2 a repel b attract
3 Students complete the pictures with arrows to show attraction and repulsion.
4 the area around a magnet where a magnetic force can be felt
5 Students draw the magnetic fields around the magnet pictured.
Workbook p75
1 a induction b stroking c electromagnetism
2 a stroking and electromagnetism of steel b induction and electromagnetism of iron
3 a changing the battery b changing the coils of wire
4 The head of the nail is the north pole and the bottom of the nail the south pole.
Workbook p76
1 a false b true c false d true
2 a south b north c core
3 a magnetic north pole b axis c equator d geographic south pole e magnetic south pole
Workbook p77-78
1 a telephone b telegraph c television d radio 3 a 00 b 21 c 20 d 659133
e exchange 4 a 44, 20, 962, 7, 61, 49
2 Scienc is fun b 00 20 95 423891

Workbook p79-8O
1 keyboard; monitor; printer; scanner; cdrom; flash drive; memory chip; mouse; speaker input: keyboard,
mouse, scanner
output: monitor, printer, speaker
storage: cdrom, flash drive, memory chip
2 a browser b Internet c server d World Wide Web e binary code
3 microprocessor
4 a HAND
b Example answer: a way of sending messages using the Internet
c Example answer: Your computer sends data with your address and the recipient's address to
special computers (servers) which direct the information through the network.

Activity 1 pl40

1 Mercury; Mars; Venus; Earth; Neptune; Uranus; Saturn; Jupiter
2 Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune
3 Left to right: Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune

Try this true/false quiz:

Mercury has no moons. (True)
Mercury orbits the sun every 50 days. (False)
Mercury has no water and no air. (True)
Venus has the coldest average temperature of any of the planets. (False)
Venus has no moons. (True)
Venus rotates backwards compared with the other planets. (True)
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a giant storm. (True)
Jupiter spins on its axis once every 24 hours. (False)
Jupiter is the smallest planet. (False)
Saturn has more moons than every other planet. (True)
Saturn's average temperature is 0°C. (False)
Saturn's rings are made of gas. (False)
Uranus is 10 million miles from the sun. (False)
Uranus spins on its side. (True)
Uranus orbits the sun every 84 years. (True)
Neptune has six rings which circle it. (True)
Neptune has a storm called The Great Dark Spot. (True)
Neptune was discovered in the 16th century. (False)
Mars has a huge volcano called Olympic Mons. (True)
Mars has three moons. (True)
Mars is called the 'Blue Planet'. (False)

Workbook p87
b 2d
Mercury; Earth; Mars, Jupiter; Neptune a Mercury; Venus; Earth;
Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune b 4900; 12 100; 12 800;
6800; 143 000; 120 000; 51 800; 49 500
Workbook p88
1 a galaxy b supernova cstar
2 a star b galaxy c supernova
3 a red giant b the Milky Way c Andromeda d Proximo Centauri
4 a in space b drawn together by gravity c Gravity pulled the dust together to form the Earth. Some of the
atoms - including carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen - were the building blocks of living things.

Workbook p89
1 the sun; the moon; Venus; Jupiter
2 a Orion b Cassiopeia c the Big Dipper
3 a true b false c true d false
4 Students will need to do some research to answer this question. Accept any clear answers.

Workbook p90-91
1 a Space Shuttle b Apollo c astronaut d International Space Station
2 1960 First person in Space; First space walk; Apollo 11 lands on the moon
1980 First reusable spacecraft; Space Challenger explodes
1990 First part of the International Space Station launched
2000 Space Shuttle Columbia breaks up
3 a Laika b Alan Shepherd c Valentina Tereshkova d Buzz Aldrin e Story Musgrave f Sergei Krikalev
4 Accept any clear answers from the students.
Test 4 Workbook p81-86
Part A
1 true 2 true 3 true 4 false 5 true 6 false 7 true
7 false 9 true 10 false

Part B
a fan b absorbed c induction
Part C
1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 b 11 b
12 b 13 c 14 b 15 d 16 b
Part D
a server b browser c World Wide Web d email e Internet
Part E
1 Crude oil is separated by fractional distillation.
When the oil is heated it turns to vapor and the different substances condense at different heights in the
column, and they can be separated.
2 Sound needs a medium such as air, water solid to transmit it. There is no air in space so the
sound energy cannot be transmitted
3 A prism bends the different colors of white light to different angles. The result is a spectrum of colors, similar
to a rainbow.
4 In a series circuit, electricity flows through the components in turn and the removal of one component stops
that flow. The more bulbs in the series, the dimmer each light, as there is more resistance. In a parallel circuit,
each component has its own circuit. The removal of one component makes very little difference
5 Electricity is often generated using fossil fuels which are non-renewable and cause pollution. It can be
conserved by reducing use, using low-energy devices, and insulating places heated by electricity.
Test 5 Workbook p92-94

Part A
1 false 2 true 3 false 4 false 5 true 6 true
7 false 8 true 9 false 10 false
Part B
a Proximo Centauri b supernova c Venus
Part C
1c 2a 3a 4c 5a 6a
Part D
a constellation b the Universe c planet d star e galaxy

Part E
1 The distances between planets are too great compared with their sizes.
2 A star is a luminous globe of gas, producing its own heat and light. A galaxy is a collection of millions or
billions of stars, held together by gravity.
3 A galaxy is a collection of millions or billions of stars, held together by gravity. The Universe is the whole of
space and its contents.
4 Eating and drinking in space is difficult because of weightlessness. Food and drink, would float loose in the
spacecraft.To live on Mars would require the creation of a selfsustaining habitat providing air, water, food and
energy for warmth, light and power

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