‫Science Final Exam 5G - نسخة

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Science Final Exam

1. Match the type of motion to the description. Write the words in the correct spaces.(6marks)

( translation –oscillation- rotation )

a Repeated to-and-fro movement. oscillation

b Turning motion around an axle. rotation
c Motion in a straight line. translation

Match these sentences to the name of the force they describe. Draw lines (4marks ) .2

.gravity b The force that warms your hands when you rub them a ((

b. The force that pulls things to the ground d ( magnetic force)

c. The force you feel when you stretch elastic a (friction)

d. The force that attracts a steel ball to a magnet c ( elastic force )

3. Match these machines to the job that they do.(6marks)

( lever –wheel- single pulley)

a Changes the direction of a force. lever

b Increases the strength of a force or the distance of movement. _single pully

c Makes the transportation of loads easier. _______wheel_____________

4. Match these lever words to their definitions. (6 marks)

(load- effort- pivot )

a The point about which a lever turns. pivot

b The force which the lever overcomes. load
c The force applied to work a lever. effort

5. Mark each of these statements as true (✓) or false (X). . (4marks)

In an earthquake you should:

a Run outdoors.( X )
b Shelter under a table. (✓ )
c Stay away from glass anything that could fall. (✓ )
d Cover your face.( ✓ )

6. Mark each of these statements as true (✓) or false (X).(4marks)

a. A screw multiplies the effort used to turn it.( ✓ )

:Name: class

b. One turn of a screw moves it forward by a distance equal to the pitch.( ✓ )

c. Because the pitch is small the screw moves forward with a small force.( X )

d. With the help of a screw it is possible to lift a car with one hand.( ✓ )

7. a Match the words with the definitions . (4marks)

1. fault b a. plates collide
2. rift c b. plates slip
3. Mountain a c. plates move apart
b . Answer

- What is tsunami ? How is it caused ?

- It is a giant wave , caused by a major Earth quake under the ocean .

8. Write these descriptions of earthquakes in the correct sequence on the Richter scale (8marks)
( strong6 – minor3 – great +8- moderate5- light 4- very minor2 – major 7– micro1 )

Magnitude Description




9. Mark each of these statements as true (✓) or false (X). (4 marks)

a. The Earth takes one day to make one orbit of the sun.( X )

b. The Earth spins on its axis once each day.( ✓ )

) ✓( c. One year is the time the Earth takes to make one orbit of the sun

d. In December it is winter in the southern hemisphere (X )

:Name: class

10. Match these descriptions of the moon to the pictures. Draw lines. (4marks)

new moon a full moon d waningb waxingc

Good luck 

Ms Khansaa

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