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LGER0087-1 English Linguistics II (An Van linden)

Exercises on Chapter 2: Clefts

I. Identify the cleft sentences in the excerpts below (one per example). Analyse the cleft sentence into
its component parts (use square brackets to indicate the units under analysis) at the analytical levels
needed to identify its subtype (pseudo-cleft, it-cleft or there-cleft) and, in case of an it-cleft, specify the
informational subtype. Motivate your answer.

(1) ERIC CANTONA made a shock return to Old Trafford on a dramatic testimonial night for Ryan
Giggs. Cantona came on as a late substitute for United as they went down in a spectacular and
often bad tempered Battle of Britain clash with Celtic. At one point David Beckham even had
to be substituted for his own good after getting involved in a series of spats. Despite all the goals
before a sell-out 67,500 crowd it was Cantona’s return that brought the biggest cheer of the
night. The 20,000 Celtic fans were deafening throughout the game in their support for the
Scottish treble champions. And they had every reason to lift the roof off Old Trafford as their
side went into a 3-1 lead after an incredible first half. (WB)
(2) IN three days another football season starts and your house will be full of beered-up blokes
yakking about the beautiful game. But don’t despair, girls – your fella might have scored an
own goal by installing satellite TV. The Premiership is full of Latino good looks, six pack
stomachs and firm thighs to drool over. Who cares which team wins, it’s the phwoar factor that
counts and here Sun Woman’s Debbie Barham has compiled a dream team for you to feast your
eyes on. (WB, sunnow) [yak: ‘to talk continuously about things that are not very serious or
important’; phwoar: ‘an interjection used to say something is awesome, sexy, amazing, or hot’]
(3) Far from humbling himself before the king of England, the burgher was leaving the city to
descend toward the camp. It is this that gives the group the feeling of march, of movement.
(from: R. Butler (1993) Rodin. The Shape of Genius. New Haven & London: Yale University
Press: 204)
(4) And before long Correia was given the chance to prove the footballing promise he had shown
in Angola before his life was turned upside down. He added: “It was a bit of a culture shock
when we first arrived in London but at least we knew we were relatively safe there.” It took a
couple of days to get used to not hearing gun shots – we’d been hearing them every day for
years. “After I started school I tried to play football again and it was then that West Ham became
interested. I was with them as a schoolboy for a year and a half but the journey was quite a long
and dangerous one from where I was staying.” (WB) [West Ham United Football Club is a
professional football club based in Stratford, East London]
(5) you know, you associate strokes with older people, but there’s a hundred young people a week
have strokes! (BNC)
(6) Suddenly I heard a rippling whistle - and there at the water’s edge were three whimbrels. They
might have been mistaken for curlews, but that call is distinctive, and I managed to see the
equally distinctive dark lines on the top of their heads before they winged away. Not exactly
seabirds, but coastal birds. Then, at last, I saw another real seabird. Again, it was a call that
alerted me - a harsh “shirrick” above the water. A moment later two Sandwich terns came into
view, their black beaks unmistakable. They circled round, started to hover over the sea, then
changed their minds and continued on their way on their long, strong wings. I was in Sandwich
Bay – the place that gave them their name in the 18th century. (WB, times)
II. What type of complex sentence construction is illustrated by the underlined sentence in the example
below? Analyse the construction into its component parts (use square brackets to indicate the units under
analysis). Motivate your answer.

(1) The excerpt below is taken from a radio programme which reports on the ban on smoking on
the beach of Solana Beach, California, back in 2003. It switches back and forth between Tom
Golich, the mayor of the Solana Beach, and the radio reporter.

Golich And we just had had a beach clean-up here about a month ago. The
number one item we found on the beach was cigarette butts.
Radio reporter Mayor Golich says that got his attention. And it dawned on him that a
permanent smoking ban would send a powerful message to kids.
Golich I think most of the rest of the Council members felt the same way, that it
was something that we could do, to try and stop children and youth from
Radio reporter The Council approved the ban unanimously. The law went into effect last
Friday. (WB, usspok)

(2) “Sounds to me like maybe the police are right and I’m wrong,” Becker observed. “It was a long
shot anyway. It could very well be some nut out there. And if it is, you better leave it to the
proper authorities. I seem to be drawing a blank with the drug connection in any case. But in
what you gave me there are these references, hints, like, that seem to suggest there’s more. Look.
If you really want to help out with this thing, the best way would be for you to come up with
those other notebooks, if there are any.” “There are a few things you should know,” I said. (WB)

(3) I am DESPERATE to play in these games against the Ukraine and I am completely focused on
them – nothing else. I am not happy with all the transfer speculation, but there is nothing I can
do about it. I will make a statement on my future after Christmas. Until then I am focused on
my job with Leverkusen and getting Germany to the World Cup. (WB)

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