Riph - Task Sheets

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1. What were the early issues on land ownership in the philippines?

2. How did the spanish government distribute lands on filipino farmers?

3. What were the problems with the early agrarian policies?

4. Which of the early agrarian laws are really beneficial to tenant farmers?

5. What do you think is the most significant agrarian law?

6. With so many agrarian reform laws, why do you think farmers remain dissatisfied?

1. Early issues on land ownership in the Philippines included the unequal distribution of land among the
native population, the Spanish government's refusal to recognize the traditional land rights of Filipinos,
and the limited access to land resources for tenant farmers.

2. The Spanish government distributed lands to Filipino farmers through the Royal Decree of 1894, which
granted large landholdings to the wealthy and left small plots of land to the common people.

3. Problems with the early agrarian policies included lack of effective implementation, inadequate
protection of tenant farmers, and the failure to recognize traditional land ownership practices.

4. Early agrarian laws that were beneficial to tenant farmers included the Agrarian Reform Law of 1955,
which allowed tenant farmers to purchase the land they were cultivating, and the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, which provided a substantial land redistribution program.

5. The most significant agrarian law is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, which provided a
comprehensive land reform program that included land redistribution, land tenancy reform, and support
services for farmers.

6. Farmers remain dissatisfied with agrarian reform laws because of the slow implementation of the
reforms, inadequate compensation for farmers, and the lack of support services to assist in the transition
from tenant farming to land ownership.


1. How important is tax in government?

Taxation is crucial for governments as it serves Economic Stabilization: Governments can use tax policies
to influence economic behavior and promote stability. For example, they may adjust tax rates to
encourage or discourage certain activities, such as investment or consumption, in order to regulate the
overall economy.

2. What are the common complaints in taxing the people?

High Tax Burden: Many individuals and businesses may feel that they are burdened with a heavy tax
load, particularly if tax rates are perceived as excessive. This complaint often arises when taxes consume
a significant portion of income or profits, leaving taxpayers with less disposable income or fewer
resources for investment and growth.

3. How can government improve tax collections without imposing much taxes on the consumers?

Improve Transparency and Accountability: Governments should prioritize transparency and

accountability in the use of tax revenues. Publicly demonstrating that tax funds are effectively and
efficiently utilized for the benefit of society can foster trust and encourage taxpayer compliance.


1. what were the significant changes in the government when the spaniards colonized the

Introduction of Christianity: The Spanish colonization brought Roman Catholicism to the Philippines. The
Church played a significant role in governing and exerting influence over the population. Missionaries
were tasked with converting Filipinos to Christianity.

Creation of Local Government Units: The Spanish established local government units called "cabildos"
and "barangays." These served as the basic administrative and political units, and local leaders were
appointed to oversee affairs in their respective areas.

2. How did the American improve the educational system of the Philippines?

Introduction of Public School System: The American government established a public school system,
making education more accessible to Filipinos. They built schools, trained teachers, and provided
educational resources.

3. With the approval of the Bangsamoro law, will it finally resolve the muslim conflict with the
government? Defend your answer.

The approval of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in 2018 was a significant step towards resolving the
Muslim conflict in the Philippines,

Potential for Resolution: The BOL created the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(BARMM), granting substantial self-governance and political power to the region's Muslim population. It
aims to address historical grievances, promote socio-economic development, and establish a peaceful
coexistence between the government and the Muslim community. The BOL represents a significant
effort towards resolving the conflict and addressing the aspirations of the Muslim population.

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