Past Paper

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NAME OF THE CANDIDATE: ______________ DATE:16-11-2021

Total Marks: 100
TIME: 100 Minutes CLAss- 9Th A Pass Marks: 40


Note: Attempt any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

Q.No.1: What is physics?

Q.No.2: Define any five branches of physics?
Q.No.3: Differentiate between the fundamental and derived quantities with
suitable examples?
Q.No.4: What are micrometer Screw Gauge and Vernier Caliper?
Q.No.5: How will you define density and volume?
Q.No.6: Define Scientific Notation?

PART-II MCQS (50 Marks)

Q.No.1: Study of elementary constituents of matter and radiation is called______ physics

a) Astro b) Particle c) Plasma d) None
Q.No.2: Study of ionized state of matter is______ physics
a) Geo b) Plasma c) Nuclear d) None
Q.No.3: Physical quantities which cannot be explained by other quantities are______
a) Fundamental b) Derived c) Both d) None
Q.No.4: How many fundamental quantities are there?
a) Four b) Five c) Six d) Seven
Q.No.5: S.I unit of temperature is?
a) Centigrade b) Kelvin c) Mole d) None
Q.No.6: S.I unit of luminous intensity is
a) Candela b) Ampere c) Kilogram d) None
Q.No.7: Symbol for kilogram per cubic meter is?
a) Kg/m2 b) Kg/m c) Kg/m3 d) None
Q.No.8: Minimum distance between two points lying of same plane?
a) Distance b) Length c) Width d) Displacement
Q.No.9: S.I unit of length is
a) m b) m/s c) m2 d) None
Q.No.10: Unit of force is
a) m3 b) N c) Kg d) None
Q.No.11: 1 meter is equal to
a) 100 m b) 100 cm c) 1 km d) None
Q.No.12: Convert 5 km into meters?
a) 500 m b) 50 m c) 5000 m d) 50000 m
Q.No.13: 1 yard is equal to
a) 3 ft b) 5 ft c) 7 ft d) None
Q.No.14: 1 gram is equal to
a) 100 mg b) 1000 mg c) 10 mg d) None
Q.No.15: Number of significant figures in value 10010.100?
a) Six b) Seven c) Eight d) None
Q.No.16: 980 has ______ significant figures?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) None
Q.No.17: 75000 m = 750______?
a) cm b) mm c) km d) None
Q.No.18: A chips wrapper is 4.5 cm long and 5.9 cm wide. Its area upto significant figures
will be
a) 30 cm2 b) 28cm2 c) 26.55cm2 d) 32cm2
Q.No.19: A worldwide system of measurements in which the units of base quantities were
introduced is called:
a) Prefixes b) International system of units
c) Hexadecimal system d) None
Q.No.20: 1.2 kg = ______grams?
a) 120 b) 12000 c) 1200 d) None
Q.No.21: All accurately known digits and first doubtful digit in an expression are known
as______ figures?
a) Non-significant b) Significant c) Estimated d) Crossed
Q.No.22: If zero line of Vernier scale coincides with zero of main scale, then zero error is?
a) Positive b) Zero c) Negative d) One
Q.No.23: Zero error of the instrument is______ error?
a) Systematic b) human c) random d) classified
Q.No.24: Length, mass, electric current, time, intensity of light and amount of substance are
examples of ______ quantities?
a) Base b) derived c) prefixes d) quartile
Q.No.25: 230 cm = ______m
a) 23 b) 2.3 c) 2 d) 3


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